Site Update #3
Site Update
Click on Read More to see all the updates for the month of February.
I pushed some code fixes out last night for aug slots on items. You should now see type 19's and some slot descriptions were fixed. The advanced item search tool should now pick up type 19's.
Anniversary is just around the corner and new content is coming for it. We will be working on entering in all of those new quests and such.
Updated Items: Selyrah of Fear Saddle ; Heroic Backpack of the Adventurer ; Heroic Conquest Coffee ; Heroic Conquest Donuts ; Bellweather's Assurance ; Xounii's Journal Page 2 Right Half
New Quests: A Fool In Love
Updated Quests: Heroic Supplies ; Just a Delivery ; The New Sheriffs in Town ; Yokaw, Ameek! ; Aberrantly, This is a Big Deal ; Ratfolk Ratatouille ; Compiling Saurek Kills ; Dreams of the Whisperlings (10 Points) ; It Takes Two to Tangle ; A Knight to Remember ; No Grave Can Hold Them Down ; That's Not Going to Grow Back ; Pocket Full of Claws ; Big Claim Hunter ; Starting the Debugging Process
Bestiary Updates: a kyv scalpcollector ; an ukun bonebeast ; Whitewater ; Weapons Master Wygans [Quests] ; Farnjer [Erollisi Day Quest] ; Rolo ; Deputy Mims [Erollisi Day Quest]
Updated Items: Heroic Conquest Seal ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Leggings ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Gauntlets ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Coif ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Bracer ; Grandiose Consigned Buckler ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Shard ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Ring ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Necklace ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Hood ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Facemask ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Earring ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Ear Stud ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Cloak ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Belt ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Band ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Wristguard ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Sleeves ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Sandals ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Robe ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Pantaloons ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Gloves ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Cap ; Grandiose Consigned Inferno Staff ; Grandiose Consigned Gemblade ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Shard ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Ring ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Pauldrons ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Neckguard ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Facemask ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Earring ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Ear Stud ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Cloak ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Belt ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Band ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Tunic ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Sleeves ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Boots ; Vale Essence ; Slice of Jumjum Cake ; Winter Chocolate ; Jumjum Cake
New Quests: All You Need is Love ; Can Anybody Find Me
Updated Quests: Heroic Equipment I ; Heroic Equipment II ; Heroic Supplies ; A Fool In Love
Updated Recipes: Winter Chocolate ; Jumjum Cake (Nillipuss' Jumjum) ; Slice of Jumjum Cake ; Jumjum Cake (Stolen Jumjum) ; Jumjum Cake
Bestiary Updates: a goblin banker ; Farnjer [Erollisi Day Quest] ; Rolo ; Deputy Mims [Erollisi Day Quest] ; a goblin instigator [Misty Thicket] ; a goblin instigator [Clan Runnyeye] ; a goblin instigator [Gorge of King Xorbb] ; Brettaru Tyco
Updated Items: Otherworldly Focus of Heroism ; Lifecleaver ; Tegi Contemplation Sphere ; Spinechill Silk ; Spinechill Ichor Vial ; Tattered Gnomish Cloak ; CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow ; CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow ; CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow ; CLASS 5 Dragorn Point Arrow ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Timber ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor
Updated Recipes: CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow (Range 50) ; CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow (Medium Groove) ; CLASS 6 Drakebone Hooked Arrow (Small Groove) ; CLASS 5 Dragorn Point Arrow (Medium Groove) ; CLASS 5 Dragorn Point Arrow (Large Groove) ; CLASS 5 Dragorn Point Arrow (Small Groove)
Bestiary Updates: CWG Model XC ; a jungle stalker ; a jungle hunter ; a toxic jungle hunter ; Toxiferious ; a poisonstrand hunter ; a noxious jungle spider ; an envenomed hunter ; Merrimore Ychansk ; Diabo Xi Vesta ; Variegated Monstera
Updated Items: Oriaas Nostrum ; Raediva Nostrum ; Nostrum News ; Fabled Rations ; Quarken Xired's Timeless Trail Rations ; Kaas Akuel xi Temariel ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Ring of Vigor ; Reactive Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Striking ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Charm of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Gem of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Hands Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Ring of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Stone of Celerity ; Miner's Badge - Thadwindred Cragcutter
Updated Quests: Stinking Badges (10 Points) ; Vestiges of Rampage (10 Points)
New Recipes: Spiritually Faded Luclinite Stone of Celerity ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Ring of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Ring of Brilliance ; Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Celerity ; Phantasmal Luclinite Ring of Vigor ; Spectral Luclinite Mask of Adroitness
Bestiary Updates: Maricella Slithra ; Kalym Rasalan ; Tinan Aliis ; Rugresch Tragguk ; Laanas Sejiir [Parcels and Town Crier] ; a dead eyed shik'nar ; a mature sensate reishi ; a mature shik'nar outcast ; a paludal cavefish ; a royal guardian ; a sediment delver ; a sensate reishi elder ; Bedrock Burrower ; Agaricusus
Updated Items: Villainous Volto ; Taruun Guardian Maul ; Stalwart Guard of the Khala Dun ; Shik'Nar Carapace Crate ; Ring of Dramaturgy ; Pathmaster Kharin's Interjection ; Main-Gauche of Obsolescence ; Maera Kerrath's Aid ; Hydra Shard Earring ; Gorespit's Eradicator ; Claw of Toraji ; Berserk Bludgeon of the Vah Shir ; Graffitied Stele of Deepshade ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Head Armor ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Hands Armor ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Feet Armor ; Eccentric Lavalliere ; Earring of the Kai ; Crippling Waistwraps of the Gate ; Cloak of the Unwilful Thespian ; Bona Fide Beautified Bauta ; Apparitional Idol Polishing Cloth ; Apparitional Head Armor Lining ; Apparitional Hand Armor Lining ; Apparitional Feet Armor Lining ; Apparitional Cloak Fastener ; Apparitional Amice Fastener ; Goblin News Flyer ; Goblin Flyer, Page 2 ; Torn Goblin Flyer ; Goblin Flyer, Page 1 ; Lovely Brownie Familiar ; Fresh Rivervale Flower ; Goblin Doll ; Chewed Steel Nib ; Drying Sand ; Heart-Drawn Paper ; Heartfelt Letter ; Fluffy Quill ; Blue Crystal ; Apparitional Arm Armor Lining ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Cloth ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Leather ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Chain ; Leather Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Minor Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Median Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Lesser Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Greater Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Glowing Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Yellow Crystal ; Clear Crystal ; Apparitional Belt Buckle ; Shortbow of the Khala Dun Garrison ; Damaged "Tunare's Renewal" Spell ; Damaged "Spirit of Khaliz" Spell
New Quests: Myconid Mutiny
Updated Quests: Rogue Epic 1.5 Pre-Quest ; Basilica Sentencings (10 Points) ; The Unbearable Weight of Massive Teachings (10 Points) ; A Fool In Love ; All You Need is Love ; Can Anybody Find Me
New Recipes: Spectral Luclinite Belt of Adroitness ; Spectral Luclinite Belt of Brilliance ; Spectral Luclinite Dragonbrood Armwraps ; Spectral Luclinite Exarch Vambraces ; Spectral Luclinite Flameweaver Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Frostfire Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Illuminator Vambraces ; Spectral Luclinite Legionnaire Vambraces ; Spectral Luclinite Lifewalker Armwraps ; Spectral Luclinite Loremaster Vambraces ; Spectral Luclinite Mindlock Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Natureward Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Shadowscale Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Soulforge Armwraps ; Spectral Luclinite Soulrender Vambraces ; Spectral Luclinite Soulslayer Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Spiritwalker Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Warmonger Sleeves ; Spectral Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Spectral Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Spectral Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Goblin News Flyer
Bestiary Updates: a muddite minor ; a muddite elder ; a goblin worker ; a goblin alchemist ; a muddite recordkeeper ; a goblin shaman ; a goblin warrior ; a goblin whelp ; Merchant Ayyad - Shar Vahl, Divided [Raid Merchant] ; Rolo ; a goblin instigator [Misty Thicket] ; a goblin instigator [Clan Runnyeye] ; a goblin instigator [Gorge of King Xorbb] ; a solid chest - When One Door Closes ; Mutable Monstrosity ; Choreographer [Red] ; Head of Wardrobe ; Production Manager [Blue] ; Stage Manager [Yellow] ; a vibrating sessilloid ; a stagehand ; a dancer ; a crew member ; a tailor ; a vibrating ambuloid ; a vibrating hydra ; The Star ; a moldy chest - Myconid Mutiny ; Elder Animist Dumul
New Zones: Deepshade: Raid instance
Zone Updates: Deepshade: Raid instance
Updated Items: Faded Spectral Luminosity Hands Armor ; Apparitional Necklace Clasp ; Hydra Shard Earring ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor ; Cloak of the Unwilful Thespian ; Clear Crystal ; Pathmaster Kharin's Interjection ; Bait Stick Snare ; Deadfall Snare ; Apparitional Head Armor Lining ; Apparitional Shield Enarmes ; Lovely Brownie Familiar ; Goblin News Flyer ; Goblin Flyer, Page 2 ; Goblin Flyer, Page 1 ; Drying Sand ; Chewed Steel Nib ; Torn Goblin Flyer ; Pile of Bones ; Heart-Drawn Paper ; Fluffy Quill ; Tiny Rainbow Fungus Person ; Tiny Azure Fungus Person ; Tiny Vermilion Fungus Person ; Tiny Angry Fungus Person ; Tiny Bearded Fungus Person ; Tiny Auburn Fungus Person ; Tiny Verdant Fungus Person ; Tiny Violet Fungus Person ; Shrieker Cap Satchel ; Pole Snare ; Threaded Snare ; Drowning Snare ; Fixed Snare ; Rolling Snare ; Pegged Snare ; Apparitional Earring Clasp ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Cloth ; Leather Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Leather ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Chain ; Cloth Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Cloth Helm Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Arms Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Leather Chest Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Chain Feet Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Minor Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Median Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Lesser Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Greater Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Glowing Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Graffitied Stele of Deepshade ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Feet Armor ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Head Armor ; Taruun Guardian Maul ; Claw of Toraji
New Quests: Dance of the Demiurge
Updated Quests: Loda Kai Poacher Tools (10 Points) ; A Bunch of Wild and Fungis (10 Points) ; Mean Streets (Raid) ; Myconid Mutiny
New Recipes: Spectral Luclinite Dragonbrood Cowl ; Spectral Luclinite Exarch Helm ; Spectral Luclinite Flameweaver Cap ; Spectral Luclinite Frostfire Cap ; Spectral Luclinite Illuminator Helm ; Spectral Luclinite Legionnaire Helm ; Spectral Luclinite Lifewalker Cowl ; Spectral Luclinite Loremaster Helm ; Spectral Luclinite Mindlock Cap ; Spectral Luclinite Natureward Coif ; Spectral Luclinite Shadowscale Coif ; Spectral Luclinite Soulforge Cowl ; Spectral Luclinite Soulrender Helm ; Spectral Luclinite Soulslayer Cap ; Spectral Luclinite Spiritwalker Coif ; Spectral Luclinite Warmonger Coif ; Spectral Luclinite Buckler ; Spectral Luclinite Spiked Shield ; Spectral Luclinite Tower Shield ; Spectral Luclinite Necklace of Adroitness ; Spectral Luclinite Necklace of Security ; Spectral Luclinite Necklace of Vigor
Bestiary Updates: Librarian Hemfar [Quests 1+] ; Drentik the Mad ; Animist Soren [Raid] ; a caged rockhopper ; Ahahd Tolm [General Supplies] ; Alchemist Hikal [General Supplies] ; Alchemist Kotahl ; Animist Mahron Sood ; Animist Poren [Beastlord Guildmaster] ; Animist Simol ; Banker Kjarl [Banker] ; Banker Naudi [Banker] ; Chogar [Pottery Supplies] ; Daima Darjik [Alchemy Supplies] ; Elam Arruk ; Elder Animist Sahdi [Beastlord Guildmaster] ; Elder Ireblood Vrasha Plennsa [Berserker Guildmaster] ; Elder Spiritist Grawleh [Shaman Guildmaster] ; Erat Aimar [General Supplies] ; Feroz [Alchemy Supplies] ; Gendalic ; a Loda Kai champion ; a Loda Kai contender ; a Loda Kai raider ; a Loda Kai seer ; a fungible tyrant ; a hearty saprophyte ; a pungent stinkhorn ; a truffle shambler ; an azure fungus ; Eelworm ; a Loda Kai guard commander ; a vermillion fungus ; a moldy chest - Insatiable an Appetite ; Choreographer [Red] ; Head of Wardrobe [Green] ; Production Manager [Blue] ; Stage Manager [Yellow] ; a vibrating hydra ; a moldy chest - Myconid Mutiny ; Elder Animist Dumul ; Energetic Mass ; Wearying Mass ; Serene Mass ; Impairing Mass ; Malthshisku ; an enthusiastic understudy ; a thespian ; Bertoxless ; Bobcat Knife ; a seasoned performer ; Morel Tool ; a mep hit ; an elder elf ; a flogrok ; a shill skin ; a painted chest ; an outraged thug
New Items: Aged Vivid Supplicant's Cloak of the Selenelion ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Legs Armor ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Plate ; Plate Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Fire Agate Petrified Orchid ; Chalcedony Petrified Orchid ; Agate Petrified Orchid ; Carnelian Petrified Orchid ; Cerulean Citadel Orchid ; Amethyst Citadel Orchid ; Blushing Citadel Orchid ; Flaxen Citadel Orchid ; Aged Dulled Supplicant's Cloak of the Selenelion ; Aged Dulled Combatant's Cloak of the Selenelion ; Aged Vivid Combatant's Cloak of the Selenelion ; Dream of Love ; Letter of Love Lost ; Signet of the Shar Vahl Citizen ; Signet of the Ireblood Ragers ; Signet of the Khati Sha ; Signet of the Taruun ; Damaged "Kragg's Mending" Spell ; Damaged "Sanctuary" Spell ; Red Crystal ; The Shar Vahl Tribune Vol. 30 No. 2 ; The Shar Vahl Tribune Vol. 30 No. 1
Updated Items: Apparitional Amice Fastener ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Hands Armor ; Crippling Waistwraps of the Gate
Updated Quests: Yrelia #1: The Great Hunt ; Dance of the Demiurge
Bestiary Updates: a solid chest - When One Door Closes ; a flogrok ; a stringy dancer
Updated Items: Shadowmane Pelt ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Arms Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Legs Armor ; Erudite Heritage Crate
New Quests: Erudite Heritage Crate
Updated Quests: Kindling for the Fires ; Put Soldiers to Rest ; NoS Rank II Level 116: Minor Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 117: Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 118: Median Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 119: Greater Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 120: Glowing Deepshade Runestone
Bestiary Updates: a fire elemental ; Legionnaire Whiteaxe ; Skitter
Updated Items: Apparitional Ring Polishing Cloth ; Plate Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Plate ; Maera Kerrath's Aid ; Apparitional Earring Clasp ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Legs Armor ; Ring of Dramaturgy
Bestiary Updates: Production Manager [Blue] ; a moldy chest - Myconid Mutiny ; Malthshisku ; a mep hit ; a painted chest
Updated Items: Straggle Grass
Updated Quests: NoS Rank II Level 116: Minor Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 117: Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 118: Median Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 119: Greater Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 120: Glowing Deepshade Runestone
Updated Items: Mindlock Sleeves of the Celestial Zenith ; Mindlock Pants of the Celestial Zenith ; Luclinite Ensanguined Earring of Adroitness ; Luclinite Ensanguined Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Night Seeker's Backpack ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance
New Recipes: Mindlock Pants of the Celestial Zenith ; Mindlock Sleeves of the Celestial Zenith
Updated Items: Faded Spectral Luminosity Chest Armor ; Plate Wrist Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Plate Legs Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Suit of Swirling Spirits Plate ; Cloth Robe Ornament of Swirling Spirits ; Apparitional Essence of Finesse ; Apparitional Necklace Clasp ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Waxing Crescent Honed Luclinite ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Necklace of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Scimitar ; Faded Spectral Luminosity Arms Armor ; Spell: Blast of Hypergrowth Rk. II ; Tome of Punch Through Rk. II ; Tome of Jeer Rk. II ; Ant's Potion
Updated Quests: Give Us Your Tired
New Recipes: Tome of Jeer Rk. II ; Tome of Punch Through Rk. II ; Spell: Blast of Hypergrowth Rk. II ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Scimitar ; Spectral Luclinite Scimitar ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Necklace of Security
Bestiary Updates: Variegated Monstera ; a moldy chest - Insatiable an Appetite ; a solid chest - When One Door Closes ; a moldy chest - Myconid Mutiny ; a painted chest
Updated Items: Faded Spectral Luminosity Wrist Armor ; Reactive Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Devastation
Updated Quests: EverQuest Anniversary Events: An Overview