Nice feature with the mob location thing.
Very nice.
September 2nd Update
I want to welcome everyone who is playing the stress test. You're going to love this game. We just added a new feature to help you find things. Click on a mob and you will notice a map of the zone it is found in with marks where it has been spotted. Here's an example. We're still adding loc data, but most of the low level zones are done now.
I missed a couple of updates, but rest assured that we have been adding stuff pretty constantly. here's what went in today:
New Items: Royal Cape ; Swamp Pendent ; Bloodpetal ; Un'Goro Gorilla Pelt ; Un'Goro Stomper Pelt ; Un'Goro Thunderer Pelt ; Crate of Foodstuffs ; Dinosaur Bone ; A Mangled Journal ; Webbed Dimetrodon Scale ; Ravasaur Pheromone Gland ; Hive Wall Sample ; Webbed Pterrordax Scale ; Research Equipment ; Unused Scraping Vial ; Un'Goro Soil ; Piece of Threshadon Carcass ; Blue Power Crystal ; Green Power Crystal ; Red Power Crystal ; Yellow Power Crystal ; Hydra Headpiece
Updated Items: Seeping Gizzard ; Shed Lizard Skin ; Tribal Raptor Feathers ; Pristine Raptor Skull ; Gahz'rilla's Electrified Scale ; Troll Temper ; Uncracked Scarab Shell ; Smotts' Chest ; Tiara of the Deep ; Divino-matic Rod ; Magister's Vest ; Snapped Spider Limb ; Cracked Bill ; Staff of Nobles ; Bug Eye
New Quests: The Eastern Pylon ; A Visit to Gregan ; The Northern Pylon ; The Western Pylon ; Muigin and Larion ; Williden's Journal ; Alien Ecology ; Roll the Bones ; Expedition Salvation ; Beware of Pterrordax ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; The Scent of Lar'korwi ; The Fare of Lar'korwi ; The Apes of Un'Goro ; Crystals of Power ; Shizzle's Flyer
New Mobs: Cloned Ooze ; Bloodpetal Pest ; Young Dimetrodon ; Frenzied Pterrordax ; Tyrannodon ; Scorching Elemental ; Living Blaze ; Gorishi Stinger ; Gorishi Tunneler ; Ironhide Devilsaur ; Stegodon ; Plated Stegodon ; Spiked Stegodon ; Thunderstomp Stegodon ; Bloodpetal Trapper ; Tar Creeper ; Glutinous Ooze ; Muigin ; Elder Dimetrodon ; Ravasaur Hunter ; Venomhide Ravasaur ; Un'Goro Stomper ; Un'Goro Gorilla ; Un'Goro Thunderer ; Tar Beast ; Larion ; Living Storm ; Lar'korwi Mate ; Alanna Raveneye ; Ferocitas the Dream Eater ; Gnarlpine Mystic ; Dark Sprite ; Gnarlpine Totemic ; Timberling Trampler ; Timberling Mire Beast ; Rageclaw ; Ursal the Mauler ; Denalan ; Zenn Foulhoof ; Sentinel Arynia Cloudsbreak ; Cyndra Kindwhisper ; Malorne Bladeleaf ; Enslaved Druid of the Talon ; Me'lynn ; Ainethil ; Lysheana ; Innkeeper Saelienne ; Zarrin ; Lotherias ; Eladriel ; Dawnwatcher Selgorm ; Dawnwatcher Shaedlass ; Ellaercia ; Greenpaw ; Githyiss the Vile ; Vicious Grell ; Gnarlpine Ursa ; Gnarlpine Gardener ; Gnarlpine Warrior ; Gnarlpine Augur ; Arias'ta Bladesinger ; Elanaria ; Cylania ; Darnassian Protector ; Shalumon ; Ariyell Skyshadow ; Alegorn ; Dannelor ; Telonis ; Taladan ; Oakenscowl ; Fyldan ; Saenorion ; Ulthir ; Vaean ; Mythrin'dir ; Prarie Dog ; Ancient of Lore ; Darnath Bladesinger ; Oben Rageclaw ; Argent Guard Manados ; Gnarlpine Shaman ; Gnarlpine Pathfinder ; Bloodfeather Harpy ; Bloodfeather Rogue ; Bloodfeather Sorceress ; Bloodfeather Fury ; Bloodfeather Wind Witch ; Bloodfeather Matriarch ; Timberling ; Timberling Bark Ripper ; Lord Melenas ; Freed Druid of the Talon ; Gaerolas Talvethren ; Astaia ; Elynna ; Nyoma ; Blackmoss the Fetid ; Gnarlpine Defender ; Gnarlpine Avenger ; Elder Timberling ; Mist ; Vorlus Vilehoof
Updated Mobs: Murloc Lurker ; Murloc Forager ; Dimetrodon ; Fledgling Pterrordax ; Pterrordax ; Gorishi Wasp ; Gorishi Worker ; Gorishi Reaver ; Spraggle Frock ; Shizzle ; Linken ; Williden Marshal ; Hol'anyee Marshal ; Spark Nilminer ; Petra Grossen ; Dadanga ; Land Rager ; Ravasaur ; Ravasaur Runner ; Bloodpetal Lasher ; Bloodpetal Flayer ; Bloodpetal Thresher ; Torwa Pathfinder ; Muculent Ooze ; Primal Ooze ; J.D. Collie ; Stone Guardian ; Tar Lurker ; Tar Lord ; Karna Remtravel ; Nadyia Maneweaver ; Seriadne ; Sentinel Amara Nightwalker ; Sentinel Shayla Nightbreeze ; Narret Shadowgrove ; Porthannius ; Young Thistle Boar ; Grell ; Strigid Hunter ; Melarith ; Shadow Sprite ; Thistle Boar ; Athridas Bearmantle ; Syral Bladeleaf ; Dirania Silvershine ; Tallonkai Swiftroot ; Teldrassil Sentinel ; Ancient Protector
Updated Items: Seeping Gizzard ; Shed Lizard Skin ; Tribal Raptor Feathers ; Pristine Raptor Skull ; Gahz'rilla's Electrified Scale ; Troll Temper ; Uncracked Scarab Shell ; Smotts' Chest ; Tiara of the Deep ; Divino-matic Rod ; Magister's Vest ; Snapped Spider Limb ; Cracked Bill ; Staff of Nobles ; Bug Eye
New Quests:
Updated Mobs: Murloc Lurker ; Murloc Forager ; Dimetrodon ; Fledgling Pterrordax ; Pterrordax ; Gorishi Wasp ; Gorishi Worker ; Gorishi Reaver ; Spraggle Frock ; Shizzle ; Linken ; Williden Marshal ; Hol'anyee Marshal ; Spark Nilminer ; Petra Grossen ; Dadanga ; Land Rager ; Ravasaur ; Ravasaur Runner ; Bloodpetal Lasher ; Bloodpetal Flayer ; Bloodpetal Thresher ; Torwa Pathfinder ; Muculent Ooze ; Primal Ooze ; J.D. Collie ; Stone Guardian ; Tar Lurker ; Tar Lord ; Karna Remtravel ; Nadyia Maneweaver ; Seriadne ; Sentinel Amara Nightwalker ; Sentinel Shayla Nightbreeze ; Narret Shadowgrove ; Porthannius ; Young Thistle Boar ; Grell ; Strigid Hunter ; Melarith ; Shadow Sprite ; Thistle Boar ; Athridas Bearmantle ; Syral Bladeleaf ; Dirania Silvershine ; Tallonkai Swiftroot ; Teldrassil Sentinel ; Ancient Protector
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft