November 29, 2004
Here's some database lovin' fer ya! Make sure to check the more link to see all the update mobs from today.
New Items: Impenetrable Gauntlets ; Lunar Vest ; Bloodlust Helm ; Furbolg Medicine Pouch ; Mooncloth Boots ; Vanguard Pauldrons ; Potent Gloves ; Grand Armguards ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina
Updated Items: Xavian Water Sample ; Deino's Flask ; Scuffed Dagger ; Frostmaul Shards ; Scourge Banner ; Felhound Brain ; Nether Wing ; Doomwarder Blood ; Pattern: Dusky Boots ; Greater Spellstone
New Quests: Desperate Prayer ; Elune's Grace
Updated Quests: Counting Out Time ; Counting Out Time
New Mobs: Strashaz Warrior
Updated Mobs: Sunscale Lashtail ; Kolkar Wrangler ; Kolkar Stormer ; Moonstalker ; Rabid Thistle Bear ; Grizzled Thistle Bear ; Blackwood Warrior ; Greymist Seer ; Ghostpaw Runner ; Tunnel Rat Vermin ; Elder Black Bear ; Mountain Boar ; Forest Lurker ; Kobold Vermin ; Stephen Bhartec ; Samuel Fipps ; Timber Wolf ; Kobold Laborer ; Kobold Worker ; Young Wolf ; Mindless Zombie ; Wretched Zombie ; Young Night Web Spider ; Night Web Spider ; Scarlet Convert ; Scarlet Initiate ; Young Scavenger ; Duskbat ; Scarlet Warrior ; Cursed Darkhound ; Rattlecage Skeleton ; Tirisfal Farmer ; Tirisfal Farmhand ; Webwood Silkspinner ; Giant Webwood Spider ; Bloodfeather Sorceress ; Elder Timberling ; Elder Nightsaber ; Feral Nightsaber ; Thistle Bear ; Blackwood Pathfinder ; Cursed Highborne ; Writhing Highborne ; Wailing Highborne ; Stormscale Wave Rider ; Vile Sprite ; Wild Grell ; Greymist Coastrunner ; Deth'ryll Satyr ; Blackwood Windtalker ; Plainstrider ; Battleboar ; Anaya Dawnrunner ; Lady Sathrah ; Moonkin ; Young Moonkin ; Meven Korgal ; Moonstalker Runt ; Razormane Scout ; Bloodtalon Taillasher ; Armored Scorpid ; Thunder Lizard ; Lightning Hide ; Sunscale Screecher ; Bristleback Water Seeker ; Burning Blade Bruiser ; Burning Blade Acolyte ; Southsea Brigand ; Southsea Cannoneer ; Kolkar Bloodcharger ; Savannah Huntress ; Savannah Prowler ; Zhevra Charger ; Hecklefang Hyena ; Hecklefang Snarler ; Ragefire Shaman ; Taragaman the Hungerer ; Razormane Quilboar ; Venomtail Scorpid ; Burning Blade Fanatic ; Burning Blade Apprentice ; Fizzle Darkstorm ; Gazz'uz ; Thunderhead ; Stormsnout ; Ornery Plainstrider ; Fleeting Plainstrider ; Sunscale Scytheclaw ; Ishamuhale ; Bristleback Thornweaver ; Razormane Hunter ; Razormane Defender ; Razormane Geomancer ; Razormane Mystic ; Kolkar Pack Runner ; Kolkar Marauder ; Venture Co. Mercenary ; Venture Co. Drudger ; Venture Co. Peon ; Kreenig Snarlsnout ; Supervisor Lugwizzle ; Zhevra Courser ; Baron Longshore ; Tinkerer Sniggles ; Echeyakee ; Captain Flat Tusk ; Tazan ; Overseer Glibby ; Polly ; Ragefire Trogg ; Earthborer ; Molten Elemental ; Searing Blade Cultist ; Searing Blade Enforcer ; Searing Blade Warlock ; Riverpaw Runt ; Prowler ; Hogger ; Riverpaw Outrunner ; Mangy Wolf ; Rabbit ; Young Forest Bear ; Sheep ; Insane Ghoul ; Mosshide Gnoll ; Mosshide Mongrel ; Mottled Screecher ; Bluegill Muckdweller ; Black Slime ; Dragonmaw Centurion ; Dragonmaw Battlemaster ; First Mate Snellig ; Defias Captive ; Goblin Shipbuilder ; Defias Wizard ; Redridge Mystic ; Blackrock Shadowcaster ; Blackrock Tracker ; Goblin Engineer ; Undead Excavator ; Sneed ; Captain Halyndor ; Giant Wetlands Crocolisk ; Bleak Worg ; Blackrock Summoner ; Venom Web Spider ; Goblin Woodcarver ; Lieutenant Fangore ; Mo'grosh Ogre ; Mo'grosh Enforcer ; Mo'grosh Brute ; Wetlands Crocolisk ; Kam Deepfury ; Murloc Flesheater ; Redridge Mongrel ; Redridge Poacher ; Black Dragon Whelp ; Great Goretusk ; Redridge Thrasher ; Black Bear Patriarch ; Crag Boar ; Young Black Bear ; Young Wendigo ; Wendigo ; Hand of Ravenclaw ; Thunderhawk Hatchling ; Devouring Ectoplasm ; Evolving Ectoplasm ; Kresh ; Lord Cobrahn ; Lord Pythas ; Lady Anacondra ; Lord Serpentis ; Deviate Adder ; Deviate Crocolisk ; Deviate Dreadfang ; Ravenclaw Servant ; Ravenclaw Champion ; Lake Skulker ; Bristleback Hunter ; Deviate Coiler ; Deviate Creeper ; Deviate Slayer ; Deviate Ravager ; Deviate Guardian ; Druid of the Fang ; Deviate Lasher ; Deviate Viper ; Deviate Venomwing ; Deviate Shambler ; Verdan the Everliving ; Deviate Python ; Wrathtail Myrmidon ; Wrathtail Razortail ; Wrathtail Wave Rider ; Wrathtail Sorceress ; Clattering Crawler ; Spined Crawler ; Bellygrub ; Blackrock Renegade ; Blackrock Outrunner ; Ragged Timber Wolf ; Redridge Brute ; Tarantula ; Greymist Warrior ; Greymist Hunter ; Tide Crawler ; Moonstalker Sire ; Foreststrider Fledgling ; Foreststrider ; Twilight Disciple ; Raging Moonkin ; Murkdeep ; Worg ; Mottled Worg ; Rot Hide Gladerunner ; Giant Grizzled Bear ; Lost Barrens Kodo ; Jergosh the Invoker ; Flesh Eater ; Skeletal Warrior ; Defias Bandit ; Defias Highwayman ; Riverpaw Brute ; Skeletal Horror ; Skeletal Mage ; Bone Chewer ; Pygmy Venom Web Spider ; Murloc Minor Tidecaller ; Rabid Dire Wolf ; Green Recluse ; Redridge Drudger ; Defias Henchman ; Defias Miner ; Defias Conjurer ; Defias Overseer ; Rhahk'Zor ; Mr. Smite ; Defias Pirate ; Murloc Shorestriker ; Snow Tracker Wolf ; Tunnel Rat Scout ; Tunnel Rat Forager ; Defias Evoker ; Goblin Craftsman ; Defias Squallshaper ; Starving Dire Wolf ; Redridge Basher ; Riverpaw Bandit ; Kobold Tunneler ; Tharil'zun ; Yowler ; Defias Digger ; Rotted One ; Carrion Recluse ; Blackrock Sentry ; Defias Strip Miner ; Defias Taskmaster ; Blackrock Hunter ; Gobbler ; Young Thistle Boar ; Dark Strand Excavator ; Deepmoss Venomspitter ; Forest Spider ; Kobold Miner ; Mine Spider ; Defias Cutpurse ; Defias Smuggler ; Stonetusk Boar ; Young Fleshripper ; Murloc ; Kobold Geomancer ; Benny Blaanco ; Murloc Streamrunner ; Coyote ; Deer ; Gray Forest Wolf ; Bloodfeather Harpy ; Timberling Mire Beast ; Cow ; Rattlecage Soldier ; Rotting Dead ; Ravaged Corpse ; Hungering Dead ; Shambling Horror ; Captain Perrine ; Rot Hide Gnoll ; Rot Hide Mongrel ; Rot Hide Graverobber ; Bloodtalon Scythemaw ; Bleeding Horror ; Wandering Spirit ; Scarlet Missionary ; Scarlet Zealot ; Vile Fin Puddlejumper ; Vile Fin Minor Oracle ; Vile Fin Muckdweller ; Decrepit Darkhound ; Greater Duskbat ; Vampiric Duskbat ; Elder Mottled Boar ; Greater Fleshripper ; Goretusk ; Goldtooth ; Harvest Watcher ; Deepmoss Hatchling ; Mad Magglish ; Adult Plainstrider ; Taloned Swoop ; Mazzranache ; Bristleback Interloper ; Stormhide ; Savannah Patriarch ; Zhevra Runner ; Greater Plainstrider ; Barrens Giraffe ; Greater Thunderhawk ; Razormane Water Seeker ; Witchwing Harpy ; Witchwing Roguefeather ; Witchwing Slayer ; Witchwing Windcaller ; Lok Orcbane ; Mutanus the Devourer ; Kolkar Packhound ; Deviate Moccasin ; Nightmare Ectoplasm ; Rocklance ; Kolkar Stormseer ; Elder Plainstrider ; Prairie Wolf ; Prairie Wolf Alpha ; Windfury Harpy ; Windfury Wind Witch ; Windfury Sorceress ; Windfury Matriarch ; Kodo Calf ; Kodo Bull ; Venture Co. Worker ; Razormane Thornweaver ; Verog the Dervish ; Nak ; Kuz ; Razormane Pathfinder ; Razormane Stalker ; Razormane Seer ; Razormane Warfrenzy ; Oasis Snapjaw ; Washte Pawne ; Skum ; Thistle Boar ; Grell ; Grellkin ; Young Nightsaber ; Mangy Nightsaber ; Prairie Stalker ; Galak Centaur ; Swoop ; Venture Co. Laborer ; Venture Co. Supervisor ; Bael'dun Digger ; Flatland Cougar ; Arra'chea ; Flatland Prowler ; Shadethicket Stone Mover ; Kolkar Invader ; Webwood Spider ; Razormane Dustrunner ; Razormane Battleguard ; Deviate Stinglash ; Hecklefang Stalker ; Gazelle ; Leper Gnome ; Frostmane Seer ; Blackwood Ursa ; Blackwood Shaman ; Shadowhide Darkweaver ; Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll ; Black Widow Hatchling ; Large Crag Boar ; Winter Wolf ; Juvenile Snow Leopard ; Vagash ; Scarred Crag Boar ; Defias Prisoner ; Defias Convict ; Hamhock ; Lieutenant Benedict ; Rockjaw Skullthumper ; Rockjaw Bonesnapper ; Elder Crag Boar ; Felstalker ; Scorpid Worker ; Yarrog Baneshadow ; Sarkoth ; Mottled Boar ; Vile Familiar ; Dire Condor ; Young Goretusk ; Fleshripper ; Stonesplinter Geomancer ; Cliff Lurker ; Grizzled Black Bear ; Mangy Mountain Boar ; Tunnel Rat Kobold ; Saean ; Berserk Trogg ; Dark Iron Ambusher ; Dark Iron Raider ; White Stallion ; Stonesplinter Trogg ; Stonesplinter Scout ; Stonesplinter Digger ; Southsea Cutthroat ; Theramore Marine ; Theramore Preserver ; Hezrul Bloodmark ; Cannoneer Smythe ; Cannoneer Whessan ; Venture Co. Operator ; XT:4 ; Grimtotem Mercenary ; Venture Co. Logger ; Deepmoss Creeper ; Deepmoss Webspinner ; Deepmoss Matriarch ; Grimtotem Ruffian ; Tunnel Rat Geomancer ; Defias Footpad ; Defias Trapper ; Murloc Netter ; Kobold Digger ; Defias Pathstalker ; Murloc Warrior ; Defias Knuckleduster ; Defias Pillager ; Defias Looter ; Coyote Packleader ; Riverpaw Miner ; Blackrock Grunt ; Ice Claw Bear ; Dustwind Harpy ; Wiry Swoop ; Dire Mottled Boar ; Ravenous Darkhound ; Moonrage Whitescalp ; Moonrage Darkrunner ; Rot Hide Mystic ; Apothecary Berard ; Archmage Ataeric ; Venture Co. Enforcer ; Venture Co. Overseer ; Brokespear ; Oggleflint ; Ferocious Grizzled Bear ; Moonrage Glutton ; Mist Creeper ; Moonrage Darksoul ; Ravenclaw Raider ; Ravenclaw Slave ; Dalaran Watcher ; Dalaran Wizard ; Pyrewood Watcher ; Pyrewood Sentry ; Pyrewood Elder ; Dalaran Protector ; Dalaran Warder ; Dalaran Mage ; Dalaran Conjuror ; Starving Mountain Lion ; Thunderhawk Cloudscraper ; Owatanka ; Scarlet Friar ; Moss Stalker ; Dalaran Apprentice ; Moonrage Bloodhowler ; Rot Hide Brute ; Rot Hide Plague Weaver ; Elder Lake Skulker ; Lake Creeper ; Vile Fin Tidecaller ; Grimson the Pale ; Ravenclaw Guardian ; Ravenclaw Drudger ; Boss Copperplug ; Fellicent's Shade ; Scarlet Neophyte ; Scarlet Vanguard ; Vicious Night Web Spider ; Deviate Stalker ; Deviate Lurker ; Black Ooze ; Stonesplinter Skullthumper ; Stonesplinter Bonesnapper ; Stonesplinter Seer ; Stonesplinter Shaman ; Young Wetlands Crocolisk ; Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw ; Surena Caledon ; Frostmane Snowstrider ; Frostmane Headhunter ; Frostmane Shadowcaster ; Shadowhide Brute ; Shadowhide Gnoll ; Morgan the Collector ; Murloc Scout ; Rockjaw Ambusher ; Rockjaw Backbreaker ; Githyiss the Vile ; Giant Foreststrider ; Dark Iron Insurgent ; Mo'grosh Shaman ; Mo'grosh Mystic ; Chok'sul ; Dragonmaw Scout ; Pygmy Tide Crawler ; Young Reef Crawler ; Gradok ; Haren Swifthoof ; Thragomm ; Nightbane Dark Runner ; Splinter Fist Warrior ; Defias Night Runner ; Grave Robber ; Skeletal Fiend ; Plague Spreader ; Black Ravager ; Skeletal Healer ; Splinter Fist Taskmaster ; Defias Night Blade ; Young Black Ravager ; Skeletal Raider ; Splinter Fist Firemonger ; Black Ravager Mastiff ; Savannah Highmane ; Mosshide Fenrunner ; Bluegill Murloc ; Bluegill Puddlejumper ; Bluegill Warrior ; Bluegill Oracle ; Fen Creeper ; Darkeye Bonecaster ; Wailing Ancestor ; Gregor Agamand ; Nissa Agamand ; Captain Dargol ; Nightlash ; Makrura Clacker ; Kul Tiras Sailor ; Kul Tiras Marine ; Voodoo Troll ; Hexed Troll ; Corrupted Scorpid ; Warlord Kolkanis ; Makrura Shellhide ; Dustwind Pillager ; Zalazane ; Bristleback Geomancer ; Bloodsnout Worg ; Southsea Privateer ; Fenwick Thatros ; Cracked Skull Soldier ; Rotting Ancestor ; Devlin Agamand ; Sickly Refugee ; Pygmy Surf Crawler ; Surf Crawler ; Dreadmaw Crocolisk ; Dustwind Savage ; Dustwind Storm Witch ; Kolkar Drudge ; Kolkar Outrunner ; Durotar Tiger ; Clattering Scorpid ; Redridge Alpha ; Murloc Hunter ; Greater Tarantula ; Murloc Raider ; Wood Lurker ; Defias Thug ; Snow Leopard ; Garrick Padfoot ; Galak Scout ; Highperch Wyvern ; Highperch Consort ; Steelsnap ; Boiling Elemental ; Grimtotem Bandit ; Grimtotem Stomper ; Grimtotem Geomancer ; Grimtotem Reaver ; Windshear Digger ; Windshear Geomancer ; Windshear Overlord ; Gravelsnout Kobold ; Gravelsnout Digger ; Gravelsnout Forager ; Gravelsnout Surveyor ; Cloud Serpent ; Venomous Cloud Serpent ; Thundering Boulderkin ; Needles Cougar ; Pesterhide Hyena ; Pesterhide Snarler ; Galak Messenger ; Galak Assassin ; Scalding Elemental ; Arnak Grimtotem ; Frostmane Troll Whelp ; Frostmane Novice ; Strigid Owl ; Webwood Lurker ; Webwood Venomfang ; Rascal Sprite ; Shadow Sprite ; Dark Sprite ; Vicious Grell ; Timberling Bark Ripper ; Gnarlpine Ambusher ; Ferocitas the Dream Eater ; Dust Devil ; Gnarlpine Ursa ; Gnarlpine Gardener ; Gnarlpine Warrior ; Gnarlpine Shaman ; Gnarlpine Defender ; Gnarlpine Augur ; Gnarlpine Pathfinder ; Gnarlpine Avenger ; Bloodfeather Rogue ; Timberling ; Lord Melenas ; Ursal the Mauler ; Nightsaber ; Ram ; Darkshore Thresher ; Greymist Raider ; Defias Insurgent ; Blackrock Champion ; Palemane Tanner ; Palemane Skinner ; Palemane Poacher ; Venture Co. Hireling ; Stone Behemoth ; Gravelflint Geomancer ; Greymist Netter ; Dark Strand Cultist ; Dark Strand Enforcer ; Forsaken Seeker ; Forsaken Herbalist ; Lesser Felguard ; Den Mother ; Blackwood Totemic ; Reef Crawler ; Raging Reef Crawler ; Shadethicket Wood Shaper ; Ashenvale Bear ; Shadowhorn Stag ; Dark Strand Fanatic ; Twilight Thug ; Felslayer ; Thistlefur Avenger ; Thistle Cub ; Flagglemurk the Cruel ; Riverpaw Mystic ; Rusty Harvest Golem ; Mottled Raptor ; Mottled Scytheclaw ; Bluegill Forager ; Fen Dweller ; Shadethicket Raincaller ; Shade of Elura ; Scorpid Reaver ; Razorfen Quilguard ; Razorfen Servitor ; Mosshide Trapper ; Mosshide Brute ; Crimson Ooze ; Mountain Buzzard ; Dark Iron Sapper ; Ardo Dirtpaw ; Loch Crocolisk ; Wild Buck ; Syndicate Shadow Mage ; Silithid Creeper ; Silithid Grub ; Silithid Swarmer ; Silithid Protector ; XT:9 ; Cloned Ectoplasm ; Foreman Grills ; Hagg Taurenbane ; Corrupt Minor Manifestation of Water ; Dun Garok Soldier ; Grimtotem Sorcerer ; Farmer Ray ; Cave Yeti ; Syndicate Rogue ; Syndicate Watchman ; Hillsbrad Tailor ; Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmith ; Hillsbrad Farmer ; Hillsbrad Peasant ; Hillsbrad Miner ; Hillsbrad Sentry ; Foreman Bonds ; Valdred Moray ; Magistrate Burnside ; Giant Moss Creeper ; Forest Moss Creeper ; Gray Bear ; Elder Gray Bear ; Hillsbrad Farmhand ; Mudsnout Gnoll ; Moonrage Watcher ; Moonrage Sentry ; Raging Rot Hide ; Thule Ravenclaw ; Vile Fin Shorecreeper ; Ivar the Foul ; Hillsbrad Footman ; Mudsnout Shaman ; Hillsbrad Councilman ; Farmer Getz ; Blacksmith Verringtan ; Jailor Eston ; Jailor Marlgen ; Clerk Horrace Whitesteed ; Farmer Kalaba ; Hillsbrad Foreman ; Son of Arugal ; Pyrewood Armorer ; Pyrewood Tailor ; Pyrewood Leatherworker ; Dalin Forgewright ; Grundig Darkcloud ; Grimtotem Brute ; Moonrage Elder ; Rot Hide Savage ; Elder Lake Creeper ; Haggard Refugee ; Vicious Gray Bear ; Cliff Stormer ; Corrupted Mottled Boar ; Hare ; Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix ; Rockhide Boar ; Tunnel Rat Digger ; Tunnel Rat Surveyor ; Murloc Forager ; Riverpaw Taskmaster ; Defias Rogue Wizard ; Defias Messenger ; Rockjaw Trogg ; Small Crag Boar ; Burly Rockjaw Trogg ; Murloc Lurker ; Rockjaw Raider ; Dark Iron Spy ; Captain Beld ; Frostmane Troll ; Frostmane Hideskinner ; Master Digger ; Dragonmaw Grunt ; Addled Leper ; Captain Fairmount ; Barak Kodobane ; Serena Bloodfeather ; Stonearm ; Vile Fin Shredder ; Vile Fin Tidehunter ; Slimeshell Makrura ; Bazzalan ; Silithid Swarm ; Gamon ; Witchwing Ambusher ; Raging Cliff Stormer ; Shore Crawler ; Murloc Tidehunter ; Murloc Oracle ; Edwin VanCleef ; Sneed's Shredder ; Sand Crawler ; Ragged Scavenger ; Gilnid ; Xabraxxis ; Defias Blackguard ; Mystlash Hydra ; Saltspittle Warrior ; Bristleback Quilboar ; Bristleback Shaman ; Bristleback Battleboar ; Mountain Cougar ; Geolord Mottle ; Elder Mystic Razorsnout ; Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle ; Farmer Solliden ; Scarlet Bodyguard ; Captain Vachon ; Night Web Matriarch ; Maggot Eye ; Sri'skulk ; Strigid Screecher ; Strigid Hunter ; Timberling Trampler ; Nightsaber Stalker ; Oakenscowl ; Bogling ; Rageclaw ; Greenpaw ; Agal ; Elder Mountain Boar ; Ol' Sooty ; Delmanis the Hated ; Moonkin Oracle ; Coastal Frenzy ; Stormscale Myrmidon ; Stormscale Sorceress ; Licillin ; Defias Worker ; Morgaine the Sly ; Wrathtail Sea Witch ; Grik'nir the Cold ; Bael'dun Appraiser ; Ghost Howl ; Silithid Harvester ; Young Pridewing ; Riding Wolf ; Harvest Golem ; Riverpaw Gnoll ; Murloc Coastrunner ; Old Murk-Eye ; Murloc Minor Oracle ; Riverpaw Scout ; Riverpaw Herbalist ; Brack ; Venture Co. Taskmaster ; Supervisor Fizsprocket ; Riverpaw Mongrel ; Venture Co. Deforester ; Pridewing Wyvern ; Bloodfury Harpy ; Bloodfury Roguefeather ; Bloodfury Slayer ; Bloodfury Ambusher ; Bloodfury Windcaller ; Bloodfury Storm Witch ; Blackened Ancient ; Vengeful Ancient ; Fledgling Chimaera ; Burning Ravager ; Galak Wrangler ; Galak Windchaser ; Galak Stormer ; Gravelsnout Vermin ; Crag Stalker ; Galak Flame Guard ; Burning Destroyer ; Galak Mauler ; Galak Marauder ; Princess ; Porcine Entourage ; Erlan Drudgemoor ; Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk ; Wildthorn Stalker ; Snagglespear ; Mangy Duskbat ; Daniel Ulfman ; Karrel Grayves ; Ragged Young Wolf ; Shadowhide Warrior ; Thuros Lightfingers ; Thunderstomp ; Bjarn ; Dalaran Brewmaster ; Deviate Faerie Dragon ; Sorcerer Ashcrombe ; Shadowfang Whitescalp ; Shadowfang Moonwalker ; Shadowfang Wolfguard ; Shadowfang Darksoul ; Shadowfang Glutton ; Shadowfang Ragetooth ; Slavering Worg ; Lupine Horror ; Fel Steed ; Haunted Servitor ; Wailing Guardsman ; Razorclaw the Butcher ; Baron Silverlaine ; Rethilgore ; Wolf Master Nandos ; Vile Fin Lakestalker ; Tormented Officer ; Councilman Smithers ; Councilman Thatcher ; Councilman Hendricks ; Councilman Wilhelm ; Councilman Hartin ; Councilman Cooper ; Councilman Brunswick ; Commander Springvale ; Odo the Blindwatcher ; Fenrus the Devourer ; Defias Watchman ; Ghostpaw Howler ; Gnasher ; Brawler ; Loch Frenzy ; Grawmug ; Magosh ; Dead-tooth Jack ; Mangeclaw ; Burning Blade Thug ; Burning Blade Neophyte ; Burning Blade Cultist ; Moonstalker Matriarch ; Encrusted Tide Crawler ; Wrathtail Priestess ; Sea Crawler ; Mosh'Ogg Witch Doctor ; Witherbark Witch Doctor ; Foulweald Ursa ; Befouled Water Elemental ; Foreman Cozzle ; Young Stranglethorn Tiger ; Cracked Golem ; Gravelflint Scout ; Saltspittle Puddlejumper ; Saltspittle Muckdweller ; Saltspittle Oracle ; Fallenroot Satyr ; Fallenroot Rogue ; Blackfathom Tide Priestess ; Blackfathom Oracle ; Elder Darkshore Thresher ; Starving Winter Wolf ; Sap Beast ; Rogue Flame Spirit ; Blackened Basilisk ; Bloodfeather Fury ; Sethir the Ancient ; Gnarlpine Mystic ; Old Icebeard ; Savannah Matriarch ; Sister Rathtalon ; Dishu ; Gravelflint Bonesnapper ; Blackrock Scout ; Blackrock Gladiator ; Defias Renegade Mage ; Stormscale Siren ; Leech Stalker ; Large Loch Crocolisk ; Thurman Agamand ; Lillith Nefara ; Greymist Tidehunter ; Great Courser ; Twilight Runner ; Fey Dragon ; Antlered Courser ; Corrosive Sap Beast ; Cenarion Botanist ; Daughter of Cenarius ; Son of Cenarius ; Lost Soul ; Vejrek ; Shadowclaw ; Greymist Oracle ; Shadethicket Moss Eater ; Gnarlpine Totemic ; Bloodfeather Wind Witch ; Bloodfeather Matriarch ; Defias Dockmaster ; Defias Bodyguard ; Red Whelp ; Mosshide Mistweaver ; Twilight Elementalist ; Captain Greenskin ; Kodo Matriarch ; Dark Strand Adept ; Forsaken Thug ; Pridewing Skyhunter ; Pridewing Consort ; Plaguehound ; Living Decay ; Rotting Sludge ; Mossflayer Zombie ; Unliving Mossflayer ; Ragged Owlbeast ; Raging Owlbeast ; Crazed Owlbeast ; Ice Thistle Yeti ; Felweaver Scornn ; Lakota'mani ; Isha Awak ; Stranglethorn Tiger ; Young Panther ; Bloodscalp Scavenger ; Panther ; Wandering Barrens Giraffe ; Dalaran Miner ; Archmage Arugal ; Tormented Spirit ; Nightbane Vile Fang ; Shadowhide Slayer ; Shadowhide Assassin ; Servant of Ilgalar ; Nightbane Worgen ; Nightbane Tainted One ; Dextren Ward ; Targorr the Dread ; Defias Inmate ; Bazil Thredd ; Lord Gregor Lescovar ; Marzon the Silent Blade ; Gutspill ; Murloc Tidecaller ; Narg the Taskmaster ; Longsnout ; Defias Magician ; Forlorn Spirit ; Foulweald Warrior ; Foulweald Pathfinder ; Foulweald Den Watcher ; Foulweald Totemic ; Wildthorn Venomspitter ; Fetid Corpse ; Stalvan Mistmantle ; Skeletal Miner ; Undead Dynamiter ; Foreman Thistlenettle ; Cookie ; Young Threshadon ; Silithid Searcher ; Silithid Hive Drone ; Sparkleshell Tortoise ; Saltstone Basilisk ; Saltstone Gazer ; Saltstone Crystalhide ; Salt Flats Scavenger ; Foulweald Shaman ; Cenarion Vindicator ; Keeper Ordanus ; Boss Galgosh ; Marisa du'Paige ; Elder Stranglethorn Tiger ; River Crocolisk ; Bloodscalp Warrior ; Stranglethorn Raptor ; Lashtail Raptor ; Crystal Spine Basilisk ; Bloodscalp Axe Thrower ; Bloodscalp Shaman ; Venture Co. Geologist ; Venture Co. Mechanic ; Mistvale Gorilla ; Saltwater Crocolisk ; Snapjaw Crocolisk ; Elder Saltwater Crocolisk ; Dark Strand Assassin ; Makrura Elder ; Encrusted Surf Crawler ; Ruklar the Trapper ; Morganth ; Bleakheart Shadowstalker ; Elder Cloud Serpent ; Dread Swoop ; Giant Ashenvale Bear ; Rotting Slime ; Scorpashi Snapper ; Raging Thunder Lizard ; Gritjaw Basilisk ; Searing Infernal ; Felguard ; Mannoroc Lasher ; Murk Slitherer ; Murk Worm ; Saturated Ooze ; Blue Dragonspawn ; Skeletal Executioner ; Skeletal Acolyte ; Soulless Ghoul ; Searing Ghoul ; Cold Wraith ; Blood Wraith ; Vilebranch Witch Doctor ; Vilebranch Headhunter ; Vilebranch Shadowcaster ; Vilebranch Shadow Hunter ; Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard ; Witherbark Sadist ; Green Sludge ; Jade Ooze ; Vilebranch Wolf Pup ; Witherbark Broodguard ; Vilebranch Warrior ; Mummified Atal'ai ; Nightmare Scalebane ; Nightmare Wyrmkin ; Nightmare Wanderer ; Sandfury Blood Drinker ; Cliff Thunderer ; Scorching Elemental ; Living Blaze ; Blackrock Soldier ; Blackrock Slayer ; Firegut Ogre Mage ; Firegut Brute ; Black Dragonspawn ; Black Wyrmkin ; Black Drake ; Black Broodling ; Flamescale Broodling ; Scarab ; Witch Doctor Zum'rah ; Frostsaber Stalker ; Frostsaber Huntress ; Frostsaber Pride Watcher ; Elder Shardtooth ; Chillwind Ravager ; Sergeant Bly ; Oro Eyegouge ; Nekrum Gutchewer ; Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler ; Sul'lithuz Abomination ; Deep Lurker ; Ember Worg ; Firetail Scorpid ; Stonard Scout ; Saltwater Snapjaw ; Screaming Haunt ; Sandfury Shadowcaster ; Sandfury Witch Doctor ; Spawn of Hakkar ; Draconic Magelord ; Blue Scalebane ; Draconic Mageweaver ; Sandfury Shadowhunter ; Sandfury Soul Eater ; Chief Ukorz Sandscalp ; Sandfury Guardian ; Theka the Martyr ; Gahz'rilla ; Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz ; Zul'Farrak Zombie ; Hydromancer Velratha ; Sul'lithuz Broodling ; Occulus ; Tick ; Nightmare Whelp ; Diemetradon ; Gor'tesh ; Venomtip Scorpid ; Deathlash Scorpid ; Hitah'ya the Keeper ; Vorlus Vilehoof ; Stormscale Warrior ; Scorched Basilisk ; Charred Ancient ; Young Chimaera ; Furious Stone Spirit ; Singed Basilisk ; Chimaera Matriarch ; Harvest Reaper ; Fawn ; Galak Outrunner ; Councilman Higarth ;
Updated Items: Xavian Water Sample ; Deino's Flask ; Scuffed Dagger ; Frostmaul Shards ; Scourge Banner ; Felhound Brain ; Nether Wing ; Doomwarder Blood ; Pattern: Dusky Boots ; Greater Spellstone
New Quests: Desperate Prayer ; Elune's Grace
Updated Quests: Counting Out Time ; Counting Out Time
New Mobs: Strashaz Warrior
Updated Mobs: Sunscale Lashtail ; Kolkar Wrangler ; Kolkar Stormer ; Moonstalker ; Rabid Thistle Bear ; Grizzled Thistle Bear ; Blackwood Warrior ; Greymist Seer ; Ghostpaw Runner ; Tunnel Rat Vermin ; Elder Black Bear ; Mountain Boar ; Forest Lurker ; Kobold Vermin ; Stephen Bhartec ; Samuel Fipps ; Timber Wolf ; Kobold Laborer ; Kobold Worker ; Young Wolf ; Mindless Zombie ; Wretched Zombie ; Young Night Web Spider ; Night Web Spider ; Scarlet Convert ; Scarlet Initiate ; Young Scavenger ; Duskbat ; Scarlet Warrior ; Cursed Darkhound ; Rattlecage Skeleton ; Tirisfal Farmer ; Tirisfal Farmhand ; Webwood Silkspinner ; Giant Webwood Spider ; Bloodfeather Sorceress ; Elder Timberling ; Elder Nightsaber ; Feral Nightsaber ; Thistle Bear ; Blackwood Pathfinder ; Cursed Highborne ; Writhing Highborne ; Wailing Highborne ; Stormscale Wave Rider ; Vile Sprite ; Wild Grell ; Greymist Coastrunner ; Deth'ryll Satyr ; Blackwood Windtalker ; Plainstrider ; Battleboar ; Anaya Dawnrunner ; Lady Sathrah ; Moonkin ; Young Moonkin ; Meven Korgal ; Moonstalker Runt ; Razormane Scout ; Bloodtalon Taillasher ; Armored Scorpid ; Thunder Lizard ; Lightning Hide ; Sunscale Screecher ; Bristleback Water Seeker ; Burning Blade Bruiser ; Burning Blade Acolyte ; Southsea Brigand ; Southsea Cannoneer ; Kolkar Bloodcharger ; Savannah Huntress ; Savannah Prowler ; Zhevra Charger ; Hecklefang Hyena ; Hecklefang Snarler ; Ragefire Shaman ; Taragaman the Hungerer ; Razormane Quilboar ; Venomtail Scorpid ; Burning Blade Fanatic ; Burning Blade Apprentice ; Fizzle Darkstorm ; Gazz'uz ; Thunderhead ; Stormsnout ; Ornery Plainstrider ; Fleeting Plainstrider ; Sunscale Scytheclaw ; Ishamuhale ; Bristleback Thornweaver ; Razormane Hunter ; Razormane Defender ; Razormane Geomancer ; Razormane Mystic ; Kolkar Pack Runner ; Kolkar Marauder ; Venture Co. Mercenary ; Venture Co. Drudger ; Venture Co. Peon ; Kreenig Snarlsnout ; Supervisor Lugwizzle ; Zhevra Courser ; Baron Longshore ; Tinkerer Sniggles ; Echeyakee ; Captain Flat Tusk ; Tazan ; Overseer Glibby ; Polly ; Ragefire Trogg ; Earthborer ; Molten Elemental ; Searing Blade Cultist ; Searing Blade Enforcer ; Searing Blade Warlock ; Riverpaw Runt ; Prowler ; Hogger ; Riverpaw Outrunner ; Mangy Wolf ; Rabbit ; Young Forest Bear ; Sheep ; Insane Ghoul ; Mosshide Gnoll ; Mosshide Mongrel ; Mottled Screecher ; Bluegill Muckdweller ; Black Slime ; Dragonmaw Centurion ; Dragonmaw Battlemaster ; First Mate Snellig ; Defias Captive ; Goblin Shipbuilder ; Defias Wizard ; Redridge Mystic ; Blackrock Shadowcaster ; Blackrock Tracker ; Goblin Engineer ; Undead Excavator ; Sneed ; Captain Halyndor ; Giant Wetlands Crocolisk ; Bleak Worg ; Blackrock Summoner ; Venom Web Spider ; Goblin Woodcarver ; Lieutenant Fangore ; Mo'grosh Ogre ; Mo'grosh Enforcer ; Mo'grosh Brute ; Wetlands Crocolisk ; Kam Deepfury ; Murloc Flesheater ; Redridge Mongrel ; Redridge Poacher ; Black Dragon Whelp ; Great Goretusk ; Redridge Thrasher ; Black Bear Patriarch ; Crag Boar ; Young Black Bear ; Young Wendigo ; Wendigo ; Hand of Ravenclaw ; Thunderhawk Hatchling ; Devouring Ectoplasm ; Evolving Ectoplasm ; Kresh ; Lord Cobrahn ; Lord Pythas ; Lady Anacondra ; Lord Serpentis ; Deviate Adder ; Deviate Crocolisk ; Deviate Dreadfang ; Ravenclaw Servant ; Ravenclaw Champion ; Lake Skulker ; Bristleback Hunter ; Deviate Coiler ; Deviate Creeper ; Deviate Slayer ; Deviate Ravager ; Deviate Guardian ; Druid of the Fang ; Deviate Lasher ; Deviate Viper ; Deviate Venomwing ; Deviate Shambler ; Verdan the Everliving ; Deviate Python ; Wrathtail Myrmidon ; Wrathtail Razortail ; Wrathtail Wave Rider ; Wrathtail Sorceress ; Clattering Crawler ; Spined Crawler ; Bellygrub ; Blackrock Renegade ; Blackrock Outrunner ; Ragged Timber Wolf ; Redridge Brute ; Tarantula ; Greymist Warrior ; Greymist Hunter ; Tide Crawler ; Moonstalker Sire ; Foreststrider Fledgling ; Foreststrider ; Twilight Disciple ; Raging Moonkin ; Murkdeep ; Worg ; Mottled Worg ; Rot Hide Gladerunner ; Giant Grizzled Bear ; Lost Barrens Kodo ; Jergosh the Invoker ; Flesh Eater ; Skeletal Warrior ; Defias Bandit ; Defias Highwayman ; Riverpaw Brute ; Skeletal Horror ; Skeletal Mage ; Bone Chewer ; Pygmy Venom Web Spider ; Murloc Minor Tidecaller ; Rabid Dire Wolf ; Green Recluse ; Redridge Drudger ; Defias Henchman ; Defias Miner ; Defias Conjurer ; Defias Overseer ; Rhahk'Zor ; Mr. Smite ; Defias Pirate ; Murloc Shorestriker ; Snow Tracker Wolf ; Tunnel Rat Scout ; Tunnel Rat Forager ; Defias Evoker ; Goblin Craftsman ; Defias Squallshaper ; Starving Dire Wolf ; Redridge Basher ; Riverpaw Bandit ; Kobold Tunneler ; Tharil'zun ; Yowler ; Defias Digger ; Rotted One ; Carrion Recluse ; Blackrock Sentry ; Defias Strip Miner ; Defias Taskmaster ; Blackrock Hunter ; Gobbler ; Young Thistle Boar ; Dark Strand Excavator ; Deepmoss Venomspitter ; Forest Spider ; Kobold Miner ; Mine Spider ; Defias Cutpurse ; Defias Smuggler ; Stonetusk Boar ; Young Fleshripper ; Murloc ; Kobold Geomancer ; Benny Blaanco ; Murloc Streamrunner ; Coyote ; Deer ; Gray Forest Wolf ; Bloodfeather Harpy ; Timberling Mire Beast ; Cow ; Rattlecage Soldier ; Rotting Dead ; Ravaged Corpse ; Hungering Dead ; Shambling Horror ; Captain Perrine ; Rot Hide Gnoll ; Rot Hide Mongrel ; Rot Hide Graverobber ; Bloodtalon Scythemaw ; Bleeding Horror ; Wandering Spirit ; Scarlet Missionary ; Scarlet Zealot ; Vile Fin Puddlejumper ; Vile Fin Minor Oracle ; Vile Fin Muckdweller ; Decrepit Darkhound ; Greater Duskbat ; Vampiric Duskbat ; Elder Mottled Boar ; Greater Fleshripper ; Goretusk ; Goldtooth ; Harvest Watcher ; Deepmoss Hatchling ; Mad Magglish ; Adult Plainstrider ; Taloned Swoop ; Mazzranache ; Bristleback Interloper ; Stormhide ; Savannah Patriarch ; Zhevra Runner ; Greater Plainstrider ; Barrens Giraffe ; Greater Thunderhawk ; Razormane Water Seeker ; Witchwing Harpy ; Witchwing Roguefeather ; Witchwing Slayer ; Witchwing Windcaller ; Lok Orcbane ; Mutanus the Devourer ; Kolkar Packhound ; Deviate Moccasin ; Nightmare Ectoplasm ; Rocklance ; Kolkar Stormseer ; Elder Plainstrider ; Prairie Wolf ; Prairie Wolf Alpha ; Windfury Harpy ; Windfury Wind Witch ; Windfury Sorceress ; Windfury Matriarch ; Kodo Calf ; Kodo Bull ; Venture Co. Worker ; Razormane Thornweaver ; Verog the Dervish ; Nak ; Kuz ; Razormane Pathfinder ; Razormane Stalker ; Razormane Seer ; Razormane Warfrenzy ; Oasis Snapjaw ; Washte Pawne ; Skum ; Thistle Boar ; Grell ; Grellkin ; Young Nightsaber ; Mangy Nightsaber ; Prairie Stalker ; Galak Centaur ; Swoop ; Venture Co. Laborer ; Venture Co. Supervisor ; Bael'dun Digger ; Flatland Cougar ; Arra'chea ; Flatland Prowler ; Shadethicket Stone Mover ; Kolkar Invader ; Webwood Spider ; Razormane Dustrunner ; Razormane Battleguard ; Deviate Stinglash ; Hecklefang Stalker ; Gazelle ; Leper Gnome ; Frostmane Seer ; Blackwood Ursa ; Blackwood Shaman ; Shadowhide Darkweaver ; Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll ; Black Widow Hatchling ; Large Crag Boar ; Winter Wolf ; Juvenile Snow Leopard ; Vagash ; Scarred Crag Boar ; Defias Prisoner ; Defias Convict ; Hamhock ; Lieutenant Benedict ; Rockjaw Skullthumper ; Rockjaw Bonesnapper ; Elder Crag Boar ; Felstalker ; Scorpid Worker ; Yarrog Baneshadow ; Sarkoth ; Mottled Boar ; Vile Familiar ; Dire Condor ; Young Goretusk ; Fleshripper ; Stonesplinter Geomancer ; Cliff Lurker ; Grizzled Black Bear ; Mangy Mountain Boar ; Tunnel Rat Kobold ; Saean ; Berserk Trogg ; Dark Iron Ambusher ; Dark Iron Raider ; White Stallion ; Stonesplinter Trogg ; Stonesplinter Scout ; Stonesplinter Digger ; Southsea Cutthroat ; Theramore Marine ; Theramore Preserver ; Hezrul Bloodmark ; Cannoneer Smythe ; Cannoneer Whessan ; Venture Co. Operator ; XT:4 ; Grimtotem Mercenary ; Venture Co. Logger ; Deepmoss Creeper ; Deepmoss Webspinner ; Deepmoss Matriarch ; Grimtotem Ruffian ; Tunnel Rat Geomancer ; Defias Footpad ; Defias Trapper ; Murloc Netter ; Kobold Digger ; Defias Pathstalker ; Murloc Warrior ; Defias Knuckleduster ; Defias Pillager ; Defias Looter ; Coyote Packleader ; Riverpaw Miner ; Blackrock Grunt ; Ice Claw Bear ; Dustwind Harpy ; Wiry Swoop ; Dire Mottled Boar ; Ravenous Darkhound ; Moonrage Whitescalp ; Moonrage Darkrunner ; Rot Hide Mystic ; Apothecary Berard ; Archmage Ataeric ; Venture Co. Enforcer ; Venture Co. Overseer ; Brokespear ; Oggleflint ; Ferocious Grizzled Bear ; Moonrage Glutton ; Mist Creeper ; Moonrage Darksoul ; Ravenclaw Raider ; Ravenclaw Slave ; Dalaran Watcher ; Dalaran Wizard ; Pyrewood Watcher ; Pyrewood Sentry ; Pyrewood Elder ; Dalaran Protector ; Dalaran Warder ; Dalaran Mage ; Dalaran Conjuror ; Starving Mountain Lion ; Thunderhawk Cloudscraper ; Owatanka ; Scarlet Friar ; Moss Stalker ; Dalaran Apprentice ; Moonrage Bloodhowler ; Rot Hide Brute ; Rot Hide Plague Weaver ; Elder Lake Skulker ; Lake Creeper ; Vile Fin Tidecaller ; Grimson the Pale ; Ravenclaw Guardian ; Ravenclaw Drudger ; Boss Copperplug ; Fellicent's Shade ; Scarlet Neophyte ; Scarlet Vanguard ; Vicious Night Web Spider ; Deviate Stalker ; Deviate Lurker ; Black Ooze ; Stonesplinter Skullthumper ; Stonesplinter Bonesnapper ; Stonesplinter Seer ; Stonesplinter Shaman ; Young Wetlands Crocolisk ; Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw ; Surena Caledon ; Frostmane Snowstrider ; Frostmane Headhunter ; Frostmane Shadowcaster ; Shadowhide Brute ; Shadowhide Gnoll ; Morgan the Collector ; Murloc Scout ; Rockjaw Ambusher ; Rockjaw Backbreaker ; Githyiss the Vile ; Giant Foreststrider ; Dark Iron Insurgent ; Mo'grosh Shaman ; Mo'grosh Mystic ; Chok'sul ; Dragonmaw Scout ; Pygmy Tide Crawler ; Young Reef Crawler ; Gradok ; Haren Swifthoof ; Thragomm ; Nightbane Dark Runner ; Splinter Fist Warrior ; Defias Night Runner ; Grave Robber ; Skeletal Fiend ; Plague Spreader ; Black Ravager ; Skeletal Healer ; Splinter Fist Taskmaster ; Defias Night Blade ; Young Black Ravager ; Skeletal Raider ; Splinter Fist Firemonger ; Black Ravager Mastiff ; Savannah Highmane ; Mosshide Fenrunner ; Bluegill Murloc ; Bluegill Puddlejumper ; Bluegill Warrior ; Bluegill Oracle ; Fen Creeper ; Darkeye Bonecaster ; Wailing Ancestor ; Gregor Agamand ; Nissa Agamand ; Captain Dargol ; Nightlash ; Makrura Clacker ; Kul Tiras Sailor ; Kul Tiras Marine ; Voodoo Troll ; Hexed Troll ; Corrupted Scorpid ; Warlord Kolkanis ; Makrura Shellhide ; Dustwind Pillager ; Zalazane ; Bristleback Geomancer ; Bloodsnout Worg ; Southsea Privateer ; Fenwick Thatros ; Cracked Skull Soldier ; Rotting Ancestor ; Devlin Agamand ; Sickly Refugee ; Pygmy Surf Crawler ; Surf Crawler ; Dreadmaw Crocolisk ; Dustwind Savage ; Dustwind Storm Witch ; Kolkar Drudge ; Kolkar Outrunner ; Durotar Tiger ; Clattering Scorpid ; Redridge Alpha ; Murloc Hunter ; Greater Tarantula ; Murloc Raider ; Wood Lurker ; Defias Thug ; Snow Leopard ; Garrick Padfoot ; Galak Scout ; Highperch Wyvern ; Highperch Consort ; Steelsnap ; Boiling Elemental ; Grimtotem Bandit ; Grimtotem Stomper ; Grimtotem Geomancer ; Grimtotem Reaver ; Windshear Digger ; Windshear Geomancer ; Windshear Overlord ; Gravelsnout Kobold ; Gravelsnout Digger ; Gravelsnout Forager ; Gravelsnout Surveyor ; Cloud Serpent ; Venomous Cloud Serpent ; Thundering Boulderkin ; Needles Cougar ; Pesterhide Hyena ; Pesterhide Snarler ; Galak Messenger ; Galak Assassin ; Scalding Elemental ; Arnak Grimtotem ; Frostmane Troll Whelp ; Frostmane Novice ; Strigid Owl ; Webwood Lurker ; Webwood Venomfang ; Rascal Sprite ; Shadow Sprite ; Dark Sprite ; Vicious Grell ; Timberling Bark Ripper ; Gnarlpine Ambusher ; Ferocitas the Dream Eater ; Dust Devil ; Gnarlpine Ursa ; Gnarlpine Gardener ; Gnarlpine Warrior ; Gnarlpine Shaman ; Gnarlpine Defender ; Gnarlpine Augur ; Gnarlpine Pathfinder ; Gnarlpine Avenger ; Bloodfeather Rogue ; Timberling ; Lord Melenas ; Ursal the Mauler ; Nightsaber ; Ram ; Darkshore Thresher ; Greymist Raider ; Defias Insurgent ; Blackrock Champion ; Palemane Tanner ; Palemane Skinner ; Palemane Poacher ; Venture Co. Hireling ; Stone Behemoth ; Gravelflint Geomancer ; Greymist Netter ; Dark Strand Cultist ; Dark Strand Enforcer ; Forsaken Seeker ; Forsaken Herbalist ; Lesser Felguard ; Den Mother ; Blackwood Totemic ; Reef Crawler ; Raging Reef Crawler ; Shadethicket Wood Shaper ; Ashenvale Bear ; Shadowhorn Stag ; Dark Strand Fanatic ; Twilight Thug ; Felslayer ; Thistlefur Avenger ; Thistle Cub ; Flagglemurk the Cruel ; Riverpaw Mystic ; Rusty Harvest Golem ; Mottled Raptor ; Mottled Scytheclaw ; Bluegill Forager ; Fen Dweller ; Shadethicket Raincaller ; Shade of Elura ; Scorpid Reaver ; Razorfen Quilguard ; Razorfen Servitor ; Mosshide Trapper ; Mosshide Brute ; Crimson Ooze ; Mountain Buzzard ; Dark Iron Sapper ; Ardo Dirtpaw ; Loch Crocolisk ; Wild Buck ; Syndicate Shadow Mage ; Silithid Creeper ; Silithid Grub ; Silithid Swarmer ; Silithid Protector ; XT:9 ; Cloned Ectoplasm ; Foreman Grills ; Hagg Taurenbane ; Corrupt Minor Manifestation of Water ; Dun Garok Soldier ; Grimtotem Sorcerer ; Farmer Ray ; Cave Yeti ; Syndicate Rogue ; Syndicate Watchman ; Hillsbrad Tailor ; Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmith ; Hillsbrad Farmer ; Hillsbrad Peasant ; Hillsbrad Miner ; Hillsbrad Sentry ; Foreman Bonds ; Valdred Moray ; Magistrate Burnside ; Giant Moss Creeper ; Forest Moss Creeper ; Gray Bear ; Elder Gray Bear ; Hillsbrad Farmhand ; Mudsnout Gnoll ; Moonrage Watcher ; Moonrage Sentry ; Raging Rot Hide ; Thule Ravenclaw ; Vile Fin Shorecreeper ; Ivar the Foul ; Hillsbrad Footman ; Mudsnout Shaman ; Hillsbrad Councilman ; Farmer Getz ; Blacksmith Verringtan ; Jailor Eston ; Jailor Marlgen ; Clerk Horrace Whitesteed ; Farmer Kalaba ; Hillsbrad Foreman ; Son of Arugal ; Pyrewood Armorer ; Pyrewood Tailor ; Pyrewood Leatherworker ; Dalin Forgewright ; Grundig Darkcloud ; Grimtotem Brute ; Moonrage Elder ; Rot Hide Savage ; Elder Lake Creeper ; Haggard Refugee ; Vicious Gray Bear ; Cliff Stormer ; Corrupted Mottled Boar ; Hare ; Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix ; Rockhide Boar ; Tunnel Rat Digger ; Tunnel Rat Surveyor ; Murloc Forager ; Riverpaw Taskmaster ; Defias Rogue Wizard ; Defias Messenger ; Rockjaw Trogg ; Small Crag Boar ; Burly Rockjaw Trogg ; Murloc Lurker ; Rockjaw Raider ; Dark Iron Spy ; Captain Beld ; Frostmane Troll ; Frostmane Hideskinner ; Master Digger ; Dragonmaw Grunt ; Addled Leper ; Captain Fairmount ; Barak Kodobane ; Serena Bloodfeather ; Stonearm ; Vile Fin Shredder ; Vile Fin Tidehunter ; Slimeshell Makrura ; Bazzalan ; Silithid Swarm ; Gamon ; Witchwing Ambusher ; Raging Cliff Stormer ; Shore Crawler ; Murloc Tidehunter ; Murloc Oracle ; Edwin VanCleef ; Sneed's Shredder ; Sand Crawler ; Ragged Scavenger ; Gilnid ; Xabraxxis ; Defias Blackguard ; Mystlash Hydra ; Saltspittle Warrior ; Bristleback Quilboar ; Bristleback Shaman ; Bristleback Battleboar ; Mountain Cougar ; Geolord Mottle ; Elder Mystic Razorsnout ; Chief Sharptusk Thornmantle ; Farmer Solliden ; Scarlet Bodyguard ; Captain Vachon ; Night Web Matriarch ; Maggot Eye ; Sri'skulk ; Strigid Screecher ; Strigid Hunter ; Timberling Trampler ; Nightsaber Stalker ; Oakenscowl ; Bogling ; Rageclaw ; Greenpaw ; Agal ; Elder Mountain Boar ; Ol' Sooty ; Delmanis the Hated ; Moonkin Oracle ; Coastal Frenzy ; Stormscale Myrmidon ; Stormscale Sorceress ; Licillin ; Defias Worker ; Morgaine the Sly ; Wrathtail Sea Witch ; Grik'nir the Cold ; Bael'dun Appraiser ; Ghost Howl ; Silithid Harvester ; Young Pridewing ; Riding Wolf ; Harvest Golem ; Riverpaw Gnoll ; Murloc Coastrunner ; Old Murk-Eye ; Murloc Minor Oracle ; Riverpaw Scout ; Riverpaw Herbalist ; Brack ; Venture Co. Taskmaster ; Supervisor Fizsprocket ; Riverpaw Mongrel ; Venture Co. Deforester ; Pridewing Wyvern ; Bloodfury Harpy ; Bloodfury Roguefeather ; Bloodfury Slayer ; Bloodfury Ambusher ; Bloodfury Windcaller ; Bloodfury Storm Witch ; Blackened Ancient ; Vengeful Ancient ; Fledgling Chimaera ; Burning Ravager ; Galak Wrangler ; Galak Windchaser ; Galak Stormer ; Gravelsnout Vermin ; Crag Stalker ; Galak Flame Guard ; Burning Destroyer ; Galak Mauler ; Galak Marauder ; Princess ; Porcine Entourage ; Erlan Drudgemoor ; Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk ; Wildthorn Stalker ; Snagglespear ; Mangy Duskbat ; Daniel Ulfman ; Karrel Grayves ; Ragged Young Wolf ; Shadowhide Warrior ; Thuros Lightfingers ; Thunderstomp ; Bjarn ; Dalaran Brewmaster ; Deviate Faerie Dragon ; Sorcerer Ashcrombe ; Shadowfang Whitescalp ; Shadowfang Moonwalker ; Shadowfang Wolfguard ; Shadowfang Darksoul ; Shadowfang Glutton ; Shadowfang Ragetooth ; Slavering Worg ; Lupine Horror ; Fel Steed ; Haunted Servitor ; Wailing Guardsman ; Razorclaw the Butcher ; Baron Silverlaine ; Rethilgore ; Wolf Master Nandos ; Vile Fin Lakestalker ; Tormented Officer ; Councilman Smithers ; Councilman Thatcher ; Councilman Hendricks ; Councilman Wilhelm ; Councilman Hartin ; Councilman Cooper ; Councilman Brunswick ; Commander Springvale ; Odo the Blindwatcher ; Fenrus the Devourer ; Defias Watchman ; Ghostpaw Howler ; Gnasher ; Brawler ; Loch Frenzy ; Grawmug ; Magosh ; Dead-tooth Jack ; Mangeclaw ; Burning Blade Thug ; Burning Blade Neophyte ; Burning Blade Cultist ; Moonstalker Matriarch ; Encrusted Tide Crawler ; Wrathtail Priestess ; Sea Crawler ; Mosh'Ogg Witch Doctor ; Witherbark Witch Doctor ; Foulweald Ursa ; Befouled Water Elemental ; Foreman Cozzle ; Young Stranglethorn Tiger ; Cracked Golem ; Gravelflint Scout ; Saltspittle Puddlejumper ; Saltspittle Muckdweller ; Saltspittle Oracle ; Fallenroot Satyr ; Fallenroot Rogue ; Blackfathom Tide Priestess ; Blackfathom Oracle ; Elder Darkshore Thresher ; Starving Winter Wolf ; Sap Beast ; Rogue Flame Spirit ; Blackened Basilisk ; Bloodfeather Fury ; Sethir the Ancient ; Gnarlpine Mystic ; Old Icebeard ; Savannah Matriarch ; Sister Rathtalon ; Dishu ; Gravelflint Bonesnapper ; Blackrock Scout ; Blackrock Gladiator ; Defias Renegade Mage ; Stormscale Siren ; Leech Stalker ; Large Loch Crocolisk ; Thurman Agamand ; Lillith Nefara ; Greymist Tidehunter ; Great Courser ; Twilight Runner ; Fey Dragon ; Antlered Courser ; Corrosive Sap Beast ; Cenarion Botanist ; Daughter of Cenarius ; Son of Cenarius ; Lost Soul ; Vejrek ; Shadowclaw ; Greymist Oracle ; Shadethicket Moss Eater ; Gnarlpine Totemic ; Bloodfeather Wind Witch ; Bloodfeather Matriarch ; Defias Dockmaster ; Defias Bodyguard ; Red Whelp ; Mosshide Mistweaver ; Twilight Elementalist ; Captain Greenskin ; Kodo Matriarch ; Dark Strand Adept ; Forsaken Thug ; Pridewing Skyhunter ; Pridewing Consort ; Plaguehound ; Living Decay ; Rotting Sludge ; Mossflayer Zombie ; Unliving Mossflayer ; Ragged Owlbeast ; Raging Owlbeast ; Crazed Owlbeast ; Ice Thistle Yeti ; Felweaver Scornn ; Lakota'mani ; Isha Awak ; Stranglethorn Tiger ; Young Panther ; Bloodscalp Scavenger ; Panther ; Wandering Barrens Giraffe ; Dalaran Miner ; Archmage Arugal ; Tormented Spirit ; Nightbane Vile Fang ; Shadowhide Slayer ; Shadowhide Assassin ; Servant of Ilgalar ; Nightbane Worgen ; Nightbane Tainted One ; Dextren Ward ; Targorr the Dread ; Defias Inmate ; Bazil Thredd ; Lord Gregor Lescovar ; Marzon the Silent Blade ; Gutspill ; Murloc Tidecaller ; Narg the Taskmaster ; Longsnout ; Defias Magician ; Forlorn Spirit ; Foulweald Warrior ; Foulweald Pathfinder ; Foulweald Den Watcher ; Foulweald Totemic ; Wildthorn Venomspitter ; Fetid Corpse ; Stalvan Mistmantle ; Skeletal Miner ; Undead Dynamiter ; Foreman Thistlenettle ; Cookie ; Young Threshadon ; Silithid Searcher ; Silithid Hive Drone ; Sparkleshell Tortoise ; Saltstone Basilisk ; Saltstone Gazer ; Saltstone Crystalhide ; Salt Flats Scavenger ; Foulweald Shaman ; Cenarion Vindicator ; Keeper Ordanus ; Boss Galgosh ; Marisa du'Paige ; Elder Stranglethorn Tiger ; River Crocolisk ; Bloodscalp Warrior ; Stranglethorn Raptor ; Lashtail Raptor ; Crystal Spine Basilisk ; Bloodscalp Axe Thrower ; Bloodscalp Shaman ; Venture Co. Geologist ; Venture Co. Mechanic ; Mistvale Gorilla ; Saltwater Crocolisk ; Snapjaw Crocolisk ; Elder Saltwater Crocolisk ; Dark Strand Assassin ; Makrura Elder ; Encrusted Surf Crawler ; Ruklar the Trapper ; Morganth ; Bleakheart Shadowstalker ; Elder Cloud Serpent ; Dread Swoop ; Giant Ashenvale Bear ; Rotting Slime ; Scorpashi Snapper ; Raging Thunder Lizard ; Gritjaw Basilisk ; Searing Infernal ; Felguard ; Mannoroc Lasher ; Murk Slitherer ; Murk Worm ; Saturated Ooze ; Blue Dragonspawn ; Skeletal Executioner ; Skeletal Acolyte ; Soulless Ghoul ; Searing Ghoul ; Cold Wraith ; Blood Wraith ; Vilebranch Witch Doctor ; Vilebranch Headhunter ; Vilebranch Shadowcaster ; Vilebranch Shadow Hunter ; Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard ; Witherbark Sadist ; Green Sludge ; Jade Ooze ; Vilebranch Wolf Pup ; Witherbark Broodguard ; Vilebranch Warrior ; Mummified Atal'ai ; Nightmare Scalebane ; Nightmare Wyrmkin ; Nightmare Wanderer ; Sandfury Blood Drinker ; Cliff Thunderer ; Scorching Elemental ; Living Blaze ; Blackrock Soldier ; Blackrock Slayer ; Firegut Ogre Mage ; Firegut Brute ; Black Dragonspawn ; Black Wyrmkin ; Black Drake ; Black Broodling ; Flamescale Broodling ; Scarab ; Witch Doctor Zum'rah ; Frostsaber Stalker ; Frostsaber Huntress ; Frostsaber Pride Watcher ; Elder Shardtooth ; Chillwind Ravager ; Sergeant Bly ; Oro Eyegouge ; Nekrum Gutchewer ; Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler ; Sul'lithuz Abomination ; Deep Lurker ; Ember Worg ; Firetail Scorpid ; Stonard Scout ; Saltwater Snapjaw ; Screaming Haunt ; Sandfury Shadowcaster ; Sandfury Witch Doctor ; Spawn of Hakkar ; Draconic Magelord ; Blue Scalebane ; Draconic Mageweaver ; Sandfury Shadowhunter ; Sandfury Soul Eater ; Chief Ukorz Sandscalp ; Sandfury Guardian ; Theka the Martyr ; Gahz'rilla ; Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz ; Zul'Farrak Zombie ; Hydromancer Velratha ; Sul'lithuz Broodling ; Occulus ; Tick ; Nightmare Whelp ; Diemetradon ; Gor'tesh ; Venomtip Scorpid ; Deathlash Scorpid ; Hitah'ya the Keeper ; Vorlus Vilehoof ; Stormscale Warrior ; Scorched Basilisk ; Charred Ancient ; Young Chimaera ; Furious Stone Spirit ; Singed Basilisk ; Chimaera Matriarch ; Harvest Reaper ; Fawn ; Galak Outrunner ; Councilman Higarth ;
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft
217 posts
Huge mobs, nice job admins. Good quest finds as well.
237 posts
This is sweet, glad to see this site keeping up.
185 posts
Holy updated mobs batman! That's a lot of them.
I was going to load my account into the Wowreader this morning but the server was taken down.
Does anyone know if they do this daily?
I was going to load my account into the Wowreader this morning but the server was taken down.
Does anyone know if they do this daily?
Code Monkey
7,476 posts
yep, they have daily maintenence, announced on the server status forums on blizzard's site
Do what now?