Collector's Edition In Game Item
Woohoo, I love this sort of stuff! Post yesterday by EnoYlS:
- When we release World of Warcraft, we will be releasing a normal box and a collector's edition box. In the collector's edition you will get lots of cool goodies including a voucher for an in-game item. We haven't yet decided what this item will be yet, but I thought I would give the community a chance to submit their ideas and opinions.
Here are the ground rules:
- The item cannot make your character "stronger" or better. We will not be giving out uber gear.
Here are some examples of ideas we have been kicking around the office, in case you want to throw your support behind one of these:
- Unique Shirt
- Unique Hat
- Special Collectors Edition Tabbard. Since most players won’t have a tabard at level 1 its kinda unique and cool.
- Goblin Magic 8 Ball. When you use this item in your inventory it will show your character shaking a magic 8 ball. After a few moments the 8 ball will respond to people in range “Goblin Magic 8 Ball says “prospects look good!”” or some other funny goblin like comment.
- Gnome Homing Chicken. You right click on it. It flys around your head for a bit then explodes in the air like a firework with chicken feathers.
- Gift box in your inventory with a random ambient pet inside. Open the box and you might get a rabbit, you might get a chicken. Along these lines some more unique special pets.
- Mini-zergling ambient pet. Based on the cat anims, but zergling exterior.
- Small mechanical Pandarian pet.
- Mechcanical goblin pet
- Unique hand held items:
- Goblin/Gnome dolly. Pull the goblin dollys string (right click on it) and he has something funny to say. “That’s some phat lewt you got!”, “You must think you’re leet!”, “SOW Please.”, etc.
- Cool scepter with some spell effect on it. Doesn’t do anything but looks phat!
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft