October 17, 2005

Congratulations to Macy for winning this week's Profile of the Week! Remember, you too, can win one month free premium by entering our contest each week as you use the wowreader. Good luck! New Items: Chest of SpoilsDark Whisper Blade

Updated Items: Brackwater GauntletsMastersmith's HammerHunting PantsKnight-Captain's Lamellar BreastplateBleachDark Leather TunicBright BaublesAzure SashBlackforge LeggingsAged Core Leather Gloves Dragon's Blood CapeStormrage CoverDevilsaur LeggingsWarden StaffBlood Tiger ShouldersMalfurion's Blessed BulwarkSwiftwalker BootsWicked Leather HeadbandRobes of ServitudeRough Leather BootsBard's GlovesMight of HakkarHyperion ArmorWarbringer's GauntletsGeomancer's GlovesRoyal BandsSorcerer GlovesConjurer's CinchConjurer's BracersHeart of NoxxionTwilight CapeEarthshakerGaze Dreamer PantsQuillfire BowMagnificent BeltImposing GlovesJade BeltBone Ring HelmBonechill HammerInsulated Sage GlovesViking SwordYorgen BracersDragoneye CoifStaff of ProtectionTwisted SabreNightfall GlovesThe Hammer of GraceAnkh of LifeGnomish Shrink RayCrusader's CloakSentry's CapeCelestial OrbCrescent AxeMarauder's GauntletsThistlefur CapThinking CapProtector ArmguardsVambraces of ProphecyGravestone ScepterDecoded Twilight TextLightforged BladeTwilight Cultist MantleTwilight Cultist RobeTwilight Cultist CowlArgent AvengerArgent CrusaderArgent DefenderAquarius BeltAstral Knot RobeAurora BracersAurora GlovesAurora PantsAurora SashBanded CloakBandit CinchBandit CloakBarbaric LoinclothBard's CloakBattleworn Leather GlovesBelt of CorruptionBig Voodoo PantsBloodband BracersBloodfire TalonsBonecaster's SpauldersBonecaster's BootsBright MantleBright PantsBrightcloth GlovesBrocade PantsBrocade ShoesBrocade ShoulderpadsBuccaneer's MantleBurnt Leather VestCabalist BeltCanvas BeltCanvas BracersCanvas GlovesCanvas ShoesCanvas ShoulderpadsCavalier's Boots

Updated Quests: Kitchen AssistanceAbove and BeyondThe Truth Comes Crashing DownThe Platinum DiscsThe Platinum DiscsThe Platinum DiscsThe Platinum DiscsThe Platinum Discs

Updated Mobs: Horizon Scout First MateHorizon Scout CookHorizon Scout EngineerRoland GeardabblerSage TruthseekerScarlet Executioner


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