Site Update #1
Site Update
Site Update: Terror of Luclin spells are available for lookup now
Another year gone folks. I hope you're all safe and feeling good. I look forward to 2022 and I hope everything goes well for you all in 2022.
Nearly a month has passed since the Terror of Luclin expansion kicked off on the live servers. I want to say thanks to those who helped with entering in Terror of Luclin info. Drewinette entered in a bunch of quests, drops, npc info, recipes and more! Thank you for all the help over the years Drew! Grizabelle helped me entered in a ton of recipe info and supplied quest info, thank you! Cylius helped supply us with npc info, drops and entered in quest info as well, thank you! SwiftyMuse was busy during ToL beta getting a majority of the items uploaded for the expansion, thank you! And thanks to all of you who have posted on the site with info for the expansion, this site wouldn't be here without you ladies and gents.
And now onto the plans for 2022. We have plenty of plans up ahead. We just recently upgraded the site off the old backend it was running on and now are on up to date technology. So we're starting off this year on good grounding. I have plenty of plans to fix a bunch of things and add new features this year. I've already been busy working on spells and plan to get those updated soon for the the Terror of Luclin spells, sorry for not having those ready at expansion launch. We had some pretty major issues with just how spells are updated with how large the database tables have grown over the years, so updating spells on the production servers isn't possible in its current state. So a new system needs to be developed for it. I have been busy working on a solution for the time being to get them updated but will be busy working on the whole spell platform until a better system is in place.
Click Read More... for all the updates in December 2021.
Updated Items: Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Sleeves ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Coif ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Leggings ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Coat ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Wristguard ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Boots ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Vambraces ; Luclinite Ensanguined Wand ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Helm ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Greaves ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Breastplate ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Bracer ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Boots ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Sleeves ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Coif ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Leggings ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Coat ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Wristguard ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Boots ; Luclinite Coagulated War Sword ; Luclinite Coagulated Wand ; Luclinite Coagulated Two Headed Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Sword ; Luclinite Coagulated Spiral Dagger ; Luclinite Coagulated Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Short Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Scimitar ; Luclinite Coagulated Riding Bow ; Luclinite Coagulated Rapier ; Luclinite Coagulated Maul ; Luclinite Coagulated Mace ; Luclinite Coagulated Longbow ; Luclinite Coagulated Katar ; Luclinite Coagulated Hooked Dagger ; Luclinite Coagulated Hammer ; Luclinite Coagulated Great Censer ; Luclinite Coagulated Flanged Mace ; Luclinite Coagulated Fighting Staff ; Luclinite Coagulated Club ; Luclinite Coagulated Censer ; Luclinite Coagulated Buckler ; Luclinite Coagulated Broadsword ; Luclinite Coagulated Bardiche ; Luclinite Coagulated Axe ; Luclinite Coagulated Athame ; Luclinite Coagulated Arcane Staff ; Luclinite Ensanguined War Sword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Two Headed Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined Sword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Spiral Dagger ; Luclinite Ensanguined Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined Short Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined Scimitar ; Luclinite Ensanguined Riding Bow ; Luclinite Ensanguined Rapier ; Luclinite Ensanguined Maul ; Luclinite Ensanguined Mace ; Luclinite Ensanguined Longbow ; Luclinite Ensanguined Katar ; Luclinite Ensanguined Hooked Dagger ; Luclinite Ensanguined Hammer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Great Censer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Flanged Mace ; Luclinite Ensanguined Fighting Staff ; Luclinite Ensanguined Club ; Luclinite Ensanguined Censer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Buckler ; Luclinite Ensanguined Broadsword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Bardiche ; Luclinite Ensanguined Axe ; Luclinite Ensanguined Athame ; Luclinite Ensanguined Arcane Staff ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite War Sword ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Sword ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Spiral Dagger ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Spear ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Two Headed Spear ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Scimitar ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Rapier ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Katar ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Hooked Dagger ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Broadsword ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Athame ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Bardiche ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Axe ; Enchanted Honed Bloodied Luclinite ; Flame Agate ; Bloodied Luclinite Powder ; Bloodied Luclinite Sheet ; Damaged Torn Pages ; Illegible Torn Pages ; Crumpled Torn Pages ; Bloodied Luclinite Chainmail Links ; Bloodied Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch ; Bloodied Luclinite Leather ; Bloodied Luclinite Heavy Fabric ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Amice of Vigor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Amice of Brilliance ; Warlord's Bane XXI ; Vallon's Tactic XXI ; Tallon's Tactic XXI ; Strike of the Shissar XXI ; Strike of Ssraeshza XXI ; Spider's Bite XXI ; Solusek's Burn XXI ; Scorpion's Agony XXI ; Quellious' Trauma XXI ; Pyrilen Burn XXI ; Monk's Bane XXI ; Messenger's Bane XXI ; Hate of the Shissar XXI ; Gelidran Lament XXI ; Fighter's Bane XXI ; E`ci's Lament XXI ; Bite of the Shissar XXI ; Archer's Bane XXI ; Anger of the Shissar XXI
Updated Quests: Corrupted Hammer of Consternation
New Recipes: Luclinite Laced Caladium Extract ; Luclinite Laced Larkspur Extract ; Luclinite Laced Larkspur Extract ; Luclinite Laced Muscimol Extract ; Luclinite Laced Privet Extract ; Anger of the Shissar XXI ; Archer's Bane XXI ; Bite of the Shissar XXI ; E`ci's Lament XXI ; Fighter's Bane XXI ; Gelidran Lament XXI ; Hate of the Shissar XXI ; Messenger's Bane XXI ; Monk's Bane XXI ; Pyrilen Burn XXI ; Quellious' Trauma XXI ; Scorpion's Agony XXI ; Solusek's Burn XXI ; Spider's Bite XXI ; Strike of Ssraeshza XXI ; Strike of the Shissar XXI ; Tallon's Tactic XXI ; Vallon's Tactic XXI ; Warlord's Bane XXI ; Myrmidon's Sloth XXI ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Amice of Brilliance ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Amice of Vigor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Adroitness ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Brilliance ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Cloak of Security ; Bloodied Luclinite Heavy Fabric ; Bloodied Luclinite Leather ; Bloodied Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch (Tailoring) ; Bloodied Luclinite Chainmail Links ; Bloodied Luclinite Transmogrifant Patch (Smithing) ; Bloodied Luclinite Sheet ; Bloodied Luclinite Powder ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Arms Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Chest Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Feet Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Hands Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Head Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Legs Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Wrist Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Axe ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Bardiche ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Athame ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Broadsword ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Hooked Dagger ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Katar ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Rapier ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Scimitar ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Two Headed Spear ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Spear ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Spiral Dagger ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Sword ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite War Sword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Arcane Staff ; Luclinite Ensanguined Athame ; Luclinite Ensanguined Axe ; Luclinite Ensanguined Bardiche ; Luclinite Ensanguined Broadsword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Buckler ; Luclinite Ensanguined Censer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Club ; Luclinite Ensanguined Fighting Staff ; Luclinite Ensanguined Flanged Mace ; Luclinite Ensanguined Great Censer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Hammer ; Luclinite Ensanguined Hooked Dagger ; Luclinite Ensanguined Katar ; Luclinite Ensanguined Longbow ; Luclinite Ensanguined Mace ; Luclinite Ensanguined Maul ; Luclinite Ensanguined Rapier ; Luclinite Ensanguined Riding Bow ; Luclinite Ensanguined Scimitar ; Luclinite Ensanguined Short Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined Spiral Dagger ; Luclinite Ensanguined Sword ; Luclinite Ensanguined Two Headed Spear ; Luclinite Ensanguined War Sword ; Luclinite Coagulated Arcane Staff ; Luclinite Coagulated Athame ; Luclinite Coagulated Axe ; Luclinite Coagulated Bardiche ; Luclinite Coagulated Broadsword ; Luclinite Coagulated Buckler ; Luclinite Coagulated Censer ; Luclinite Coagulated Club ; Luclinite Coagulated Fighting Staff ; Luclinite Coagulated Flanged Mace ; Luclinite Coagulated Great Censer ; Luclinite Coagulated Hammer ; Luclinite Coagulated Hooked Dagger ; Luclinite Coagulated Katar ; Luclinite Coagulated Longbow ; Luclinite Coagulated Mace ; Luclinite Coagulated Maul ; Luclinite Coagulated Rapier ; Luclinite Coagulated Riding Bow ; Luclinite Coagulated Scimitar ; Luclinite Coagulated Short Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Spiral Dagger ; Luclinite Coagulated Sword ; Luclinite Coagulated Two Headed Spear ; Luclinite Coagulated Wand ; Luclinite Coagulated War Sword ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Boots ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Wristguard ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Coat ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Leggings ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Coif ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Sleeves ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Boots ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Bracer ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Breastplate ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Greaves ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Helm ; Luclinite Ensanguined Wand ; Waning Gibbous Soulrender Vambraces ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Boots ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Wristguard ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Coat ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Leggings ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Coif ; Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Sleeves
Updated Recipes: Faded Bloodied Luclinite Amice of Adroitness
Bestiary Updates: A Corrupted Hivemistress ; A Lesser Spire Spirit ; a Greater Spire Spirit ; a Stonegrabber
New Items: Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Luclinite Defender Source ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Spire Stone of Maiden's Eye ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor
Updated Items: Brilliant White Pearl ; Luclinite Ensanguined Soulforge Wristguard ; Royal Antonican Sokokar ; Summoner's Luclinite Coagulated Earring ; Guardian's Luclinite Coagulated Mask ; Wall of Encroaching Shadow ; Rampart of Moonlit Luminosity ; Wisdom of the Fallen Star ; Duskcaller, the Master's Herald ; Ashenfall, Labrys of the Penumbra ; Vexar Ivanieun ; Mace of the Endless Twilight ; Moonbeam, the Piercing Comet ; Blessed Akhevan Shadow Shears ; Edge of Madness ; Night's Templar ; Umbrablade Katar ; The Diabo's Persuasion ; Lunatic Helix ; Holy Akhevan Mace ; Donaskz, Martello of Temperance ; Bite of the Vampire ; Bladed Wand of Night ; Guillotine of Perpetual Moonlight ; Bludgeon of the Moon's Favor ; Wrath, Lancia of the Blood Beast ; Dual Partisan of the Shattered Vow ; Diseased Netherbian Claw Staff ; Balance's Radiance ; Lethia, the Master's Treasure ; Ilulawen, Longbow of Justice ; Shadow Hunter's Bow ; Zelnithak's Pristine Molar ; Shadowpearl Stud ; Loop of Infinite Twilight ; Wito Xi Vereor ; Mask of Unfettered Lunacy ; Veil of Lunar Winds ; Keltakun's Last Laugh ; Gorget of the Forgotten ; Choker of Entropy ; Collar of Nyctophobia ; Sanguine Spaulders of the Heretic ; Mantle of the Pious ; Viscous Shroud of the Swarm ; Retribution of the Lost ; Shred of Sanity ; Cloak of Perpetual Eventide ; Goblet of the Feral ; Encyclopedia Arcanum ; Likeness of Whispers ; Deep Sanguine Band ; Ans Temariel Itraer ; Eternal Band of Twisting Shadow ; Sash of the Senshali ; Threaded Cintura of Treachery ; Buckle of Phlebotomy ; Lost Canto of the Maestro ; Talisman of the Elysians ; Locket of Luclin ; Summoner's Luclinite Ensanguined Earring ; Guardian's Luclinite Ensanguined Mask ; Moonstone Infused Shield ; Starfall Barrier ; Durek's Torment ; Centi Longsword ; Implement of Illness ; Tears of Shade ; Scepter of Lunar Magic ; Shadow Piercer ; The Wicked Kiss ; Ego Channeler ; Scorching Death ; Twin Katars of the Diabo ; Great Mace of Pestilence ; Aalyr's Backwards Stabber ; Darkened Mace of Thoughts ; Warden's Cudgel of Reconcile ; Ritual Dagger of the Akhevan Ancestors ; Clear Shade ; Glaive of Alkali Energy ; Rod of Holy Wrath ; Dimmer ; Moon Spawn Defender ; Tenebrous Basher ; Staff of Akhevan Devotion ; Haunted Staff of Wizardry ; Shade Bow ; Oliive Branch Bow ; Sparky ; Earring of the Lightbringers ; Scorched Pink ; Akuel`Dator, Stud of Might ; Camouflaged Mask of Protection ; Rockhopper Muzzle ; Slight Smoke Shroud ; String of Stonegrabber Pebbles ; Gel`Tatrua, Necklace of Strength ; Swift Gorget ; Penumbra Pauldrons ; Renthias`Teka, Shawl of Warmth ; Glowing Luclinite Mantle ; Infused Shade Silk Wrap ; Cloak of Hiding Shadows ; Crystalline Cloak of Shadows ; Chalice of Centi Heritage ; Novel of the Moon Kitties ; Plush Vah Shir Doll ; Avarice ; Ring of Knowledge ; Xin`Dobra, the Ring of Power ; Ander Slice ; Belt of Gelatinized Goo ; Sonic Wolf Fur Sash ; The Skull of Akelha`Ra ; Lantern of Shadowy Light ; Orb of Illuminated Shadow ; Lord Tyne's Ear Cuff ; Glowing Moktor Earring ; Argus`Ax`Miff's Crystallized Moonbeam ; Dathor Scale Earring ; Faceguard of the Stalwart Heart ; Granite Bone Mask ; Wretched Mask of Repentance ; Moonstruck Vessel Choker ; Locket of Hardened Blood ; Dream Weaver Torq ; Dathor Shawi Shawl ; Cold Shadow Mantle ; Netherbian Scaled Cloak ; Txiki's Cloak of Stars ; Shadow Weave Cloak ; Putrid Flesh Cloak ; Bone Goblet ; Ilk'Dazi's Book of the Heavens ; Luclin Bone Doll ; Bone Ring of Sogran ; Luclinite Ring of Ages ; Iced Ring of the Dream Caller ; Coterie Flesh Belt ; Odywort's Band of Frozen Memories ; Cold Shadow Belt ; Tainted Charm ; Emerald Doll of Luclin ; Heavenly Scales of Measure ; Summoned: Dazzling Modulation Shard ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Caliginous Meat ; Luclin Barberry ; Luclinite Potion Vial ; Luclinite Laced Poison Vial ; Luclinite Laced Sealed Poison Vial ; Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Ogchan's Tower Shield ; Pointed Wooden Enk ; Jeweled Worn Buckler ; Darkened Steel Gladius ; Dazzling Luclinite Axe of Mort ; Bloodied Maul of Von Deek ; Precious Etched Scepter ; Luclinite Hook Knife ; Basirt's Moonpiercer ; Jeweled Broadsword of Raz ; Ulak of the Tegi Rebellion ; Kanabo of Kortiz ; Cwunkey's Ornate Main Gauche ; Hex Morningstar ; Calamity's Start ; Bladed Limb Lopper ; Colossal Goranga Mallet ; Swirling Envenomed Spear ; Captain's Double Glaive ; Hooked Staff of Gantru ; Blood Rite Spike Staff ; Fleshrend Staff ; Bow of Nightfall ; Dream Weaver Bow ; Em's Lost Prayer Ruby ; Gorangan Blood-Stained Bag ; Akhevan Trunk ; Wolf-Hide Whip ; Snapped Akhevan Jailor Key ; Shadow Torchiere ; Gem of the Maiden's Tempest ; Reactive Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Devastation ; Congruent Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Devastation ; Reactive Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Striking ; Congruent Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Striking ; Strangely Worded Note about Saws ; Strangely Worded Note about Globes ; Broken Wrist Shackles ; Snapped Guard Keyring ; Engraving of a Peering Akheva ; Tavuel xi Sivuela ; N'atulus ora Tetorau ; Perse Nightshade Orchid ; Rotting Webcap Spores ; Bruising Webcap ; Broken Ankle Restraints ; Crushed Slave Summoning Bell ; Engraving of the Akhevan Way ; Engraving of Vex Thal ; Cracked Burda Club ; Splintered Round Shield ; Charred Terror Twist ; Festering Webcap Spores ; Decaying Webcap ; Engraving of Akhevan Might ; Woven Chain Link ; Broken Slave Collar ; Engraving of the Akheva Destiny ; Ishinaer ; Pustulent Webcap Spores ; Tarnished Long Sword ; Petrified Leather Bracer ; Engraving of an Akheva Sacrifice ; Engraving of Akheva Authority ; Engraving of Akheva Leadership ; Frayed Leather Sling ; Shined Gargoyle Scale ; Tattered War Helm ; Rended Runic Cuirass ; Notes between Sextons: These Fools Need Help ; Notes between Sextons: False Idols ; Notes between Sextons: Worthy This Time ; Notes between Sextons: Buckets of Blood ; Notes between Sextons: Deserters To Be Punished ; The Path of Shadows: Exuberance ; The Path of Shadows: Radiance ; Notes between Sextons: Respect Your Altar ; The Path of Shadows: Submissiveness ; Beta Fish of ToL Group T1 ; Beta Fish of ToL Group T2 ; Beta Fish of ToL Group TS ; Sefra's Necklace ; Strangely Worded Note about Hearth ; Strangely Worded Note about Towers ; Strangely Worded Note about Beasts ; Strangely Worded Note about Mongrels ; Strangely Worded Note about Legs ; Glowing Shadowscribed Parchment ; Basilica Sentencing: Huntsman Krilax ; Basilica Sentencing: Olyam Banock ; Basilica Sentencing: Valdanov Zevfeer ; Basilica Sentencing: Intruders ; Basilica Sentencing: Mayong Mistmoore ; The Path of Shadows: Transcendence ; Blackened Drop of Blood ; Caustic Drop of Blood ; Clotted Drop of Blood ; Dried Drop of Blood ; Crimson Drop of Blood ; Frozen Drop of Blood ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #2 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #4 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #5 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #3 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #6 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #7 ; Correspondence from Lcea Katta, #1 ; Tawny Nightshade Orchid ; Verdant Nightshade Orchid ; Ocherous Nightshade Orchid ; Claret Webcap ; Fools Webcap ; Shrouded Webcap ; Weathered Lancea ; Dragon's Blood Bark ; Dried Sanguine Leaf ; Razorleaf Fern ; Bloodgood Leaf ; Exposed Roots ; Fallen Blood Leaf ; Greater Shadowscribed Parchment ; Voidslayer's Satchel ; Voidslayer's Rucksack ; Voidslayer's Backpack ; Voidslayer's Bonus Backpack ; Ghastly Gummy Bears ; Dreadful Witch's Cauldron ; Lost Mirror ; Pieces of a Shattered Mirror ; Broken Horseshoe ; Dreadful Witch's Brew ; Dreadful Mushroom ; Ominous Orangeade ; Doubly Stitched Pusling Skin ; Voidslayer's Chest ; Winter Squash Scarecrow Costume ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Luclin Flame Angel ; Luclin Dragon Blood Cichlid ; Bloodied Fish Fillets ; Bloodied Vegetables ; Luclin Chokeberry ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Bloodied Luclinite Sheet ; Bloodied Luclinite Chainmail Links ; Bloodied Luclinite Leather ; Bloodied Luclinite Heavy Fabric ; Bloodied Luclinite Board ; Bloodied Luclinite Powder ; Bloodied Luclinite Fish Scales ; Honed Bloodied Luclinite ; Enchanted Honed Bloodied Luclinite ; Bloodied Luclinite Fish Scale Patch ; Bloodied Luclinite Fish Scale Swatch ; Bloodied Luclinite Fish Scale Sheet ; Duo Bloodied Luclinite Earring ; Duo Bloodied Luclinite Necklace ; Duo Bloodied Luclinite Ring ; Marquise Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Square Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Pear Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Half-Moon Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Trillion Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Round Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Oval Cut Bloodied Luclinite Garnet ; Bloodied Luclinite Core Mana Battery ; Unfired Guardian's Faded Bloodied Mask ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Mask of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Mask of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Idol of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Charm of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Charm of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Bloodied Charm of Security ; Grilled Bloodied Fish ; Sauteed Luclin Tubers ; Luclin Barberry Juice ; Chokeberry Juice ; Luclin Sparkling Water ; Bite of the Shissar XXI ; Luclinite Laced Muscimol ; Luclinite Laced Oleander ; Luclinite Laced Larkspur ; Luclinite Laced Caladium ; Luclinite Laced Laburnum ; Luclinite Laced Privet ; Luclinite Laced Delphinium ; Luclin Fish Stew ; Luclin Nutritious Dumplings ; Luclin Savory Roast ; Luclin Braised Short Ribs ; Luclin Garlic Stir-Fry ; Luclinite Laced Muscimol Extract ; Luclinite Laced Oleander Extract ; Luclinite Laced Larkspur Extract ; Luclinite Laced Caladium Extract ; Luclinite Laced Laburnum Extract ; Luclinite Laced Privet Extract ; Strike of the Shissar XXI ; Fighter's Bane XXI ; Vallon's Tactic XXI ; Spider's Bite XXI ; Strike of Ssraeshza XXI ; Tallon's Tactic XXI ; Monk's Bane XXI ; Warlord's Bane XXI ; Messenger's Bane XXI ; Quellious' Trauma XXI ; E`ci's Lament XXI ; Hate of the Shissar XXI ; Gelidran Lament XXI ; Pyrilen Burn XXI ; Solusek's Burn XXI ; Luclinite Laced Delphinium Extract ; Scorpion's Agony XXI ; Blood Pacifying Potion ; Bloodstone Antidote ; Champion's Restorative ; Sanguineous Focus ; Refined Mana Tonic ; Luclinite Fortified Drink ; Luclin Barberryade ; Chokeberry Tea ; Luclin Lavender Ginger Beer ; Luclin Berry Cooler ; Banded Luclinite Rapier ; Archer's Bane XXI ; Anger of the Shissar XXI ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1)
New Recipes: Luclinite Ensanguined Soulforge Wristguard
Bestiary Updates: a concerned shade
New Items: Nerdala's Secret Stir Fry ; Hearty Casserole Dishes ; Faydwer Basil ; The Path of Shadows: Remembrance ; The Rise of the Akhevan Empire ; Kai Family Ring ; Wineskin of Blood ; Frostfell Goblin Magic Dust ; Frostfell Yeti Doll ; Frostfell Biting Doll Kit ; Growling Dolly ; Frostfell Gift for Rilatlan Olaek ; Frostfell Gift for V`Lynn Renloe ; Frostfell Gift for Frieza Greenbaum ; Frostfell Gift for Vuli Ironstove ; Frostfell Gift for Ferin Lightfoot ; Frostfell Gift for Ms. Hegla ; Frostfell Gift for Vivian the True ; Distillate of Health XX ; Frostfell Gift for Tarnimus ; Holiday Hot Chocolate ; Frosty Fig Pudding ; Boxes of Experimental Dolls ; Dancing Dolly ; Clicking Dolly ; Guarding Dolly ; Whirling Dolly ; Fluttering Dolly ; Romping Dolly ; Sliding Dolly ; Frostfell Doll Stuffing ; Chattering Dolly ; Yeti Fur
Updated Items: Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Armwraps ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Leggings ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Tunic ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Wristguard ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Boots ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Vambraces ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Greaves ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Breastplate ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Bracer ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Boots ; Magnetic Lodestone ; Crested Mistmoore Ring ; Deep Odus Mushroom ; Luclinite Coagulated Soulforge Tunic ; Luclinite Coagulated Soulforge Wristguard ; Scroll: Translocate: Shadow Valley ; Scroll: Shadow Valley Portal ; Scroll: Zephyr: Shadow Valley ; Scroll: Shadow Valley Gate ; Scroll: Circle of Shadow Valley ; Scroll: Ring of Shadow Valley ; Glowing Shadowscribed Parchment ; Greater Shadowscribed Parchment ; Pet Food ; Distillate of Health XXI ; Empty Lunch Bag ; Lunch Bag
New Quests: Case of the Misplaced Dollies ; ToL Rank III Level 114 Spells: Greater Shadowscribed Parchment ; ToL Rank III Level 115 Spells: Glowing Shadowscribed Parchment ; Saga of the Empty Purse ; Aten Ha Ra (Group Mission)
Updated Quests: Jaggedpine Recipes ; Threading the Loop ; A Sacrifice by any Other Name ; Labor Shortage ; Rule of Four ; Gone, And Can't Be Forgotten ; Sincerely, Cissela ; Thanks for the Memories ; Controlling the Feral Population ; Throwing Shade ; You're Not Yourself When You're Hungry ; By the Horns ; Seek and Ye Shale Find ; Exploring Shadow Valley's Burn Scars ; Catching Lightning ; Record Scratch ; Live as Brothers or Perish as Fools ; Back to the Middle and Around Again ; Get Off My Lawn ; Path of Shadows, Protected by Blood (10 Points) ; Chasing Shadows ; Flights of Shadows ; Tumbling Shadows ; Hunting Beetles ; A Taste of Venom ; Terror Limbs for Firewood ; First Vision of the Unknown ; Second Vision of the Unknown ; Third Vision of the Unknown ; Shei Vinitras (Group Mission) ; Close the Gate (Group Mission) ; ToL Rank III Level 111 Spells: Minor Shadowscribed Parchment ; ToL Rank III Level 112 Spells: Lesser Shadowscribed Parchment ; ToL Rank III Level 113 Spells: Median Shadowscribed Parchment
New Recipes: Luclinite Coagulated Soulforge Wristguard ; Luclinite Coagulated Soulforge Tunic ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Boots ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Bracer ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Breastplate ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Greaves ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Vambraces ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Boots ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Wristguard ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Tunic ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Leggings ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Armwraps
Updated Recipes: Luclinite Ensanguined Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Sleeves
Bestiary Updates: Nerdala Darkcloud ; Waldo Pinemyer ; Vuli Ironstove [Baking Supplies] ; Ferin Lightfoot [General Supplies] ; Frieza Greenbaum ; Rilatlan Olaek ; Tarnimus ; Vivian the True [Knowledge Guide] ; V`Lynn Renloe [Armor Quests] ; High Chief Gahran`Gahn ; an imprisoned general ; Princess Undila ; Queen Suvarla the Sterile ; Princess Velanda ; Prince Maelefon ; Prince Blagar ; Prince Benelager ; Princess Delisia ; The Voidsoul Possessed ; a cheerful unicorn ; Ms. Hegla - CoV [Oresco Hunters] ; Santug Claugg [South Ro] ; Va Xakra ; Ginjleg Gigglegibber [Frostfell Quest] ; Sliding Dolly ; Chattering Dolly ; Byron Tueleb [Teleport Scrolls] ; Fluttering Dolly ; Romping Dolly ; Clicking Dolly ; Dancing Dolly ; Guarding Dolly ; Whirling Dolly ; Ganjleg Gigglegibber [Frostfell Quests] ; a gigglegibber purse ; an imprisoned hero ; The Skulltaker
Updated Items: Waning Crescent Soulslayer Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Cap ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Pants ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Robe ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Wristguard ; Yeti Fur ; Reusable Gray Jar Sketch ; Ayyad's Clay Bowl ; Grade A Gormar Venom ; Fulginate Ore ; Restless Sack ; Sinew Wrapped Battle Staff ; Vah Shir Model Sketch ; Crude Shell Crusher ; Crude Fishing Cleaver ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Sandals ; Gorget of the Forgotten ; Keltakun's Last Laugh ; Locket of Luclin ; Luclinite Coagulated Earring of Brilliance ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Armwraps ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Cowl ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Leggings ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Tunic ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Boots ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Cap ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Pants ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Robe ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Sandals ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Cap ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Pants ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Robe ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Sandals
Updated Quests: Achievement: Welcome to Crescent Reach ; Jaggedpine Recipes
New Recipes: Waning Crescent Mindlock Sandals ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Robe ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Pants ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Cap ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Sandals ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Robe ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Pants ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Cap ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Boots ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Tunic ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Leggings ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Cowl ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Armwraps ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Sandals ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Robe ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Pants ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Cap ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Sleeves
Bestiary Updates: a shady goblin ; Merchant Ayyad [General Supplies] ; a grimling foreman ; a lost spirit ; a tool manager ; Karri [Supplier] ; Sofia the Quiet ; Belumb, the Yeti [Frostfell Quests] ; a gigglegibber purse ; Flamedancer ; Loreminder Brightmane ; Mindbinder ; a wandering spark ; Dewmane ; Pack Leader Wildmane ; Millick [Quests] ; Little Bo [Elite Supplier]
Updated Items: Scroll: Spear of Molten Luclinite ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Waning Crescent Natureward Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Natureward Coif ; Waning Crescent Natureward Leggings ; Waning Crescent Natureward Coat ; Waning Crescent Natureward Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Natureward Boots
New Recipes: Waning Crescent Natureward Boots ; Waning Crescent Natureward Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Natureward Coat ; Waning Crescent Natureward Leggings ; Waning Crescent Natureward Coif ; Waning Crescent Natureward Sleeves
Updated Items: Waning Crescent Legionnaire Vambraces ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Helm ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Greaves ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Breastplate ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Bracer ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Boots ; Spell: Eidolon Voice ; Rune of Flash ; Golden Owlbear Saddle ; Distillate of Clarity XXI ; Moonstruck Vessel Choker ; Shadow Weave Cloak ; Exquisite Silken Garments ; Defender's Gauntlets ; Swirling Envenomed Spear ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Bladed Limb Lopper ; Locket of Hardened Blood ; Praecantor Robe ; Elnericks Robe of Primordial Power ; Glixx Robe of Mechanements ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Coif ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Leggings ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Coat ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Boots ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Vambraces ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Helm ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Greaves ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Breastplate ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Hide ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Bracer ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Boots ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Coif ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Leggings ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Coat ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Boots ; Familiar of the Stone Hive ; Prize: Familiar of the Stone Hive ; Hand of Glory
Updated Quests: What Dreams May Yet Come?
New Recipes: Waning Crescent Shadowscale Boots ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Coat ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Leggings ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Coif ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Boots ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Bracer ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Breastplate ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Greaves ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Helm ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Vambraces ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Boots ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Wristguard ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Coat ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Leggings ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Coif ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Sleeves ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Boots ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Bracer ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Breastplate ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Greaves ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Helm ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Vambraces
Updated Recipes: Fine Salt ; Natural Silk Gorget Template ; Natural Silk Wristband Template ; Natural Silk Mask Template ; Natural Silk Glove Template ; Natural Silk Belt Template ; Natural Silk Cap Template ; Natural Silk Shoulderpad Template ; Natural Silk Sleeve Template ; Natural Silk Boot Template ; Natural Silk Cloak Template ; Natural Silk Pant Template ; Natural Silk Tunic Template ; Natural Silk Robe Template ; Exquisite Silken Garments ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10)
Bestiary Updates: an undead foreman ; Elnerick Augustleaf ; Glixx Tobbnokcog ; Lizsa Barleou ; a grol baku taskmaster ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; Namdrows
New Items: Pebble of Condensed Shadow ; Vampire Chess Board ; Fallen Vah Shir Skull ; Encoded Resistance Missive ; Corrupted Ka Vethan Dagger ; Hastily Pulled Gold Tooth ; Ka Vethan Ritual Dagger ; Scroll of Ka Vethan Intel ; Torn Makeshift Doll ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Adoptable Faydwer Grizzly ; Wrapped Painting: Tunare's Tree ; Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield ; Crude Fyr Jen Cork ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 3 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 4 ; Severed Bloodroot ; Improvised Shadow Bolt ; Stripped Shadow Nut ; Misshapen Shadow Brick ; Jury-Rigged Shadow Hammer ; Broken Shadow Trowel ; Dulled Shadow Chisel ; Wind Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Crude Fyr Jen Burin ; Crude Fyr Jen Scrapper ; Crude Fyr Jen Mallet ; Crude Fyr Jen Cloth ; Crude Fyr Jen Grinder ; Crude Fyr Jen Slab ; Crude Fyr Jen Banding ; Primal Essence of Luclin ; Tainted Divination Reagent ; Vampyre Blood Sample ; Shadow Wolf Blood Sample ; Nightmare Purba ; Bundle of Maiden's Eye Books ; History of the Eye ; Nightmare Enchanter Diary ; Torn Wolf Treat Sack ; Lost Punch Card ; Lost Punch Card ; Music Box: Kelethin ; Loose Gargoyle Fang ; Scroll of Akhevan Parchment ; Insignia of Va Liako ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 7 ; Corrupted Vampyre Blood ; Akhevan Blood Sample ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Beatings"
Updated Items: Wrathbringer's Chain Chestguard of the Vindicator ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Cracked Burda Club ; Tears of Shade ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Blakn's Box of Diamonds
Updated Quests: Rain Caller ; Orc Hatchets ; Pixie Dust #1 ; Riven Halasian Weapons and Gear (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Raven Gifts (Shadow Valley) (10 Points)
Bestiary Updates: Tearc, Shade Keeper ; Bynn the Tormented ; an avaricious mass
New Items: Insignia of Zethon ; Insignia of Senshali ; Memory of Shar Vahl ; Memory of Urgency ; Vampire Chess Pawns ; Insignia of Centien ; Memory of Lovers ; Insignia of Warders ; Memory of Secrecy ; Memory of Triumph ; Vial of Akhevan Ink ; Insignia of Xakra ; Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor ; Blood-Soaked Baton ; Blood-Soaked Claymore ; Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Feet Ornament ; Netherbian Mind Essence ; Letter to Kedra and Karra Kai ; Lost Punch Card ; Sickle of Umbral Modulation ; Wrapped Visage of the Faydark Forest Guardian ; Charred Elysian Bones ; Elysian Bone Fragment ; Tegi Ice Essence
Updated Items: Tome of Forceful Projection ; Coterie Flesh Belt ; Personal Hemic Source ; Ice Bound Ulthork ; Journal of a Lost Shadow Knight ; Muramite Rune ; Note About Your Second Trial ; Adoptable Faydwer Grizzly ; Diabo's Ridged Earhoop ; Crude Fyr Jen Banding ; Crude Fyr Jen Slab ; Crude Fyr Jen Grinder ; Crude Fyr Jen Cork ; Crude Fyr Jen Cloth ; Crude Fyr Jen Mallet ; Crude Fyr Jen Scrapper ; Crude Fyr Jen Burin ; Diabo's Jade Bracelet ; Diabo's Gold Ring ; Diabo's Linked Bracelet ; Diabo's Woven Shawl ; Diabo's Satin Choker ; Tradable: Teleport Item Key Ring Slot (5) ; Tradable: Owlbear Saddle ; Tradable: Zelniak Saddle ; Centi Longsword ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Renthias`Teka, Shawl of Warmth ; Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Cold Shadow Mantle ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Royal Antonican Sokokar ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Feet Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Feet Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Feet Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Feet Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Feet Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Feet Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate Feet Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Feet Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Feet Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Feet Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Feet Ornament ; Waning Crescent Exarch Breastplate ; Monk's Bane XXI ; Cartography Binder ; Coordinate Label ; Veil of the Windstrider ; Scuffed Journeyman's Rucksack ; Lost Punch Card ; Lost Punch Card ; Master's Curio ; Silver Earring ; Highkeep Flask ; Rusty Dagger ; Halfling Knife ; Drom's Champagne ; Large Lantern ; Damask Cap ; Patchwork Cloak ; Spell: Mircyl's Animation ; Patchwork Boots ; Belt Pouch ; Rusty Flail ; Precious Etched Scepter ; Crystal Spider Capture Harness ; Terror Tentacle ; Txiki's Cloak of Stars ; Scorching Death ; The Wicked Kiss ; Lord Tyne's Ear Cuff ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Dazzling Luclinite Axe of Mort ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Hazy Luclinite Chalcedony ; Luclinite Ring of Ages ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Granite Bone Mask ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Implement of Illness ; Crystalline Cloak of Shadows ; Darkened Mace of Thoughts ; Gooey Shadow Stone ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Ritual Dagger of the Akhevan Ancestors ; Xin`Dobra, the Ring of Power ; Mysterious Medicine Vessel ; Staff of Akhevan Devotion ; Chalice of Centi Heritage ; Yeti Fur ; Rebel Clockwork Eye Lens ; Frostfell Goblin Magic Dust ; Frostfell Doll Stuffing ; Cuddly Bear Brainstem ; Chattering Dolly ; Sliding Dolly ; Fluttering Dolly ; Romping Dolly ; Whirling Dolly ; Dancing Dolly ; Clicking Dolly ; Guarding Dolly ; Growling Dolly ; Akhevan Blood Sample ; Primal Essence of Luclin ; Tainted Divination Reagent ; Vampyre Blood Sample ; Shadow Wolf Blood Sample ; Torn Wolf Treat Sack ; Wolf-Hide Whip ; Snapped Guard Keyring ; Snapped Akhevan Jailor Key ; Crushed Slave Summoning Bell ; Broken Wrist Shackles ; Broken Slave Collar ; Broken Ankle Restraints ; Strangely Worded Note about Towers ; Strangely Worded Note about Saws ; Strangely Worded Note about Mongrels ; Strangely Worded Note about Legs ; Strangely Worded Note about Hearth ; Strangely Worded Note about Globes ; Strangely Worded Note about Bedding ; Strangely Worded Note about Beasts ; Gnoll Slayer ; Torn Parchment ; Hollow Skull ; Jeweled Skull ; Nightmare Purba ; History of the Eye ; Bundle of Maiden's Eye Books ; Nightmare Enchanter Diary
Updated Quests: Call of Flames ; Gnoll Bounty ; Sir Morgan's Armor ; The Gnoll Slayer ; Skyfall Seeker ; Susarrak the Crusader - Hearts ; Ahoy! Treasures Washed Ashore ; Charting Redfeather Isle ; Achievement: Moonkitty ; Spider Harness ; More Lost Journals (10 Points) ; Gone, And Can't Be Forgotten ; What Dreams May Yet Come? ; Feir'Dal Heritage Crate ; Found Paper (10 Points) ; Breaker of Chains (10 Points) ; Crude Fyr Jen Tools (10 Points) ; Paragon of Terror of Luclin (40 Points) ; Shei Vinitras (Group Mission) ; Vanquisher of Terror of Luclin (50 Points) ; Achievement: Frostfell Misplaced Dollies (10 Points) ; Aten Ha Ra (Group Mission) ; ToL Rank II Level 118 Spells: Median Etched Bloodstone
New Recipes: Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail
Updated Recipes: Jeweled Skull ; Regal Brambleborn Armband ; Regal Brambleborn Boots ; Regal Brambleborn Cuirass ; Regal Brambleborn Gloves ; Regal Brambleborn Greaves ; Regal Brambleborn Helm ; Regal Brambleborn Sleeves ; Luclin Garlic Stir-Fry ; Monk's Bane XXI ; Growling Dolly ; Waning Crescent Exarch Breastplate
Bestiary Updates: Squire Wimbley ; Sir Morgan ; Yiz Pon ; Marton Sayer ; Teir`Dal Prophet ; Cartographer Piri ; a soldier of madness ; Alamin Ginverg ; Taskfiend Caikap ; a baleful stoneworker ; a dragorn battlemaster ; a shadowed chest - Darkness ; Thallus the Whip ; a hollow carver ; a stalag terror ; a terror crystal ; Life Leech ; a hollow crystal ; a terror carver ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; The Great Hero Ezra - ToL [Quests] ; Pli Torgarath Xi Vius ; Diabo Xi Xakreum ; Torgarath Rulour Thox [Quests] ; a worrisome shade [Raids and Missions] ; Darkmeat ; Txiki ; Temariel Xi Tetoracu ; Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek ; Nightfall ; Rumblecrush - ToL ; Telaris Xeturisun ; a scorched terror ; Shei Vinitras ; Aten Ha Ra ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; a stroic journeyman - CoV ; a stoic journeyman - CoV ; Hyrill Pon
New Items: Bloodied Kai Family Ring ; Lensless Spectacles ; Elemental Ward ; Vampire Chess Queens ; Insignia of Liako ; Crushbone Orc Peon Familiar ; Fresh Drop of Blood ; Luclinite Horde Cube ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 1 ; Faded Rune of the Ancestors ; Faded Rune of Sanctuary ; Faded Rune of Fertility ; Faded Rune of Protection ; Viscous Drop of Blood ; The Path of Shadows: Resplendence ; The Path of Shadows: Consonance ; The Path of Shadows: Omnipotence ; Notes between Sextons: A Fool and His Folly ; Notes between Sextons: Being Watched ; Ans Draues xi Aten Ha Ra ; Tatrua Thena Sivuela ; Bound Feather Trinket ; Shadowed Remembrance of Loss ; Shadowed Remembrance of Battle ; Faded Rune of Kinship ; Faded Rune of the Mother ; Faded Rune of the Dawn
Updated Items: Darkened Steel Gladius ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Luclinite Defender Source ; Oliive Branch Bow ; Jagged Thought Leech Horn ; Glowing Luclinite Mantle ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Scepter of Lunar Magic ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Feet Ornament ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Novel of the Moon Kitties ; Gooey Shadow Stone ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather Feet Ornament ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Feet Ornament ; Orb of Illuminated Shadow ; Nimble Crystalline Shard ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Feet Ornament ; Gem of Chaos ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Helm Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Chest Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Arms Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Wrist Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Hands Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Legs Ornament ; Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain Feet Ornament ; Memory of Danger ; Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Helm Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Chest Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Arms Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Wrist Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Hands Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Legs Ornament ; Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Feet Ornament ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Insignia of Warders ; Insignia of Xakra ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Kodiak Cub Familiar ; Wasp Drone Familiar ; Banner of Clan Crushbone ; Painting: Brownie Encampment ; Islander Hammock ; Castle of Mistmoore Throne ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail ; Suit of Wyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Chain ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Leather ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail ; Suit of Mywyn's Feir'Dal Plate ; Adoptable Sylvan Faun Familiar ; Adoptable Kodiak Cub Familiar ; Adoptable Wasp Drone Familiar ; Adoptable Faydark Willowisp Familiar ; Wrapped Islander Hammock ; Wrapped Torch of Kelethin ; Wrapped Painting: Brownie Encampment ; Wrapped Banner of Clan Crushbone ; Visage of the Faydark Forest Guardian ; Reins of the Faydwer Grizzly ; Faydark Willowisp Familiar ; Sylvan Faun Familiar ; Torch of Kelethin ; Wrapped Music Box: Kelethin ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #2 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #6 ; Faded Rune of Knowledge ; Detached Gargoyle Horn ; Cracked Gargoyle Claw ; Painting: Tunare's Tree ; Akhevan Bone Shards ; Blood-starved Branch ; Cracked Vampyric Sword ; Extracted Vampire Fangs ; Music Box: Kelethin ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Beatings" ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 7 ; Insignia of Va Liako ; Loose Gargoyle Fang ; Vial of Akhevan Ink ; Insignia of Senshali ; Insignia of Centien ; Scroll of Akhevan Parchment ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 3 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 4 ; Severed Bloodroot ; Improvised Shadow Bolt ; Stripped Shadow Nut ; Misshapen Shadow Brick ; Jury-Rigged Shadow Hammer ; Broken Shadow Trowel ; Dulled Shadow Chisel ; Wind Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Crude Fyr Jen Burin ; Memory of Triumph ; Crude Fyr Jen Scrapper ; Crude Fyr Jen Mallet ; Crude Fyr Jen Cloth ; Crude Fyr Jen Cork ; Crude Fyr Jen Grinder ; Crude Fyr Jen Slab ; Crude Fyr Jen Banding ; Wrapped Painting: Tunare's Tree ; Torn Makeshift Doll ; Hastily Pulled Gold Tooth ; Vampire Chess Board ; Pebble of Condensed Shadow ; Water Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Indigo Nightshade Orchid ; Verdure Nightshade Orchid ; Lycopene Nightshade Orchid ; String of Beetle Shell ; Elysian Bone Fragment ; Charred Elysian Bones ; Wrapped Visage of the Faydark Forest Guardian ; Memory of Secrecy ; Memory of Lovers ; Vampire Chess Pawns ; Memory of Urgency ; Memory of Shar Vahl ; Insignia of Zethon ; Cloak of Hiding Shadows ; Ancient Shadow Dragon Scale ; Blessed Akhevan Shadow Shears ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Spell: Eidolon Voice ; Spell: Bite of the Brownie Rk. II ; Spell: Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II ; Plagued Skull Fragment ; Honed Axe Components ; Amber ; Tome of War Cry of Dravel ; Fascinating Medicine Doll ; Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor ; Ulak of the Tegi Rebellion ; Bloodied Maul of Von Deek ; Ogchan's Tower Shield ; Argus`Ax`Miff's Crystallized Moonbeam ; Spider's Bite XXI ; Luclin Savory Roast ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10) ; Ability: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1) ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Glooming Stone Eye ; Gel`Tatrua, Necklace of Strength ; Tormented Lere ; String of Stonegrabber Pebbles ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Scarlet Mark ; Illusive Sound ; Haunted Staff of Wizardry ; Earring of the Lightbringers ; Dovh's Eternal Diamond ; Dathor Shawi Shawl
New Quests: Even If They Weren't So Great ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Plate (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Chain (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Scalemail (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Ringmail (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Leather (10 Points) ; Hero's Forge - Wyn's Cloth (10 Points)
Updated Quests: Azraxs' Legacy ; Murdunk's Last Stand ; Vah Shir Pottery Progression ; Achievement: Keeper's Imbalance (Group) ; Sincerely, Cissela ; Thanks for the Memories ; Feir'Dal Heritage Crate ; Feir'Dal Heritage Crate: Feir'Dal Critters (10 Points) ; Feir'Dal Heritage Crate: Feir'Dal Art Collector (10 Points) ; Ancient Halasian Runes (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Raven Gifts (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Shadowed Remembrances (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Oubliette of Light (Group Mission) ; Vampyre Diaryes (10 Points) ; Elysians Bone Relics (10 Points) ; Twilight Orchid Medley (10 Points) ; Path of Shadows, Protected by Blood (10 Points) ; Quiet as a Church Mouse (10 Points) ; Lingering Shadows (10 Points) ; Sacrificial Artifacts (10 Points) ; Akhevan Insignia (10 Points) ; Captured Glimpses (10 Points) ; Vex Thal Librarian (10 Points) ; Prisoner Grub (10 Points) ; Gargoyle Fragments (10 Points) ; Drops of Blood (10 Points) ; Bloodfalls Battlefield (10 Points) ; Vampire Chess Set (10 Points) ; Flora of the Bloodfalls (10 Points) ; Outpost Reclamation Orders (10 Points) ; Shei Vinitras (Group Mission) ; Close the Gate (Group Mission) ; Aten Ha Ra (Group Mission)
Updated Recipes: Finished Vah Shir Figurine ; Sauteed Luclin Tubers
Bestiary Updates: Sentinel Adrial ; Sentinel Aegeo ; Sentinel Belario ; Sentinel Demitri ; Sentinel Mercutil ; Sentinel Phylos ; Sentinel Polix ; Sentinel Silvis ; Sentinel Ursulo ; Sentinel Cholis ; Sentinel Colm ; Sentinel Jeast ; Sentinel Ogen ; Sentinel Phis ; Sentinel Rysin ; Sentinel Tigonus ; Sentinel Vanil ; Sentinel Wren ; a tro jeg shaman ; A Tro Jeg Official ; A Turtle Wrangler ; Shuris MacLurin [Berserker Tomes] ; Boster MacHadden [Berserker Tomes] ; Faded Takish Historian ; Kyv Cavescout ; Dragorn Firekeeper ; mistmoore 2.0 - Heyda Fadesong ; Gaddi Buruca [Berserker Tomes] ; Grishna Vriensa [Berserker Tomes] ; Chaenthe Osere [Berserker Tomes] ; Sayec Kellye [Berserker Tomes] ; Badoo Zumlar [Berserker Tomes] ; Hardbottom, Recycler Union ; Hogswaller ; Ironfoot ; Eldervine the Twisted ; Karri [Supplier] ; Slavemaster Gork ; Foreman Bronzecoat ; Quartermaster Thickgear ; Apothecary Cadmael [Quests 65+] ; a tro jeg soldier ; Marie Fay [Merchant] ; Ritra Icyclaw [Berserker Tomes] ; Merc McFader ; Supplier Zach Steiger [General Supplies] ; Erlics Brightstone [Reagents] ; Rossette Mosgrow [Quest and General Supplies] ; Summon Resupply Agent [Veteran AA Ability] ; Pli Centien ; Pli Centien Xakra ; Pli Liako Xakra ; Pli Senshali ; Pli Senshali Xakra ; Pli Thall ; Pli Va Dyn ; Pli Va Liako ; Pli Zethon Xakra ; Qua Centien Xakra ; Qua Zethon ; Visus Zethon ; Zun Senshali ; Zun Zethon ; Lucca Brightfeld ; Txiki ; Xenacious Von Deek ; Tess Zelinstein ; Fyrthek Fior - ToL ; Zov Zethon ; Sorcha, Governess of Serenity [Raids and Mission] ; Speaker to Light ; Speaker to Darkness ; Fade ; Umber ; Thall Tetoracu Liako ; Itzal, Luclin's Hunter ; a smirking guardian ; Pli Liako ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; datiar xi tavuelim ; dator xi xavuelim ; Kaas Thox Xi Ha Ra Set ; Keltakun, Last Word ; a shadowstone jailer ; a grasping shade ; a moonlit chest ; a shade beetle ; a darkwing bat ; a pool of shadow ; clotted strands ; a shadowstone grabber ; a grinning gargoyle ; Pli Liako ; Xin Thall Tavuel ; Centien Detraias ; a shade - ToL ; a deadly shade ; a waning phantom ; Kratakel, Lord Misery ; a bloodied chest ; Chamberlain XI ; Ironhorn
New Items: Badly Damaged Family Necklace ; Crudely Carved Shadow Dog ; Shadowed Remembrance of Rage ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #7 ; Torn Invasion Battlemap ; Blood-Soaked Belt of Adroitness ; Blood-Soaked Fighting Staff ; Broken Half Locket ; Bundle of Votive Offerings ; Panthea's Collar ; Tome of Teleportation Spells ; Banock Family Crest ; Olyam's Broken Sword Hilt ; Firefall Portal Fragment ; Tegi Fire Essence
Updated Items: The Skull of Akelha`Ra ; Ritual Dagger of the Akhevan Ancestors ; Xin`Dobra, the Ring of Power ; Mysterious Medicine Vessel ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Gooey Shadow Stone ; Chalice of Centi Heritage ; Staff of Akhevan Devotion ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Helm ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets ; Green Crystallos Stone ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Bone Goblet ; Luclinite Ring of Ages ; Sylra's Trinket ; Dream Weaver Torq ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Hex Morningstar ; Crystallized Restless Ore ; Small Twigs ; Pumpkin Carving Knife ; Pumpkin Carving Kit ; Carving Pumpkin ; Perfectly Carved Pumpkin ; Servant's Sustenance ; Akuel`Dator, Stud of Might ; Crushbone Orc Peon Familiar ; Adoptable Faydark Willowisp Familiar ; Wasp Drone Familiar ; Kodiak Cub Familiar ; Frostfell Goblin Familiar ; Clockwork Fireworks Engineer ; Enchanted Pie Familiar ; Erollisi's Boldheart Hare ; Erollisi's Flawless Heart Hare ; Erollisi's Sisterheart Hare ; Prize: Familiar of Lightningcaller Vhalek ; Prize: Familiar of Zi-Thuuli, the Granite Claw ; Prize: Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin ; Prize: Moonfang's Cub
Updated Quests: Shadowed Remembrances (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Carving Pumpkins ; Sacrificial Artifacts (10 Points) ; Prisoner Grub (10 Points) ; Bloodfalls Battlefield (10 Points) ; Shei Vinitras (Group Mission)
New Recipes: Perfectly Carved Pumpkin ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Loremaster Helm
Bestiary Updates: a froglok tsu shaman ; a froglok yun shaman ; a granite gargoyle ; a froglok dar knight ; a froglok kor shaman ; a froglok jin shaman ; a ghoul assassin ; a froglok noble ; an evil eye ; Leafrot ; a froglok vis knight ; Morwenna Undertow - CoV ; Namdrows ; Lucca Brightfeld ; Captain Resh Sogran ; Fyrthek Fior - ToL ; Nightfall ; Sylra Fris - ToL ; Telaris Xeturisun ; Hule C. Zarshcl [Nights of the Dead Quests] ; a wandering scarecrow ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; Mechano Sendaii Dronequeen
New Items: Shadowed Remembrance of Strife ; Blood-Soaked Spear ; Bloody Onyx Signet Ring ; Elysian Bone Chips ; Purified Bag of Fallen Vah Shir Skulls ; Dusksage ; Bag of Fallen Vah Shir Skulls
Updated Items: Razorleaf Fern ; Fallen Blood Leaf ; Exposed Roots ; Dried Sanguine Leaf ; Dragon's Blood Bark ; Memory of Mystery ; Broken Half Locket ; Luclinite Laced Muscimol ; Caliginous Meat ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Luclin Bone Doll ; Dathor Scale Earring ; Tribal Warblade ; Stormcaller's Molar ; Bone Ring of Sogran ; Waxing Crescent Shadowscale Coif ; Waxing Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Soulforge Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Soulforge Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Flameweaver Cap ; Waxing Crescent Flameweaver Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Natureward Coif ; Waxing Crescent Natureward Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Exarch Helm ; Waxing Crescent Exarch Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Soulslayer Cap ; Waxing Crescent Soulslayer Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Mindlock Cap ; Waxing Crescent Mindlock Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Illuminator Helm ; Waxing Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Warmonger Coif ; Waxing Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves ; Shield of Emerald Daylight
Updated Quests: Azraxs' Legacy ; Tunare Initiate ; Tunare Disciple ; Gant's Remains ; Shadowed Remembrances (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Oubliette of Light (Group Mission) ; Elysians Bone Relics (10 Points) ; Sacrificial Artifacts (10 Points) ; Captured Glimpses (10 Points) ; Flora of the Bloodfalls (10 Points) ; Hero of Basilica of Adumbration (10 Points) ; ToL Rank II Level 116 Spells: Minor Etched Bloodstone ; ToL Rank II Level 118 Spells: Median Etched Bloodstone ; ToL Rank II Level 119 Spells: Greater Etched Bloodstone
New Recipes: Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Warmonger Coif ; Waxing Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Illuminator Helm ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Mindlock Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Mindlock Cap ; Waxing Crescent Soulslayer Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Soulslayer Cap ; Waxing Crescent Exarch Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Exarch Helm ; Waxing Crescent Natureward Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Natureward Coif ; Waxing Crescent Flameweaver Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Flameweaver Cap ; Waxing Crescent Soulforge Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Soulforge Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Shadowscale Coif
Updated Recipes: Refined Mana Tonic
Bestiary Updates: Niblek ; a rancorous ghast ; Oljin Stormtide ; A storm guardian ; Elia Athrex ; Steamwork Prototype Mark XIX ; Wizbobble ; Head Mechanic Binsprocket ; Findlewill [Brinda`s Assistant] ; a mind burrower - ToL ; Captain Resh Sogran ; Gantru Shojralen ; Shak Dathor Warlord - ToL ; Former Head Scientist Bozle ; Head Scientist Spodwork
Updated Items: Faceguard of the Stalwart Heart ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Shadowed Stone of Waves ; Shade Stone of Intellect ; Illusive Sound ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Em's Lost Prayer Ruby ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Blood-Soaked Belt of Brilliance ; Caliginous Meat ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Hide
Bestiary Updates: an archaic bixie ; Rockcrush ; a winged scavenger ; Lucca Brightfeld ; a manifested nightmare ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; An Elder Earth Drake ; Head Scientist Spodwork
New Items: Elysian Jawbone Relic ; Polished Section of Elysian Bone ; Fire Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Vampire Chess Kings ; Blood-Soaked Necklace of Adroitness ; Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Observation" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Reminder" ; Blood-Soaked Mask of Brilliance
Updated Items: Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Iced Ring of the Dream Caller ; Wretched Mask of Repentance ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Tooth Fang Earring ; Rune of Draconic Wisdom ; Painting: Terror of Luclin
Updated Quests: Bandit Sisters ; Illegible Scrolls ; Orc Runner (Felwithe) ; Princess Lenya ; Arrialla's Token
Updated Recipes: Honed Bloodied Luclinite
Bestiary Updates: a prismatic evoker ; An Elder Earth Drake ; Rockcrush ; Vengeful Contained Elemental ; Namdrows ; Darkmeat ; Sylra Fris - ToL ; Telaris Xeturisun
Updated Items: Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Infestation ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 1 ; Waxing Crescent Frostfire Cap ; Waxing Crescent Frostfire Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Legionnaire Helm ; Waxing Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Spiritwalker Coif ; Waxing Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Waxing Crescent Soulrender Helm ; Waxing Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets ; Banded Luclinite Rapier ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Heavenly Scales of Measure ; Moonstruck Vessel Choker ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Hide ; Glooming Stone Eye ; Small Stone of Shadows ; Lantern of Shadowy Light
Updated Quests: The Falchion ; Arrialla's Token ; Vampyre Diaryes (10 Points)
New Recipes: Waxing Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Soulrender Helm ; Waxing Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Spiritwalker Coif ; Waxing Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets ; Waxing Crescent Legionnaire Helm ; Waxing Crescent Frostfire Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Frostfire Cap
Updated Recipes: Mounted Shore Goral Head
Bestiary Updates: Disciple Okarote ; a gleeful miscreant ; a repressed vampyre ; an oppressed vampyre ; a forgotten aberrant ; Txiki ; Quietus the Forgotten ; Xenacious Von Deek ; Rewina Jalmoy ; a spirit ; Ghost of Ridossan
New Items: Blood-Soaked Ring of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Amice of Vigor ; Blood-Soaked Ring of Adroitness
Updated Items: Stormcaller's Molar ; Tavuel xi Sivuela ; Tatrua Thena Sivuela ; N'atulus ora Tetorau ; Lytaer xi Akheva ; Ishinaer ; Atraeth xi Va ; Ans Tekuel ; Ans Draues xi Aten Ha Ra ; Blood-Soaked Spiked Shield ; Blood-Soaked Claymore ; Blood-Soaked Baton ; Blood-Soaked Fighting Staff ; Blood-Soaked Belt of Adroitness ; Blood-Soaked Spear ; Summoner's Blood-Soaked Earring ; Blood-Soaked Mask of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Necklace of Adroitness ; Blood-Soaked Censer ; Blood-Soaked Wand ; Blood-Soaked Idol of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Foil ; Blood-Soaked Great Axe ; Blood-Soaked Charm of Vigor ; Blood-Soaked Cloak of Security ; Spell: Eidolon Bellow ; Gnomework Gaskets ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Vial of Black Bile ; Ritual Dagger of the Akhevan Ancestors ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 8 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 7 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 6 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 4 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 3 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 1 ; Roaring Grass ; Waning Crescent Frostfire Gloves ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Natureward Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Exarch Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Gloves ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Gloves ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Gloves ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Gloves ; Waning Crescent Lifewalker Gloves ; Waning Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves ; Waning Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Implement of Illness ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Gooey Shadow Stone ; Crystalline Cloak of Shadows ; Darkened Mace of Thoughts ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Familiar of Lord Nagafen ; Familiar of the Emerald Jungle ; Familiar of Lightningcaller Vhalek ; Familiar of the Girplan Guardian ; Netherbian Scaled Cloak ; Blackened Terror Limb ; Dark Invocation ; Dulled Vampyric Dagger ; Broken Shadowed Shield ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Reminder" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Observation" ; Vampire Chess Kings ; Fire Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Polished Section of Elysian Bone ; Elysian Jawbone Relic ; Vampire Chess Set Box ; Blood-Spattered Stone of the Digger ; Fragment of Foul Earth ; Stormwheel's Burning Debris ; Yunaizarn's Fang ; Cooling Pad ; Vial of Mist ; Diseased Kidney Stone ; Dulled Gem of Evaporating Life ; Everburning Jewel ; Feartouched Fang of Ferociousness ; Slime Coated Pebble of the Deep ; Blessing of Might ; Boneshard of the Blademaster ; Commander's Scabbard ; Conch of Singing Seas ; Flickering Jewel ; Blood Draining Spike ; Ball of Baleful Bile ; Ire of Reivaj ; Sigil of Thokk ; Insigni Saevus ; Jenat's Vertebrae ; Flame of Hope ; Pulsing Meteorite Fragment ; Orb of Tormented Rage ; Conflagrant Gem of Striking ; Wrapped Conflagrant Gem of Striking ; Odywort's Band of Frozen Memories ; Ilk'Dazi's Book of the Heavens ; Envenomed Geode ; Daystone ; Stunning Sapphire of the Sepulcher ; Enhanced Gem of the First Witness ; Azure Shard of Covetous Absorption ; Blade Warstone ; Lightning Prism of Swordplay ; Everlasting Forge Coal ; Sharpened Rib Fragment of the Fray ; Rage Moss ; Stone of the Riotous ; Mossy Tundra Stone ; Sharp Irestone Fragment ; Jagged Glowing Prism ; Blue Crystallos Stone ; Venomous Shards of the Damned ; Coffin Fragment ; Etched Obsidian Shard ; Blackfeather Shockstone ; Ikaav Summonstone ; Faerie Hex Stone ; Fellstone ; Icespark Stone ; Sage Sapphire ; Ioan's Special Ingredient ; Soulfiend Lance ; Crude Defiant Plate Helm ; Scroll: Focus of Sanera Rk. II ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Small Stone of Shadows ; Lantern of Shadowy Light ; Glooming Stone Eye ; Secret Dawn Dire
New Quests: The More Things Change ; Kill Kill Kill ; Protect the Home ; Stomp the Herd ; All Right Then, Keep Your Secrets ; All Eyes on You ; Hope May Vanish But Cannot Die ; Who Hunts the Hunters ; In Search of Intelligence ; Threading on Dangerous ; Even If They Weren't So Great
Updated Quests: Ridossan's Spirit ; Harpy Horrors ; The Orb of Luclin ; Small Memories (Gnome Memorial Mountain) (10 Points) ; Put Soldiers to Rest ; Heroes Must Die (Again) ; Labor Shortage ; Rule of Four ; What Dreams May Yet Come? ; When Soul Meets Soul ; Exploring Shadow Valley's Burn Scars ; Oubliette of Light (Group Mission) ; Record Scratch ; Back to the Middle and Around Again ; Get Off My Lawn ; To Defy Power Which Seems Omnipotent ; Vampyre Diaryes (10 Points) ; Elysians Bone Relics (10 Points) ; Akhevan Insignia (10 Points) ; Vex Thal Librarian (10 Points) ; Bloodfalls Battlefield (10 Points) ; Vampire Chess Set (10 Points) ; Outpost Reclamation Orders (10 Points) ; A Taste of Venom ; Terror Limbs for Firewood ; First Vision of the Unknown ; Second Vision of the Unknown ; Third Vision of the Unknown ; Aten Ha Ra (Group Mission) ; ToL Rank II Level 118 Spells: Median Etched Bloodstone ; The More They Stay the Same
New Recipes: Scroll: Focus of Sanera Rk. II ; Waning Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves ; Waning Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Lifewalker Gloves ; Waning Crescent Mindlock Gloves ; Waning Crescent Flameweaver Gloves ; Waning Crescent Soulforge Gloves ; Waning Crescent Soulslayer Gloves ; Waning Crescent Exarch Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Natureward Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets ; Waning Crescent Frostfire Gloves
Updated Recipes: Forest Green Silk Swatch ; Bloodied Luclinite Fish Scales (Luclin Flame Angel) ; Myrmidon's Sloth XIX (ToL)
Bestiary Updates: Tukk ; a ghoul sage ; A Lizard Ritualist ; Firbulg, Tactician of Ice ; Gadrik ; Catapult Engineer XIX ; a steamwork shocktrooper ; a steamwork sweeper ; a steamwork repairer ; a cleaning ooze ; a steamwork trooper ; a steamwork shockstriker ; a steamwork reaver ; a spirit - Calling Phantasm ; Yimmrek the Herald ; a spirit - Life After Death ; Diabo Sivuela [Quests] ; a blackened terror ; a charred terror ; a gnarled terror ; an armored terror ; Diabo Xin Thall ; Diabo Xi Akuel ; Korah Kai the Gardener [Quests] ; Fleshrot - ToL ; Nightfall ; Rumblecrush - ToL ; Shak Dathor Warlord - ToL ; a scorched terror ; Gloomclaw ; A Vendor of Reagents [Merchant] ; a spirit ; Ghost of Ridossan ; Disciple Okarote
New Items: Blood-Soaked Knife ; Blood-Soaked Earring of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Hooked Knife ; Blood-Soaked Axe ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Work" ; Vampire Chess Bishops ; Axe of the Conqueror ; Blood-Soaked Idol of Vigor ; Zelniak Hide Satchel ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #8 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #5
Updated Items: Faded Rune of the Ancestors ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Observation" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Beatings" ; Faceguard of the Stalwart Heart ; Em's Lost Prayer Ruby ; Luclin Garlic Stir-Fry ; Sauteed Luclin Tubers ; Grilled Bloodied Fish ; Dusksage ; Feir'Dal Heritage Crate ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Fallen Vah Shir Skull ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Durable Clay Mixture ; Luclinite Horde Cube ; Shade Stone of Intellect ; Norrathian Stone of Sure Flight ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Xin`Dobra, the Ring of Power ; Blood-Soaked Amice of Brilliance ; Shadowed Stone of Cleverness ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #6 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #7 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #2 ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Panthea's Collar ; Tome of Teleportation Spells ; Banock Family Crest ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Olyam's Broken Sword Hilt ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Faded Rune of Knowledge ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Avarice ; Scroll of Ka Vethan Intel ; The Rise of the Akhevan Empire ; Putrid Flesh Cloak ; Blood Rite Spike Staff ; Goblin Bones ; Fragment of Ethereal Steel ; Earth Love ; Dour Blue
Updated Quests: What Dreams May Yet Come? ; Seek and Ye Shale Find ; Record Scratch ; To Defy Power Which Seems Omnipotent ; Prisoner Grub (10 Points) ; Vampire Chess Set (10 Points) ; Outpost Reclamation Orders (10 Points) ; Mercenary of Shadow Valley (10 Points) ; The More They Stay the Same ; All Right Then, Keep Your Secrets ; All Eyes on You
Updated Recipes: Tallon's Tactic XXI ; Vallon's Tactic XXI
Bestiary Updates: a basilisk hatchling ; Guard Commander Bowulf ; Marius Lenn [Arcana Store] ; an ashen chest ; an onyx stonegrabber ; a shrewd abettor of Luclin ; a sharp-eyed gargoyle ; a whispering shade ; a ritualistic shade ; a basilica overseer ; a basilica disciplinarian ; an imperious gargoyle ; an obsidian taskmaster ; a tireless attendant of Luclin ; a conniving gargoyle ; a dark inquisitor ; a feral gloom bat ; a screeching bat - ToL ; an adjutant shade ; an obedient servant of Luclin ; Ceesil Ahdai [Quests] ; a gloaming beetle ; a rockfall lurker ; an avenging shadow ; Eliknot Terrilon [Quests] ; Istoph Banock [Quests] ; Itraer Centien Rashen [Quests] ; Diabo Tatrua - ToL ; Lucca Brightfeld ; Xenacious Von Deek ; a fallen sergeant ; a fallen soldier - ToL ; Thox Xakra ; Remains of Vah Kerrath - ToL ; Bloodwretch - ToL ; Captain Resh Sogran ; an avaricious mass ; a screeching bat ; Diabo Va Thall ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadow copy ; Firbulg, Tactician of Ice ; Bonecracker ; Grigoran
Updated Items: Faded Rune of Protection ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Shadowed Subjugation Collar ; Caliginous Meat ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Residue of Shadow ; Shadowed Remembrance of Rage ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Faded Rune of the Mother ; Broadsword of the Stranger ; Discarded Cutlass of Decay ; Oscillating Belt ; Distilled Grade B Gormar Venom ; Corroded Dirk of Decay ; Luclinite Horde Cube ; Secondary Anchor Package ; Primary Anchor Package ; The Binden Concerrentia ; The Fabled Binden Concerrentia ; Fire Opal
Updated Quests: In Defense of Health ; ToV Rank III Level 111 Spells: Minor Kromrif Etching ; ToV Rank III Level 114 Spells: Greater Kromrif Etching ; ToV Rank III Level 115 Spells: Glowing Kromrif Etching ; ToL Rank II Level 118 Spells: Median Etched Bloodstone
Updated Recipes: Quintessence of Knowledge ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Maul
Bestiary Updates: Keiya Oakwood [Brewing Supplies] ; Jacob Thornblade [Shandeling's Casino] ; a ukun packmaster ; a bubonian commander ; a bubonian invader ; a leprous commander ; a leprous evoker ; a leprous heretic ; a leprous invader ; a leprous wraith ; a pestilent invader ; a pestilent warrior ; Lashun Novashine ; a chest - In Defense of Health ; a leprous channeler ; a bubonian shaman ; Vomitous ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; a blackened terror ; a gnarled terror ; a grim shade ; a hardened lahar ; a mislaid shadow ; a mudspate lurker ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; a wandering shadow ; an ashen shade ; a pestilent bloodlord ; a ballista ; a pestilent warlord ; a leprous mender ; a bubonian soothsayer ; a pestilent reaver ; a foul pusling ; a tainted pusling ; a corrupted pusling ; a virulent pusling ; a virulent brute ; Bonecracker ; Grigoran
New Items: Eerie Jelly Beans ; Translation Vol. 2
Updated Items: Philter of the Titan ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Mysterious Medicine Vessel ; Veeshan's Key ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Bag of Provisions ; Water Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Fire Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Luclin Barberry ; Jeweled Worn Buckler ; Bloodied Kai Family Ring ; Kai Family Ring
New Quests: Treading on Dangerous Territory
Updated Quests: Live as Brothers or Perish as Fools ; ToL Rank III Level 116 Spells: Minor Shadowscribed Parchment ; ToL Rank II Level 116 Spells: Minor Etched Bloodstone
Bestiary Updates: Terren Starwatcher [Cleric Spells] ; Kinool Goldsinger [Enchanter Guildmaster] ; orc hatchetman ; a faerie noble ; Merchant Sylnis ; an orc witchdoctor ; a syl ren frost caller ; Merchant Nora [Jewelcrafting Supplies] ; orc shaman ; an orc arsonist ; Gurleg Bribgok ; Larroniae Huial ; Tolon Nurbyte ; Serenica Greenfinger [Baking Supplies] ; a Wraithguard lorekeeper of war ; Master Smith Goil ; Patriarch Yerban ; Lorekeeper Gerrod ; an orc footman ; an orc shaman ; an orc conscript ; an orc seer ; orc pawn ; orc centurion ; a starving worm ; Daerius Jaegir [Quests] ; a wailing Centi - ToL ; a worthy sacrifice ; Terro Kai [Quests] ; Pli Zethon ; Centien Rashen Xaui ; a dark shade - ToL ; a dark assassin - ToL ; a shak dathor thergrath ; a syl ren guardian - ToL ; a shak dathor shadeguard ; a fyr jen guardian ; a fyr jen sentinel ; a syl ren frost caller ; Aten Ha Ra ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; A Vendor of Reagents [Merchant]
New Items: Blood-Soaked Mace ; Lost-Lineage Fang Necklace ; Shadowed Remembrance of Destruction ; Shadowed Remembrance of Death ; Shadowed Remembrance of Twilight ; Shadowed Remembrance of Harm ; Blood-Soaked Charm of Security ; Vampire Chess Knights ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #3 ; Blood-Soaked Katar ; Blood-Soaked Mask of Adroitness
Updated Items: Bangle of Disease Warding ; Cipher of Veeshan ; Minor Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Median Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Greater Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Glowing Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Chipped Axe Head ; Matted Bear Helm ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Hide ; Caliginous Meat ; Shadowed Subjugation Collar ; Melted Sword Hilt ; Faded Rune of Kinship ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Shadowed Remembrance of Battle ; Shadowed Remembrance of Loss ; Shadowed Remembrance of Rage ; Shadowed Remembrance of Strife ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Brittle Half Shield ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Zelniak Hide Satchel ; Akhevan Blood Sample ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Luclin Barberry ; Corrupted Vampyre Blood ; Vampyre Blood Sample ; Shadow Wolf Blood Sample ; Blood-Soaked Flanged Mace ; Blood-Soaked Hammer ; Blood-Soaked Earring of Vigor ; Blood-Soaked Kite Shield ; Chipped Gargoyle Pieces ; Insignia of Thall ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Escape" ; Shattered Gargoyle Eye ; Sundered Gargoyle Wing ; Stripped Shadow Screw ; Bent Shadow Nail ; Etched Luclinite Plate Helm ; Etched Luclinite Plate Vambraces ; Etched Luclinite Plate Gauntlets ; Etched Luclinite Plate Boots ; Etched Luclinite Plate Breastplate ; Etched Luclinite Plate Greaves ; Folded Pack of the Diabo's Heirlooms ; Folded Pack of the Centien's Plate ; Summoned: Etched Luclinite Belt ; Blood-Soaked Cloak of Brilliance ; Blood-Soaked Cloak of Adroitness ; Roguish Rucksack ; Shenanigan Satchel ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #8 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #7 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #4 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #1 ; Vial of Black Bile ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Centi Longsword ; Ka Vethan Ritual Dagger ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Corrupted Ka Vethan Dagger ; Hastily Pulled Gold Tooth ; Crudely Carved Shadow Dog ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Relic Report ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Rune of Knowledge ; Fogfall Lurker Venom Sac ; Charred Umbral Fulgurite ; Chunk of Gloaming Beetle Meat ; Crystallized Umbral Fulgurite ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Scorched Umbral Fulgurite ; Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom ; Fossilized Umbral Fulgurite ; Fine Feathers ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #5
Updated Quests: The Falchion ; The Return of King Xorbb ; What Dreams May Yet Come? ; Shadowed Remembrances (Shadow Valley) (10 Points) ; Exploring Shadow Valley's Burn Scars ; Catching Lightning ; Back to the Middle and Around Again ; To Defy Power Which Seems Omnipotent ; Don't Get Centimental ; A Wolf Eat Wolf World ; Lingering Shadows (10 Points) ; Akhevan Insignia (10 Points) ; Prisoner Grub (10 Points) ; Gargoyle Fragments (10 Points) ; Vampire Chess Set (10 Points) ; Outpost Reclamation Orders (10 Points) ; Chasing Shadows ; Flights of Shadows ; Tumbling Shadows ; Hunting Beetles ; A Taste of Venom ; Terror Limbs for Firewood ; Treading on Dangerous Territory
Updated Recipes: Fine Salt - 1 ; Fine Salt - 5 ; Fine Salt - 10
Bestiary Updates: Tynkale [Paladin Guildmaster] ; Kindl Lunsight ; a widow matriarch ; a large widow ; Salani Tunfar ; Ashenback ; a large widow ; a large widow ; Ktheek the Ripper - CoV ; a shrewd abettor of Luclin ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; a gorangan slave ; a gorangan slave patroller ; Senshali Sa Rashen ; Pli Torgarath Xi Vius ; a pacified vampyre ; a swarm of shadows ; an umbra wolf ; a blackened terror ; a charred terror ; a defensive shadow ; a fogfall lurker ; a gloaming beetle ; a grim lahar ; a grim shade ; a roaming gargoyle ; a rockfall lurker ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; a smokefall beetle ; a vengeful shadow ; a vicious gloom bat ; a wandering shadow ; an armored terror ; an ashen shade ; an avenging mass ; an avenging shadow ; Istoph Banock [Quests] ; a shade guardian ; Pli Liako ; Teka`Temariel Centi - ToL ; Vius Centi - ToL ; Diabo Xin Thall ; a ritual table ; The Protector - ToL ; a manifested nightmare ; Telaris Xeturisun ; a patrolling scout ; a scorched terror ; a glooming beetle ; a glooming bat ; Dabo Xi Tavuel ; a shaded assassin ; Tsikut ; a Wraithguard lorekeeper of war
New Items: Blood-Soaked Belt of Vigor ; Luclinite Defender ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Security" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Conflict" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Respect" ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 5 ; The Diary of Lucca Brightfeld, Part 2 ; Torn Vampyric Shroud
Updated Items: Insignia of Zethon ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Insignia of Centien ; Insignia of Senshali ; Iced Mace of the Soother ; Mortal Corporeal Equilibrium Zephyr ; Sebilisian Brilliance ; Frozen Orb of the Fabled King ; Frozen Orb of the Fabled King ; Frozen Orb of the Fabled King ; Frozen Orb of the Fabled King ; Frozen Orb of the Fabled King ; Mysterious Medicine Vessel ; Dovh's Eternal Diamond ; Tainted Kai Family Ring ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Shadowed Remembrance of Loss ; Shadowed Remembrance of Harm ; Shadowed Remembrance of Destruction ; Shadowed Remembrance of Battle ; Shadowed Remembrance of Rage ; Shadowed Remembrance of Strife ; Shadowed Remembrance of Death ; Shadowed Remembrance of Twilight ; Ka Vethan Shackle Key ; Cleansed Kai Family Ring ; Gleaming Gem of Feshlak ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Security ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Vigor ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Brilliance ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Adroitness ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Devastation ; Velium Covered Coke ; Velium Covered Awl ; Velium Covered Coal Lamp ; Velium Covered Chisel ; Chunk of Gloaming Beetle Meat ; Sack of Barbarian Relics ; Velium Endowed Earring of Brilliance ; Velium Endowed Exarch Breastplate ; Velium Endowed Exarch Greaves ; Velium Endowed Exarch Vambraces ; Bloody Onyx Signet Ring ; Badly Damaged Family Necklace ; Sefra's Necklace ; Elysian Jawbone Relic ; Wind Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Water Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Fire Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Elysian Bone Fragment ; Charred Elysian Bones ; Elysian Bone Chips ; Residue of Shadow ; Shadowed Subjugation Collar ; Melted Sword Hilt
Updated Quests: When Soul Meets Soul ; Exploring Shadow Valley's Burn Scars ; Live as Brothers or Perish as Fools ; Hunting Beetles ; Treading on Dangerous Territory
New Recipes: Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Devastation ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Adroitness ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Brilliance ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Vigor ; Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Security
Updated Recipes: Faded Bloodied Luclinite Belt of Adroitness ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite Belt of Vigor
Bestiary Updates: a windchill sprite ; Feshlak - CoV ; Lord Vyemm - CoV ; Ceesil Ahdai [Quests] ; Olyam Banock ; The Anchored Spirit [Quests] ; a grim shade ; a shadow wolf - ToL ; a smokefall beetle ; Daerius Jaegir [Quests] ; a shade guardian ; Terro Kai [Quests] ; Pli Centien ; Pli Centien Xakra ; Pli Liako ; Pli Thall Xakra ; Pli Va Liako Xakra ; Pli Zethon Xakra ; Qua Zethon Xakra ; Visus Zethon ; a gantru moktor - ToL ; a dark guardian ; a dark assailant ; a dark shade - ToL ; a dark assassin - ToL ; a dark shadow - ToL ; a massive stone guardian - ToL ; a scarlet sycophant ; a shimmering presence - ToL ; a vicious defender ; a vicious leader ; Shar`Drahn
Updated Items: Glowing Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Lesser Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Median Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Greater Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Crystallized Restless Ore ; Decaying Pumpkin ; Servant's Sustenance ; Shining Metallic Robes ; The Wicked Kiss ; Glooming Stone Eye ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; The Skull of Akelha`Ra ; Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom ; Vampire Chess Knights ; Vampire Chess Bishops ; Vampire Chess Set Box ; Vampire Chess Kings ; Vampire Chess Board ; Vampire Chess Rooks ; Waning Crescent Lifewalker Wristguard ; Penumbra Pauldrons ; Warden's Cudgel of Reconcile ; Infused Shade Silk Wrap ; Moon Spawn Defender ; Waning Crescent Lifewalker Tunic ; Waning Crescent Lifewalker Leggings ; Luclinite Defender Source
Updated Quests: Relic of Fertility: All Tangled Up ; Relic of Beasts: Come Into My Lair ; ToL Rank II Level 117 Spells: Lesser Etched Bloodstone
Bestiary Updates: Cipheron ; The Relic of Ladrys ; a thelasa of splendor ; a thelasa ereth of Lunanyn - Decay ; a thelasa ereth of Lunanyn - Fertility ; a thelasa ereth of Illdaera - Beasts ; Jorlleag - CoV ; Dirkwafer Home Security Copter ; Fade ; Shei Vinitras ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; a moonlit chest ; a shade - ToL ; a bloodied chest ; a distrusting devout ; The King`s Clutch
Updated Items: Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Luclinite Hook Knife ; Memory of Mystery ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Shadow Weave Cloak ; Insignia of Xakra ; Memory of Shar Vahl ; Memory of Urgency ; Memory of Triumph ; Insignia of Warders ; Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Gem of Chaos ; Luclinite Defender Source ; Blood-Soaked Charm of Security ; Blakn's Box of Diamonds ; Rod of Holy Wrath ; Scarlet Mark ; Jagged Thought Leech Horn ; Angered Blade of Alsa Thel ; Dovh's Eternal Diamond ; Em's Lost Prayer Ruby ; Fascinating Medicine Doll ; Weapon Gravitator ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; The Skull of Akelha`Ra ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Renthias`Teka, Shawl of Warmth ; Torn Makeshift Doll ; Badly Damaged Family Necklace ; Hastily Pulled Gold Tooth ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Twin Katars of the Diabo ; Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom ; Caliginous Meat ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Memory of Secrecy ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Memory of Danger ; Luclin Barberry ; Luclinite Laced Mamba Venom ; Insignia of Liako ; Insignia of Senshali ; Scroll of Akhevan Parchment ; Memory of Lovers ; Swift Gorget ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Memory of Rejoice ; Insignia of Centien ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Scroll: Illusion: Tegi ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #2 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #7 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #6 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #8 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #5 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #1 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #4 ; Prisoner Grub, Recipe #3 ; Luclinite Attacker Source ; Servant's Sustenance ; Fear Stained Leggings ; Fear Stained Tunic ; Shadowed Stone of Hidden Flame ; Temple Torchery
Updated Quests: Taming the Living Blades ; Condemning the Next Generation ; Thanks for the Memories ; Maiden's Eye Scavenger (10 Points) ; Umbral Plains Scavenger (10 Points) ; Ka Vethan Scavenger (10 Points) ; Vex Thal Scavenger (10 Points) ; Shadow Valley Scavenger (10 Points) ; Basilica of Adumbration Scavenger (10 Points) ; Bloodfalls Scavenger (10 Points) ; Even If They Weren't So Great ; Who Hunts the Hunters
Bestiary Updates: a ghoul supplier ; Infiltrator Tesara ; Dunia ; a wind egg ; Ruaabri ; Irate Servant of Luclin ; a shade guardian ; Centi Atulus ; Gel`Temariel Centi - ToL ; Pli Senshali - ToL - Ka Vethan ; Teka`Temariel Centi - ToL ; Xi Xaui - ToL ; Xin Thall - ToL - Ka Vethan ; Diabo Xi Va - ToL ; Diabo Tatrua - ToL ; The Protector - ToL ; Kaas Xakra ; Pli Centien Xakra - ToL ; Pli Liako Xakra - ToL ; Pli Senshali - ToL - Vex Thal ; Pli Senshali Xakra - ToL ; Pli Thall - ToL ; Pli Thall Xakra - ToL ; Pli Va Dyn - ToL ; Pli Va Liako Xakra - ToL ; Pli Zethon Xakra - ToL ; Prisoner Remains ; Qua Centien - ToL ; Qua Kaas Thox ; Qua Liako Xakra - ToL ; Qua Senshali Xakra - ToL ; Qua Thall - ToL ; Raux Xakra ; Samuel Jezra [Quests] ; Visus Zethon ; Xin Thall - ToL - Vex Thal ; Zov Centien ; Zov Senshali - ToL ; Zov Thall - ToL ; Zun Centien - ToL ; Zun Va Dyn - ToL ; Thox Xakra ; Thall Xundraux Diabo - ToL ; Captain Resh Sogran ; Fleshrot - ToL ; Fyrthek Fior - ToL ; Shak Dathor Warlord - ToL ; Sylra Fris - ToL ; Centi Thall - ToL ; Frank [Quests] ; a conniving gargoyle - Oubliette of Light ; Thall Tetoracu Liako ; Diabo Xi Xin - ToL ; Fer`Tatrua Centi ; Fer`Temariel Centi ; Pli Liako Xakra - Aten Ha Ra ; Pli Senshali Xakra - Aten Ha Ra ; Pli Thall Xakra - Aten Ha Ra ; Pli Va Dyn - Aten Ha Ra ; Pli Va Liako Xakra - Aten Ha Ra ; Zun Va Dyn - Aten Ha Ra ; a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras ; a shadowbound chest ; a shadowstone jailer ; a moonlit chest ; a bloodied chest
Updated Items: Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Silk ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Timber ; Ander Slice ; Oliive Branch Bow ; Faded Waning Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waning Crescent Hands Armor ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Moon Spawn Defender ; Luclinite Laced Taipan Venom ; Pebble of Condensed Shadow ; Luclin Barberry ; Luclinite Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Kanabo of Kortiz ; Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Glowing Luclinite Mantle ; Infused Shade Silk Wrap ; Caliginous Meat ; Broken Shadowed Shield ; Extracted Vampire Fangs ; Luclinite Laced Gormar Venom ; Mysterious Medicine Vessel ; Torn Vampyric Shroud ; Plush Vah Shir Doll ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Beatings" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Reminder" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Observation" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Work" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Escape" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Respect" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Conflict" ; Outpost Reclamation Order, "Security" ; Glowing Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Minor Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Lesser Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Median Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Greater Bloodmarked Velium Gem ; Gooey Shadow Stone ; Dovh's Eternal Diamond ; Sorcerer's Extravagant Necklace ; Soother's Extravagant Pauldrons ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Garnet ; Norrathian Stone of Sure Flight ; Stone of the Patriarch ; Islander Hammock ; Wrapped Islander Hammock ; Torch of Kelethin ; Wrapped Torch of Kelethin ; Pearlescent Scale ; Shadowed Stone of Tranquility ; Shadowed Stone of Knowledge ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Wristguard ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Tunic ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Leggings ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Gloves ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Cowl ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Boots ; Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Armwraps ; Fishing Pole ; Rat Eye ; Fascinating Medicine Doll ; Em's Lost Prayer Ruby ; Piece of Rat Fur ; Rat Meat ; Rat Ears ; Cliff Stone ; Crude Defiant Cloth Sandals ; Raw Stiff Hide ; Rat Whiskers ; Crude Defiant Leather Gloves ; Bandages ; Novel of the Moon Kitties ; Blood-Tainted Water ; Belt of Gelatinized Goo ; Luclinite Convoker Source ; Chipped Gargoyle Pieces ; Luclinite Laced Choresine Sample ; Penumbra Pauldrons ; Luclinite Mendicant Source ; Glaive of Alkali Energy ; Luclinite Defender Source ; Feral Vampire Blood ; Rockhopper Muzzle ; String of Stonegrabber Pebbles ; Servant Horn ; Torn Invasion Battlemap ; Akhevan Horn ; Cracked Vampyric Sword ; Bridle of the Flying Imprisoned Sokokar ; Wicked Steed ; Steed of Souls ; Unholy Steed ; Abyssal Steed ; Cloak of Death ; Bridle of the Cursed ; Ice Encrusted Pick
Updated Quests: Sneed's Rat Infestation ; Halloween: Nektulos Ghost Rider ; Severing the Vines ; Prisoner Grub (10 Points) ; ToL Rank II Level 118 Spells: Median Etched Bloodstone ; ToL Rank II Level 119 Spells: Greater Etched Bloodstone
Bestiary Updates: Jaylia the Faithful ; a mangy rat ; Grom Shives [Nights of the Dead Quests] ; a sewer rat ; Dargak the Warder ; Soothsayer Wroulf ; Wroulf`s Pet ; a lavaling ; Rekatok One-Eye ; an obsidian taskmaster ; a basilica secret keeper ; a dark inquisitor ; a gloom amalgamation ; an animated experiment ; an obsidian sentry ; Dark Agent of Luclin ; a tangible shadow ; a well-fed rockbreaker ; Senshali Sa Rashen ; Pli Torgarath Xi Vex ; Pli Senshali Sa Rashen ; Quietus the Forgotten ; Centien Rashen Xaui ; Temariel Xi Tetoracu ; an invading shade - Vex Thal ; a blood bag ; a blood tick ; a feral vampire - male ; a laborer of shadow ; a nameless vampire ; a sanguineous blood beast ; a shadow construct ; a starved blood tick ; a viscous blood bag ; a war shade ; an engorged blood bag ; an invading shade - Bloodfalls ; Pli Xin Liako ; Qua Xin Liako ; Qua Xin Senshali ; Zov Xin Liako ; a blood beast ; a feral vampire - female ; Cruor ; A Retainer of Shadow ; Centien Xi Va Xakra ; Lady Constance ; Nikolas the Exiled ; Zov Xin Senshali ; Zun Xin Liako ; Ander, Wolf of Shadows ; a conniving gargoyle - Oubliette of Light ; a gloom amalgamation - Oubliette of Light ; Umber ; a shale stonegrabber - Oubliette of Light ; a dark inquisitor - Oubliette of Light ; Diabo Va Thall ; Mistakenly Animated Salt Golem ; Congealed Shadow Mass ; Xetheg, Luclin's Warder ; Gloomclaw ; a shadowbound chest ; a waning phantom ; a bloodied chest ; Steamshear ; Hunter Nargik ; Thornscrape ; Vrolg the Charger ; Neppigrim Raztupit ; Defender Choxar ; Cragma ; Guardian Romix ; Champion Oricx
Updated Items: Ossified Bloodied Ore ; Lesser Etched Bloodstone ; Glowing Etched Bloodstone ; Median Etched Bloodstone ; Minor Etched Bloodstone ; Greater Etched Bloodstone ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite of Resilience ; Luclinite Ensanguined Resilience ; Vampire Chess Set Box ; Vampire Chess Kings ; Vampire Chess Queens ; Vampire Chess Pawns ; Vampire Chess Board ; Vampire Chess Rooks ; Vampire Chess Bishops ; Vampire Chess Knights ; Luclin Dragon Blood Cichlid ; Luclinite Defender Source ; Caliginous Meat ; Enchanted Dragon Scale ; Bloodied Luclinite Corrupted Hide ; Bloodied Luclinite Ore ; Fire Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Water Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Wind Engraved Elysian Bone Relic ; Forgeborn Shield ; Umbral Plains Mushroom ; Stripped Shadow Screw ; Stripped Shadow Nut ; Misshapen Shadow Brick ; Jury-Rigged Shadow Hammer ; Improvised Shadow Bolt ; Dulled Shadow Chisel ; Broken Shadow Trowel ; Bent Shadow Nail ; Lost Punch Card ; Lost Punch Card ; Lost Punch Card ; Unadorned Bone Necklace ; All-Seeing Skull ; Castle of Mistmoore Throne
Updated Quests: Confront Your Nemesis ; What Dreams May Yet Come? ; Vampire Chess Set (10 Points) ; Kill Kill Kill ; Protect the Home ; Stomp the Herd
New Recipes: Luclinite Ensanguined Resilience
Updated Recipes: Champion's Restorative ; Luclinite Fortified Drink ; Refined Mana Tonic ; Sanguineous Focus
Bestiary Updates: Watch Sergeant Riz`oul ; a Tae Ew fanatic ; a Tae Ew zealot ; Rock Crunch Goo ; Edward Coldbiter ; Rampaging Ghoul ; Ker-Klik-Klik ; Gruuk Gigglegibber ; a carrier of arcanum ; a spirit of nature ; Rekatok One-Eye ; an animated experiment ; Diabo Xi Akuel ; a gantru moktor - ToL ; a gantru raldukan - ToL ; a shak dathor guard ; a shak dathor thergrath ; a shak dathor shawi ; a shak dathor keeper ; a shak dathor shadeguard ; a blood tick ; a bloodsoaked bat ; Bloodwretch - ToL ; Gantru Shojralen ; Shak Dathor Warlord - ToL ; Sylra Fris - ToL ; Shei Vinitras ; a shade - Close the Gate ; a bloodsoaked bat - Close the Gate ; a blood tick - Close the Gate ; a feral vampire - Close the Gate ; an engorged blood bag - Close the Gate ; Anarchist Agitator Clatktu ; Zombie Deathmaker ; Acidic Goo ; Zarchoomi ; Cenobite Denuar pet ; Agent of Change - Temple of Cazic-Thule [Accursed Temple of Cazic Thule Expedition]
Updated Items: Assassin's Extravagant Necklace ; Furasza's Cara ; Blood-Soaked Halberd ; Sylra's Trinket ; Lost Punch Card ; Tegi Fire Essence ; Tormented Lere ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite of Intensity ; Luclinite Ensanguined Intensity ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite of Harmony ; Luclinite Ensanguined Harmony ; Faded Bloodied Luclinite of Celerity ; Luclinite Ensanguined Celerity ; Akuel`Dator, Stud of Might ; Faded Waxing Crescent Wrist Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Legs Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Head Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Hands Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Feet Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Chest Armor ; Faded Waxing Crescent Arms Armor ; Coterie Flesh Belt ; Stone of the Crystal Circle ; Stone of the Crystal Circle ; Stone of the Crystal Circle ; Waning Gibbous Honed Luclinite ; Waxing Crescent Honed Luclinite ; Waning Crescent Honed Luclinite
Updated Quests: Bard Epic 1.5: Prismatic Dragon Blade ; Scourge of Supply ; Inherit the Wind ; Poisoning the Food Supply
New Recipes: Luclinite Ensanguined Celerity ; Luclinite Ensanguined Harmony ; Luclinite Ensanguined Intensity
Bestiary Updates: The Ghoul Lord Pet ; a ghoul ritualist pet ; a ghoul sentinel ; Burynai-bane spider ; Stonebeak ; a sluggish sunflower ; a larval swarmer ; Blightcap ; a vigorous moss ; a large fire beetle ; a trainee squad leader`s corpse ; a guard trainee`s corpse ; a large emerald burrower ; a large recluse ; a large orb weaver ; Death`s Hand ; a shouting element ; a wind servant ; an honorable citizen ; a superintendent ; a shopkeeper ; a fyr jen flame warder - ToL ; Telaris Xeturisun ; Horfitz Dappledink [Merchant] ; an aphid swarmer ; Anarchist Agitator Clatktu ; a large coral snake ; an emerald beetle ; a trainee squad leader ; a large widow ; Creeping Deathspore ; Gaiscioch ; Flame Spirit ; Gore ; Azurestrike ; Ring ; a happy frog ; Gruuk Gigglegibber ; Agent of Change - Trakanon's Teeth [Old Sebilis Expedition]