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Holy cow. That's cool.
December 24th Update
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you find lots of goodies in your stocking tomorrow. Here's a Christmas Eve update.
New Guides: HiredKiller's guide to making 20g-50g A DAY! ; HiredKiller's Dummies Guide to Lockpicking
New Items: Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity ; Lesser Arcanum of Voracity ; Ornate Thorium Handaxe ; Plans: Ornate Thorium Handaxe ; Recipe: Transmute Water to Air ; Tirion's Gift ; Freewind Gloves ; Rexxar's Testament ; Living Breastplate ; Pattern: Living Breastplate ; Smokey's Special Compound ; Elunarian Belt ; Pattern: Warbear Harness ; Key to Salem's Chest ; Vaelan's Gift ; Black Dragonspawn Eye ; Book: Gift of the Wild II
Updated Items: Crystallized Azsharite ; Shipment to Galvan ; Fel Orb ; Fel Tracker Owner's Manual ; Felhound Tracker Kit ; Eye of Kajal ; Recipe: Major Mana Potion ; Windshrieker Pauldrons ; Bijou's Reconnaissance Report ; Major Healthstone ; Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire ; Masterwork Circlet ; Cheap Blunderbuss ; Timolain's Phylactery ; Wise Man's Belt ; Soul Breaker ; Large Bear Tooth ; Nitroglycerin ; Wood Pulp ; Sodium Nitrate ; Magister's Belt ; Magister's Leggings ; Flask of Big Mojo ; Reiver Claws ; Salt Shaker ; Barman Shanker ; Flameweave Cuffs ; Heavy Scorpid Gauntlet ; Linken's Sword of Mastery ; Krol Blade ; Burst of Knowledge ; Omnicast Boots ; Tressermane Leggings ; Sunborne Cape ; Swiftstrike Cudgel ; Minion's Scourgestone ; Devout Belt ; Green Whelp Bracers ; Duskwoven Pants ; Comfortable Leather Hat ; Engraved Pauldrons ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit ; Bloodfist ; Nagmara's Whipping Belt ; Underworld Band ; Emberplate Armguards ; Pattern: Fine Leather Gloves ; Hurricane ; Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard ; Fang of the Crystal Spider ; Burstshot Harquebus ; Plans: Golden Scale Leggings ; Pattern: Runecloth Bag ; Schematic: Goblin Land Mine ; Blue Dragonscale Breastplate ; Prismcharm ; Thick Murloc Scale ; Imperial Red Scepter ; Schematic: Thorium Rifle ; Black Dragonscale Leggings ; Wildheart Boots ; Morbent's Bane ; Elemental Fire ; Green Whelp Scale ; Formula: Enchant Boots - Minor Agility ; Barbaric Harness ; Pattern: Tough Scorpid Leggings ; Raincaller Robes ; Celestial Cape ; Barov Peasant Caller ; Imperial Jewel ; Wildheart Spaulders ; Cadaverous Belt ; Cadaverous Armor ; Cadaverous Gloves ; Gorewood Bow ; Sacred Protector ; Assassination Blade ; Hyperion Girdle ; Devilsaur Gauntlets ; Cadaverous Leggings ; Cadaverous Walkers ; Battleborn Armbraces ; Fine Leather Pants ; Rageclaw Chestguard ; Recipe: Crocolisk Steak ; Smokey's Lighter ; Pads of the Dread Wolf ; Handcrafted Mastersmith Girdle ; Tranquil Orb ; Pattern: Azure Shoulders ; Naga Scale ; Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles ; Aurora Robe ; Mighty Girdle ; Lesser Bloodstone Ore ; Nightshade Spaulders ; Elder Wizard's Mantle ; Wanderer's Boots ; Ornate Circlet ; Templar Legplates ; Templar Pauldrons ; Mystical Headwrap ; Elegant Mantle ; Elegant Belt ; Emerald Sabatons ; Gloves of the Atal'ai Prophet ; Cinderhide Armsplints ; The Emperor's New Cape ; Elven Spirit Claws ; Rod of Molten Fire ; Thorium Bar ; Thorium Helm ; Heartseeking Crossbow ; Bonechewer ; Wand of Allistarj ; Lordly Armguards ; Eye of Flame ; Major Healing Potion ; Mountainside Buckler ; Vital Sash ; Collection Plate ; Khan's Bindings ; Khan's Mantle ; Sunscale Gauntlets ; Vanguard Pauldrons ; Jade Legplates ; Lofty Shoulder Pads ; High Chief's Belt ; Glorious Shoulder Pads ; Wicked Leather Pants ; Nocturnal Tunic ; Blasthorn Bow ; Murloc Scale Bracers ; Julie's Dagger ; Breath of Wind ; Red Whelp Scale ; Six Demon Bag ; Star Ruby ; Myrmidon's Cape ; Deeprock Salt ; Thick Armor Kit ; Traveler's Belt ; Pattern: Tough Scorpid Shoulders ; Revelosh's Boots ; Abjurer's Boots ; Righteous Armor ; Soulkeeper ; Emerald Breastplate ; Opulent Leggings ; Hibernal Sash ; Venomshroud Silk Robes ; Commander's Boots ; White Woolen Dress ; Elemental Air ; Gift of Arthas ; Beautiful Wildflowers ; Small Glimmering Shard ; Large Glimmering Shard ; Icy Cloak ; Arthas' Tears ; Blindweed ; Wanderer's Leggings ; Revenant Girdle ; Recruit's Boots ; Swashbuckler's Bracers ; Swashbuckler's Shoulderpads ; Overlord's Legplates ; Nightshade Cloak ; Engraved Leggings ; Heavy Lamellar Girdle ; Heavy Lamellar Leggings ; Shadowy Bracers ; Mighty Boots ; Wooly Mittens ; Schematic: Parachute Cloak ; Large Red Sack ; Dazzling Longsword ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Mining ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Skinning ; Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina ; Orb of Lorica ; Pattern: Red Mageweave Gloves ; Lei of Lilies ; Ankh of Life ; Necklace of Calisea ; Cyclopean Band ; Poison-tipped Bone Spear ; Gunnysack of the Night Watch ; Chief Architect's Monocle ; Ceremonial Elven Blade ; Desert Choker ; Ring of the Aristocrat ; Cracked Leather Vest ; Polished Scale Bracers ; Heavy Notched Belt ; Shizzle's Muzzle ; Sharp Kitchen Knife ; Rat Cloth Cloak ; Senior Designer's Pantaloons ; Blump Family Fishing Pole ; Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility ; Living Essence ; Curve-bladed Ripper ; Recipe: Beer Basted Boar Ribs ; Beazel's Basher ; Khoo's Point ; Sapphiron's Scale Boots ; Serpentine Sash ; Bright Pants ; Silk Wizard Hat ; Ooze-covered Bag ; Mugthol's Helm ; Skibi's Pendent ; Plans: Copper Chain Vest ; Plans: Gemmed Copper Gauntlets ; Recipe: Blood Sausage ; Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet ; Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake ; Dalewind Trousers ; Lunar Buckler ; Horizon Choker ; Lesser Invisibility Potion ; Blackwater Tunic ; Junglewalker Sandals ; Swiftwind ; Gaea's Cloak ; Runecloth Belt ; Guardian Leather Bracers ; Thick Spider's Silk ; Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak ; Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel ; Schematic: Portable Bronze Mortar ; Warden's Woolies ; Gnomish Zapper ; Scorpashi Sash ; Scorpashi Skullcap ; Recipe: Barbecued Buzzard Wing ; Khan's Cloak ; Khan's Legguards ; Symbolic Breastplate ; Stonecloth Circlet ; Ironheel Boots ; Brutish Armguards ; Warbringer's Armsplints ; Bloodforged Sabatons ; Chief Brigadier Pauldrons ; Glyphed Epaulets ; Imperial Leather Belt ; Blesswind Hammer ; Eye of Adaegus ; Enchanted Moonstalker Cloak ; Gryphon Cloak ; Potent Gloves ; Pattern: Ironfeather Shoulders ; Pattern: Frostsaber Leggings ; Quillfire Bow ; Bright Sphere ; Nightsky Orb ; Schematic: Delicate Arcanite Converter ; Guardian Gloves ; Elixir of Water Breathing ; Steelarrow Crossbow ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength ; Imperial Leather Boots ; Sage's Sash ; Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Health ; Ring of Calm ; Auric Bracers ; Bonebiter ; Umbral Mace ; Azure Shoulders ; Pattern: Crimson Silk Shoulders ; Pattern: Earthen Silk Belt ; Pattern: Azure Silk Gloves ; Rugged Leather Pants ; Pattern: Red Whelp Gloves ; Elder's Padded Armor ; Pilferer's Gloves ; Knight's Breastplate ; Knight's Crest ; Ranger Leggings ; Gossamer Gloves ; Cabalist Bracers ; Charstone Dirk ; Pattern: Green Leather Armor ; Talvash's Enhancing Necklace ; Truesilver Gauntlets ; Solid Grinding Stone ; Heraldic Boots ; Chromite Legplates ; Jouster's Greaves ; Jouster's Pauldrons ; Rugged Leather ; Turtle Scale Bracers ; Battlefield Destroyer ; Wild Leather Cloak ; Ebonhold Buckler ; Dragonscale Gauntlets ; Dragonscale Breastplate ; Gromsblood ; Shriveled Heart ; Field Plate Armor ; Field Plate Boots ; Brilliant Gold Ring ; Golden Scale Gauntlets ; Hydrocane ; The Hand of Antu'sul ; Lifeblood Amulet ; Gryphon Rider's Leggings ; Sentinel's Guard ; Durable Pants ; Jazeraint Boots ; Royal Amice ; Brigade Circlet ; Abjurer's Cloak ; Abjurer's Hood ; Chieftain's Shoulders ; Embossed Plate Bracers ; Embossed Plate Boots ; Orange Mageweave Shirt ; Duskwoven Amice ; Righteous Leggings ; Lord's Boots ; Gothic Plate Girdle ; Footpad's Shoes ; Apprentice's Robe ; Sentinel Shoulders ; Smite's Reaver ; Stone Buckler ; Jazeraint Gauntlets ; Torch of Holy Flame ; Icicle Rod ; Hunting Boots ; Daryl's Hunting Rifle ; Evergreen Gloves ; Ironplate Buckler ; Ironheart Chain ; Stonecutter Claymore ; Siege Brigade Vest ; Oil-stained Cloak ; Vagabond Leggings ; Gnomeregan Band ; Gnarled Short Staff ; Sharp Axe ; Brocade Bracers ; Moonstone Wand ; Redridge Machete ; Lambent Scale Shield ; Blackened Leather Belt ; Slarkskin ; Orc Crusher ; Shrapnel Blaster ; Rough Leather Belt ; Bolt of Silk Cloth ; Cryptbone Staff ; Infantry Boots ; Lumberjack Jerkin ; Anvilmar Knife ; Buzzer Blade ; Blood-etched Blade ; Moss Cinch ; Belt of Valor ; Captain's Buckler ; Runecloth Bandage ; Chieftain's Breastplate ; Headsplitter ; Engraved Helm ; Blackhand Doomsaw ; Jade Belt ; Enchanted Thorium Bar ; Green Dragonscale Breastplate ; Green Dragonscale Leggings ; Devilsaur Leggings ; Blackskull Shield ; Crusader's Armguards ; Praetorian Leggings ; Backbreaker ; Schematic: Snowmaster 9000 ; Cured Rugged Hide ; Plans: Jade Serpentblade ; Hulking Gauntlets ; Penelope's Rose ; Recipe: Elixir of the Mongoose ; Bonefist Gauntlets ; Recipe: Gift of Arthas ; Warden's Footpads ; Chained Essence of Eranikus ; Heavy Earthen Gloves ; Selenium Loop ; High Councillor's Boots ; Pattern: Red Linen Bag ; Abjurer's Robe ; Slimy Murloc Scale ; Pattern: Murloc Scale Belt ; Pattern: Murloc Scale Breastplate ; Swashbuckler's Gloves ; Councillor's Shoulders ; Trindlehaven Staff ; Laced Mail Gloves ; Cabalist Chestpiece ; Golden Scale Bracers ; Clutch of Andros ; Bark Iron Pauldrons ; Black Whelp Scale ; Banded Cloak ; Rock Pulverizer ; Conjurer's Mantle ; Welken Ring ; Hulking Leggings ; Huntsman's Cap ; Jazeraint Bracers ; Jazeraint Belt ; Jazeraint Pauldrons ; Brigade Cloak ; Cold Basilisk Eye ; Warmonger's Cloak ; Embossed Plate Helmet ; Tyrant's Epaulets ; Garrison Cloak ; Bright Belt ; Black Mageweave Shoulders ; Orange Martial Shirt ; Duskwoven Sandals ; Warbringer's Legguards ; Gothic Plate Vambraces ; Councillor's Boots ; Rod of Sorrow ; Revenant Boots ; Lupine Handwraps ; Templar Gauntlets ; Jazeraint Helm ; Wicked Leather Gauntlets ; Heavy Lamellar Vambraces ; Gnomeregan Amulet ; Hulking Boots ; Furious Falchion ; Giant Club ; Greater Scythe ; Deadly Kris ; Razor Blade ; Vorpal Dagger ; Gothic Plate Gauntlets ; Gothic Plate Helmet ; Wanderer's Hat ; Grizzly Jerkin ; Wildvine ; Green Lens ; Brutish Belt ; Huntsman's Belt ; Bloodforged Bindings ; Knightly Longsword ; Rockshard Pauldrons ; Sparkleshell Cloak ; Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector ; Blackened Defias Belt ; Avenguard Helm ; Icemetal Barbute ; Ironhide Breastplate ; Robes of Insight ; Atal'alarion's Tusk Ring ; Blight Leather Gloves ; Pattern: Stormshroud Pants ; Squire's Shirt ; Recruit's Shirt ; Wolf Handler Gloves ; Pioneer Trousers ; Tigerbane ; Blazewind Breastplate ; Guardian Talisman ; Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore ; Bear Shawl ; Silver-thread Boots ; Silver-thread Amice ; Nightsky Boots ; Nightsky Wristbands ; Chief Brigadier Boots ; Chief Brigadier Bracers ; Aurora Cloak ; Glyphed Mitts ; Glyphed Boots ; Glyphed Belt ; Jagged Arrow ; Blackforge Girdle ; Mistscape Gloves ; Viking Warhammer ; Battleforge Shield ; Archaedic Stone ; Bloodband Bracers ; Sage's Pants ; Razzeric's Racing Grips ; Worn Mail Boots ; White Swashbuckler's Shirt ; Sage's Cloth ; Blackforge Cape ; Sword of Serenity ; Black Menace ; Conjurer's Hood ; Chief Brigadier Gauntlets ; Voodoo Band ; Woodworking Gloves ; Skeletal Longsword ; Rock Hammer ; Helm of Exile ; Linken's Boomerang ; Bejeweled Legguards ; Cerulean Ring ; Thallium Hoop ; Basalt Ring ; Jet Loop ; Cerulean Talisman ; Iridium Chain ; Tellurium Necklace ; Greenstone Talisman ; Jet Chain ; Medium Armor Kit ; Forest Pendent ; Marsh Chain ; Sapper's Gloves ; Swampwalker Boots ; Necromancer Leggings ; White Leather Jerkin ; Small Leather Ammo Pouch ; Elemental Earth ; Swiftness Potion ; Infantry Shield ; Elder's Gloves ; Elder's Sash ; Dusky Belt ; Swift Boots ; War Staff ; Infiltrator Cloak ; Twilight Boots ; Sentinel Gloves ; Sentinel Cloak ; Knight's Boots ; Recipe: Egg Nog ; Snowball ; Ranger Wristguards ; Captain's Cloak ; Marble Necklace ; Falcon's Hook ; Willow Branch ; Elder's Pants ; Heavy Quiver ; Pattern: Red Linen Robe ; Loose Chain Belt ; Sentinel Trousers ; Regal Leggings ; Regal Mantle ; Raging Berserker's Helm ; Hand of Righteousness ; Triune Amulet ; Combatant Claymore ; Gnomish Universal Remote ; Gossamer Headpiece ; Goat Fur Cloak ; Cragplate Greaves ; Ring of the Underwood ; Emberscale Cape ; Heavy Mithril Shoulder ; Mithril Scale Pants ; Knight's Gauntlets ; Heavy Mithril Boots ; Regal Sash ; Elemental Water ; Herod's Shoulder ; Acrobatic Staff ; Sacrificial Kris ; Chromite Bracers ; Chromite Girdle ; Scorpid Scale ; Heavy Mithril Gauntlet ; Sword of Corruption ; Explosive Shotgun ; Turtle Scale Helm ; Nightscape Shoulders ; Nightscape Pants ; Goblin Nutcracker ; Ebon Scimitar ; Nightscape Boots ; Big Voodoo Mask ; Starfaller ; Tough Scorpid Gloves ; Tough Scorpid Bracers ; Tough Scorpid Shoulders ; Tough Scorpid Helm ; Tough Scorpid Boots ; Phantom Blade ; Big Voodoo Cloak ; Kingsblood ; Ragefire Wand ; The Queen's Jewel ; High Bergg Helm ; Sniper Rifle ; Crushridge Bindings ; Raptor's End ; Heraldic Cloak ; Light Leather Quiver ; Ornate Mithril Pants ; Nightscape Tunic ; Long Battle Bow ; Turtle Scale Leggings ; Hillman's Cloak ; Speedsteel Rapier ; Wyrmslayer Spaulders ; River Pride Choker ; Whitemane's Chapeau ; Golden Scale Coif ; Golden Scale Leggings ; Jade Serpentblade ; Mithril Bar ; Wild Leather Shoulders ; Nightsky Robe ; Nightsky Cowl ; Nightsky Gloves ; Imperial Leather Bracers ; Chief Brigadier Coif ; Dazzling Mithril Rapier ; Medicine Blanket ; Belt of Corruption ; Viscous Hammer ; Cured Heavy Hide ; Thick Leather ; Formal White Shirt ; Rich Purple Silk Shirt ; Signet of Expertise ; Field Plate Vambraces ; Field Plate Helmet ; Geomancer's Gloves ; Stoneweaver Leggings ; Seafire Band ; Grimlok's Tribal Vestments ; Grimlok's Charge ; Big Bad Pauldrons ; Oscillating Power Hammer ; Gemshale Pauldrons ; Resilient Mantle ; Windchaser Cloak ; Glimmering Cloak ; Nightsky Mantle ; Chief Brigadier Cloak ; Highborne Gloves ; Glyphed Cloak ; Mistscape Sash ; Arcane Runed Bracers ; Pratt's Handcrafted Boots ; Pratt's Handcrafted Gloves ; Shinkicker Boots ; Saber Leggings ; Demon's Blood ; Ornate Bracers ; Seedtime Hoop ; Resplendent Guardian ; Plated Fist of Hakoo ; Tellurium Band ; Burnt Leather Belt ; Gravestone Scepter ; Tribal Belt ; Birchwood Maul ; Combat Cloak ; Cured Light Hide ; Inferno Cloak ; Nightwind Belt ; Buccaneer's Cord ; Arcane Staff ; Staunch Hammer ; Serpentskin Boots ; Green Linen Shirt ; Woolen Boots ; Light Leather Bracers ; Black Whelp Cloak ; Zircon Band ; Chrome Ring ; Iridium Circle ; Azora's Will ; Heart Ring ; Crystal Starfire Medallion ; Lambent Scale Cloak ; Rune Thread ; Tundra Ring ; Thallium Choker ; Mystic's Cape ; Tundra Necklace ; Sanguine Cape ; Spectral Necklace ; Verigan's Fist ; Cadet Vest ; Golem Skull Helm ; Knight's Cloak ; Ivycloth Cloak ; Cross Dagger ; Bloodforged Belt ; Scaled Cloak ; Silk Mantle of Gamn ; Tracker's Headband ; Glinting Steel Dagger ; Frost Leather Cloak ; Buccaneer's Pants ; Watch Master's Cloak ; Journeyman's Gloves ; Warrior's Gloves ; Amber Hoop ; Ranger Bow ; BKP 2700 "Enforcer" ; Reinforced Bow ; Cobalt Ring ; Knight's Girdle ; Meadow Ring ; Savannah Ring ; Ranger Cord ; War Paint Waistband ; Antiquated Cloak ; Ravager's Armguards ; Scaled Shield ; Mace ; Hatchet ; Quarter Staff ; Sunscale Wristguards ; Cutlass ; Twisted Chanter's Staff ; Hunter's Muzzle Loader ; Mithril Coif ; Tribal Pants ; Barbaric Cloth Vest ; Flesh Piercer ; Cadet Boots ; Viking Sword ; Righteous Helmet ; Defias Renegade Ring ; Footpads of the Fang ; Ivory Band ; Rod of the Sleepwalker ; Renegade Shield ; Nightscape Headband ; Hunting Bow ; Firestarter ; Turtle Scale Breastplate ; Overlord's Crown ; Giant Mace ; Savage Axe ; Honed Stiletto ; Cabalist Cloak ; Grizzly Buckler ; Burnished Shield ; Wicked Throwing Dagger ; Wrangler's Wristbands ; Heavy Silken Thread ; Wolfshead Helm ; The 1 Ring ; Guardian Blade ; Legplates of the Eternal Guardian ; Blush Ember Ring ; Glowing Magical Bracelets ; Nightsky Armor ; Patchwork Shoes ; Forest Hoop ; Charger's Armor ; Calico Cloak ; Warped Leather Belt ; Spiked Chain Belt ; Blue Dye ; Disciple's Pants ; Recipe: Goblin Rocket Fuel ; Grand Armguards ; Silver-thread Cuffs ; Worn Mail Gloves ; Worn Mail Pants ; Interlaced Cowl ; Dreadblade ; Coldrage Dagger ; Panther Hunter Leggings ; Excelsior Boots ; Raptor Hunter Tunic ; Infantry Bracers ; Bright Baubles ; Willow Cape ; Cured Medium Hide ; Shimmering Trousers ; Right-Handed Blades ; Left-Handed Claw ; Heavy Armor Kit ; Pioneer Tunic ; Dark Silk Shirt ; Espadon ; Bearded Axe ; Scimitar ; Cleaver ; Gnarled Staff ; Silver-plated Shotgun ; Durable Belt ; Silken Thread ; Boar Champion's Belt ; Stylish Red Shirt ; Sage's Bracers ; Rough Boomstick ; Severing Axe ; Spiked Club ; Blackfang ; Tyrant's Helm ; Assault Band ; Infantry Leggings ; Light Armor Kit ; Fine Leather Cloak ; Embossed Leather Cloak ; Light Leather ; Light Mail Belt ; Simple Linen Pants ; Loose Chain Gloves ; Patchwork Bracers ; Withered Staff ; Loose Chain Boots ; Handstitched Leather Bracers ; Solid Blunderbuss ; Bolt of Linen Cloth ; Gloves of Insight ; Handstitched Leather Boots ; Handstitched Leather Pants ; Ragged Leather Vest ; Ragged Leather Gloves ; Handstitched Leather Belt ; Ragged Leather Belt ; Worn Leather Boots ; Worn Leather Bracers ; Worn Leather Pants ; Royal Headband ; Chieftain's Boots ; Pulsating Crystalline Shard ; Scorpashi Cape ; Guardian Cloak ; Truesilver Breastplate ; Shadoweave Mask ; Duskwoven Bracers ; Revenant Bracers ; Outrunner's Gloves ; Ghoul Fingers ; Bloodforged Shoulder Pads ; Black Duskwood Staff ; Imperial Red Gloves ; Valorous Wristguards ; Valorous Girdle ; Leggings of the Fang ; Executioner's Cleaver ; Raptor Hide Belt ; Heart of Noxxion ; Dark Leather Boots ; Dark Leather Tunic ; Dusky Boots ; Ornate Legguards ; Prospector's Chestpiece ; Forest Leather Boots ; Archer's Cap ; Archer's Gloves ; Renegade Belt ; Crusader's Cloak ; Lambent Scale Pauldrons ; Forest Leather Mantle ; Engraved Girdle ; Colossal Great Axe ; Insignia Mantle ; Scorpashi Slippers ; Fine Leather Gloves ; Wolf Bracers ; War Paint Legguards ; Warped Leather Boots ; Hulking Spaulders ; Slayer's Sash ; Stalking Pants ; Guardian Pants ; Barbaric Leggings ; Blackened Defias Leggings ; Belt of the Fang ; The Scarlet Key ; Green Iron Hauberk ; Eye of Rend ; Ghostshroud ; Traveler's Bracers ; Alabaster Plate Girdle ; Keris of Zul'Serak ; Double Link Tunic ; Gloves of the Greatfather ; Barbaric Shoulders ; Beaststalker's Gloves ; Lupine Cord ; Black Dragonscale Breastplate ; Vosh'gajin's Strand ; Red Mageweave Shoulders ; Insignia Cap ; Insignia Leggings ; Glyphed Bracers ; Dusky Leather Armor ; Dusky Bracers ; Rigid Shoulders ; Burnished Boots ; Infiltrator Armor ; Infiltrator Shoulders ; Infiltrator Boots ; Infiltrator Bracers ; Cutthroat's Armguards ; Infiltrator Cap ; Infiltrator Pants ; Sentinel Bracers ; Lambent Scale Boots ; Metalworking Gloves ; Knight's Bracers ; Forest Leather Chestpiece ; Mail Combat Boots ; Madwolf Bracers ; Emperor's Seal ; Cabalist Spaulders ; Master Hunter's Rifle ; Embossed Leather Pants ; Fine Leather Belt ; Hillman's Leather Gloves ; Guardian Armor ; Green Leather Belt ; Green Leather Bracers ; Gem-studded Leather Belt ; Armor of the Fang ; Raider's Belt ; Ravasaur Scale Boots ; Selenium Chain ; Scaled Leather Boots ; Banded Pauldrons ; Cutthroat Pauldrons ; Archer's Belt ; Archer's Boots ; Archer's Shoulderpads ; Renegade Boots ; Bard's Boots ; Bard's Belt ; Defender Boots ; Band of the Penitent ; Dervish Boots ; Dervish Gloves ; Moonglow Vest ; Ridgeback Bracers ; Shucking Gloves ; Tyrant's Legplates ; Cerise Drape ; Sniper Scope ; Runic Leather Belt ; Vanadium Loop ; Cured Thick Hide ; Brutish Legguards ; Noxxion's Shackles ; Schematic: Gnomish Cloaking Device ; Thick Leather Ammo Pouch ; Potent Cape ; Serpentskin Spaulders ; Swashbuckler's Breastplate ; Lunar Handwraps ; Guttbuster ; Blackveil Cape ; Imbued Plate Gauntlets ; Pattern: Frostsaber Boots ; Runic Leather Headband ; Commander's Helm ; Serpentskin Armor ; Pattern: Devilsaur Gauntlets ; Deepfury Bracers ; Penance Spaulders ; Smolderweb Carrier ; Scaled Leather Bracers ; Schematic: Thorium Tube ; Sentinel Boots ; Ironspine's Eye ; Rancor Boots ; Worg Carrier ; Watchman Pauldrons ; Empty Worg Pup Cage ; Ragged John's Neverending Cup ; Gauntlets of Ogre Strength ; Spire Spider Egg ; Wolffear Harness ; Enduring Cap ; Brutish Riverpaw Axe ; Opulent Belt ; Ambassador's Boots ; Dark Leather Shoulders ; Insignia Belt ; Robes of the Lich ; Caged Worg Pup ; Garneg's War Belt ; Emblazoned Boots ; Tribal Worg Helm ; Grovekeeper's Drape ; Runic Leather Gauntlets ; Emerald Helm ; Dervish Tunic ; Bloodforged Gauntlets ; Beaststalker's Mantle ; Phytoskin Spaulders ; Stormrager ; Runic Leather Bracers ; Thick Murloc Armor ; Robust Leggings ; Archlight Talisman ; Hunting Gloves ; Slitherscale Boots ; Featherskin Cape ; Outrunner's Cord ; Dusky Leather Leggings ; Insignia Chestguard ; Infiltrator Cord ; Wizard's Hand ; Nocturnal Gloves ; Murloc Scale Breastplate ; Chieftain's Cloak ; Templar Crown ; Embossed Plate Pauldrons ; Mark of Resolution ; Charged Gear ; Smotts' Compass ; Enduring Bracers ; Bloodwoven Cloak ; Wild Leather Helmet ; Fist of Omokk ; Plate of the Shaman King ; Twilight Belt ; Emblazoned Gloves ; Jungle Necklace ; Intrepid Shortsword ; Valiant Shortsword ; Lunar Raiment ; Brawler Gloves ; Toughened Leather Armor ; Dark Leather Cloak ; Cabalist Belt ; Peerless Boots ; Champion's Bracers ; Swashbuckler Sash ; Rageclaw Belt ; Commander's Leggings ; Frost Tiger Blade ; Refined Deeprock Salt ; Claw of the Shadowmancer ; Defender Bracers ; Chromite Chestplate ; Chromite Barbute ; Chromite Pauldrons ; Engraved Breastplate ; Engraved Cape ; Cape of the Fire Salamander ; Uther's Strength ; Chieftain's Headdress ; Turtle Scale Gloves ; Drakeclaw Band ; Emerald Gauntlets ; Gypsy Tunic ; Emerald Vambraces ; Big Voodoo Robe ; Wild Leather Boots ; Wild Leather Leggings ; Bandit Boots ; Blackhand's Breadth ; Eye of the Beast ; Lambent Scale Legguards ; Scaled Leather Shoulders ; Master Hunter's Bow ; Valorous Legguards ; Wicked Leather Headband ; Small Brilliant Shard ; Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge ; Chieftain's Leggings ; Vinehedge Cinch ; Pattern: Gloves of the Greatfather ; Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables ; Thick Scale Crown ; Large Glowing Shard ; Righteous Waistguard ; Large Radiant Shard ; Councillor's Cloak ; Councillor's Gloves ; Impenetrable Cloak ; Huge Emerald ; Trader's Ring ; Mithril Spurs ; Greater Mystic Wand ; Swashbuckler's Belt ; Murloc Scale Belt ; Crusader's Pauldrons ; Band of the Unicorn ; Emerald Girdle ; Emerald Pauldrons ; Heraldic Belt ; Heraldic Bracers ; Myrmidon's Greaves ; Jade Epaulets ; <
New Items: Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity ; Lesser Arcanum of Voracity ; Ornate Thorium Handaxe ; Plans: Ornate Thorium Handaxe ; Recipe: Transmute Water to Air ; Tirion's Gift ; Freewind Gloves ; Rexxar's Testament ; Living Breastplate ; Pattern: Living Breastplate ; Smokey's Special Compound ; Elunarian Belt ; Pattern: Warbear Harness ; Key to Salem's Chest ; Vaelan's Gift ; Black Dragonspawn Eye ; Book: Gift of the Wild II
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft