November 12, 2005

Don't forget to add your comments to Allakhazam on G4 and while you are on the forums, check out our new site sigs! Illia worked long and hard on these, and I think you will enjoy them. At this time you must run wowreader for your character, only allowed one in your sig line at a time, and will soon be linkable to other places. Updated Items: Arcane StaffBloodfang ChestpieceTraveler's BootsRobust BracersMiner's Hat of the DeepLong Redwood BowSplintered TuskChipped ClawRuined PeltDiablo StonePanda CollarZergling LeashRough ArrowFenrus' HideGuardian CloakGryphon Mail PauldronsShadowglen Gift VoucherDouble Mail CoifGreen Carapace ShieldLavawalker GreavesMajor Mana PotionWidowmakerShepherd's GlovesGeomancer's SpauldersSnapvine WatermelonForor's EyepatchWicked Leather GauntletsFrayed CloakOpaline MedallionSoldier's BootsPrairie RingEdged Bastard SwordShort Bastard SwordBastard SwordLong Bastard SwordDarksteel Bastard SwordSongstone of IronforgeProtector's BandGoretusk SnoutGahz'rilla Scale ArmorDark Hooded CapeRough DynamiteBonecaster's BindingsArcher's CapSkeleton FingerLinen Belt

Updated Quests: The ShatteDwarven OutfittersWelcome!The Woodland ProtectorThe Balance of Nature

Updated Mobs: Teldrassil SentinelFrogJanna BrightmoonFreja NightwingAlyissiaFrahun ShadewhisperShandaMardant StrongoakDellylahDirania SilvershineShadowglen SentinelKeinaKhardan ProudbladeLyraiTenaron StormgripThistle BoarOrenthil WhisperwindGrellGrellkinTarindrellaPorthanniusYoung NightsaberMangy NightsaberMelithar StaghelmConservator IlthalaineGilshalan WindwalkerAndissYoung Thistle Boar


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