April 04, 2005

Updated Quests: Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty

Updated Mobs: Mini Diablo ; Polly ; Zaetar's Spirit ; Rexxar ; Zaeldarr the Outcast ; Strashaz Hydra ; Ramstein the Gorger ; Zerillis ; Sandfury Executioner

Updated Items: Amberseal KeeperTreant's BaneTyphoonShifting CloakField Repair Bot 74AMilli's LexiconHalycon's Spiked CollarGrizzled ScalpTorturing PokerEmerald ShieldHyperion GirdleRobes of InsightLaced Mail BracersOld BlunderbussMalleable Chain LeggingsMagefist GlovesSearing BladeUmbral CrystalSeer's RobePainweaver BandCeremonial Leather LoinclothGolden Scale LeggingsPolished Steel BootsIcy CloakWise Man's BeltNightwind BeltDreamer's BeltGlorious SabatonsGold Link BeltDeep Fathom RingPioneer GlovesAncestral RobeDervish LeggingsWildheart CowlArctic BucklerDusky Leather LeggingsMyrmidon's GreavesAugural ShroudEbonhold WristguardsRecruit's BootsSeer's BootsPolished Scale BracersKnight's BracersDurable TunicKhan's BindingsScarlet GauntletsDuracin BracersCrown of the Ogre KingHigh Councillor's GlovesChromite GirdleEngineer's Guild HeadpieceConjurer's MantleHeavy Mithril BootsWicked BlackjackBrocade CloakVermilion BandBlush Ember RingSapphiron's Scale BootsBuccaneer's MantleImposing VestDreadmist LeggingsTortoise ArmorOrnate Mithril BreastplateLord's BootsFeral LeggingsElunarian BootsSpiked Chain WristbandsChief Brigadier PauldronsShredder Operating GlovesMistscape MantleDire NailBig Black MaceRaider ShortswordWhite Bandit MaskTeebu's Blazing LongswordDragonstalker's BracersDragonstalker's SpauldersDragonstalker's LegguardsDragonstalker's HelmDragonstalker's GauntletsDragonstalker's GreavesDragonstalker's BreastplateObsidian CleaverArcanite ReaperParrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Stronghold GauntletsCommander's PauldronsSunscale SpauldersSavage Gladiator HelmUmi's Mechanical YetiCorruption


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