Zone Revamp - Mistmoore!

From Re-vamped Mistmoore hits Legends on December 15th and will be available to all the other servers in January. In Mistmoore's Catacombs, the servants of the Trueborn, a sect of vampires with Mayong Mistmoore's blood flowing through their veins, grew tired of their masters throwing them into the fray against the Norrathian intruders. They came to desire more power for themselves. It was not long before the first words of dissension crept through the catacombs on the will of whispers. The Trueborn servants congregated in dark, musty halls away from the eyes of their masters and over time their numbers grew along with their ambitions. Their time had come and soon they would rise up to claim their rightful place in Mistmoore Castle, gaining accolades from Lord Mayong Mistmoore himself for their brilliance and bravery -- or so they supposed. Over several months, the Trueborn traitors recruited an army to their cause. On a black night as the moon was swallowed by a thick veil over Faydwer, they struck, killing their masters and leading their army toward Mistmoore Castle. They slaughtered all in their path and many masters of the Scions sect, the Trueborn's rival blood-children of Mayong, were destroyed that night. The fierce wave of the lesser Trueborn rushed into the cellars of Mistmoore Castle without detection. Unbeknownst to all but the servants, Norrath's adventurers had uncovered winding caves beneath the surface that bypassed the castle's defenses. In a matter of hours, the castle was overrun and the servants of the Trueborn declared themselves the true Children of Mistmoore. Since taking control of the castle, many Children have busied themselves repairing the damage from the battle while others continue to seek the magical ore that was uncovered in the catacombs. They all prepare, waiting for the day their master returns to grant them glory.


Post Comment
any one who wants to read and say yea this kid has a point
# Feb 28 2008 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
well i have no problem with the new gear because games constanly have to change with the world be it ( hackers, viruses, lvl changes etc.) but i dont like the re-vamps of zones for instance Freeport is so f**kn hard to navigate right now( this meanign other old zones HHK has not been changed) with my sk( which is his home town ) and i cant run the certain parts of the zone without bein attcked by gnomes then you get a train of guards it takes about twenty min. to find your way to EC or better known now as the comman lands. old zones are nice. not cool i agree with you the old days were nice getting EC and WC gear was uber cool to have doing the orc quests to get faction in FP and the belt that came with it AWSOME!!!. in a way the game is easy at higher lvls with nice groups but lets get real most those ppl either bought the account on ebay or bought PL's to 80 or w/e the case may be one thing they should change is the graphics for PC toons.old skool grghics were square then it went to more round now drakkin are the best graphicd toon around though they should make a giant race that would be nice these are just random thoughts that most ppl should think on :D
6 year player no 65+ toon
# May 25 2005 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I been playing eq for 6 years have 2 accounts and 2 box them all toons are between lvl 27-63 none are planar geared 1 is OoW geared.

I started playing before kunark do not get alot of play time. I do like the idea of the revamps but changing a zone so dramatically from a 20-45 zone to a 65-70 zone like Cazic Thule, Mistmoore, Splitpaw, Lake Rathe is a bit extreme
why would anyone want to go to Paludal only from lvl 6-24 when they could experience much more! I loved these zones in the old days there are so many high end zones allready for people to experience why take away from the midlevels maybe when your bored with your lvl 70 600 aa time geared main you would like to make an alt
and (NOT) sit in Paludal till 24 then go to dawnshroud peaks till 46 but instead explore dungeons and learn different zones and experience the fun of old school dungeon crawls I made several friends in these old world dungeons spending hours camping with them and Really getting to know these people not just /lfg pull kill exp and see ya later nice meetin ya

Players now level too fast and never really learn to play thier character i met a level 66 shaman that didn't even know they got invis at lvl 29 and had been making invis potions to use em.

it took me 6 months the first year to get from lvl 1-30 now if not powerlvled and plenty of play time they can do it in a week

Ok i complained to much all in all I woulda liked to seen it revamped to a 40-65 zone there's not enough good ones in the game right now
RE: 6 year player no 65+ toon
# Mar 02 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Why did you post the same damn message four times?

Edited, Thu Mar 2 13:31:19 2006
6 year player no 65+ toon
# May 25 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I been playing eq for 6 years have 2 accounts and 2 box them all toons are between lvl 27-63 none are planar geared 1 is OoW geared.

I started playing before kunark do not get alot of play time. I do like the idea of the revamps but changing a zone so dramatically from a 20-45 zone to a 65-70 zone like Cazic Thule, Mistmoore, Splitpaw, Lake Rathe is a bit extreme
why would anyone want to go to Paludal only from lvl 6-24 when they could experience much more! I loved these zones in the old days there are so many high end zones allready for people to experience why take away from the midlevels maybe when your bored with your lvl 70 600 aa time geared main you would like to make an alt
and (NOT) sit in Paludal till 24 then go to dawnshroud peaks till 46 but instead explore dungeons and learn different zones and experience the fun of old school dungeon crawls I made several friends in these old world dungeons spending hours camping with them and Really getting to know these people not just /lfg pull kill exp and see ya later nice meetin ya

Players now level too fast and never really learn to play thier character i met a level 66 shaman that didn't even know they got invis at lvl 29 and had been making invis potions to use em.

it took me 6 months the first year to get from lvl 1-30 now if not powerlvled and plenty of play time they can do it in a week

Ok i complained to much all in all I woulda liked to seen it revamped to a 40-65 zone there's not enough good ones in the game right now
6 year player no 65+ toon
# May 25 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I been playing eq for 6 years have 2 accounts and 2 box them all toons are between lvl 27-63 none are planar geared 1 is OoW geared.

I started playing before kunark do not get alot of play time. I do like the idea of the revamps but changing a zone so dramatically from a 20-45 zone to a 65-70 zone like Cazic Thule, Mistmoore, Splitpaw, Lake Rathe is a bit extreme
why would anyone want to go to Paludal only from lvl 6-24 when they could experience much more! I loved these zones in the old days there are so many high end zones allready for people to experience why take away from the midlevels maybe when your bored with your lvl 70 600 aa time geared main you would like to make an alt
and (NOT) sit in Paludal till 24 then go to dawnshroud peaks till 46 but instead explore dungeons and learn different zones and experience the fun of old school dungeon crawls I made several friends in these old world dungeons spending hours camping with them and Really getting to know these people not just /lfg pull kill exp and see ya later nice meetin ya

Players now level too fast and never really learn to play thier character i met a level 66 shaman that didn't even know they got invis at lvl 29 and had been making invis potions to use em.

it took me 6 months the first year to get from lvl 1-30 now if not powerlvled and plenty of play time they can do it in a week

Ok i complained to much all in all I woulda liked to seen it revamped to a 40-65 zone there's not enough good ones in the game right now
6 year player no 65+ toon
# May 25 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I been playing eq for 6 years have 2 accounts and 2 box them all toons are between lvl 27-63 none are planar geared 1 is OoW geared.

I started playing before kunark do not get alot of play time. I do like the idea of the revamps but changing a zone so dramatically from a 20-45 zone to a 65-70 zone like Cazic Thule, Mistmoore, Splitpaw, Lake Rathe is a bit extreme
why would anyone want to go to Paludal only from lvl 6-24 when they could experience much more! I loved these zones in the old days there are so many high end zones allready for people to experience why take away from the midlevels maybe when your bored with your lvl 70 600 aa time geared main you would like to make an alt
and (NOT) sit in Paludal till 24 then go to dawnshroud peaks till 46 but instead explore dungeons and learn different zones and experience the fun of old school dungeon crawls I made several friends in these old world dungeons spending hours camping with them and Really getting to know these people not just /lfg pull kill exp and see ya later nice meetin ya

Players now level too fast and never really learn to play thier character i met a level 66 shaman that didn't even know they got invis at lvl 29 and had been making invis potions to use em.

it took me 6 months the first year to get from lvl 1-30 now if not powerlvled and plenty of play time they can do it in a week

Ok i complained to much all in all I woulda liked to seen it revamped to a 40-65 zone there's not enough good ones in the game right now
Essence of Moonlight
# Jan 04 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Does the change in Mistmoor mean that essence of moonlight is now a lvl 50 drop, instead of a lvl 30 drop?

Reewyn HIE Cleric
Ring of Scale faction?
# Jan 04 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Does anyone who has played in the revamped Mistmoore know if one still receives positive RoS faction for kills? If so, has anyone calculated the value towards RoS faction per kill? It is one thing to weed whack a few thousand greenies, but killing that many 55+ mobs would closely resemble work!

Thanks for any info.
not cool
# Jan 04 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
I love playing eq, so please dont get me wrong on this...I play eq every chance i get and read all the strategy guides, collect the posters, and even dream of eq. My friends now call eq 'EverCrack'. I played when you had to spend some time on the boats in order to get from Freeport to ButcherBlock zones if you didn't want to pay someone to port you. Back when you went to east commonlands to get the 'uber' orc fang earring. or anything else that might be getting auctioned off. And to have anything with 2 different stats that were over +5 meant you had awesome armor. What would you do if you had to give up your uber time gear or oow armor and wear fine steel plate and use the lamentation or similar weapons agains a dragon? Dont get me wrong, but eq is now way too easy. you want to go somewhere, click on a book and hit pok and click again and be in kunark or the moon or discord. want to buy something? put on the uber gear and pulverize green mobs the way the merchants did you before you moved your auto attack key.
The last thing i want to do is to quit playing everquest. However, with as easy as it has been made, who needs mistmoore? who even knows how to get to splitpaw? where is runnyeye? these are questions i constantly get asked. by lvl 60s and 70s that should know better. its almost as if sony added cheats to the game and if you can cheat then you are omnipotent and there is no more challenge. therefore there is no reason to bother playing anymore. im gonna keep playing eq but i dont expect to play it for too very much longer. i dont expect eq to do the one thing i want it to, and avoid going belly up with the 'too uber too easy' disease that is running rampant in the game right now.

my two cp. from a char that farmed rats, bats, and snakes for 4 hrs straight so his warrior could own a complete set of leather armor. i was more proud of that armor than i will ever be of my swampwalkers veil.

Tirnakit Boundtight

'We will fight tho all hope be lost, for we know nothing else'
RE: not cool
# Feb 16 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
umm you missing a thing here in your logic

The only people who actualy KNOW where Splitpaw or Runnyeye is, are those who progressed trough those zones back at appropriate level. Those players are now mostly in Time/GoD/OoW now, they have little concern of what got rewamped at below Elemental level of dificulty. Now people who join the game AFTER Luclin was out - msot likely grew up in Luclin/maybe Velios zones, its basicly NOT posible to go from 1 to 55 and actuly see evry mid level zone in a game - we talkign about 150 zones between level 1 and level 60 - a first time player maybe go trough 20 zones most before player reaches level where Planar fun starts

Anyway I don't see how anyoen coudl be blamed for not beeign familiar with old world just because they added more zones to the game.

On thing abotu EQ beeign easy - ist easy when you have Time geared tank popign up in BOT and start takign named Giants out. But same time geared tank will have his **** handed to him a plate repeadly by mobs in Qvic, Txevu, Riftkeepers etc.
Evryoen should be playign at their own level.
If someone with Time gear has fun kiling mobs by 100s in Tier 1 plane, this doesn't mean that EQ got esier. This is same as to complain how easy its for level 50 pre-Kunark to kill moss snakes in Qeynos Park
me +2 of my friends can trio Zlandicar, yet we still have an omlet made out of us by named mobs in Barindu
RE: not cool
# Jan 29 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
yes, i agree with you, i was around in that time when everyone had bronze armor, now u get laughed out of a grp if u have it. i think its bs that they changed was my fav zone for lvling and drops also faction. gl to u
zone info
# Dec 17 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
went in for a peek the other day... the pathing is screwed... if u go in plan on pullin a train... mobs are bout 58+ all where dark blue to my 67... the few entrance mobs i seen anyway... i tried to pull one and got a train... then more warped on top of me and end result = corpse run... mobs where hittin for 400+ so as u can imagine.... solo = dead... specially with the zone probs atm... if u go in plan on takin a good group... with the warpin mobs and the easy trains u will need em...
my two cents
# Dec 15 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
If u ask me they really need to revamp the hole game. Since god and oow came out is there really any reason to get ur time flag i have seen the gear from there and yes it is indeed uber as hell.But look at the gear coming from oow now its some wicked stuff. Dont get me wrong im not complaining about how hard it is to get ur pop flags i mean hell i have all but two to go before im time flagged and im mostly all ele armor and god armor.

It just seems to me they should revamp the hole thing. Its true we are not getting any new players and the only ones left are diehards who wont give up. I am affraid though that interest in eq will fade so much that they might just cut it off soon and then we be done for lol.

I for one will be going to these new zones and reaking havok just to see what they have done.
Im not old school like most i started playing right before ldon came out so there is alot of the game i never bothered to even check out.This is a good step in the right direction for soe lets hope to see more movements like this and pray eq lives on.

Oh and it doesnt hurt to tell ur friends and there friends etc etc go reqruit more players help keep my addiction alive.

lvl 70 bst Rathe.....
RE: my two cents
# Apr 11 2006 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
If u ask me they really need to revamp the hole game. Since god and oow came out is there really any reason to get ur time flag i have seen the gear from there and yes it is indeed uber as hell.But look at the gear coming from oow now its some wicked stuff. Dont get me wrong im not complaining about how hard it is to get ur pop flags i mean hell i have all but two to go before im time flagged and im mostly all ele armor and god armor.

and you do realize the people who raided in GoD were wearing time armor because it was the best at the time? you cant just walk into OoW and GoD raid zones in bazaar gear and expect to live and pick up drops. you'll die from adds in seconds. Most guilds who raid those zones require you to have stats that you would get from wearing time armor. if they revamped the whole game and increased gear stats and mob difficulty, where would the people who arent already uber get armor? how would they get anywhere? they either would have to suck up to raid guilds and pay them massive amounts of money to go on raids, or they'd quit.
RE: my two cents
# Dec 26 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
i would like to disagree with the nobody eles is joining sentiment, i just started playing the game about 3 months ago, a guildie of mine started 2 months ago. there has been a big slump due to eq2, but i belive there will still be more people coming in
ACK faction
# Dec 14 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Someone mentioned to hit MM before they make the change for easy ring of scale faction...I have been meaning to go there but now I am gonna hit the gas...I so much regret not getting smithing upped for example before they reduced the trival for full plate from 200 to 188 (whatever the reduction was) I spent an additional 30k and 20 hours getting from 188 to 212 on smithing.

About the revamp I am interested in seeing it. I would really like to see MM himself come back into the zone. Yeah yeah I know everyone says he is gone for good but hey unless you are a programmer it aint your decision and anything can happen.
Keep it for the 30's
# Dec 13 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
This will indeed be awesome IF------the level of the Dungeon remains roughly the same.

Zone Layout
# Dec 13 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Personally, I do occassionally wander into these old zones, I miss CT horribly, but I recognize that a lot of them need a lot of work before people would use them.

So, they get worked... into something else entirely. :-( We don't need another high end zone taking the place of a low end zone. Leave our mid-level zones alone or FIX them so people will play there.

How do you actually fix Mistmore and Splitpaw? How about multiple zone outs to suppress trains? How about multiple ROUTES to the zone clear of camps? How about distinct routes through the zone so folks with Invisibility can slip around the undead and clerics can slip around the living?

Just seems like there's a lot more that can be done for the mid-level game to get folks interested.

Then again, I like playing. I enjoy most of my time, even on corpse runs. From what I've heard, uber-play means uber-boredom.

Togolas - 58 Ranger
Neebat - 56 Paladin
Zipper - 56 Wizard
Zeah - 56 Cleric
u people talk to much
# Dec 13 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
66 posts
i think revamps r always a good idea, i want to see vex thal loots taken to 150hp/mana,,, akheva same, crushbone to elemental status..... y stop who doesnt have a 65+ toon with almost elemental = gear. basic point is game is dead to at least 80% of grouth no new players will be moven to the ones that r here should get fun stuff to do... like before i quit eq, i want to see it take 54+ lvl 70s in time/qvic gear to take out emp crush. that my friends would wtf pwn.

Edited, Mon Dec 13 10:20:35 2004
Good Sign
# Dec 10 2004 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Finally a sign of hope. I for one am really happy about these two zones getting the revamp, for a few reasons. First its a good sign that Sony isn't going to leave us deticated EQ1 players hanging out to dry anytime soon. Also, it will give some newer players the chance to see some of these zone we old farts grew up in, though in a newer, more difficult fashion. Some people will be pissed about the zones getting the revamp but honestly, when was the last time you were there? The answer is probably a long time ago, so there is no reason to ***** about it. The thing about EQ is its basically Expansion'ed itself to death. By this I mean it has made so many really interesting and fun zones completely trivial. Thus leaving no reason for players to go there because the zone doesn't have elemental XP or PoTime equivlent drops.

If I had it my way Sony would revamp 70% of the exsisting zones. There are going to be very few if any new players starting EQ and the people who plan to stay here already most likly have 2+ 65+ toons with 500k pp. And there is always Paludal Caverns to level newbie's anyway.... Its amazing to look back and to remember this game used to be hard. It seems latly that every person has gear that is equal to the Elements on thier level 50 toons, with 100k in the bank. LOL, makes me laugh since my grind to 65 which took awhile... I only made about 10k the entire time. My point being is so many items are so compleely useless that once were reguarded as "Uber". With that, the zones that contain those items are now so barren because there is no real reason to go there, other then nestalgic reason. I would like to see a wider varity of XP/Loot zones. Sony keeps making new expansions and just leaving the old zones just sit there. Much could be done with these older zones. And I think people would go there. Some revamps just don't work like the VP one. So who knows, I may be looking at the past to much I freely admit I miss the old days of EQ. I miss the game being a challange. Not including Time and Upper God and OoW.

I do have to say I agree with some of the stuff CodeguruX said. GoD is a mystery to me as well. To me, OoW and GoD just don't feel "EQ" to me. I like the zones, but there are deffinatly flaws. As for making people go deep into zones for raids, well its usally always been this way in one way or another. It used ot be raids were set up for one or two targets or so and the raid had to fight to get to them. So the GoD stuff is rehashed, although much more difficult. I agree PoP was probably the pennicle of EQ in terms of Raiding format. Agian though if you look at it the mobs you raid for in those lower PoP zones have one mob thats deep within the zone. Elemental on the other had have lots of raid mobs that are realitvly easy to pull to set places. I.E. PoFire. LDoN was a good idea, just didn't last. LoY.. what was tha about anyway? oh yeah maps. GoD had tough zones that are now completely empty 90% of the time, agian this goes back to bad level design due to XP, not so much Gear there though there is some good drops in the *cough* lower end GoD zones.. It's funny that people will scoff at an item now that doenst have at least +7 to all stats and 100+ mana, HP and Endur.

Well we can all ***** as much as we want its not going to change the world. I posted here because I care about EQ and I'm not going to go to another MMORPG. So in closeing I am glad that Sony is continuing to put forth an effort to keep people interested in EQ1. And those poeple who are pissed off so bad they quit well, I'll let you in on a secret. if you go to WoW or EQ2 or some other game, the odds are about at 99% your gonna find somthing about that game to ***** at as well. there is no perfect MMORPG. EQ is the best there ever was until this point in time. EQ isn't dead nor is it going to die in the near future *Crosses Fingers* So the idea of revamps is a good one, who the hell wants to go to Western Plains of Karana nowadays anwyay... put some dragons that drop good gear there :+)

Thanks for reading, take care everyone.

Edited, Sat Dec 11 15:50:45 2004
RE: Good Sign
# Jan 03 2005 at 4:32 AM Rating: Default
I do agree with revamps of old zones...but the issues with getting the quests done there are just impossible when they do this. What are they going to do about the Call of Flames spell at level 50..if the mobs are 56+. Or what about the Shammie 1.0 epic. I like the idea of revamp. Love breathing life into old zones. But they are limiting those that start a new char to to few zones. MM was a great place to solo at lower, med levels. Guess Sony wants you to buy all your new character gear in the bazaar now days. Or farm it with your high end char.

But All in All, Revamp is good. Just need to watch how to do it.

Oh ya..a few dragons in SK and EK would rock.
# Dec 09 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
So how many original EQ quests did they just kill with this new revamp? Or are they gonna take shaman epic and place it right outside the zone? Along with the quest for the only PBAE proc weapon monks can do. I seriously question their sanity when they don't realize they are not attracting new people any more. The subscribers are largely made up of people like me who are offended by the constantly upping lvl 1-50 geared areas into 65+ just because they are too damn lazy to make another free zone that actually requires work.

Kinda funny how they finally got almost everything right with Planes of Power and then they start this crap with LDoN and the many other dud expansions to come after it. Now in OOW we have no graveyards! That's perfect because I always wanted to cross 5 zone lines that take 6 minutes to load each on an average user's computer only to get killed and do it all again because of the one see invis mob they decide to put in to add fun into the game. What they don't seem to realize is previously zones were very open and very low danger and that is why raids never had a problem getting where they needed to be even in luclin. Now in every zone from GoD on if your invis drops or anything sees through it, all the damn mobs run at bard speed and hit got 800-1500 damage a hit. Yet they continue to place raiding zones deeper and deeper into these expansions. Regardless of what anyone has to complain about with planes of power, there is no denying that raids got to do what they were intended to do, which is RAID. They didn't have to spend 75 minutes getting to the spot, dragging dead people, then finally buffing and waiting for all the healers to get their mana back. And most importantly the people who made the zones got to work on the actual encounters and not focus the zone connections. Taking this away now plus continuously making it impossible for new players to exp in a nice low level zone that is devoid of underconned mobs. This can't continue and thanks to WoW, EQ2, and the idiots who play them it won't have to continue much longer because EQ will be dead...

Liveye (lvl 65 Wizard)

PS- Oh yeah and if it hasn't been mentioned in the damn storyline enough already Mayong Mistmore couldn't care less about the castle anymore. He's not an actual vampire himself, why would a scientist taint his body like that when he has seen what it has done to the worthless experiments? He's long since moved onto kunark to make his spider hybrids and from there who knows. I'm sick of hearing people who think he's gonna be some big boss in the zone, even the GM who played him wasn't following the storyline he just liked to play him there because the name and the zone name matched.

Edited, Thu Dec 9 10:46:37 2004
RE: sigh
# Dec 10 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
I like the changes. I liked these zones way back, and I will enjoy them again now in the 60s.
Choke on it
# Dec 10 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Dec 18 20:18:11 2004
RE: Choke on it
# Dec 12 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Could you have been any more derogatory with your remarks? There's certainly a way to refute someone's statements without the kind of remarks and insults you hurled.

So what if he's in a family guild? Not everyone has the time to commit to PoP planar progression. Some of us have families and other commitments that happen to take precedence over raiding.

Some of us actually have jobs, we don't go to college where any of 4 roommates can sign on a single character at any given time to do raiding/share loot, etc.

Very *high and mighty* your post came off, to me at least.

Define *wannabe guild*? I'd love to hear this one. Guilds are what they are, and more importantly, what they want themselves to be. You made a derogatory remark about his guild, then insisted the next time he posts that he does his homework first.

What guild is he in? Didn't do your homework either I see...

By the way - the next time you refer to someone else's *iddiotic ramblings*, be sure to use a dictionary. Try some well-placed punctuation as well - your post might not come of being such a *ramble* then.
RE: Choke on it
# Dec 14 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Couldn't agree more.

This overhyped, on-steroids (compensatory?) approach to a game is what has ruined EQ for me. No more fun.
We are getting flagged for uber time gear that will enable us to be flagged for even more etc. etc.

enough already.

Does anyone still enjoy the game anymore?

56 Ranger
RE: Choke on it
# Dec 28 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
113 posts
Just started a brand-new character on the Firiona Vie server. 0 Twinkage... 0 Bazaar... 0 Begging... Playing the old fashioned way. Quest and conquest... Role-play and all. I haven't had this much fun in EQ for years.
Wulfgarin Dergeistdesmonds
At least...
# Dec 07 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
This revamp got a decent story.

The Splitpaw revamp is the worst --finished-- storyline I've seen from Sony since Druzzil Ro came out of nowhere to destroy what could have been a very good PoP story.

GoD still has no discernable conclusion, so that one gets left out of the running, bad though it may be.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 19:36:15 2004
# Dec 07 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
All I can say is that in my opinion Mistmoore is probably one of the few old zones in the game that still leaves you wondering. I would say that is by and far not a :

.....Something new in that boring place

I remember hearing rumors when I first started playing EQ, about huge GM encounters in the courtyard with Mayong Mistmoore walking thru a sea of players corpses. I think that this will be a thrill to explore and if anything we may stumble upon the Master in his own domain.
Blah blah
# Dec 07 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
136 posts
Sigh. So much blah blah but ommiting the only 2 facts.

ZEM and mob level range. =)
RE: Blah blah
# Dec 10 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
Im siding with Pan on this, I would like more information on the actual changes to this zone. What modifications have been made to the ZEM and zone level as well as mobs, such as mob level, damage output, hp changes, resist changes, equipment, plat drops etc...

While I like to see old zones revamped and new content added, I dont agree with the mobs getting a shot of EQ steriods in order to make them tougher unless the level of the zone has changed as well.

I also have to disagree with comments that suggest everyone is power twinked or have access to gear that would make the old mobs in mistmoore trivial to low level characters. This may be true for high levels who go green hunting but not for alot of low level characters.

During the time MM was a hotspot zone even a 5-to-full group of decently outfitted characters could get wiped if they were sloppy due to MM's powerful casters and the very real danger of adds. However it wasnt so difficult that it excluded players with newbie quest armor from participating effectively in groups.

As for making the zone more popular all Sony needed to do was to keep the ZEM bonus they had when mistmoore was a hotspot, the place was constantly busy at that time and it allowed players to get away from paludal which allowed them to experience the MM zone which is one of the best zones to have fun in at a lower level.

The one saving grace if the zone has been revamped toward higher level PC's is that lowbies still have LDoN which imo is one of the best expansions for the new EQ player, casual player or players without alot of plat to burn who are working up the ladder of progression in order to obtain better gear and plat.

In anycase when or if the info is available to someone out there would you mind posting some hard numbers on the revamp Im sure that many people including myself would be interested in it.

Thank you.

epic drops
# Dec 07 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
but will you still be able to get the drops you need in there for the various epics that come out of MM? I don't want to have to find new ways just when i'm fixing to get started on it!!!!
RE: epic drops
# Dec 07 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
101 posts
will more then likely move mobs to outside zone as they did with the revamped CT
# Dec 07 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Hit MM now if you want easy faction for Ring of Scale. :)
Correct link to Mistmore
# Dec 07 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Here is the direct link to the Mistmore article.

Hope it helps.
wrong article
# Dec 07 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
this is the link to the mistmoore article. all i can see is the splitpaw information.
RE: wrong article
# Dec 07 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
try clicking on the link on the top right corner of the page it goes to the Mistmoor article
# Dec 06 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
All I can Say is cool.....Something new in that boring place.
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