The Burning Crusade Expansion Details!

Edit: Adding "official" link Looks like most of the information that was floating along the net in the last week was almost accurate. Thanks Arkenstone for finding the information over at WoWCentral. They have taken a copy of the article of Computer Gaming World and loaded it for you to read.
    BLIZZARD IS INTRODUCING TWO NEW player races in The Burning Crusade, one each for the Alliance and Horde. Despite all our whining and begging, Blizzard would only tell us about the one being announced at BlizzCon: the blood elves for the Horde. (Rumor has it that the originally planned Alliance race had to be changed, which is why Blizzard isn't revealing it yet.) Astute players may have seen this one coming for a while. Blizzard planted a few NPC blood elves around Azeroth already--one each in the Stonetalon Mountains and Ratchet, amont other pplaces--and their story even occupies a few paragraphs in the original WOW manual.
You can read the entire article printed here JOIN our ongoing discussion over at the forums!


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