30 May 06

Lot's of new things over the holiday weekend! Enjoy! New Items: Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers DEP

Updated Items: Penelope's RoseCrackling StaffWaistband of WrathMarble NecklaceDesert ChokerRiverpaw Mystic StaffLodestone NecklaceInfiltrator CapRoyal BootsMithril InsigniaNorthern ShortswordCured Leather BracersBludgeoning CudgelPlans: HeartseekerLucky Fishing HatPattern: Primal Batskin JerkinTunic of the Crescent MoonIronbark StaffPrimal Hakkari BindingsTuxedo ShirtScaled Leather GlovesOscillating Power HammerBonecrusherTurtle Scale LeggingsRoyal Seal of Eldre'ThalasDragon's Blood CapeGossamer BootsSage's PantsEmblazoned ChestpieceBig Iron Fishing PoleCommander's CrestLightheel BootsDimensional BladeWarbringer's ArmsplintsHeroic GreavesRaw Glossy MightfishSpellbinder BracersBarman ShankerRakzur ClubAncient War SwordAssassin's BladeOnyx RingCragplate GreavesSavage Gladiator LeggingsLight Mail ArmorAzurite FistsLightweight BootsThornspikeGrizzly SlippersPlans: Iridescent HammerArcane Mantle of the DawnGloves of KapelanEnchanted Stonecloth BracersCaptain's LeggingsProspector's PadsWoodland RobesTorch of RetributionLawbringer GauntletsAdept's GlovesFrost Metal PauldronsForor's EyepatchSeared Mail GirdleGreen Tinted GogglesGargoyle SlashersObsidian GreavesRavager's WooliesBan'thok SashRecipe: Elixir of the MongooseHawkeye's ShoesScouting TrousersNative SashQuartz RingCrystalline Threaded CapeZandalar Confessor's MantleLupine CloakLegionnaire's BandBilly ClubBelt of the People's MilitiaElven Chain BootsBonereaver's EdgeSkilled Handling GlovesLambent Scale GirdleWarstrike HelmetMinor RecombobulatorEye of AdaegusPainweaver BandDoombringerZanzil's BandCanopy LeggingsForest Leather BracersOilrag HandwrapsSeer's MantlePerfect Deviate ScaleWhite Tuxedo ShirtGlinting Steel DaggerFeatherskin CapeOrnate Mithril ShoulderElder's HatRuned Copper BreastplateAboriginal SashNobles BrandFletcher's GlovesBonelink CapeGurubashi HelmHeavy Weave ArmorFaith Healer's BootsStormshroud GlovesCircle of HopeToughened Silithid Hide GlovesWillow VestFortified LeggingsMana Igniting CordHorizon ChokerKezan's Unstoppable TaintWicked Leather BeltGolden Scale ShouldersFlax BeltBolt of Linen ClothSteelarrow CrossbowVital HandwrapsEmbroidered HatWatcher's CuffsRoyal Seal of Eldre'ThalasGiantstalker's BreastplateBrewer's GlovesForest Leather GlovesBlackened Defias BeltSword of HammerfallInquisitor's ShawlSkeletal ShouldersCarving KnifeGhostwalker GlovesEmpyrean DemolisherFestive Black Pant SuitHuntsman's HarpoonFlarethornBand of Elven GraceGolden Mantle of the DawnThe Eye of DivinityRumsey RumWasphide GauntletsGeomancer's JerkinThick Scale ShieldLinken's Sword of MasterySage's StaveEnchanted Runecloth BagStormwind Guard LeggingsWalking BootsSupreme LeggingsOpulent GlovesGrand BeltHeavy Notched BeltOf Love and FamilyHardened Leather ShoulderpadsSmolderweb CarrierStoneshield CloakCuirboulli PantsLucky TrousersRose Colored GogglesBurning EssenceZweihanderAbyssal SignetGrimoire of Suffering (Rank 2)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 2)Jadefire BraceletsEyestalk Waist CordChief Brigadier CoifBlackforge CowlIvory Boar TuskRunecloth GlovesBeguiler RobesEmerald BreastplateAnkh

Updated Quests: Kolkar LeadersCentaur BracersProwlers of the BarrensKlockmort's EssentialsThe Moss-twined HeartThe Stagnant OasisConsumed by HatredLost in BattleSathrah's SacrificeThe People's MilitiaKeeper of the FlameThe Coast Isn't ClearThe Public ServantThundris WindweaverThe Cliffspring RiverHow Big a Threat?Raptor HornsSouthsea FreebootersStolen BootyStolen SilverThe Guns of NorthwatchBlackrock MenaceVisit the HerbalistThe Lost ToolsRedridge GoulashEncroaching GnollsHilary's NecklaceIronband's ExcavationThe Missing ShipmentThe Disruption EndsThe Missing ShipmentSamophlangeMiner's FortuneHumble BeginningsSolomon's LawAn Unwelcome GuestCleansing of the InfectedNatural DefensesHowling in the HillsA Free LunchWanted: "Hogger"Elmore's TaskFind BinglesFilthy PawsThe People's MilitiaDeeprun Rat RoundupUnderground AssaultDry TimesStormpike's OrderPatrolling WestfallThe Red CrystalPoor Old BlanchyThe Defias BrotherhoodCrown of the EarthWestfall StewPlagued LandsGoretusk Liver PieThe People's MilitiaThe Killing FieldsCave MushroomsThe Enchanted GladeStormpike's DeliveryAssessing the ThreatRed Leather BandanasBashal'AranBashal'AranRat CatchingCrown of the EarthFor Love EternalTools of the HighborneBashal'AranTeldrassilHow Big a Threat?Ursal the MaulerGrove of the AncientsTears of the MoonBashal'AranThe Defias BrotherhoodMountaineer Stormpike's TaskProtecting the ShipmentAfter the AmbushExcavation Progress ReportKnowledge in the DeepsResupplying the ExcavationGathering IdolsProtecting the HerdMe Brother, NipsyIn Defense of the King's LandsReport to IronforgePowder to IronbandApothecary ZamahBattle of the GulchSkull RockThe ZhevraNeeru FirebladeThe Demon SeedCrossroads ConscriptionConscript of the HordeIn Defense of the King's LandsMargozAk'ZelothThe Family and the Fishing PoleThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityUntil Death Do Us PartSpeak with ShoniThelsamar Blood SausagesThe Trogg ThreatDark StormsLost But Not ForgottenSecuring the LinesBingles' Missing SuppliesA Baying of GnollsUnderbelly ScalesReturn to VernerThe Everstill BridgePlainstrider MenaceThe Forgotten PoolsRaptor ThievesFungal SporesWharfmaster DizzywigPreparation for CeremonySlaying the BeastDisrupt the AttacksSupplies for the Crossroads

Updated Mobs: Fire Nova Totem VPat's Hellfire GuyJessica RedpathDaggerspine SorceressMirefin WarriorLord Victor NefariusBlackwing Orb TriggerAncient of Lore


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