March 06, 2006

New Items: Vest of Swift Execution

Updated Items: Rough Leather VestBandit CloakEbon VisePestilent WandMalicious AxeSerpentskin CloakTaut Dragonhide BeltEngraved BootsKnight-Lieutenant's Lamellar GauntletsArchon ChestpieceBatwing MantleKreeg's Stout BeatdownLight Plate ChestpieceLodestone HoopScum Covered BagWarbringer's GauntletsMaelstrom's TendrilBlindweedCrypt Stalker LeggingsBouquet of Black RosesUnknown RewardObsidian PendantOrnate BlunderbussSergeant's WarhammerStaff of the ShadePattern: Chimeric VestTough Leather ShoulderpadsLarge Bear ToothZulian Tigerhide CloakInnervating BandEngineer's Guild HeadpieceSilver-thread GlovesHeavy Armor KitHigh Warlord's CleaverBloodforged ShieldMark of TyrannyFlimsy Female Human MaskAurora BootsSpiked Chain BeltSteel-clasped BracersSentry's CapeCrusader BowTalisman of ArathorAdventurer's ShouldersCaptain's GauntletsTraveler's JerkinRanger LeggingsShucking GlovesRecipe: Elixir of the MongooseGrimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 4)Seer's Fine SteinMaddening GauntletsBlade of the WretchedGoblin Jumper Cables XLTok'kar's Murloc BasherSpider SausageCelestial KiltSpikelash DaggerTribal Worg HelmMistspray KiltFestive Blue Pant SuitEmblazoned BucklerSchematic: Thorium RifleGlorious HeaddressPortable Bronze MortarBrutal LegguardsA Talking HeadShiny SeashellStormwind Armor MarkerLupine CuffsLongswordGlutton ShackleLumbering Ogre Axe

Updated Mobs: Novice ThaivandTarantula


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