Windows 98/98SE/Me Support Information

PlayOnline software support for Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium (Me) Editions will no longer be available after July 31, 2005. It was felt that continuing software support on these operating systems would be difficult as Microsoft has discontinued their support for them. PlayOnline software, its related contents and subsequent updates will continue to function after software support ends. However, if any problem occurs while using the operating systems listed below after Jul. 31, 2005, the PlayOnline Information Center will not be able to provide any software support. Customer support for members using these operating systems will still be available through the PlayOnline Information Center. We thank you for your understanding. [Support End Date] Jul. 31, 2005 [Affected Operating Systems] - Microsoft Windows 98 - Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition - Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) PlayOnline Information Center (858) 790-7529 (PLAY) Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Pacific Time


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# Jul 01 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
Oh no!!! What am I going to do, I'm running this thing on Windows 3.1!!!
# Jul 01 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Since Verizon doesn't support hubs, we have ethernet lines going to 3 PC's and my PS2 from our wireless router, and the laptop picks up the wireless connection. Really easy to install.

As far as '98... I've never had any problems with it. 2000, ME, and XP are all RAM hogs IMHO... Squishy graphics do not a better OS make. '98SE runs FFXI great, and what else would you need the internet for?! >.>
# Jul 01 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
106 posts

...Oh crap, did I say that out loud? >.>
# Jul 01 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
windows 98 isnt the worst OS... oh no that title comes to the garbage that is windows ME.

if you dont want to update from 98, fine, you just wont be able to use new technologies that come out in the coming years, i already see it happening on the new usb jump drives.
# Jul 01 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
I won't use Windows XP. I don't like Windows XP. Why? Because of their reactivation process. My roommate had Office 2003, and had to activate it when he installed it. No sooner than he added a Wireless network to it, he had to reactivate Office. Likewise, when he upgraded the video card, he had to reactivate Office. XP does the EXACT same thing.

I'm glad FFXI and PlayOnline, and all future updates will still work with Win 98. Otherwise, I'd be very much disappointed.
RE: Sigh.....
# Jul 01 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
148 posts
lol, the reactivation "process" is an automated phone call that takes a good 3 min...its really not that big of a deal...

win98me is gimped.
# Jul 01 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
port to a linux distro perhaps?
# Jul 01 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
12,735 posts
Windows Me (death) (You can have this.)
RE: WinMe
# Jul 01 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
/summon rant

Yep, WinME is:


/dismiss rant

Edited, Fri Jul 1 10:16:24 2005
WinME > Win98
# Jul 01 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
/summon rant

Yep, WinME is:


/dismiss rant

Yeah, Um....

I had to spend a year using Q-BASIC and Visual Basic on Windows 98, don't you tell me that WinME is worse ><

I've used both, and at least WinME didn't crap out as much as Win98 did. I'll give WinME that...and that's all I'll give it.
Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Default
I'm on XP and support still doesn't do much for me ><

But really for all you people with outdated OS', it's worth the hundred or whatever dollars to get something that will make your PC run a bit smoother and crash less. What I'm saying is that until SE throws FFXI on Mac, XP>ALL
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I hope we can look forward to a Mac port. As it is I have to drag my ethernet cable from my primary computer to my PS2 anytime I want to play. Plus, it'd be nice to have it playing in a window on your computer, that way you could access sites like Alla while still remaining logged-in. Is that already possible though?
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
706 posts
Yes, it is possible with the windower program that many people are using at this point.

Also, if you get a router, you could have your primary computer and your PS2 connected at the same time(?). I have never dealt specifically with getting a PS2 online, so I'm not sure if you can network it, but you should be able to. So long as the computer and the PS2 are somewhat near each other, you could simply switch from looking at one screen to the other in order to look stuff up on Alla or elsewhere while playing.
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
you dont need a router to share internet access between your pc and your ps2 you can simply run a cat-5 cable from your pc to your ps2 through a separate nic card and set your internet connection properties to sharing
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Would this allow for my PS2 and eMac to count as only one IP address though? That's the only real complication at this point.

Edited, Fri Jul 1 17:23:19 2005
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Also, if you get a router, you could have your primary computer and your PS2 connected at the same time(?). I have never dealt specifically with getting a PS2 online, so I'm not sure if you can network it, but you should be able to.

Actually you can network a PC and PS2 onto the same internet with a modem. I have my PS2 online wirelessly with a wireless router and my PC runs wirelessly as well, and I don't have any more lag than someone would have if they were hardwired to the router.

As for the windows 98, 98SE, & ME, I would suggest for everybody to upgrade to Windows XP if they haven't allready. It is well worth it, much less crashing and much more up to date. If your computer can handle it, but if your playing FFXI on your PC, then it can handle XP.
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I'm running my game this way, on a TV next to my Mac. Networking is way outta my league...I'm hoping that EyeTV will allow me to directly hook my ps2 to the computer and view it on the screen instead of the crappy tv.?.?.?
Any Suggestions

I'm just itchin' to get it on a Mac and see how it runs, even if SE is too slow to realize it would boost their sales of the game signifigantly.

Plus this would eliminate two keyboards and screens DAR DAR DAR...

Edited, Fri Jul 1 12:10:38 2005
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I've tried EyeTV with FFXI and sadly there is too much of a delay between your actions being performed and you seeing them in the EyeTV window. When I make music videos or things that require me to record the video game footage, I have to have a seperate TV hooked up so it's easy enough to actually play up to the point I need to record from.

Oh and to the people that suggested using routers and hubs, I neglected to mention my ISP only allows us to have 3 IP addresses connected at a time. In this case, my parents' computers take up the other two IP addresses so we'd either get hit with a big charge or no service if I tried to connect with my Mac and the PS2.
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
I have 5 puters and 2 ps2 hooked up through a router and hubs, and only pull 1 IP. That's the router's job. Anything beneath it will git a "Intranet" IP passed out by the DHCP (router). This also depends on your actual setup of wires at home. But to me, this is the way to go (unless of corse you shell out for your own server). But I get no lag and run at T2 Speed, and no DC's. most we've had on my LAN was 12 puters and 2 ps2's all running at the same time... that was a fun week... lol

Edited, Fri Jul 1 17:33:13 2005
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Wow, thanks for the suggestions. I think I'll just wait it out until I finish my epic novel so I can get a server, lol. But seriously, thanks for all the help and suggestions guys... rate up!
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,622 posts
While I agree that people running older versions of Windows should upgrade to 2000 or XP, FFXI has already been ported to a far more stable platform. Unfortunately, the graphics hardware leaves a bit to be desired. ^^

I'd love it if FFXI ran on a non-Windows PC OS (or if WineX cared enough to make it work under Linux), but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.
RE: Um, Yeah....
# Jul 01 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
319 posts
That's 'cause there's no money to be made in making a port for non windows PC's. As to some third party trying to do it, SE would shut them down damn fast.
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