Vote for Illegal Danish - Super Snack's
I just got an e-mail from those crazy guys who made Zinwrath. Here's the links you need to vote on the Xfire/Blizzard movie contest.
- We entered 'Illegal Danish - Super Snack's' into the Xfire/Blizzard movie contest and they have us up as a finalist in almost all the categories.
You need Xfire to download and vote for us though so give 'em a chance! If you absolutely can't or won't install Xfire don't worry, we'll be fully releasing 'Super Snack's' in a couple weeks when the contest rules allow us to do so.
Here is the link to the Xfire Forum thread where you can download the movie:
This is the link to the Xfire Wow Movie Forum where you can vote for us if you like what you see!
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft
3,152 posts
Vote for Pedro!
Rehuhu of Kujata
8 posts
Those links aren't broken, just need to edit the address URL to remove the from the start leaveing you with
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Links work now. What it is, is the small data input box, it breaks up the long links, thus breaking the link. grrr, but all fixed now! :)
15 posts
Those links are broken for me