March 28, 2005

Sorry about the weekend ignore, I totally forgot on Friday it was Easter weekend here in the states. So, got ya some mob pix up today. New Items: Core Armor KitPattern: Core Armor KitFormula: Enchant Weapon - Healing PowerBloodsail Admiral's Hat

New Mobs: Blood Parrot

Updated Items: Corruptor's ScourgestoneCrimson Silk RobeSmite's Mighty HammerTail SpikeCommon Brown ShirtJourneyman's RobeAncestral RobeBonebiterHerb Baked EggDefender BootsAzure Silk PantsPhalanx CloakTwilight CowlKnight's BootsCelestial OrbDreadmist RobeProdigious Shadowshard PendantHeraldic GlovesTraveler's LeggingsField Plate VambracesOptomatic DeflectorIvycloth BootsSuperior CloakEmbossed Plate BootsMoss CinchMagister's BindingsSorcerer SlippersCouncillor's ShouldersHunting BowBleeding CrescentMugger's BeltCrimson Silk ShouldersInstant PoisonInsignia BeltDemonslayerMinion's ScourgestoneInvader's ScourgestoneBottle of Pinot NoirCommander's HelmGlowing Magical BraceletsWeather-worn BootsTrickster's SashFiremane LeggingsUther's StrengthLight BowSoulcatcher HaloVanquisher's SwordBattle Chain BootsSmall Throwing KnifeCracked SledgeIvycloth PantsIronforge Memorial RingSpiked Chain SlippersBarbarian War AxeSedge BootsHearthstoneThug BootsPattern: Mooncloth CircletAegis of Stormwind

Updated Quests: Crime and PunishmentDark HeartA Strange RequestDalson's Tears CauldronGahrron's Withering CauldronWrithing Haunt CauldronFelstone Field CauldronTouch of WeaknessReport to ZorA Plague Upon TheeA Plague Upon TheeA Plague Upon TheeHex of WeaknessFavor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mounta

Updated Mobs: Wandering Barrens GiraffeStormsnoutPrairie Wolf AlphaPalemane SkinnerHecklefang SnarlerElder PlainstriderBristleback Water SeekerSwoopPrimordial BehemothSharptooth FrenzyPrairie WolfFlatland CougarElder Mistvale GorillaScale BellyLunaclawGhost HowlMazzranacheRessan the NeedlerRazelikh the DefilerWarlord KolkanisKolkar DrudgeKolkar OutrunnerThurman AgamandGregor AgamandVile Fin MuckdwellerCracked Skull SoldierTormented SpiritDarkeye BonecasterWoodpaw AlphaCaptured Rabid Thistle BearRabid Thistle BearShy-Rotam


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Easter weekend
# Mar 29 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
It was Easter here in the States? ... Wasn't it easter elsewhere; OUTSIDE the states? I knew we Americans were arrogant, but i nearly fell down laughing when I read you had given America credit for the existance of Easter.
RE: Easter weekend
# Mar 29 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Granted, the wording was a little off - but there is such a thing as Orthodox Easter which happens April 17. Maybe you can clear up the confusion on the date JC.
RE: Easter weekend
# Mar 29 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Correct, to an extent yet very incorrect. It's not always on April 17 for Orthodox Easter.

As set by Emperor Constantine, the Easter rule is "Easter observance to the first Sunday after the first full moon (known as the paschal moon) on or after the vernal equinox". The only difference between 'Western' and 'Orthodox' easter is that some churches still use the Julian calendar system to date the equinox, even if they use the Gregorian for everything else. Mind you, there is also the Quatrodecimens who observe Easter on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan.

Point is, it's not always on April 17. In fact, the Orthodox observation of Easter Sunday this year is May the 1st.

However, the original point still stands. America can't be credited for the Western observation either.
RE: Easter weekend
# Mar 29 2005 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
It's not a big deal to make into all this mess. It's habit for us to type that as we have holidays a lot of other places do not celebrate as most of the crew here is American. Thusly "here in the states" is used often. And I am not sure about all of you, but my family celebrates ALL weekend, also why I stated "Easter weekend." Take a deep breath, AHHHH haaaaa. Smiley: waycool

# Mar 29 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
What's the deal with the scourgestone updates? Item history shows the stack size constantly changing from 250 to 500 and vice versa... Different stack size for european version or something?
RE: scourgestones
# Mar 29 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, maybe they're bugged and some have different stacks, or it could be localisation settings yeah but didn't think they changed stuff like that...who knows.

Needs sorting tho cos keeps appearing every day :)
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