Happy Holidays from the World of Warcraft Team!
WoW is awesome for the holidays! Here's something from Blizzard.
- The Feast of Winter Veil is well underway, and Greatfather Winter is giving treats to all the lucky adventurers in Azeroth. To insure that players unable to visit him in-game could still experience some of the joys of Winter Veil, he struck a deal with the Jinglepocket Goblins, who were more than happy to supply us (for a small fee, of course) with a few items to share with you all. Just click on the links below to receive your gifts!
- New World of Warcraft Wallpaper
- New World of Warcraft MP3
- Holiday Artwork Submitted by Our Fans The entire World of Warcraft team would like to thank you all for spending your holidays with us, and we wish you all a safe and happy holiday season!
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft