Site Update #1
Site Update
Here are the site updates for the month of December.
Click on Read More to see all the updates.
New Items: Metamorph Wand - Underbulk ; Shik'Nar Saddle ; Visage of the Grimling ; Tradable: Tradeskill Component Depot Slot (x20) ; Tradable: Sonic Wolf Saddle ; Tradable: Level 100 Heroic Character Boost ; Tradable: Shik'Nar Saddle
Updated Items: Signet of Betrayal ; Mark of Fright ; King's Tome ; Jagged Reed ; Lexicon of the Moon ; Bag of Scarlet Sand ; Black Pearl Studded Medal ; Opal Studded Medal
New Quests: It Takes Two to Tangle ; A Knight to Remember ; No Grave Can Hold Them Down ; That's Not Going to Grow Back ; Pocket Full of Claws ; These Feet Don't Clap ; A Little Goodwill ; A Peace Offering ; Mean Streets ; Under Siege ; Eyeing a Snack ; Culinary Experimentation ; Testing the Grimlings' Weaponry ; Big Claim Hunter ; Spiritual Corruption ; Power Corrupts ; When One Door Closes ; Phlarg the Patog Plerg ; Chitenous Horrors ; Fear the Shrieker ; They are Under What? ; Enter Stage Left ; Fungus Among-us ; We Have to Go Deeper? ; A Lesson in Healing ; A Lesson in Forgiveness ; The Sprint Fades
Bestiary Updates: a poacher ; a meeda hune hero ; A Pale Darkwing Bat ; a spirit messenger [Raids and Mission] ; Animist Khalan [Raid] ; Commander Zaerel [Quests] ; Fipnoc Birribit [Quests] ; Tarson Lonewolf [Shaman Guildmaster and Quests] ; Cook Yalkiin [Quests & Baking Supplies] ; Khala Dun Bokh [Quests] ; Pathmaster Shainai [Quests] ; Weapons Master Wygans [Quests] ; Ian Naelev [Quests] ; Terro Kai [Quests] ; Trent Dapplesworth III [Quests] ; Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa ; Kejaan Kerrath [Quests]
Updated Items: Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Glowing Deepshade Runestone ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Median Deepshade Runestone ; Ascending Spirit Honed Luclinite ; Spiritual Luminosity Honed Luclinite ; Celestial Zenith Honed Luclinite ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Necklace of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Charm of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Belt of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Belt of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Arms Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Legs Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Head Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Feet Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Wrist Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite War Sword ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Two Headed Spear ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Sword ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Spear ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Rapier ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Katar ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Hooked Dagger ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Hands Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Chest Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Broadsword ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Axe ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Athame ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Mask of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Mask of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Charm of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Charm of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Guardian's Spiritually Faded Luclinite Mask ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Wand ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Tower Shield ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Spiked Shield ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Short Spear ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Riding Bow ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Maul ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Longbow ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Hammer ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Great Censer ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Fighting Staff ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Flanged Mace ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Mace ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Club ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Censer ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Buckler ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Arcane Staff ; Hot Chili Luclin Fish Curry ; Taygeta's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Sterope's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Pleione's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Merope's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Maia's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Caleano's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Backpack of the Ecliptic ; Alcyone's Gem of Heliacal Rising ; Prismatic Buckler ; Shaded Specie
Updated Quests: NoS Rank II Level 116: Minor Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 118: Median Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 119: Greater Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 120: Glowing Deepshade Runestone
Bestiary Updates: Igneous Insect ; Gretara Solan [Group and Parcel Merchant]
Updated Items: Glowing Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Greater Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Median Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Lesser Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Minor Symbol of Shar Vahl
New Quests: Starting the Debugging Process ; NoS Rank III Level 116: Minor Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 117: Lesser Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 118: Median Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 119: Greater Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 120: Glowing Symbol of Shar Vahl
Updated Quests: It Takes Two to Tangle
Bestiary Updates: a pale darkwing bat ; The Triunity ; The Triunity ; High Priest Syltetzalvek ; Lady Mirenilla ; King Tormax ; Dain Frostreaver IV ; Lord Yelinak ; Zalikor, Devourer of Dragons ; a poacher ; Grelleth, her Majesty the Queen ; Nest Protector ; King Xorbb ; King Tormax ; Dain Frostreaver IV ; Lord Yelinak ; Danela Icewind ; Zeixshi-Kar ; Velishan, The Deceitful ; Zalikor, Devourer of Dragons ; Grelleth, her Majesty the Queen ; Marnek Jaull ; Nest Protector ; Yymp the Abyssal ; King Xorbb ; Lord Yelinak ; Igneous Insect ; Lady Mirenilla
Updated Items: Tradable: Shik'Nar Saddle ; Flawed Defiant Charm ; Flawed Defiant Charm ; Twisted Hopes ; Kaas Akuel xi Temariel ; Rasnac's Bludgeon ; Terminal Blow ; Ji'kari's Sash ; Faded Ascending Spirit Hands Armor ; Gemmed Scepter of Feathers ; Shik'Nar Saddle ; Spirit Drinker's Coating ; Knightly Sword of Spectral Destruction ; Shadow Haven Teleport Pad ; Tradable: Sonic Wolf Saddle ; Engraved Onyx of Wrath ; Sonic Wolf Saddle ; Harmonious Indehiscent Fruit ; Reactive Indehiscent Fruit ; Square Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Round Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Trillion Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Half-Moon Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Sheet ; Spiritual Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch ; Oval Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Board ; Spiritual Luclinite Powder
Updated Quests: Focus the Crystal Geode (Guild Hall Portal) ; Secrets of Faydwer Rank III Spells ; Respect the Death Blades (20 Points) ; Eyeing a Snack ; Culinary Experimentation ; Testing the Grimlings' Weaponry
New Recipes: Spiritual Luclinite Powder ; Spiritual Luclinite Board ; Oval Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch ; Spiritual Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch ; Spiritual Luclinite Sheet ; Half-Moon Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Trillion Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Round Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Square Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spectral Focus ; Champion's Restorative ; Elixir of Soothing Shadows ; Luclinite Fortified Drink ; Moonstone Antidote ; Refined Mana Tonic ; Spirit Pacifying Potion
Updated Recipes: Oval Cut Alaris Gemstone
Bestiary Updates: a glacier mastodon ; Ar`yer the Warlord ; Merchant Ayyad [Raid Merchant] ; Palav ; Rajyk ; Merrimore Ychansk ; Firefallizard ; Fowl Matriarch ; Rock Lobber
Updated Items: Thoughts about Mistakes ; Subterranean Damselfly ; Shaded Specie ; Ice Cream Churn ; Eclipsed Light Plate Helm Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Chest Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Arms Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Wrist Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Hands Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Legs Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Plate Feet Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Wrist Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Legs Ornament ; Suit of Eclipsed Light Plate ; Suit of Eclipsed Light Chain ; Suit of Eclipsed Light Leather ; Suit of Eclipsed Light Cloth ; Eclipsed Light Chain Helm Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Chest Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Arms Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Wrist Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Hands Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Legs Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Chain Feet Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Helm Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Chest Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Arms Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Hands Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Leather Feet Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Helm Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Chest Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Arms Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Hands Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Legs Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Feet Ornament ; Eclipsed Light Cloth Robe Ornament ; Medal of Conflict ; Spiritbound Epee ; Doodad of Aurora's Luminosity ; Zealot's Moonmace ; Fortified Bone Facade ; Glowing Deepshade Runestone ; Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Khala Dun Arming Sword ; Dire Fulgurating Amethyst ; Polished Yttrium Gorget ; Faux Flying Fish ; Tuft of Owlbear Feathers ; Clove Hitch Knot ; Captain's Smoking Pipe ; Sterling Silver Sunfish ; Qeynos Guard's Rope ; Scorched Sky Firework ; Crude Magmatic Saltpeter ; Refined Magmatic Saltpeter ; Crude Fire Goblin Water Pod ; Carlene's Mix And Settler ; Volantpiscis' Riddles ; Velium Threaded Amice of Adroitness ; Velium Endowed Amice of Adroitness ; Faded Restless Velium Gem of Brilliance ; Faded Restless Velium Gem of Devastation ; Steel Plate Boots ; Leather Boots ; Iron Boots ; Fur Lined Shoes ; Fur Lined Boots ; Cloth Sandals ; Bear Meat ; Bear Meat ; Wolf Stew ; Spit ; Sonic Wolf Delight ; Snake Meat ; Scorpion Meat ; Rockhopper Stew ; Rat Meat ; Rabbit Stew ; Lion Meat Stew ; Lion Meat ; Grimling Stew ; Gator Meat ; Bunny Stew ; Bottle of Milk ; Boiled Snake Stew ; Bear Meat Stew ; Jumjum Stalk ; Water Flask ; Turnip ; Tomato ; Lettuce ; Jumjum Juice ; Carrot ; Luclinite Laced Muscimol ; Luclinite Laced Larkspur ; Luclinite Laced Laburnum ; Luclinite Laced Privet ; Luclinite Laced Delphinium ; Luclinite Laced Oleander ; Luclin Silver Arowana ; Broken Fish Hook ; Shadow Haven Teleport Pad ; Lost Turnip Sign ; Spiritual Luclin Mushroom ; Luclin Spirit Water ; Luclin Ghost Angelfish ; Luclinite Laced Caladium ; Luclin Elderberry ; Spiritual Luclin Green Beans
New Quests: Ophiocordyceps ate my Neighbors
Updated Quests: Free the Goranga ; Shei Vinitras (Raid) ; The Known Laws of Aviation ; Brighter Than the Moon ; Clickity Clack Attack! ; Savior of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (20 Points) ; Under Siege: No Dark Heart (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Don't Blink (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Stop the Advance (10 Points) ; Novice Hunter of Night of Shadows (20 Points) ; Deepshade Scavenger (10 Points) ; Darklight Critters (10 Points) ; Musings of Kejaan Kerrath (10 Points) ; Mean Streets ; Under Siege ; When One Door Closes ; The Spirit Fades
New Recipes: Luclin Elderberry Punch ; Refined Magmatic Saltpeter
Bestiary Updates: a grikbar kobold ; an ancient necromantic shade ; Avatar of Tunare [Mother of All] ; a lost treasure ; a darkened chest ; a steel chest - Netherbian Swarm Commander ; a chest - Goranga ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras - Raid ; Giraga [23rd Anniversary Quest] ; Volantpiscis [23rd Anniversary Quest] ; Angler Suzelle [23rd Anniversary Quest] ; Guard Urli [23rd Anniversary Quest] ; a satiated rat ; a clotted chest ; a moonlit chest ; a rough-hewn chest ; Carlene Snizzlefriz [Devotee of Flame Quests] ; a smoldering rock pile ; Alorob Bolrodo [Vegetable Merchant] ; Bargain Merchant (NoS) [General Supplies] ; Kytley (NoS) [Armor Merchant] ; Ronlotar Stumpshade (NoS) [Boot Merchant] ; Tall Joe (NoS) [Food] ; Mutable Monstrosity ; a solid chest [When One Door Closes]
Zone Updates: Deepshade
Updated Items: Grubsmasher, Maul of Pestilence ; Spiritual Luclinite Core Mana Battery ; Pear Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Belt of Vigor ; Splendid Panther Figurine ; Brilliant Band of Potential ; Otherworldly Arm Armor Lining ; Perfectly Balanced Pocketknife ; Shik'Narian Pauldrons of Protection ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Glowing Deepshade Runestone ; Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Median Deepshade Runestone ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Crook of the Cursed
Updated Quests: The Artisan's Prize ; Under Siege
New Recipes: Spectral Luclinite Belt of Vigor ; Phantasmal Luclinite Belt of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Belt of Vigor ; Pear Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Core Mana Battery
Bestiary Updates: Adinson Allonode (NoS) [Jewelry Supplies] ; Garn Allonode (NoS) [Jewelry Supplies] ; Wawker (NoS) [Armor Merchant] ; Sergeant Hujiid [Raids and Missions] ; Wiggle ; a solid chest ; Seething Kor Adherent ; Kelly Blackhand (NoS) [Smithing Supplies] ; a war chest ; Battle Master Ska`tu
Updated Items: Unfired Spiritually Faded Mask of Brilliance ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Mask of Adroitness ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Brilliance ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Charm of Vigor ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Charm of Security ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Charm of Brilliance ; Spittle Pocked Yttrium Coin ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Otherworldly Cloak Fastener ; Fanatic's Clawed Bludgeon ; Enchanted Honed Spiritual Luclinite ; Mask of the Mighty Minotaur ; Honed Spiritual Luclinite ; Otherworldly Leg Armor Lining ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Arms Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Feet Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Hands Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Helm Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Legs Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Arms Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Chest Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Feet Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Helm Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Hands Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Legs Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Plate Wrist Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Cloth Chest Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Chest Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Helm Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Legs Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Wrist Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Arms Ornament ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Cloth ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Ringmail ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Scalemail ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Chain ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Plate ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Ringmail ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Chain ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Feet Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Legs Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Ringmail Hands Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Hands Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Legs Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Wrist Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Arms Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Chest Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Helm Ornament ; Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Feet Ornament ; Jeldorin
Updated Quests: Crusader's Test of the Hero (#6) ; Coldain Ring #9: Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring ; Kicking Tail ; Ancient Heroes - Nagafen's Lair ; Ancient Heroes - Lord Nagafen ; Ancient Heroes - Lower Guk ; Ancient Heroes - Cursed Guk ; Ancient Heroes - Lady Vox ; Becoming a Hero ; Alaran Hero (Group) ; Alaran Hero (Raid) ; Hero of Argath, Bastion of Illdaera ; Hero's Forge - Bloodforged Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Beryl Hero's Forge Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Auburn Hero's Forge Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Auburn Hero's Forge Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Beryl Hero's Forge Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Ebon Hero's Forge Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bloodforged Chain (10 Points) ; Fearless Hero (Raid) ; Hero of Chapterhouse of the Fallen ; Hero of Brell's Rest ; Hero of Arthricrex ; Hero of Brell's Temple ; Hero of Convorteum ; Hero's Forge - Animal Hats (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Brew Day Hats (10 Points) ; Hero of Chelsith Reborn ; Hero of Al'Kabor's Nightmare ; Hero of Bloody Kithicor ; Hero of Blackburrow ; Hero of Bixie Warfront ; Accomplished Hero of the Call ; Greater Hero of the Call ; Group Expedition: Tipt, Treacherous Crags ; Hero of Argin-Hiz ; Hero of Brother Island ; Hero of Caverns of Endless Song ; Hero of Combine Dredge ; Hero of Arx Mentis ; Accomplished Hero of The Darkened Sea ; Greater Hero of The Darkened Sea ; Daily Task: Heroic Adventures ; Hero of Chardok ; Hero of Aalishai: Palace of Embers (10 Points) ; Hero of Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay ; All Heroes ; Hero's Forge - Duende Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Couture Clockwork Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Di`Zok Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Di`Zok Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Ak`Anon Clockwork Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arcron Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arx Mentis Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Ak`Anon Clockwork Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Ak`Anon Clockwork Leather (10 Points) ; Hero of Basilica of Adumbration (10 Points) ; Hero of Bloodfalls (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arcron Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arcron Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arcron Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arx Mentis Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arx Mentis Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Arx Mentis Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Auburn Hero's Forge Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Beryl Hero's Forge Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Beryl Hero's Forge Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bixie Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bixie Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bixie Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bixie Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bloodforged Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Bloodforged Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Clockwork Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Clockwork Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Clockwork Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Clockwork Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Couture Clockwork Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Couture Clockwork Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Couture Clockwork Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Damsel of Decay Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Damsel of Decay Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Damsel of Decay Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Damsel of Decay Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Dark Elf Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Dark Elf Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Dark Elf Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Dark Elf Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Di`Zok Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Di`Zok Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Draconic Lava Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Draconic Lava Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Draconic Lava Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Draconic Lava Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Duende Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Duende Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Duende Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Cloth (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Ringmail (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Scalemail (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wiska's Plate (10 Points) ; Ogre Heritage Crate ; Ogre Heritage Crate: Ogre Art Collector (10 Points) ; Respect the Death Blades (20 Points)
New Recipes: Phantasmal Luclinite Dragonbrood Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Exarch Greaves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Flameweaver Pants ; Phantasmal Luclinite Frostfire Pants ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Greaves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Legionnaire Greaves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Loremaster Greaves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Pants ; Phantasmal Luclinite Natureward Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Shadowscale Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulforge Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulrender Greaves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulslayer Pants ; Phantasmal Luclinite Spiritwalker Leggings ; Phantasmal Luclinite Warmonger Leggings ; Honed Spiritual Luclinite ; Phantasmal Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Phantasmal Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Phantasmal Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Brilliance ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Spiritually Faded Idol of Vigor
Bestiary Updates: Scholar Klaz [Research Merchant] ; Kerst Frostrift [Tradeskill Quests] ; Cook Mylis (NoS) [Baking Supplies] ; Cook Yalkiin (NoS) [Quests & Baking Supplies] ; Tailfang ; a solid chest ; a war chest
New Items: Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Feet Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Head Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Wrist Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Head Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Arms Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Legs Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Chest Armor ; Summoner's Spiritually Faded Luclinite Earring ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Earring of Brilliance ; Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) ; Selyrah of Fear Saddle ; Heroic Conquest Seal ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Wristguard ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Gloves ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Sandals ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Cap ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Sleeves ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Pantaloons ; Grandiose Consigned Silk Robe ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Earring ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Ear Stud ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Facemask ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Necklace ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Hood ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Cloak ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Shard ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Ring ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Band ; Grandiose Consigned Adept's Belt ; Grandiose Consigned Inferno Staff ; Grandiose Consigned Buckler ; Heroic Backpack of the Adventurer ; Adoptable Infected Rat Familiar ; King Gragnar's Throne ; Painting: Stonebrunt Mountains ; Tattered Cazicite Banner ; Erudin Brazier ; Wrapped Erudin Brazier ; Trophy: Subterranean Lily Bloom ; Acrylian Plate Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Robe Ornament ; Tri-Spirit Embossed Token ; Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Black Jelly Beans ; Aged Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Tidal Force Chain Chest Ornament ; Wrapped Statue of Toskirakk ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Leather ; Shak Dratha Token ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version I ; Tanglewood Tree Sap ; Pilfered Pouch of Salt ; Shadeweaver Snake Skin ; Severed Hopper Head ; Severed Cht`Thk Feet ; Fresh Rhinobeetle Eye ; Caustic Scorpion Venom ; Dried Gray Mud ; Broken Rhinobeetle Claw ; Scattered Stone Beads ; Chipped Xakra Tooth ; Shattered Scorpion Leg ; Torn Gravel Pit Leaves ; Crushed Hopperclaw ; Dusty Grimling Femur ; Chain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the Foot Soldier ; Rockhopper Steak ; Rough Forensic Kit ; Bloodied Grimling Blade ; Evidence Box ; Letter of Concern ; Seal of Shar Vahl ; Letter to Shar Vahl Leadership ; Evidence Box for Leadership ; Shainai's Satchel ; Crumbling Gargoyle Familiar ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Plate ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Cloth ; Suit of Wiska's Ogre Leather ; Acolyte's Focus of the Selenelion ; Signet of Vah ; Great Bear Spirit Familiar ; Great Wolf Spirit Familiar ; Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Torrent ; Adoptable Crumbling Gargoyle Familiar ; Wrapped King Gragnar's Throne ; Wrapped Painting: Toxxulia Forest ; Spell: Illusion: Paineel Skeleton Guard ; Call of the Forsaken Standard Item Bundle ; The Darkened Sea Additional Items Bundle ; Burnt Virgae Crystals ; Fused Virgae Crystals ; Brittle Virgae Crystals ; Trying Trunk ; Vexing Valise ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Bracer ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Gauntlets ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Boots ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Coif ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Sleeves ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Leggings ; Grandiose Consigned Chain Tunic ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Earring ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Ear Stud ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Facemask ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Neckguard ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Pauldrons ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Cloak ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Shard ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Ring ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Band ; Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Belt ; Grandiose Consigned Gemblade ; Heroic Conquest Donuts ; Heroic Conquest Coffee ; Mucous-Coated Mask of Omniscience ; Tidal Force Chain Feet Ornament ; Adoptable Jungle Spider Familiar ; Locket of the Disciples ; Collar of Infinite Struggle ; Deteriorating Silk Wrap ; Shroud of Unending Cycles ; Vaniki's Cherished Band ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Helm Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Chest Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Arms Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Wrist Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Hands Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Feet Ornament ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Scalemail ; Onokiwan Bird Sculpture ; Marshee Plinter's Missing Toy ; Smashed Necklace Chain ; Orange Onokiwan Gem ; Supposedly a Fishing Rod ; Firefall Pass Saurek Skull ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version II ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version III ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version IV ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version V ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VI ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VII ; Severed Shik Nar Claws ; Everything Except a Bowl ; Petrified Saurek Incisor ; Firefall Rock Salt ; Firefall Root Veggie ; Ratfolk Ratatouille ; Preserved Pest ; Strange Snail Shell ; Perplexing Pebble ; Fossilized Saurek Scales ; Iridescent Cave Moss ; Lustrous Rosette ; Candescent Flower Seed ; Opalescent Blossom ; Sparkling Spores ; Atypical Algae ; Oddly Colored Leaves ; Kezhda's Pack ; Kezhda's Vengeance ; Crystalline Crawler ; Luminous Larva ; Scathing Notations ; Spiritual Plea ; Devotee's Focus of the Selenelion ; Sealed Sterile Fungal Sample Bag ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Gem of Security
Updated Items: Diary of a Mutiny ; Marquise Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Ring ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Necklace ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Earring ; Glowrock ; Glowstone ; Grubby Fine Parchment ; Visage of the Stonegrabber ; Quick Secret Dawn Earring ; Quick Ascending Sun Earring ; Quick Secret Dawn Ring ; Quick Ascending Sun Ring ; Tabron's Vial Pouch ; Tome of Temple Blow Rk. III
Updated Quests: Breaking the Seal ; Respect the Death Blades (20 Points) ; Phlarg the Patog Plerg ; Chitenous Horrors
New Recipes: Quick Secret Dawn Ring ; Quick Secret Dawn Earring ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Earring ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Necklace ; Duo Spiritual Luclinite Ring ; Marquise Cut Spiritual Luclinite Topaz ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Earring of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Necklace of Adroitness ; Summoner's Spiritually Faded Luclinite Earring ; Guardian's Spiritually Faded Luclinite Mask
Bestiary Updates: Ziglark Whisperwing ; Hivsgar the Terrible ; Pyre Lord Narseekin ; Argil Oppressor ; a nefarious deserter ; a murderous saboteur ; Morris Olberson
Updated Items: Orb of Duskmold ; Spiritual Luclinite Leather ; Portal Fragment ; Spiritual Luclinite Heavy Fabric ; Restless Velium Tainted Diamond ; Restless Velium Tainted Silk ; Secret Dawn Necklace of Adroitness ; Ascending Sun Necklace of Adroitness ; Secret Dawn Necklace of Security ; Ascending Sun Necklace of Security ; Shabby Vellum Parchment ; Sibilisan Viridian Pigment ; Smudged Rough Numen Plaque ; Smudged Runic Numen Plaque ; Sooty Numen Plaque ; Stained Fine Runic Paper ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Gem of Security ; Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) ; Diary of a Mutiny
Updated Quests: Phlarg the Patog Plerg ; Chitenous Horrors ; Fear the Shrieker ; They are Under What?
New Recipes: Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Gem of Security ; Secret Dawn Necklace of Security ; Secret Dawn Necklace of Adroitness ; Spiritual Luclinite Heavy Fabric ; Spiritual Luclinite Leather ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Adroitness
Bestiary Updates: Ziglark Whisperwing ; Hivsgar the Terrible ; Blight Pyre Golem ; Brimstone Juggernaut ; a nefarious deserter ; a murderous saboteur
Updated Items: Stone Chitin Mandible ; Indehiscent Fruit ; Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Devastation ; Harmonious Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Striking ; Reactive Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Striking ; Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Striking ; Familiar Key Ring Slots (5) ; Legends of Norrath: Shing Ho ; Reactive Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Devastation ; Harmonious Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Devastation ; Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Aged Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Wretched Mask of Repentance ; Suit of Mrang's Ogre Scalemail ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Feet Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Hands Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Wrist Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Arms Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Chest Ornament ; Mrang's Ogre Scalemail Helm Ornament ; Gift from Santug ; Spell: Whirling into the Hollow Rk. II ; Master Crystal Base ; Prismatic Crystal Charm ; Light Blue Crystal Base ; Glowing Crystal Base ; Cloudy Crystal Base ; Clear Crystal Base ; Intricate Defiant Trident ; Velium Gem Dusted Rune ; Windcaller's Under Armor ; Earring of Pyre Ash ; Large Flickering Powersource
Updated Quests: Access to Crystallos: Beyond the Barrier ; Hero's Forge - Mrang's Scalemail (10 Points) ; Ogre Heritage Crate ; Fungal Corruption ; Night's Avenger (60 Points) ; Nightslayer (60 Points) ; Explorer of Night of Shadows (20 Points) ; Paragon of Night of Shadows (40 Points) ; Challenger of Night of Shadows (50 Points) ; Vanquisher of Night of Shadows (50 Points) ; Night Seeker (30 Points) ; Partisan of Firefall Pass (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Shadeweaver's Tangle (10 Points) ; Partisan of Shadeweaver's Tangle (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Shar Vahl, Divided (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Paludal Depths (10 Points) ; Partisan of Paludal Depths (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Ruins of Shadow Haven (10 Points) ; Partisan of Ruins of Shadow Haven (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Deepshade (10 Points) ; Partisan of Deepshade (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Darklight Caverns (10 Points) ; Partisan of Darklight Caverns (10 Points) ; The Cunning of a Tiger: Cunning Copycat (10 Points) ; The Strength of a Wolf: Leader of the Pack (10 Points) ; The Bravery of a Bear: Bearer of Bravery (10 Points) ; Hero of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (10 Points) ; Savior of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (20 Points) ; Mean Streets: Waste No Effort - Mission (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: Cut Off The Head - Mission (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: No You Don't - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (10 Points) ; Savior of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (20 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Brutal Efficiency - Mission (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Hiding In Plain Sight - Mission (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: No Poke - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (10 Points) ; Savior of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (20 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Conscientious Liberation - Mission (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Unscrupulous Liberation - Mission (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Thick Skin - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (10 Points) ; Savior of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (20 Points) ; Under Siege: No Dark Heart (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Don't Blink (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Stop the Advance (10 Points) ; Respect the Death Blades (20 Points)
New Recipes: Prismatic Crystal Charm ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Arms Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Chest Armor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance
Updated Recipes: Glowing Crystal ; Clear Crystal ; Cloudy Crystal ; Light Blue Crystal ; Spell: Whirling into the Hollow Rk. II ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Cloak of Security
Bestiary Updates: a witty sphinx ; Laiyken ; Squire Tectoran ; Santug Claugg [Plane of Knowledge]
Updated Items: Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Luclin Spirit Water ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Undead Sprite's Severed Tongue ; Part of Grimthor's Distillery's Sign ; Dirtied Record Keeper Page ; Dented Further's Stein ; Cracked Poisons Vial ; Strontium Lava Glass ; Sodium Lava Glass ; Obsidian Lava Glass ; Magnesium Lava Glass ; Lithium Lava Glass ; Copper Lava Glass ; Calcium Lava Glass ; Barium Lava Glass ; Yellow Nepeta Petals ; White Nepeta Petals ; Silver Nepeta Petals ; Purple Nepeta Petals ; Pink Nepeta Petals ; Lavender Nepeta Petals ; Blue Nepeta Petals ; Amber Nepeta Petals ; White-Eyed Paludal Ant ; Three-Legged Paludal Arachnid ; Partially Crushed Paludal Cricket ; One-Winged Paludal Moth ; Hollowed-Out Paludal Mantis ; Half of a Paludal Beetle ; Deteriorated Paludal Cicada ; Bisected Paludal Centipede ; Discarded Infested Pants ; Discarded Infested Greaves ; Discarded Infested Breastplate ; Discarded Infested Bracers ; Discarded Infested Belt ; Snout Racing Rock ; Scatter Rocks ; Onokiwan Compass ; Mushroom Moppet ; Hide-the-Shiny ; Glittering Egg ; Flinging Feather ; Everything Except a Bowl ; Strange Snail Shell ; Preserved Pest ; Petrified Saurek Incisor ; Perplexing Pebble ; Fossilized Saurek Scales ; Pulak's Journal, Page 8 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 7 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 6 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 5 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 4 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 3 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 2 ; Pulak's Journal, Page 1 ; Bottle of Rainbow Swirling Spores ; Sparkling Spores ; Opalescent Blossom ; Oddly Colored Leaves ; Lustrous Rosette ; Iridescent Cave Moss ; Candescent Flower Seed ; Atypical Algae ; Bloodforged Leather Chest Ornament ; Otherworldly Idol Polishing Cloth ; Weeping Shard ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Topaz ; Otherworldly Essence of Power ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor
Updated Quests: Eldritch Collective Initiate Final Task ; Deep Muses Special Duty ; Fungal Corruption ; Onokiwan Toys (10 Points) ; Journal of an Original (10 Points) ; Firefall Artifacts (10 Points) ; Hawks' Pilfered Trinkets (10 Points) ; Gor Taku Masonry Tools (10 Points) ; Nepeta Petals (10 Points) ; Loda Kai Poacher Tools (10 Points) ; Pigmented Lava Glass (10 Points) ; This Used to Be My Training Ground (10 Points) ; Shar Vahl Guild Signets (10 Points) ; Articles of Brokenness (10 Points) ; Dreams of the Whisperlings (10 Points) ; Zombugs (10 Points) ; Stinking Badges (10 Points) ; Recondite Sashes (10 Points) ; Forsaken Affairs (10 Points) ; Empty Nester (10 Points) ; Vestiges of Rampage (10 Points) ; The Ax Forgets, But The Tree Remembers (10 Points) ; The Unbearable Weight of Massive Teachings (10 Points) ; Prop Hunt (10 Points) ; A Bunch of Wild and Fungis (10 Points) ; Color Theory (10 Points) ; Places, People! Places! (10 Points) ; Spirit Imbued Flora (10 Points) ; Mean Streets (Group Mission) ; Spiritual Corruption
New Recipes: Phantasmal Luclinite Arcane Staff ; Phantasmal Luclinite Bardiche ; Phantasmal Luclinite Fighting Staff ; Phantasmal Luclinite Great Censer ; Phantasmal Luclinite Maul ; Phantasmal Luclinite Spear ; Phantasmal Luclinite Two Headed Spear ; Phantasmal Luclinite Exarch Bracer
Updated Recipes: Vale Studded Cloak ; Soot Bound Ceramic Clay
Bestiary Updates: Diloperia ; an undead sprite ; An Undead Sprite Raider ; lfaydark - an undead sprite spook ; An Undead Sprite Guardian ; An Undead Sprite Hunter ; lfaydark - an undead sprite horror ; Faeeron ; Galorin ; Halorniop ; Squire Tectoran ; Lewena ; Wiggle ; a mature sensate reishi ; a royal guardian ; a Firefall hollower ; animated debris ; Sergeant Hujiid ; Jakarashev ; a wild-eyed thug ; a riled up thug ; a feral Sahtebi ; a grimling attacker ; a grimling gatherer ; a grimling hunter ; a grimling skeleton ; a raging Sahtebi ; a rockhopper ; a scorpion ; a steely skeleton ; a whiptail scorpion ; a young rockhopper ; an impassioned thug ; an outraged thug
New Zones: Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (Group Mission)
Zone Updates: Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (Group Mission)
Updated Items: Performer's Lucky Charm ; Snowstorm Axe Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Cestus Ornamentation ; Robe of Dalnir ; Snowstorm Dagger Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Greataxe Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Greatstaff Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Shield Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Spear Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Axe Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Cestus Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Dagger Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Greataxe Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Greatstaff Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Shield Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Spear Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Sword and Board Package ; Snowstorm Sword Dual Wield Package ; Snowstorm Bow Ornamentation ; Snowstorm Staff Ornamentation ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Hands Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Feet Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Chest Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Arms Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Legs Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Helm Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Hands Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Feet Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Chest Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Arms Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Chain Wrist Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Robe Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Legs Ornament ; Loremaster Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Frigid Frostfell Cloth Helm Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Legs Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Helm Ornament ; Loremaster Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Hands Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Feet Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Chest Ornament ; Loremaster Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Arms Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Arms Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Leather Wrist Ornament ; Loremaster Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Wrist Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Legs Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Helm Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Hands Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Feet Ornament ; Frigid Frostfell Plate Chest Ornament ; Dragonbrood Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Snowstorm Staff Ornamentation ; Dragonbrood Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Maple Leaf Earrings ; Perfectly Balanced Pocketknife ; Stone of Unified Spirits ; Lifewalker Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Spittle Pocked Yttrium Coin ; Spectral Book of Knowledge and Tactics ; Adorned Deepdweller's Dagger ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Head Armor ; Bladed Rod of Brutality ; Hooded Cloak of the Initiate ; Lavish Compound Bow of Heroes ; Splendid Panther Figurine ; Glowing Deepshade Runestone ; Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Median Deepshade Runestone ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Crystal Powder Pouch ; Heavenly Scales of Measure ; Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 ; Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 ; Twice-Woven Cloak ; Twice-Woven Silk ; Cat's Eye Agate ; Chipped Cat's Eye Agate ; Round Cut Cat's Eye Agate ; Warmonger Sleeves of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Coif of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Leggings of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Coat of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Wristguard of Spectral Luminosity ; Warmonger Boots of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Vambraces of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Helm of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Greaves of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Breastplate of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Bracer of Spectral Luminosity ; Illuminator Boots of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Armwraps of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Cowl of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Leggings of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Gloves of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Tunic of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Wristguard of Spectral Luminosity ; Lifewalker Boots of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Sleeves of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Cap of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Pants of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Gloves of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Robe of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Wristguard of Spectral Luminosity ; Mindlock Sandals of Spectral Luminosity ; Grubsmasher, Maul of Pestilence ; Serrated Neurotoxic Sash ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Riding Bow ; Flameweaver Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Ascending Spirit Honed Luclinite ; Soulslayer Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Fungal Underbulk ; Personal Hemic Source ; Shadewrought Coin of the Eclipse ; Indehiscent Fruit ; Amateur's Sheetmetal Wrap ; Acrylian Plate Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Robe Ornament ; Vicious Contorted Spear ; Sash of Crimson Scales ; Humongous Corrupted Pincer ; Seldom-used Aegis ; Otherworldly Focus of Heroism ; Mud-Encrusted Stole ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Sparkling Core of the Hydroid ; Paludal Fiend Axe ; Legionnaire Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit
Updated Quests: Frostfell - Braxi Roundup ; Mean Streets (Group Mission) ; Under Siege ; Power Corrupts
New Recipes: Frostfire Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Frostfire Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Legionnaire Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Spiritwalker Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulrender Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Shadowscale Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Natureward Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Exarch Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulslayer Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Soulforge Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Flameweaver Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Sandals of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Robe of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Pants of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Cap of the Ascending Spirit ; Mindlock Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Lifewalker Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Illuminator Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Coat of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Coif of the Ascending Spirit ; Warmonger Sleeves of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Wristguard of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Tunic of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Gloves of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Leggings of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Cowl of the Ascending Spirit ; Dragonbrood Armwraps of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Boots of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Bracer of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Breastplate of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Greaves of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Helm of the Ascending Spirit ; Loremaster Vambraces of the Ascending Spirit
Updated Recipes: Spiritually Faded Luclinite Riding Bow
Bestiary Updates: an undead sprite ; an undead sprite raider ; an undead sprite spook ; an undead sprite guardian ; an undead sprite hunter ; an undead sprite horror ; Nureya ; Coglixar Xorlopodil ; Lewena ; Steaon Alarenier [Alchemy Supplies] ; Tarson Lonewolf [Shaman Guildmaster and Quests] ; High Spiritist Jimuul ; Eelworm ; Mutable Monstrosity ; a solid chest ; a war chest ; Jakarashev ; a riled up thug ; an impassioned thug ; an outraged thug ; a flickering image ; a tiger ; an illusion ; a shimmery chest ; Manifest Lethargy ; Lesser Lethargy ; Lesser Weakness ; Lesser Manipulation ; Lesser Depletion ; Manifest Apathy ; Manifest Drowsiness ; Seething Energy ; Demonstrated Depletion ; Weakness Evinced ; Manifested Chest ; Vius Vex ; Incantator Cawrolis
New Zones: Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (Group Mission) ; Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (Group Mission) ; Shar Vahl: Under Siege (Group Mission)
Zone Updates: Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (Group Mission) ; Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (Group Mission) ; Shar Vahl: Under Siege (Group Mission)
Updated Items: Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Humongous Corrupted Pincer ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Head Armor ; Boar Carp ; Faded Ascending Spirit Feet Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Wrist Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Head Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Arms Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Legs Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Chest Armor ; Considerable Ornamental Rampart ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Severed Cht`Thk Feet ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Great Tiger Spirit Familiar ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Rough Dark Reflection Staff ; Otherworldly Ring Polishing Cloth ; Severed Hopper Head ; Severed Shik Nar Claws ; Mucous-Coated Mask of Omniscience ; Fragmented Shell Mask of Prowess ; Collar of Infinite Struggle ; Deteriorating Silk Wrap ; Locket of the Disciples ; Shroud of Unending Cycles ; Vaniki's Cherished Band ; Supposedly a Fishing Rod ; Onokiwan Bird Sculpture ; Orange Onokiwan Gem ; Smashed Necklace Chain ; Marshee Plinter's Missing Toy ; Firefall Rock Salt ; Petrified Saurek Incisor ; Ratfolk Ratatouille ; Onokiwan Stone Dish ; Firefall Root Veggie ; Cinder Chanterelle ; Wild Mountain Basil ; Spicy Firefall Pepper ; Preserved Pest ; Strange Snail Shell ; Perplexing Pebble ; Fossilized Saurek Scales ; Kezhda's Vengeance ; Kezhda's Pack ; Luminous Larva ; Glittering Gossamer ; Crystalline Crawler ; Subterranean Damselfly ; Phosphorescent Arachnid ; Pearlescent Centipede ; Sealed Sterile Fungal Sample Bag ; Sterile Fungal Sample Bag ; Frostfell Goblin Snack ; Hargar's Fishing Notes ; Cooked Everfrost Trout ; Seared Luclin Flank Steak ; Shattered Stone Ring ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Robe of Enshroudment ; Acrylian Plate Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Plate Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Chain Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Leather Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Helm Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Chest Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Arms Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Hands Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Legs Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Feet Ornament ; Acrylian Cloth Robe Ornament ; Torn Gravel Pit Leaves ; Shattered Scorpion Leg ; Dusty Grimling Femur ; Dried Gray Mud ; Crushed Hopperclaw ; Chipped Xakra Tooth ; Broken Rhinobeetle Claw ; Scattered Stone Beads ; Signet of the Khala Dun ; Signet of the Jharin ; Signet of the Dar Khura ; Signet of Vah ; Waterlogged Tome of Drinal ; Spiritual Plea ; Scathing Notations ; Diary of Imbalance ; Child's Painting ; Casualty Report ; Damaged "Remove Curse" Spell ; Damaged "Illusion: Imp"" Spell" ; Damaged "Force of Nature"" Spell"
Updated Quests: Telescope Lenses ; Plague Knight Next Task ; Newbie Quest: Good Gnome Casters ; Just a Delivery ; Fungal Corruption ; A Miner Setback ; The New Sheriffs in Town ; A Lesson in Altruism ; Yokaw, Ameek! ; The Strength of a Wolf ; The Bravery of a Bear ; The Cunning of a Tiger ; Walking on Eggshells ; Aberrantly, This is a Big Deal ; No Room for Mushrooms ; Ophiocoryceps at my Neighbors ; To the Tune of Sweet Caroline ; Ratfolk Ratatouille ; Such a Pain in the Neck ; Lights Are Dimming! ; Compiling Saurek Kills ; Clickity Clack Attack! ; Paper Too Thin ; Buried Too Deep ; Ignite The Light ; NoS Rank II Level 116: Minor Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 117: Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 118: Median Deepshade Runestone ; NoS Rank II Level 119: Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Master of Night of Shadows (100 Points) ; Night's Avenger (60 Points) ; Nightslayer (60 Points) ; Explorer of Night of Shadows (20 Points) ; Champion of Night of Shadows (30 Points) ; Paragon of Night of Shadows (40 Points) ; Challenger of Night of Shadows (50 Points) ; Conqueror of Night of Shadows (40 Points) ; Vanquisher of Night of Shadows (50 Points) ; Night Seeker (30 Points) ; Firefall Pass Traveler (10 Points) ; Shadeweaver's Tangle Traveler (10 Points) ; Shar Vahl, Divided Traveler (10 Points) ; Paludal Depths Traveler (10 Points) ; Ruins of Shadow Haven Traveler (10 Points) ; Deepshade Traveler (10 Points) ; Darklight Caverns Traveler (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Firefall Pass (10 Points) ; Partisan of Firefall Pass (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Shadeweaver's Tangle (10 Points) ; Partisan of Shadeweaver's Tangle (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Shar Vahl, Divided (10 Points) ; Partisan of Shar Vahl, Divided (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Paludal Depths (10 Points) ; Partisan of Paludal Depths (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Ruins of Shadow Haven (10 Points) ; Partisan of Ruins of Shadow Haven (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Deepshade (10 Points) ; Partisan of Deepshade (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Darklight Caverns (10 Points) ; Partisan of Darklight Caverns (10 Points) ; The Cunning of a Tiger: Cunning Copycat (10 Points) ; The Strength of a Wolf: Leader of the Pack (10 Points) ; The Bravery of a Bear: Bearer of Bravery (10 Points) ; Hero of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (10 Points) ; Savior of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (20 Points) ; Mean Streets: Waste No Effort - Mission (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: Cut Off The Head - Mission (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: No You Don't - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (10 Points) ; Savior of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (20 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Brutal Efficiency - Mission (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Hiding In Plain Sight - Mission (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: No Poke - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (10 Points) ; Savior of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (20 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Conscientious Liberation - Mission (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Unscrupulous Liberation - Mission (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Thick Skin - Mission (10 Points) ; Hero of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (10 Points) ; Savior of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (20 Points) ; Under Siege: No Dark Heart (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Don't Blink (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Stop the Advance (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Paludal Depths: Insatiable An Appetite (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of Insatiable An Appetite (20 Points) ; Insatiable An Appetite: Unfulfilled Curse - Raid (10 Points) ; Insatiable An Appetite: Undevoured (10 Points) ; Insatiable An Appetite: Undelivered Spores (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Pit Fight (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of Pit Fight (20 Points) ; Pit Fight: Unshattered (10 Points) ; Pit Fight: Run Runner (10 Points) ; Pit Fight: Stay Close (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Mean Streets (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of Mean Streets (20 Points) ; Mean Streets: Waste No Effort - Raid (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: Cut Off The Head - Raid (10 Points) ; Mean Streets: No You Don't - Raid (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Shadow Haven: When One Door Closes (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of When One Door Closes (20 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Brutal Efficiency - Raid (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Hiding In Plain Sight - Raid (10 Points) ; When One Door Closes: Arachnophobia (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Deepshade (20 Points) ; Vanquisher of Myconid Mutiny (20 Points) ; Myconid Mutiny: Crystal Crusher (10 Points) ; Myconid Mutiny: Delivery In Full (10 Points) ; Myconid Mutiny: All That Glitters (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of Dance of the Demiurge (20 Points) ; Dance of the Demiurge: De-Illusion (10 Points) ; Dance of the Demiurge: Multitudes (10 Points) ; Dance of the Demiurge: Altered Gods (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Darklight Caverns: The Spirit Fades (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of The Spirit Fades (20 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Conscientious Liberation - Raid (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Unscrupulous Liberation - Raid (10 Points) ; The Spirit Fades: Thick Skin - Raid (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Firefall Pass: The Shadows Move (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of The Shadows Move (20 Points) ; The Shadows Move: Stave Off the Shadows (10 Points) ; The Shadows Move: Unending Midnight (10 Points) ; The Shadows Move: Within the Shadows (10 Points) ; Conqueror of Shar Vahl: Under Siege (10 Points) ; Vanquisher of Under Siege (20 Points) ; Under Siege: No Shade (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Won't-o-Wisp (10 Points) ; Under Siege: Full Darkness (10 Points) ; Novice Hunter of Night of Shadows (20 Points) ; Adept Hunter of Night of Shadows (20 Points) ; Veteran Hunter of Night of Shadows (30 Points) ; Hunter of Firefall Pass (10 Points) ; Hunter of Shadeweaver's Tangle (10 Points) ; Hunter of Shar Vahl, Divided (10 Points) ; Hunter of Paludal Depths (10 Points) ; Hunter of Ruins of Shadow Haven (10 Points) ; Hunter of Deepshade (10 Points) ; Hunter of Darklight Caverns (10 Points) ; Remnants of the Lost (20 Points) ; Firefall Pass Scavenger (10 Points) ; Onokiwan Toys (10 Points) ; Journal of an Original (10 Points) ; Firefall Artifacts (10 Points) ; Hawks' Pilfered Trinkets (10 Points) ; Shadeweaver's Tangle Scavenger (10 Points) ; Gor Taku Masonry Tools (10 Points) ; Nepeta Petals (10 Points) ; Loda Kai Poacher Tools (10 Points) ; Pigmented Lava Glass (10 Points) ; Remnants of the Hidden (20 Points) ; Shar Vahl, Divided Scavenger (10 Points) ; This Used to Be My Training Ground (10 Points) ; Shar Vahl Guild Signets (10 Points) ; Articles of Brokenness (10 Points) ; Dreams of the Whisperlings (10 Points) ; Paludal Depths Scavenger (10 Points) ; Zombugs (10 Points) ; Stinking Badges (10 Points) ; Recondite Sashes (10 Points) ; Forsaken Affairs (10 Points) ; Remnants of the Night (20 Points) ; Ruins of Shadow Haven Scavenger (10 Points) ; Empty Nester (10 Points) ; Vestiges of Rampage (10 Points) ; The Ax Forgets, But The Tree Remembers (10 Points) ; The Unbearable Weight of Massive Teachings (10 Points) ; Deepshade Scavenger (10 Points) ; Prop Hunt (10 Points) ; A Bunch of Wild and Fungis (10 Points) ; Color Theory (10 Points) ; Places, People! Places! (10 Points) ; Darklight Caverns Scavenger (10 Points) ; Spirit Imbued Flora (10 Points) ; Fragments of Kezhda's Memories (10 Points) ; Darklight Critters (10 Points) ; Musings of Kejaan Kerrath (10 Points) ; Respect the Death Blades (20 Points) ; It Takes Two to Tangle ; A Knight to Remember ; No Grave Can Hold Them Down ; That's Not Going to Grow Back ; Pocket Full of Claws ; These Feet Don't Clap ; A Little Goodwill ; A Peace Offering ; Mean Streets (Group Mission) ; Under Siege (Group Mission) ; Eyeing a Snack ; Culinary Experimentation ; Testing the Grimlings' Weaponry ; Big Claim Hunter ; Spiritual Corruption ; Power Corrupts ; When One Door Closes (Group Mission) ; Phlarg the Patog Plerg ; Chitenous Horrors ; Fear the Shrieker ; They are Under What? ; Enter Stage Left ; Fungus Among-us ; We Have to Go Deeper? ; A Lesson in Healing ; A Lesson in Forgiveness ; The Spirit Fades (Group Mission) ; Starting the Debugging Process ; NoS Rank III Level 116: Minor Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 117: Lesser Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 118: Median Symbol of Shar Vahl ; NoS Rank III Level 119: Greater Symbol of Shar Vahl ; Ophiocordyceps ate my Neighbors
New Recipes: Ratfolk Ratatouille
Bestiary Updates: Dragoon Barber W`Selo ; a subverted miner ; a Broken Skull bruiser ; a resistance miner ; a luggald horror ; Tilkzog Mournunder ; Vitratul K`Reil ; a lockbox ; Plundered Chetari Treasure ; an ornate chest - Guardians of the Snails ; Coglixar Xorlopodil ; a chitterling ; a chitterling shik`nar ; a Cht`Thk ash beetle ; a Cht`Thk horned ash beetle ; a Cht`Thk scorched beetle ; a clawed hopper ; a Loda Kai brigand ; a needle clawed hopper ; a saurek hopper ; a shak dratha City Guard ; a shak dratha hunter ; a small firefall hopper ; a stoneclaw digger ; a xakra larva ; Sentry Kedra Kai ; a shak dathor swayer ; a Firefall falcon ; a luclinite borer ; Fowl Matriarch ; Glimmar Remi [Quests] ; Khala Dun Khairah ; Marshee Plinter ; Peonie ; Taruun Sihiq ; a solid chest ; a shimmery chest ; a chitterling shik`nar pet
Updated Items: Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Coat of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Wristguard of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Boots of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Helm of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Breastplate of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Bracer of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Boots of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Cap of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Gloves of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Robe of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Wristguard of the Celestial Zenith ; Acolyte's Focus of the Selenelion ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Zelinstein's Lively Cresc. ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Twilight Shout ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Shred ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Temple Shatter ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Swift Punch ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Repeal Death ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Pulverizing Volley ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Primed Retaliation ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Night's Calming ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Hurricane Blades ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Grisly Blade ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Umbra ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Exotoxin Discipline ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Eruption of Claws ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Roundhouse Kicks ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Dragon's Poise ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Disciplined Reflexes ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Clobber ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Bristle ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Breath of Stillness ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Frenzy ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Candescence ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Xin Diabo ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Akhevan Runes ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Ambuscade ; Salus Faycite Shard: Soothing Touch ; Salus Faycite Shard: Salve of Jaegir ; Salus Faycite Shard: Raptured Light ; Salus Faycite Shard: Korah's Mending ; Salus Faycite Shard: Desperate Geyser ; Salus Faycite Shard: Darkflow Spring ; Salus Faycite Shard: Culpability ; Salus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Shei Vinitras ; Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Dawnbreak ; Irae Faycite Shard: Zelniak's Bite ; Irae Faycite Shard: Virulent Darkness ; Irae Faycite Shard: Vicious Whirl ; Irae Faycite Shard: Vampyric Endemic ; Irae Faycite Shard: Va Xakra's Maelstrom ; Irae Faycite Shard: Upbraid ; Irae Faycite Shard: Unscrupulous Blight ; Irae Faycite Shard: Touch of Txiki ; Irae Faycite Shard: Sylra Fris' Chill ; Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Torrent ; Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Bloodwretch ; Irae Faycite Shard: Sogran's Insult ; Irae Faycite Shard: Polar Roar ; Irae Faycite Shard: Plague of Fleshrot ; Irae Faycite Shard: Nocturnal Boon ; Irae Faycite Shard: Maiming Axe Throw ; Irae Faycite Shard: Lunarflare Ash ; Irae Faycite Shard: Luclin's Burning Call ; Irae Faycite Shard: Lance ; Irae Faycite Shard: Hymnal ; Irae Faycite Shard: Heartruin ; Irae Faycite Shard: Frozen Blight Poison ; Irae Faycite Shard: Dire Censure ; Irae Faycite Shard: Despicable Bargain ; Irae Faycite Shard: Crystalline Lance ; Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Umbra ; Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Twilight Sea ; Irae Faycite Shard: Cruor's Bite ; Irae Faycite Shard: Coagulated Wind ; Irae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Acquittal ; Irae Faycite Shard: Bond of Bynn ; Irae Faycite Shard: Bloodbeetle Swarm ; Irae Faycite Shard: Blood of Tearc ; Irae Faycite Shard: Akhevan Blood ; Durus Faycite Shard: Sylra Fris' Chant of Frost ; Durus Faycite Shard: Shak Dathor's Chant of Flame ; Durus Faycite Shard: Parlay for Power ; Durus Faycite Shard: Parlay for Honor ; Durus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Clouded Leopard ; Durus Faycite Shard: Forthright Cleansing ; Durus Faycite Shard: Cruor's Chant of Poison ; Durus Faycite Shard: Coagulus' Chant of Disease ; Shik'Narian Pauldrons of Protection ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Fresh Rhinobeetle Eye ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Stone Chitin Mandible ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Timber ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Trying Trunk ; Vexing Valise ; Rough Forensic Kit ; Bloodied Grimling Blade ; Embroidered Medicine Bag ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Blood-Soaked Arcane Staff ; Shak Dratha Token ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore
Updated Quests: Just a Delivery ; Walking on Eggshells ; Ratfolk Ratatouille ; Compiling Saurek Kills ; It Takes Two to Tangle ; Eyeing a Snack ; Starting the Debugging Process
New Recipes: Frostfire Wristguard of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Robe of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Gloves of the Celestial Zenith ; Frostfire Cap of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Boots of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Bracer of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Breastplate of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith ; Legionnaire Helm of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Boots of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Wristguard of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Coat of the Celestial Zenith ; Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Updated Recipes: Homemade Bait (Dragon Bay Snapper)
Bestiary Updates: a rhinobeetle ; a rhinobeetle hatchling ; Dar Khura Hamat [Quests] ; a shak dratha bruiser ; Sentry Kedra Kai ; a mature sensate reishi ; Toxiplax ; a cinderscale saurek ; a Firefall falcon ; a ravine roamer ; a soot-specked hawk ; Za`Aknila Tikus [Quests] ; a solid chest ; Zun Tetorau ; Zov Liako
Updated Items: Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Faded Ascending Spirit Legs Armor ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Twiceforged Katar of Gloaming ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Polished Stone Baton ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore ; Faded Ascending Spirit Wrist Armor ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Shadow Box Necklace ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Gnomish Hovering Transport ; Sealed Tetradrachm Coffer ; Visage of the Bixie Worker ; Flame-Scorched Hammer Ornament ; Blood Sac ; Primal Vampire Blood ; Enlarged Sac of Blood ; Khrix's Brilliant Idol of the Dawn ; Stone Idol of Spirituality ; Mako's Festive Carboy ; Mako's Festive Stout ; Illsalin Rye Grain Spawn ; Illsalin Peat Ashes ; Illsalin Nargilor Trunk ; Illsalin Bog Hops ; Illsalin Bog Water ; Aged Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Lucent Cloak of the Selenelion ; Caustic Scorpion Venom ; Dusty Grimling Femur ; Rockhopper Steak ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Shadowed Stone of Waves ; Shadowed Stone of Storms ; Shadowed Stone of Showers ; Shadowed Stone of Crises ; Shadowed Stone of Cleverness ; Plague Sorcerer Trousers ; Plague Sorcerer Sleeves ; Plague Sorcerer Sandals ; Plague Sorcerer Robe ; Plague Sorcerer Gloves ; Plague Sorcerer Cap ; Plague Sorcerer Bracer ; Call of the Forsaken Standard Item Bundle ; Call of the Forsaken Additional Items Bundle ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Persistence ; Salus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Rejuvenation ; Salus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Unrelenting ; Salus Faycite Shard: Rowain's Recourse ; Salus Faycite Shard: Reckless Resurgence ; Salus Faycite Shard: Lunarush ; Salus Faycite Shard: Guileless Remedy ; Salus Faycite Shard: Fervent Light ; Salus Faycite Shard: Determined Renewal ; Salus Faycite Shard: Clotavida ; Salus Faycite Shard: Antediluvian Intervention ; Salus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Spate ; Irae Faycite Shard: Va Xakra's Rain of Venom ; Irae Faycite Shard: Twilight Chill ; Irae Faycite Shard: Sunpyre ; Irae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunpyre ; Irae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Repentance ; Irae Faycite Shard: Obeah ; Irae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Destitution ; Irae Faycite Shard: Nature's Sweltering Wrath ; Irae Faycite Shard: Lenrel's Curse ; Irae Faycite Shard: Howling Hail ; Irae Faycite Shard: Horde of Duskwigs ; Irae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Conflagration ; Irae Faycite Shard: Heavy Sleet ; Irae Faycite Shard: Fleshrot's Spear of Venom ; Irae Faycite Shard: Extirpate the Undead ; Irae Faycite Shard: Divine Writ ; Irae Faycite Shard: Desperate Vampyre Blood ; Irae Faycite Shard: Cruor's Malady ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chromablast ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Dusksage Tender ; Irae Faycite Shard: Brightfeld's Affliction ; Irae Faycite Shard: Bloody Roar ; Irae Faycite Shard: Ander's Bite ; Durus Faycite Shard: Spirit of Renewal ; Durus Faycite Shard: Hallowed Elixir ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Shadow Harvest ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Roiling Servant ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Gather Vigor ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Eclipsed Auspice ; Tempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Shadeshield ; Irae Faycite Shard: Zelnithak's Pallid Haze ; Irae Faycite Shard: Unmend the Unnatural ; Irae Faycite Shard: Tundra Ice Cascade ; Irae Faycite Shard: Throttling Grip ; Irae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Lunacy ; Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Xenacious ; Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Night Fire ; Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Luclinite ; Irae Faycite Shard: Shock of Carbide Steel ; Irae Faycite Shard: Scalding Shadow ; Irae Faycite Shard: Ravaging Sands ; Irae Faycite Shard: Rain of Falchions ; Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Neglected ; Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Va Xakra ; Irae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildscorch X ; Irae Faycite Shard: Proclamation for Blood ; Irae Faycite Shard: Polyluminous Assault ; Irae Faycite Shard: Mindreap ; Irae Faycite Shard: Mind Vortex ; Irae Faycite Shard: Maraud Essence ; Irae Faycite Shard: Lure of the Cold Moon ; Irae Faycite Shard: Lightning Maelstrom ; Irae Faycite Shard: Infected Wounds ; Irae Faycite Shard: Ignite Cognition ; Irae Faycite Shard: Hemorrhagic Venom ; Irae Faycite Shard: Grip of Quietus ; Irae Faycite Shard: Fleshrot's Decay ; Irae Faycite Shard: Extinction ; Irae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Ignition ; Irae Faycite Shard: Destruction of Sand ; Irae Faycite Shard: Decomposition ; Irae Faycite Shard: Darkice Pillar ; Irae Faycite Shard: Cremate Bones ; Irae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Joltstrike ; Irae Faycite Shard: Claw of the Void ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Flare ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chromashear ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chillblast ; Irae Faycite Shard: Chaotic Calamity ; Irae Faycite Shard: Cerebrumfreeze ; Irae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Olivine ; Irae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Olivine ; Irae Faycite Shard: Barrage of Many ; Durus Faycite Shard: Still Mind ; Durus Faycite Shard: Mesmeric Stare ; Durus Faycite Shard: Harrowing Darkness ; Durus Faycite Shard: Bewildering Wave ; Durus Faycite Shard: Addling Flash ; Durus Faycite Shard: Addle
Updated Quests: Tergon's Spellbook ; Primal Vampire ; 23rd Anniversary - Whispers in the Dark - Group Mission ; Overseer: World: Fighter Agents: Common (30 Points) ; Overseer: World: Fighter Agents: Uncommon (40 Points) ; Overseer: World: Fighter Agents: Rare (50 Points) ; Overseer: World: Fighter Agents: Elite (60 Points) ; Overseer: World: Worker Agents: Common (30 Points) ; Overseer: World: Worker Agents: Uncommon (40 Points) ; Overseer: World: Worker Agents: Rare (50 Points) ; Overseer: World: Worker Agents: Elite (60 Points) ; Overseer: World: Traveler Agents: Common (30 Points) ; Overseer: World: Traveler Agents: Uncommon (40 Points) ; Overseer: World: Traveler Agents: Rare (50 Points) ; Overseer: World: Traveler Agents: Elite (60 Points) ; Feast Fit for a Froglok [95] ; Culinary Experimentation
New Recipes: Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Boots ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Bracer ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Breastplate ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Gauntlets ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Helm ; Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Vambraces ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Boots ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Wristguard ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Tunic ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Gloves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Cowl ; Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Armwraps ; Plague Sorcerer Bracer ; Plague Sorcerer Cap ; Plague Sorcerer Gloves ; Plague Sorcerer Robe ; Plague Sorcerer Sandals ; Plague Sorcerer Sleeves ; Plague Sorcerer Trousers ; Mako's Festive Stout ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Sandals ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Wristguard ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Robe ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Gloves ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Cap ; Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Sleeves
Bestiary Updates: a colony of nargilor ; Eralynn the Shadow Witch ; a clotted chest ; a floating feast ; a reward chest ; a rockhopper ; a scorpion ; a xakra worm ; a young rockhopper ; a young scorpion ; Loda Kai ; Weapons Master Wygans [Quests] ; a Loda Kai battler ; a Loda Kai fighter ; Commander Esline ; Molten Wildfire ; scorched bones ; Scorched Cackling Bones ; a rowdy stand in ; Bouncer Mako [Feast of Giving] ; a Loda Kai guard commander ; a painted elemental
Updated Items: Spell: Rune of Ellowind ; Scroll: Summon Cauldron of Endless Abundance ; Grimp Scales ; Eggnog ; Firefall Root Veggie ; Strange Snail Shell ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Firefall Rock Salt ; Preserved Pest ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VII ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VI ; Firefall Pass Saurek Skull ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version V ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version IV ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version III ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version II ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version I ; Onokiwan Bird Sculpture ; Supposedly a Fishing Rod ; Luclin Elderberry Juice ; Luclin Seltzer Water ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit Juice ; Delightful Luclin Smoothie ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Helm Ornament ; Otherworldly Focus of Fortitude ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Topaz ; Otherworldly Mask Fastener
Updated Quests: Red V Clockwork ; Toko's Head ; Yokaw, Ameek! ; To the Tune of Sweet Caroline ; Fungus Among-us ; We Have to Go Deeper?
New Recipes: Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Security ; Delightful Luclin Smoothie (Ice)
Bestiary Updates: imp protector ; an imp familiar ; an evil little imp ; Fearonoliop ; Dirolensab ; an obsolete model ; imp defender ; imp guardian ; imp vanquisher ; Ireblind Imp ; Enraged Imp ; a grimp ; delete me [Quests] ; Elder Veteran Muhrak [Progressive Spells] ; Emli Widgetton (NoS) ; Spiritist Garig ; Thach Jerden - NoS ; a chasm climber ; a cinderscale saurek ; a fissure fiend ; a luclinite borer ; a soot-specked hawk ; Diabo Xi Vesta ; Drifter Minki - NoS ; Glimmar Sunni ; Marshee Plinter ; Nikao Lingwa ; Nikao Nord [Quests] ; Nikao Shyra ; Nikao Storia ; Nikao Twiga [Quests] ; Peonie ; Wakkadon Koga ; Wakkadon Muru ; Za`Aknila Kingi ; Za`Aknila Tikus [Quests] ; a deepshade pupa ; a slag beetle ; a spirit of perseverance ; a tormented spirit ; Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa (NoS) ; Grandpa ; The Sleeping Beast ; a grimp ; a grimp ; a grimp
Updated Items: Scroll: Howling Hail ; Devotee's Focus of the Selenelion ; Urthron's Ultimate Unattuner ; Firefall Fang Marks ; Miner's Badge - Kiggola Wolforged ; Crushed Haven Vambraces ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Wrist Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Head Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Legs Armor ; Faded Celestial Zenith Arms Armor ; Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance ; Acolyte's Focus of the Selenelion ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Median Deepshade Runestone ; Faded Ascending Spirit Legs Armor ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Coglixar Xorlopodil's Report ; Steaon Alarenier's Report ; Netherbian Fungal Sample ; Underbulk Fungal Sample ; Silkworm Fungal Sample ; Skeletal Fungal Sample ; Shik`Nar Fungal Sample ; Shrieker Fungal Sample ; Shrieker Fungal Sample ; Underbulk Fungal Sample ; Sterile Fungal Sample Bag ; Spell: Venom of the Snake ; Spell: Tainted Breath ; Spell: Sicken ; Spell: Scourge ; Spell: Resist Poison ; Spell: Resist Disease ; Spell: Plague ; Spell: Envenomed Breath ; Spell: Envenomed Bolt ; Spell: Endure Poison ; Spell: Endure Disease ; Spell: Counteract Poison ; Spell: Counteract Disease ; Spell: Abolish Disease ; Lucky Rabbit's Foot ; Lucky Spirits ; Lucky Lizard Meat ; Perfect Whirligig ; Perfect Thimblerod ; Spell: Brell's Earthen Aegis ; Devotee's Fortification of the Selenelion ; Freed Spirit of Strength ; Freed Spirit of Bravery ; Freed Spirit of Cunning ; Loosely Lucky Luclin Lysimeter ; Royal Ruby Orb of the Hive ; Fused Virgae Crystals ; Burnt Virgae Crystals ; Brittle Virgae Crystals ; Fractured Virgae Summoning Stone ; Mixed Green Salad ; Loosely Lucky Luclin Liquidiser ; Lunar Charged Ectoplasm ; Deepshade Ectoplasm ; Distilled Deepshade Energy ; Doll of Character ; Finished Fungal Incense ; Deepshade Spore Samples ; Miner's Badge - Krakkold Modheim ; Miner's Badge - Kamma Mudpunch ; Miner's Badge - Dwogren Pebblesmith ; Miner's Badge - Onleck Dragonbeard ; Miner's Badge - Baligar Isenbraid ; Miner's Badge - Dalandock Aleslay ; Head of the Reishicyben ; Faintly Glowing Digested Stone ; Reishicyben Sample ; Xakra Steak ; Primitive Grimling Blade
Updated Quests: Cargo Clockwork ; Raid Expedition: The Fungal Corruption ; Stomple's Day - A Flurry of Spring ; Tempest Festival - Felled by the Reign ; Fungal Corruption ; The Strength of a Wolf ; The Bravery of a Bear ; The Cunning of a Tiger ; Paper Too Thin ; Partisan of Deepshade (10 Points) ; The Cunning of a Tiger: Cunning Copycat (10 Points) ; The Strength of a Wolf: Leader of the Pack (10 Points) ; The Bravery of a Bear: Bearer of Bravery (10 Points) ; Firefall Artifacts (10 Points) ; Stinking Badges (10 Points) ; Vestiges of Rampage (10 Points) ; A Knight to Remember ; Testing the Grimlings' Weaponry ; Spiritual Corruption ; Enter Stage Left ; Fungus Among-us ; We Have to Go Deeper?
New Recipes: Lunar Charged Ectoplasm ; Phantasmal Luclinite Spiral Dagger ; Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Adroitness ; Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Striking ; Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Proficiency ; Devotee's Focus of the Selenelion
Updated Recipes: Celebration Bubbly ; Lucky Lizard Liver
Bestiary Updates: Clockwork Cleaner ; Clockwork XVIE ; Clockwork XXIIB ; a sediment delver ; Diojb Waksom ; Overslo Herlsal ; Farlol Duriclo ; Noppta Mottun ; Gerind Weaponsmith ; Kilna Odenburgh [New Year's Missions] ; Garuf Odenburgh [New Year's Recipes] ; a clockwork ; a netherbian ravager - ToL ; a netherbian carrion ; an unstable sirocco ; a wobbling sirocco ; a whirling sirocco ; a mature sensate reishi ; a plagued shik'nar ; a teeming shik`nar ; Coglixar Xorlopodil ; Steaon Alarenier [Alchemy Supplies] ; a grimling gatherer ; a hungry xakra worm ; Dar Khura Ahmih - NoS [Shaman Spells] ; Dar Khura Hamat - NoS [Quests] ; Emli Widgetton (NoS) ; Guard Arjin ; Loda Kai ; Wiggle ; a charred shade ; a lesser shade ; a Loda Kai battler ; a Loda Kai brigand ; a Loda Kai champion ; a Loda Kai contender ; a Loda Kai diviner ; a Loda Kai fighter ; a Loda Kai guardian ; a Loda Kai informant ; a Loda Kai knight ; a Loda Kai magus ; a Loda Kai raider ; a Loda Kai sage ; a Loda Kai seer ; a Loda Kai spiritist ; a Loda Kai thug ; a mature hopper ; a minor shade ; a xakra larva ; scorched bones ; Trainer Ahele ; Trainer Kabrin ; Trainer Shali ; a dead eyed shik'nar ; a mature sensate reishi ; a mature shik'nar outcast ; a plagued shik'nar ; a royal guardian ; a sediment delver ; a sensate reishi elder ; an infested burrower ; Thach Jerden - NoS ; The Neverending Reishicyben ; a Firefall hollower ; a fissure fiend ; a luclinite borer ; Diabo Xi Vesta ; Qua Centien ; a spirit of perseverance ; a spore minion ; a tormented spirit ; Sehtab Mahlinee ; Fauma Reista [New Year's Quests] ; a Loda Kai guard commander ; a Loda Kai informant ; animated debris ; Manifested Chest ; a teeming shik`nar ; a corrupted scuttler ; a reishi sprout
Zone Updates: Darklight Caverns
Updated Items: Spell: Ward of Bedazzlement ; Words of Bondage ; Simple Binding Powder ; Miner's Pick ; Crushed Haven Great Helm ; Tattered Haven Robe ; Mutilated Haven Greaves ; Mangled Haven Pauldrons ; Defective Haven Gauntlets ; Crumpled Haven Plate ; Cracked Haven Mask ; Crushed Haven Vambraces ; Rune of Crippling ; Vial of Blackened Blood ; Torgiran Shackle Key ; Signet of Visions ; Natural Silk ; Discarded Infested Pants ; Discarded Infested Helm ; Discarded Infested Greaves ; Discarded Infested Breastplate ; Discarded Infested Bracers ; Discarded Infested Belt ; Musky Plant Fluff ; Discarded Owlbear Pinions ; Bent Mushroom Stalks ; Dry Laburnum ; Velium Gem Dusted Rune ; Flawed Animal Pelt ; Exquisite Gem Dusted Rune ; Nadox Chandelier ; Otherworldly Amice Fastener ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Vigor ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Brilliance ; Spiritually Faded Luclinite Amice of Adroitness ; Words of Odus ; Ringlet of the Fallen Spirit ; Pristine Silk ; Rubicite Ore ; Rough Animal Pelt ; Skirmisher's Shoulderguards ; Luggald Dagger ; Words of Grappling ; Words of the Ethereal ; Sharp Luggald Claw ; Brittle Caladium ; Rune of Concussion ; Rune of the Astral ; Crystallized Sulfur ; Velium Gemmed Rune ; Moist Marrow ; Otherworldly Head Armor Lining ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Stone of Unified Spirits ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Otherworldly Focus of Fortitude
Updated Quests: The Strength of a Wolf ; The Bravery of a Bear ; The Cunning of a Tiger ; NoS Rank II Level 116: Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Forsaken Affairs (10 Points) ; Empty Nester (10 Points) ; Vestiges of Rampage (10 Points) ; A Knight to Remember ; No Grave Can Hold Them Down
New Recipes: Phantasmal Luclinite Exarch Helm ; Phantasmal Luclinite Flameweaver Cap ; Phantasmal Luclinite Frostfire Cap ; Phantasmal Luclinite Legionnaire Helm ; Phantasmal Luclinite Natureward Coif ; Phantasmal Luclinite Shadowscale Coif ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulforge Cowl ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulrender Helm ; Phantasmal Luclinite Soulslayer Cap ; Phantasmal Luclinite Spiritwalker Coif
Updated Recipes: Spell: Ward of Bedazzlement
Bestiary Updates: Clockwork XVIIA ; Clockwork XVE ; Clockwork XVIIB ; Clockwork XVIIIB ; Clockwork XXD ; Clockwork XVIIC ; Overseer Wrank ; a soot covered miner ; a blackblooded nightmare ; an emissary of hate ; the Broken Skull Brawler ; the Crazed Halfling Lunatic ; a troll excavator ; a troll tunneler ; a troll quarrier ; a bloodtusk boar ; a bloodtusk swine ; a blackblooded assassin ; Scryer Xvalos ; an emissary of malevolence ; a hatebringer initiate ; Guard Arjin ; a Loda Kai brigand ; a Loda Kai contender ; a Loda Kai raider ; a Loda Kai thug ; Trainer Ahele ; Trainer Kabrin ; Trainer Shali ; Trainer Shekar ; Bavanjam ; a spirit of bravery ; a spirit of cunning
Updated Items: Glowing Rock ; Glowing Stone ; Weakly Glowing Pebble ; Faintly Glowing Digested Stone ; Sealed Spiritual Sample Bag ; Faintly Glowing Digested Pebble ; Sealed Sterile Fungal Sample Bag ; Diojb's Commission ; Diojb's Requisition ; Overslo's Badge ; Primitive Grimling Blade ; Rockhopper Steak ; Large Scorpion Tail ; Xakra Steak ; Fresh Rhinobeetle Eye ; Grimling Horde Report ; Grimling Leader's Report ; Seal of Shar Vahl ; Letter of Concern ; Evidence Box for Leadership ; Evidence Box ; Severed Cht`Thk Feet ; Severed Shik Nar Claws ; Shak Dratha Token ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VII ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version VI ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version V ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version IV ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version III ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version II ; Nord's Onokiwan Song Version I ; Firefall Pass Saurek Skull ; Pristine Animal Pelt ; Ragepaw Howler Earring ; Grisly Skull of Might ; Ebon Drake Bile ; Broken Skull Clan Crest ; Flawed Animal Pelt ; Defender's Extravagant Belt ; Rune of Impulse ; Earring of the Forsaken ; Brittle Caladium ; Grade AA Gormar Venom ; Sheylin's Sundered Mask ; Shell Inlaid Collar ; Legends of Norrath: Protection of the Dain ; Legends of Norrath Starter Deck
Updated Quests: Plague Sorcerer Robe ; Zhureni #1: Tidying Up in the Temple ; Hunter of The Sleeper's Tomb (10 Points) (CoV) ; Just a Delivery ; A Miner Setback ; The New Sheriffs in Town ; To the Tune of Sweet Caroline ; It Takes Two to Tangle ; No Grave Can Hold Them Down ; That's Not Going to Grow Back ; Pocket Full of Claws ; These Feet Don't Clap ; A Little Goodwill ; A Peace Offering ; Culinary Experimentation ; Big Claim Hunter ; Spiritual Corruption ; When One Door Closes (Group Mission) ; Phlarg the Patog Plerg ; Enter Stage Left ; Fungus Among-us ; We Have to Go Deeper? ; A Lesson in Healing ; A Lesson in Forgiveness ; Starting the Debugging Process
Updated Recipes: Impulse Runed Swatch
Bestiary Updates: a blackblooded nightmare ; the Forsaken Miner ; a bloodtusk boar ; a bloodtusk beast ; Daesorak Steelknuckle ; a wind nymph ; a Ragepaw hunter ; Yeti Matriarch ; animated rubble ; Commander Yaminshavraylin ; Lewena ; spirit touched rubble ; a feral Sahtebi ; Captain Aranji ; General Arulk ; High Spiritist Jimuul ; Pathmaster Shainai [Quests] ; Rahamin Kerrath ; Weapons Master Wygans [Quests] ; a needle clawed hopper ; a royal guardian ; Diojb Waksom [Quests] ; a Firefall hollower ; Skitter ; animated debris ; Gandak Whisperwind ; Grimthor
Updated Items: Golden Insignia of Quarm Event I ; Smoldering Core of Radir ; Preserved Pest ; Petrified Saurek Incisor ; Perplexing Pebble ; Fossilized Saurek Scales ; Firefall Fang Marks ; Firefall Curio ; Broadsword of Rainbow Stealing ; Greater Deepshade Runestone ; Lesser Deepshade Runestone ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Faded Ascending Spirit Wrist Armor ; Faded Ascending Spirit Feet Armor ; Taviel Sivuela ; Faded Ascending Spirit Arms Armor ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Eye of Ay'laik ; Faded Ascending Spirit Chest Armor ; Jovial Jharin Jingle ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore ; Spell: Viridithorn Coat Rk. II ; Deleterious Radiation Mechanotablet ; Faceted Crystal ; Troll Parts ; Consigned Bite of the Shissar VIII ; Zraxthril Forged Cutlass ; Flawed Animal Pelt ; Zraxthril Forged Axe ; Zraxthril Forged Mace ; Buckler of Innoruuk ; Natural Silk
New Quests: Festival Lights (10 Points)
Updated Quests: Tayla Ironforge ; New Year - All You Need is Luck
Updated Recipes: Spiritually Faded Luclinite Gem of Adroitness
Bestiary Updates: Korakaz ; a Broken Skull hoarder ; Quinon Hulleaf ; a clockwork overseer ; Commander Esline ; a Firefall hollower ; a fissure fiend ; a luclinite borer ; Bedrock Burrower ; Diabo Xi Vesta ; Fowl Matriarch ; Rock Lobber ; a pungent stinkhorn ; delete me ; an azure fungus
Updated Items: Spoon ; Kelp-String Lute of Tide Rituals ; Nogol's Journal ; Spiritual Luclin Flesh ; Spiritual Luclinite Ore ; Luclin Pitaya Fruit ; Faded Celestial Zenith Hands Armor ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Faded Celestial Zenith Head Armor ; Median Deepshade Runestone ; Otherworldly Leg Armor Lining ; The All-Seeing Orchid ; Ossified Eye of the Eelworm ; Faded Celestial Zenith Feet Armor ; Minor Deepshade Runestone ; Kezhda's Coveted Chalice ; Faded Celestial Zenith Arms Armor ; Variegated Auriculate Bulwark ; Faded Celestial Zenith Chest Armor ; Khala Dun Arming Sword ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Topaz ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Hide ; Spiritual Luclinite Tainted Silk ; Rebellious Brawler
Updated Quests: NoS Rank II Level 117: Lesser Deepshade Runestone
Bestiary Updates: Guard Vaskif ; Leanon Ruksey ; a skiddish braxi ; Clockwork Merchant 2097, -410, -182 [Necromancer Spells] ; Thorn Petal ; Igneous Insect ; a crystal medusa ; a deepshade worm ; a hearty saprophyte ; a moldstool ; a truffle shambler ; delete me ; an azure fungus ; Drinil ; Eelworm ; Kezhda the Frienzied ; Rabid Rhizanthella ; Variegated Monstera ; a vermillion fungus ; an auburn fungus