Tir River Cleanup Delayed

From The Voice of Freedom on AnarchyOnline this week. It is apparent that many are gathering together to help clean up the Tir River. Tir River Cleanup Delayed, Citizens Offer Assistance The Voice of Freedom January 25. 29476 – 17:58 RST After local residents held a swimming contest in the Tir River two weeks ago to protest against the toxic state of the river, Henry Radiman promised the city that the Council would dedicate resources towards cleaning up the river and continuing the general renewal of the city. Work has commenced at a slower pace than first estimated, however, and while it was hoped that cleanup work would conclude this week, it now looks as though the work will continue into next week. Radiman did reiterate his promise to the city, however, and additional resources have been allocated to the project. Earlier this week, Opposing Force - an independent clan supportive of the Council's efforts in Tir - organised a charity event to collect funds for the cleanup, and continued preservation, of the Tir River. The event included an auction of single men and women, as well as other constructive activities. Opposing Force advisor Marylynn Rorie Shorts made the following statement prior to the event: "President Utildai and Opposing Force wish to show our support for Mr. Radiman in any way possible in regards to the issue of the Tir River cleanup. In times of pending war and general nastiness we should all unite to causes clearly beneficial to every citizen of Rubi-Ka. Selfless acts to the benefit of all are what distinguish us from Omni-Tek. We do not strive for personal wealth; we strive for universal wealth, in nature, freedom, and joy." The organisers of the event - which, according to participants, was an unmitigated success - managed to collect more than 11 million credits, all of which will go towards the current and future preservation of the Tir River. Major Utildai Danczak, president of Opposing Force, had the following to say: "During these times, with every major clan, division and neutral group digging in for what may be another major conflict on Rubi-Ka, we must all come together in peace and remind ourselves we all fall from the same tree. The petty conflict we are embroiled in is nothing compared to what is to come. "We all wonder who is doing what, who is responsible for this and that, why he or she is not arrested. Instead, we must all concern ourselves with that which we cannot yet see. To do that, we must come together. There is a threat out there bigger than us all and almost everyone on Rubi-Ka is missing it. "The time has come to show support for Radiman and Ross, and every citizen on Rubi-Ka, in their efforts to dispense with our childish differences regarding who owns what acre of land. We hold this event in that spirit." When informed about the donations, Henry Radiman made a brief statement to the Voice: "The Council of Truth - and the city of Tir - is eternally grateful for the assistance and goodwill of these industrious citizens and clan-members. With the help of such efforts, we will once again see our city returned to its former glory. The Council graciously accepts the donation, and calls on other clans to follow Opposing Force's example."


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