EQ Update #3
Site Update
In this update, a ton of ToV content has been updated. We're still adding things on a daily basis.
Spells were updated on the 18th and the item collector was patched on the 22nd. We're still missing plenty of ToV items for quests and such, download the item collector and open those items up to upload. You may need to uncheck local db updates in the settings for the item collector to get uploads to work.
The lucy itemlist download has been updated up to 1-23-2020 and spell download is current up to 1-18-2020. You can get them at https://lucy.allakhazam.com/downloads.html
Many code fixes were pushed through to fix some side effects of switching the site to https. There are still a couple that we'll get fixed.
Spell search has been fixed and it now reports all 41 SPA slots.
Click Read More to see all the updates.
Updated Items: Cloudberry Juice ; Velium Fortified Drink ; Restless Focus ; Ice Spire Cure-All ; Frost Soothing Potion ; Crystal Mana Tonic ; Crusader's Tonic ; About Seafarer Ringmail ; Velium Laced Privit Extract ; Velium Laced Oleander Extract ; Velium Laced Larkspur Extract ; Velium Laced Laburnum Extract ; Velium Laced Delphinium Extract ; Velium Laced Caladium Extract ; Faded Velium Hammer ; Faded Velium Great Sword ; Faded Velium Belt of Vigor ; Faded Velium Belt of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Belt of Adroitness ; Velium Core Mana Battery ; Unfired Faded Charm of Vigor ; Faded Velium Charm of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Charm of Security ; Faded Velium Charm of Security ; Unfired Faded Charm of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Charm of Brilliance ; Summoner's Faded Velium Earring ; Unfired Guardian's Faded Mask ; Guardian's Faded Velium Mask ; Faded Velium Wrist Armor ; Faded Velium War Hammer ; Faded Velium War Fork ; Faded Velium War Axe ; Faded Velium Wand ; Faded Velium Tower Shield ; Faded Velium Sword ; Faded Velium Spear ; Faded Velium Short Spear ; Faded Velium Scimitar ; Faded Velium Ring of Vigor ; Faded Velium Ring of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Ring of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Pick ; Faded Velium Necklace of Vigor ; Faded Velium Necklace of Security ; Faded Velium Necklace of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Mask of Vigor ; Faded Velium Mask of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Mask of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Mask of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Mace ; Faded Velium Longbow ; Faded Velium Legs Armor ; Faded Velium Kite Shield ; Faded Velium Katar ; Faded Velium Injection Dagger ; Unfired Faded Idol of Vigor ; Faded Velium Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Idol of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Idol of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Idol of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Head Armor ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Key of Disdain ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Faded Icebound Hands Armor ; Dip Resist Sketch ; Remiss Sketch ; Sluggish Sketch ; Vein Rot Sketch ; Gray Orb of Ao the Fourth ; Gray Orb of Kazzanthar the Sixth
Updated Quests: Rogue Redemption ; Rogue Master Sketch ; All Hail the Cleansing ; Items Lost (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Frozen Fauna (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Restlessly Shattered (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Useless Tools (10 Points) ; The Tower of Frozen Shadow (ToV) Keys
New Recipes: Faded Velium Charm of Security ; Faded Velium Charm of Vigor ; Faded Velium Idol of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Idol of Vigor ; Faded Velium Injection Dagger ; Faded Velium Mask of Vigor ; Faded Velium Necklace of Adroitness ; Summoner's Faded Velium Earring ; Faded Velium Belt of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Head Armor ; Faded Velium Head Armor ; Faded Velium Idol of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Katar ; Faded Velium Kite Shield ; Faded Velium Legs Armor ; Faded Velium Longbow ; Faded Velium Mace ; Faded Velium Mask of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Necklace of Security ; Faded Velium Necklace of Vigor ; Faded Velium Pick ; Faded Velium Ring of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Ring of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Ring of Vigor ; Faded Velium Scimitar ; Faded Velium Short Spear ; Faded Velium Spear ; Faded Velium Sword ; Faded Velium Tower Shield ; Faded Velium Wand ; Faded Velium War Axe ; Faded Velium War Fork ; Faded Velium War Hammer ; Faded Velium Wrist Armor ; Guardian's Faded Velium Mask ; Faded Velium Charm of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Belt of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Belt of Vigor ; Faded Velium Great Sword ; Faded Velium Hammer ; Faded Velium Legs Armor ; Faded Velium Wrist Armor
Updated Recipes: Ice Spire Cure-All ; Restless Focus ; Crystal Mana Tonic ; Velium Fortified Drink ; Crusader's Tonic ; Frost Soothing Potion ; Cloudberry Juice ; Velium Laced Caladium Extract ; Velium Laced Dephinium Extract ; Velium Laced Laburnum Extract ; Velium Laced Larkspur Extract ; Velium Laced Oleander Extract ; Velium Laced Privit Extract ; Unfired Faded Charm of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Charm of Security ; Unfired Faded Charm of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Idol of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Mask of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Mask of Vigor ; Unfired Guardian's Faded Mask ; Velium Core Mana Battery
Bestiary Updates: Expin ; CWG Model CX ; Lyban ; a lost spirit ; a demented scrykin ; Maru the Twelfth Born ; Sharlash the Ninthborn ; Thanus the Eleventh Born ; The Guardian of the Doorway ; a scrykin tempest ; a mud spirit ; a scrykin firestorm ; Crusader Vraket [Quests] ; a possessed armor ; Amontehepna the Second
Updated Items: Velium Core Mana Battery ; Faded Velium Belt of Vigor ; Faded Velium Belt of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Belt of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Savviness ; Faded Velium Resilience ; Faded Velium Proficiency ; Faded Velium Intensity ; Faded Velium Ingenuity ; Faded Velium Harmony ; Faded Velium Gem of Vigor ; Faded Velium Gem of Striking ; Faded Velium Gem of Security ; Faded Velium Gem of Devastation ; Faded Velium Gem of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Celerity ; Velium Powder ; Faded Velium Wrist Armor ; Faded Velium War Hammer ; Faded Velium Wand ; Faded Velium Sword ; Faded Velium Spear ; Faded Velium Short Spear ; Faded Velium Scimitar ; Faded Velium Legs Armor ; Faded Velium Katar ; Faded Velium Injection Dagger ; Faded Velium Head Armor ; Faded Velium Hands Armor ; Faded Velium Great Sword ; Faded Velium Great Axe ; Faded Velium Feet Armor ; Velium Chainmail Rings ; Velium Infused Spider Silk ; Velium Heavy Cloth ; Velium Infused Pelt ; Velium Infused Leather ; Velium Sheet ; Velium Transmogrifant Patch ; Faded Velium Chest Armor ; Faded Velium Arms Armor ; Guardian's Faded Velium Mask ; Unfired Guardian's Faded Mask ; Unfired Faded Mask of Vigor ; Faded Velium Mask of Vigor ; Faded Velium Mask of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Mask of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Idol of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Idol of Vigor ; Faded Velium Idol of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Idol of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Idol of Adroitness ; Unfired Faded Charm of Vigor ; Faded Velium Charm of Vigor ; Unfired Faded Charm of Security ; Faded Velium Charm of Brilliance ; Unfired Faded Charm of Brilliance ; Trillion Cut Velium Diamond ; Square Cut Velium Diamond ; Refined Velium ; Oval Cut Velium Diamond ; Marquise Cut Velium Diamond ; Half Moon Cut Velium Diamond ; Faded Velium Ring of Vigor ; Faded Velium Ring of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Ring of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Necklace of Vigor ; Faded Velium Necklace of Security ; Faded Velium Necklace of Adroitness ; Faded Velium Earring of Vigor ; Faded Velium Earring of Brilliance ; Faded Velium Earring of Adroitness ; Duo Velium Necklace ; Velium Infused Plank ; Faded Velium War Fork ; Faded Velium Pick ; Faded Velium Mace ; Faded Velium Longbow ; Faded Velium Hammer ; Faded Velium Great Hammer ; Faded Velium Devotional Staff ; Faded Velium Compound Bow ; Buckler Plans ; Faded Velium Battle Staff ; Faded Velium Battle Rod ; Velium Laced Taipan Venom ; Velium Laced Sealed Poison Vial ; Velium Laced Privit Extract ; Velium Laced Privit ; Velium Laced Poison Vial ; Velium Laced Oleander Extract ; Velium Laced Oleander ; Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Velium Laced Muscimol ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Velium Laced Larkspur ; Velium Laced Laburnum ; Velium Laced Gormar Venom ; Velium Laced Delphinium ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Velium Laced Caladium ; Velium Laced Larkspur Extract ; Velium Laced Laburnum Extract ; Velium Laced Delphinium Extract ; Velium Laced Caladium Extract ; Restless Bone Marrow ; Ice of Velious ; Warlord's Bane XX ; Vallon's Tactic XX ; Tallon's Tactic XX ; Strike of the Shissar XX ; Strike of Ssraeshza XX ; Spider's Bite XX ; Solusek's Burn XX ; Scorpion's Agony XX ; Quellious' Trauma XX ; Pyrilen Burn XX ; Monk's Bane XX ; Messenger's Bane XX ; Hate of the Shissar XX ; Gelidran Lament XX ; Fighter's Bane XX ; E`ci's Lament XX ; Bite of the Shissar XX ; Archer's Bane XX ; Crystal Mana Tonic ; Crusader's Tonic
New Recipes: Velium Laced Caladium Extract ; Velium Infused Plank
Updated Recipes: Duo Velium Necklace
Bestiary Updates: a cleric of Tallon Zek ; a restless dire wolf ; a storm giant noble ; Lieutenant Stormeye
Updated Items: Hoarfrost Tempered Undershirt ; Hoarfrost Tempered Smallclothes ; Hoarfrost Tempered Scarf ; Hoarfrost Tempered Cuffs ; Hoarfrost Tempered Clogs ; Hoarfrost Tempered Britches ; Hoarfrost Tempered Vest ; Hoarfrost Tempered Ushanka ; Bloodied Silk Strands ; Frozen Crystal Spider Silk ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Velium Infused Logs ; Faded Snowbound Feet Armor ; Velium Infused Pelt ; Raw Velium Ore ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Spine ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Skull ; Velious Spiked Pleco ; Velious Angel Fish ; Orcish Boot ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Faded Icebound Chest Armor ; Faded Icebound Feet Armor ; Faded Icebound Arms Armor ; Faded Icebound Head Armor ; Faded Icebound Hands Armor ; Faded Icebound Legs Armor ; Faded Icebound Wrist Armor ; Frosted Snow Belt ; Lesser Engraved Velium Rune ; Shield of Val'Sera ; Ry`Gorr Spiked Stud ; Coldain Chain Link ; Hag's Wristband ; Kromrif Belt Buckle ; Faded Snowbound Wrist Armor ; Aqua Ice Stone ; Spotted Ice Stone ; Saw Edged Ice Stone ; Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Restless Ice Slush ; Twisted Sinew Cord ; Forgotten Hammer of the Golden Mason
Updated Quests: All Hail the Cleansing ; Orcs on Ice ; Silk Silk Silk (Crystal Caverns) (10 Points) ; Bare Necessities of a Simpler Time
Updated Recipes: Conflagrant Tower Shield
Bestiary Updates: a dire wolf ; a frozen horror ; a hoarfrost cadaver ; a mammoth ; Sofia the Quiet ; a crystal skitterer ; a crystal webmaster ; a geonid ; a stalag terror ; Direfang ; Windchill ; Ry`Gorr Inspector ; Kallis Stormcaller ; an icebound chest ; a frosted dire wolf ; a giant chest
Updated Items: Sealed Pure Energeian Light Orb ; White Wine Emblem ; Royal Wine Emblem ; Red Blank Emblem ; Green Wine Emblem ; Blue Hammer Emblem ; Blue Blank Emblem ; Black Hammer Emblem ; Black Blank Emblem ; Wedding Card Box ; Skull-Shaped Wine Rack ; Mr. and Mrs. Clock ; Monogrammed Napkins ; Monogrammed Decanter ; Frozen Cheeseboard ; Citrus Juicer ; Earthen Cookware ; Stomped Shield ; Shredded Shield Strapping ; Shield Fragments ; Shattered Dagger ; Rusted Spear Tips ; Rotted Hilt-Wrap ; Broken Chair ; Broken Blade Tips ; Dented Chalice ; Cracked Censer ; Chipped Cauldron ; Burnt Lab Note ; Broken Alchemy Vial ; Velium Covered Wedge ; Velium Covered Spittoon ; Velium Covered Pick ; Velium Covered Lunch Bucket ; Velium Covered Coke ; Velium Covered Coal Lamp ; Velium Covered Chisel ; Velium Covered Awl ; Ornamental Dagger ; Lucky Horseshoe ; King's Court Trophy ; Fancy Key ; Emissary's Scroll ; Dwarven Clan Ring ; Dervish Bone Necklace ; Champions Medal ; Tangled Raw Silk ; Kinked Silk Strand ; Frozen Crystal Spider Silk ; Folded Silk Strand ; Coiled Silk Strand ; Amber Silk Strands ; Bloodied Frozen Crystal Spider Silk ; Frost Imbued Wurm Claw ; Frost Imbued Vertebrae ; Frost Imbued Tizmak Hoof ; Frost Imbued Skull ; Frost Imbued Mask ; Frost Imbued Handkerchief ; Frost Imbued Finger Bone ; Frost Imbued Direwolf Tooth ; Frozen Giant's Tooth ; Frozen Giant's Toe ; Frozen Giant's Nose ; Frozen Giant's Finger ; Frozen Direwolf Tooth ; Frozen Direwolf Paw ; Frozen Direwolf Eye ; Frozen Direwolf Ear ; Frozen Dracoliche Incisor ; Frozen Direwolf Fang ; Frozen Coldain Fingernail ; Frozen Orc Fang ; Frozen Mammoth Toenail ; Frozen Hag's Molar ; Frozen Giant Toenail ; Frozen Ghoul Tooth ; Vial of Frozen Blood ; Shadow Drake Fang ; Restless Mummy's Wrapping ; Restless Drolvarg Fang ; Frozen Wedding Program ; Frozen Servant's Bell ; Ectoplasm Covered Quill ; Discarded Old Keyring ; Ry`Gorr Spiked Stud ; Orcish Boot ; Kromrif Belt Buckle ; Hag's Wristband ; Hag's Amulet ; Giant Made Cup ; Dwarven Made Spoon ; Coldain Chain Link ; Page 94 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 728 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 622 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 501 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 447 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 333 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 209 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Page 12 of Embalmer's Tomb ; Icebound Worm ; Icebound Spider ; Icebound Moth ; Icebound Mackerel ; Icebound Kit ; Icebound Dragonfly ; Icebound Beetle ; Icebound Ant ; Various Rusty Scalpels ; Stained Aneurysm Hook ; Stack of Eye Caps ; Snapped Trocar ; Frozen Needle Injector ; Embalming Fluid Bellows ; Corpse Makeup Kit ; Clogged Arterial Tube ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - V120500 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - S091906 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - S061783 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - P051817 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - K031688 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - E111616 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - E031699 ; Ice-Encased ID Badge - D110419 ; Steel Orc Earring ; Silver Orc Earring ; Platinum Orc Earring ; Iron Orc Earring ; Gold Orc Earring ; Copper Orc Earring ; Bronze Orc Earring ; Brass Orc Earring ; Small Cold Chisel ; Rock Pick Hammer ; Ripped Ore-Encrusted Sack ; Medium Cold Chisel ; Large Cold Chisel ; Jeweler's Loupe ; Diamond-Edged Wire Saw ; Broken Pick Haft ; Large Frozen Orc Belt Buckle ; Frozen Steel Orc Earring ; Frozen Platinum Orc Earring ; Frozen Orc Wristlet ; Frozen Orc Tooth Trophy Necklace ; Frozen Orc Skullcap ; Frozen Orc Armor Ring ; Frozen Gold Orc Earring ; Teardrop Ice Stone ; Spotted Ice Stone ; Saw Edged Ice Stone ; Kidney Ice Stone ; Glacial Ice Stone ; Crumbled Ice Stone ; Compressed Ice Stone ; Aqua Ice Stone ; Thin Tentacle ; Thickened Tentacle ; Spider Leg Cluster ; Pulverized Spider Leg ; Intact Spider Leg ; Frozen Spider Leg ; Crimped Tentacle ; Broken Joint Tentacle ; Restless Cicada ; Restless Locust ; Restless Junebug ; Restless Earwig ; Restless Moth ; Restless Dung Beetle ; Crystal Spider's Spinneret ; Crystal Spider's Mandible ; Crystal Spider's Leg ; Crystal Spider's Fur ; Crystal Spider's Eye ; Crystal Spider's Claw ; Crystal Spider's Cephalothorax ; Crystal Spider's Abdomen ; Hoarfrost Tempered Undershirt ; Hoarfrost Tempered Smallclothes ; Hoarfrost Tempered Scarf ; Hoarfrost Tempered Cuffs ; Hoarfrost Tempered Clogs ; Hoarfrost Tempered Britches ; Hoarfrost Tempered Vest ; Hoarfrost Tempered Ushanka ; Bloodied Silk Strands ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Velium Infused Logs ; Faded Snowbound Feet Armor ; Velium Infused Pelt ; Raw Velium Ore ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Spine ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Skull ; Velious Spiked Pleco ; Velious Angel Fish ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Faded Icebound Head Armor ; Faded Icebound Feet Armor ; Faded Icebound Hands Armor ; Faded Icebound Arms Armor ; Faded Icebound Chest Armor ; Faded Icebound Legs Armor ; Faded Icebound Wrist Armor ; Frosted Snow Belt ; Lesser Engraved Velium Rune ; Shield of Val'Sera ; Faded Snowbound Wrist Armor ; Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom
Updated Quests: Draconic Fellowship Horn ; Draconic Fellowship Drum ; Draconic Fellowship Lute ; Froststone Barter (10 Points) ; Creepy Crawly and Wiggly (Crystal Caverns) (10 Points) ; All Hail the Cleansing ; Orcs on Ice ; Relics of the Reclusive ; Nails and Teeth (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Items Lost (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Frozen Fauna (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Messy Miners (10 Points) ; Orcish Earrings (10 Points) ; Frozen Equipment (10 Points) ; Silk Silk Silk (Crystal Caverns) (10 Points) ; Ice Stones (10 Points) ; Coldain Collectibles ; Tools of the Lost Miners (The Great Divide) (10 Points) ; Earning Our Keep (The Great Divide) (10 Points) ; Remnants of a Somber Divide (The Great Divide) (10 Points) ; Bare Necessities of a Simpler Time ; Cold and Dark ; Wedding Favors (10 Points) ; Embalming Tools (10 Points) ; How to Embalm, V234.0 (10 Points) ; Left in the Tower (10 Points) ; Chilly Down Here (10 Points) ; Eight Legged Bits (10 Points) ; Useless Tools (10 Points) ; Unfit for Adventures (10 Points) ; Trash from the Past (10 Points) ; Weapon Fragments (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points) ; Spoils of War (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points) ; Pieces of a Civilization (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points) ; Chilly Critters (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points)
Updated Recipes: Conflagrant Tower Shield
Bestiary Updates: a frozen horror ; a hoarfrost cadaver ; a mammoth ; Sofia the Quiet ; a crystal skitterer ; a crystal webmaster ; a geonid ; a stalag terror ; Direfang ; Windchill ; Ry`Gorr Inspector ; Kallis Stormcaller ; a frosted dire wolf ; a giant chest
Updated Items: Spotted Ice Stone ; Teardrop Ice Stone ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Restless Ice Slush ; Compressed Ice Stone ; Coiled Silk Strand ; Velium Infused Spider Silk ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Bloodied Silk Strands ; Velium Laced Nigriventer Venom ; Amber Silk Strands ; Spell: Gangrenous Touch of Zum`uul ; Diamondized Velium Ore Nugget
Updated Recipes: Spell: Gangrenous Touch of Zum`uul
Bestiary Updates: Kromrif Prison Guard ; a crystal crawler ; a crystal lurker ; a crystal skitterer ; a crystal webmaster ; a geonid ; a stalag terror
Updated Items: Jagged Vine
Updated Quests: Restlessly Shattered (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points)
Updated Recipes: Sherry
Bestiary Updates: a brown bear ; a Deep Orc warrior ; an efreeti
New Items: Velium Protector ; Velium Convoker Source ; Blooded Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Purified Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Velium Assaulter Source ; Velium Mendicant Source ; Fragile Phurbu ; Dulled Boline ; Restless Monarch Butterfly ; Restless Termite ; Velium Protector Source ; Discarded Guild Banner ; Discarded Power Source ; Discarded Mana Potion Vial ; Discarded Quiver of Arrows ; Discarded Crossbow Bolt ; Discarded Rations Container ; Discarded Water Skin ; Discarded Health Potion Vial ; Restless Ice Covered Twig ; Restless Ice Rimed Stone ; Restless Ice Glazed Stone Chip ; Restless Ice Smeared Bone Chip ; Shard of Restless Ice ; Restless Ice Enveloped Tile ; Restless Ice Blanketed Paver ; Velium Purifying Powder ; Tenacious Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Crystal Terror Capture Harness ; Warlord's Symbol ; Velium Drying Solution ; Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek
Updated Items: Too Many To List.
New Quests: The Foundation ; The Morale of Despair
Updated Quests: The Orb of Fire
Updated Recipes: Elixir of Soothing Ice ; Distillate of Divine Healing XX ; Distillate of Spirituality XX ; Quellious' Trauma XX ; Anger of the Shissar XX ; Velium Laced Muscimol Extract ; Velium Laced Muscimol Extract
Bestiary Updates: Crusader Vraket [Quests] ; a huge water elemental
New Items: Blooded Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos ; Blooded Militant Mystic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Restless Monarch Butterfly ; Velium Assaulter Source ; Velium Convoker Source ; Velium Mendicant Source ; Velium Protector Source ; Velium Protector ; Blooded Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Purified Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Fragile Phurbu ; Dulled Boline ; Restless Termite ; Discarded Water Skin ; Discarded Rations Container ; Discarded Crossbow Bolt ; Discarded Quiver of Arrows ; Discarded Mana Potion Vial ; Discarded Power Source ; Discarded Health Potion Vial ; Discarded Guild Banner ; Restless Ice Covered Twig ; Restless Ice Rimed Stone ; Restless Ice Glazed Stone Chip ; Restless Ice Smeared Bone Chip ; Shard of Restless Ice ; Restless Ice Enveloped Tile ; Restless Ice Blanketed Paver ; Velium Purifying Powder
Updated Items: Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Blooded Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Dragon's Blood
New Quests: The Foundation (ToV Earring #3) ; The Morale of Despair (ToV Earring # 4) ; Strategic Results (ToV Earring #5) ; Tactical Observations (ToV Earring #6)
Updated Quests: The Orb of Fire ; All Hail the Cleansing (ToV Earring #1) ; Orcs on Ice (ToV Earring #2) ; Chilly Critters (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points)
Bestiary Updates: Crusader Vraket [Quests] ; a huge water elemental
New Items: Militant Harasser's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Suit of Sinister Steamwork Plate ; Suit of Sinister Steamwork Cloth ; Suit of Couture Clockwork Leather ; Suit of Couture Clockwork Cloth ; Suit of Couture Clockwork Chain ; Suit of Ondine Chain ; Suit of Ondine Leather ; Snapped Wand ; Brittle Sword ; Shattered Hammer ; Dulled Dagger ; Useless Katar ; Blooded Militant Mystic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Blooded Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos
Updated Items: Faded Snowbound Chest Armor ; Fluttering Staff of the Damned ; Web Encrusted Neclace ; Highway Protectors Mask ; Simple Velium Rod ; Forceful Earring of Rallos Zek ; Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Velium Infused Logs ; Velium Troll Figurine ; Mask of Memories Lost ; Frost Covered Shard ; Sleeper's Essence ; Rage Filled Gem ; Velium Convoker Source ; Shard of Restless Ice ; Discarded Guild Banner ; Discarded Crossbow Bolt ; Restless Ice Smeared Bone Chip ; Restless Ice Glazed Stone Chip ; Restless Ice Rimed Stone ; Restless Ice Enveloped Tile ; Restless Ice Blanketed Paver ; Velium Purifying Powder ; Blooded Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Discarded Health Potion Vial ; Discarded Power Source ; Discarded Mana Potion Vial ; Discarded Quiver of Arrows ; Restless Ice Covered Twig ; Discarded Rations Container ; Discarded Water Skin ; Velium Protector Source ; Restless Termite ; Restless Monarch Butterfly ; Fragile Phurbu ; Dulled Boline ; Velium Mendicant Source ; Velium Assaulter Source ; Purified Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Velium Protector
Updated Quests: All Hail the Cleansing (ToV Earring #1) ; Orcs on Ice (ToV Earring #2) ; The Foundation (ToV Earring #3)
New Recipes: Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Purified Velium ; Simple Velium Rod
Bestiary Updates: Hendin Assassin ; Hendin Deathbringer ; a dire plainskeeper ; a sleet encrusted chest ; an icebound chest ; a frozen chest ; a giant chest ; a huge water elemental
New Items: Velium Suspension Gel ; Purified Velium ; Suit of Old Bloodforged Chain ; Suit of Old Valiant Plate ; Moving Ice ; Velium Infused Fish Oil ; Crystal Spider Capture Harness ; Crystal Glue
Updated Items: Froglok Poison Gland ; Key of Acquiescence ; Key of Repudiation ; Key of Regret ; Highway Protectors Mask ; Warlord's Symbol ; Faded Snowbound Chest Armor ; Faded Snowbound Feet Armor ; Faded Snowbound Legs Armor ; Faded Snowbound Hands Armor ; Faded Snowbound Arms Armor ; Faded Snowbound Head Armor ; Faded Snowbound Wrist Armor ; Chilled Bauble ; Scroll: Provocation for Power Rk. III ; Crystal Ball ; Melted Stone Crystal ; Song: Purifying Chorus ; Median Engraved Velium Rune ; Frozen Bat Eye Charm ; Bludgeon of Shadows ; Mistletoe ; Forceful Earring of Rallos Zek ; Frost Strike ; Blooded Forceful Earring of Rallos Zek ; Smoky Quartz ; Thoughts of Frozen Air ; Flawless Diamond Stud ; Faded Icebound Head Armor ; Velium Laced Gormar Venom ; Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Velium Laced Taipan Venom ; Frozen Giant's Toe ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Frozen Giant's Nose ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Ice of Velious ; Frozen Direwolf Ear ; Restless Ice Slush ; Frozen Giant's Finger ; Raw Velium Ore ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Spell: Dire Restriction Rk. II ; Scroll: Sholothian Horror Rk. II ; Scroll: Bond of Korum Rk. II ; Scroll: Korum's Bite Rk. II ; Scroll: Terror of Desalin Rk. II ; Scroll: Blood of Korum Rk. II ; Scroll: Suppurating Darkness Rk. II ; Ry`Gorr Velium Ore ; Gift: Torment of Velious Standard Expansion Ticket ; Froststone Crystal Echo ; Gnomish Legendary Bundle ; Gift: Restless Wolf Saddle ; Guise of the Restless Coldain ; Gift: Saddle of the Restless Griffon ; Saddle of the Restless Griffon ; Restless Wolf Saddle ; Metamorph Wand - Velious Snow Kitten ; Gift: Level 85 Heroic Character Boost ; Painting: Torment of Velious ; Velium Threaded Satchel ; Goblet of Adventure III ; Contract of the Restless Ry`Gorr ; Snow Griffin Saddle ; Bile Infested Goo ; Luminous Froststeel Warhammer ; Exceptional Shissar Blood ; Fading Breeze ; Fire Elemental Essence ; Tome of Basic Research ; Ry`Gorr Parley Totem ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Skull ; Intact Restless Dead Orc Spine ; Spotted Ice Stone ; Greater Engraved Velium Rune ; Glowing Engraved Velium Rune ; Minor Engraved Velium Rune ; Lesser Engraved Velium Rune ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Frigid Choker ; Crystallized Precious Velium Ore ; Restless Sack
New Quests: Totality of War (ToV earring #7)
Updated Quests: Cargo Clockwork ; Draconic Fellowship Horn ; Draconic Fellowship Drum ; Draconic Fellowship Lute ; Beastlord Epic 2.0: Spiritcaller Totem of the Feral ; Book For Toegnasher ; VOA Rank III Level 94 Spells: Greater Alaran Periapt ; Pillars #1: The First Pilgrimage ; Undead Underground ; The Last of the Storm Boars ; All Hail the Cleansing (ToV Earring #1) ; Orcs on Ice (ToV Earring #2) ; Seeking the Sorcerer ; The Tower of Frozen Shadow (ToV) Keys ; The Foundation (ToV Earring #3) ; The Morale of Despair (ToV Earring # 4) ; Strategic Results (ToV Earring #5) ; Tactical Observations (ToV Earring #6)
New Recipes: Ry`Gorr Parley Totem ; Scroll: Suppurating Darkness Rk. II ; Scroll: Blood of Korum Rk. II ; Scroll: Terror of Desalin Rk. II ; Scroll: Korum's Bite Rk. II ; Scroll: Bond of Korum Rk. II ; Scroll: Sholothian Horror Rk. II ; Spell: Dire Restriction Rk. II ; Forceful Earring of Rallos Zek ; Scroll: Provocation for Power Rk. III ; Unfired Sealed Blood Vial ; Powdered Velium and Platinum
Updated Recipes: Purified Velium ; Faded Velium Ring of Vigor
Bestiary Updates: a froglok tsu shaman ; Kalayia Woodwhisper ; a frost giant gladiator ; a Recuso ; A Shissar Arch Warlock ; a pile of swamp bile ; Protector of the Ruins ; a swift scavenger ; Vishimtar the Fallen ; delete me ; a frost giant gladiator ; a spirit of flame ; a flameling [Brass Phoenix Brigade] ; a pegasus of ash ; a castellan of ashes ; a frost giant gladiator ; Crusader Vraket [Quests] ; a terror crystal ; a velium crawler ; a cleric of Vallon Zek ; a frost giant lord ; a storm giant commoner ; a storm giant soldier ; a visiting noble ; Adjutant Stormkeeper ; Black Fang ; Legionnaire Renarn ; Lieutenant Stormcleaver ; a sleet encrusted chest ; Bloodmaw ; Sergeant Blestrom ; an icebound chest ; Icebound Bledrek ; a frozen chest ; a giant chest ; Garneer Stubb ; Mindseep
New Items: Faded Ice Woven Wrist Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Feet Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Head Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Legs Armor
Updated Items: Ra`Argt, the Shell-Crusher
Updated Quests: The Morale of Despair (ToV Earring # 4)
New Items: Sympathetic Ice ; Rock Dust Coated Moving Ice
Updated Items: Faded Snowbound Hands Armor ; Velium Infused Spider Silk ; Restless Ice Slush ; Greater Engraved Velium Rune ; Faded Snowbound Wrist Armor ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Faded Snowbound Feet Armor ; Lesser Engraved Velium Rune ; Faded Snowbound Head Armor ; Minor Engraved Velium Rune ; Faded Snowbound Legs Armor ; Terror Tentacle ; Velium Infused Fish Oil ; Ra`Argt, the Shell-Crusher
Updated Quests: Spider Harness
Bestiary Updates: Crystal Grinder ; Life Leech ; Gem Collector
New Items: Resilient Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Crushed Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Powdered Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Velium Wood Chisel
Updated Items: Glittering Ring ; Velium Purifying Powder
New Recipes: Velium Purifying Powder
Bestiary Updates: Waldo Pinemyer ; Rhionn Leafsblade ; Kuraal Nem Azmih ; an ikaav scorcher ; Ukun Fleshhunter ; Red Dogwood Treant ; a chest (Uisima Lord of the Depths)
New Items: Notes of a Grand Armsman ; Smelting for the Grand Master
Updated Items: Embalming Fluid Bellows ; Frozen Needle Injector ; Stack of Eye Caps ; Clogged Arterial Tube ; Stained Aneurysm Hook ; Velium Covered Pick ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Velium Covered Awl ; Velium Infused Logs ; Velium Laced Gormar Venom ; Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Restless Ice Slush ; Velium Covered Coke ; Velium Laced Taipan Venom ; Ice of Velious ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Raw Velium Ore ; Velium Covered Wedge ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Velium Covered Coal Lamp ; Velium Covered Spittoon ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Lesser Engraved Velium Rune ; Faded Snowbound Chest Armor ; Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Resilient Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Crystal Glue ; Simple Velium Pendant ; Fresh Kodiak Meat ; Fresh Tizmak Meat ; Giant Rations ; Coldain Lunch Bucket ; Ice Encrusted Wand
Updated Quests: The Way Back Home ; Invading Ice ; O.M.A.D. ; The Foundation (ToV Earring #3)
Bestiary Updates: a drolvarg guard ; Roderick Coldheart [Quests] ; a Coldain enforcer ; a failed reclaimer ; a frigid Coldain ; a relentless tizmak ; a vicious kodiak ; Laima Ratgur ; a shadowbone ; a restless shardwurm ; a restless miner ; a roaming kodiak ; a restless aged Coldain ; Enraged Wyvern
New Items: Tenacious Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Velium Empowered Gem of Freezing ; Heartfelt Bow Ornamentation ; Blood of the Commons ; Blood of the Maiden ; Suit of Golden Hero Leather ; Suit of Di`Zok Leather
Updated Items: Folded Pack of Crystasia's Heirlooms ; Crystasia's Jade Bracelet ; Crystasia's Ridged Earhoop ; Crystasia's Gold Ring ; Crystasia's Linked Bracelet ; Crystasia's Woven Shawl ; Crystasia's Satin Choker ; Diamondized Precious Velium Ore ; Velium Claws Ornamentation ; Velium Bow Ornamentation ; Velium Shield Ornamentation ; Velium Spear Ornamentation ; Velium Great Mace Ornamentation ; Velium Great Axe Ornamentation ; Velium Dagger Ornamentation ; Velium Morning Star Ornamentation ; Velium Sword Ornamentation ; Enchanted Refined Velium ; Glowing Kromrif Etching ; Greater Kromrif Etching ; Median Kromrif Etching ; Lesser Kromrif Etching ; Minor Kromrif Etching ; Froststone Sword Ornament ; Froststone Great Axe Ornament ; Froststone Tower Shield Ornament ; Froststone Compound Bow Ornament ; Froststone Long Bow Ornament ; Luminous Restless Ice ; Restless Ice Chain Chest Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Wrist Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Helm Ornament ; Froststone Hammer Ornament ; Froststone Axe Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Legs Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Helm Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Chest Ornament ; Restless Ice Chain Arms Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Wrist Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Robe Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Arms Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Hands Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Arms Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Hands Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Chest Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Helm Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Wrist Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Legs Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Chest Ornament ; Restless Ice Chain Legs Ornament ; Restless Ice Chain Wrist Ornament ; Restless Ice Chain Helm Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Hands Ornament ; Restless Ice Leather Feet Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Feet Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Feet Ornament ; Restless Ice Cloth Legs Ornament ; Restless Ice Chain Feet Ornament ; Restless Ice Plate Arms Ornament ; Froststone Buckler Ornament ; Froststone Arcane Staff Ornament ; Froststone Devotional Staff Ornament ; Froststone Battle Staff Ornament ; Froststone Great Sword Ornament ; Froststone Long Spear Ornament ; Froststone Maul Ornament ; Froststone War Fork Ornament ; Froststone Scimitar Ornament ; Froststone Wand Ornament ; Froststone Ritual Dagger Ornament ; Froststone Pick Ornament ; Froststone Mace Ornament ; Froststone Injection Dagger Ornament ; Froststone Baton Ornament ; Froststone Katar Ornament ; Froststone War Hammer Ornament ; Froststone War Axe Ornament ; Froststone Short Spear Ornament ; Froststone Dagger Ornament ; Froststone Club Ornament ; Warped Longbow ; Useless Katar ; Stringless Lute ; Snapped Wand ; Broken Great Staff ; Brittle Sword ; Shattered Hammer ; Dulled Dagger ; Dulled Boline ; Fragile Phurbu ; Restless Monarch Butterfly ; Restless Termite ; Discarded Water Skin ; Discarded Rations Container ; Discarded Quiver of Arrows ; Discarded Power Source ; Discarded Mana Potion Vial ; Discarded Guild Banner ; Discarded Crossbow Bolt ; Discarded Health Potion Vial ; Velium Covered Lunch Bucket ; Velium Infused Logs ; Faded Snowbound Hands Armor ; Velium Laced Choresine Sample ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Velium Covered Wedge ; Velium Covered Pick ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Velium Covered Awl ; Velium Covered Chisel ; Velium Laced Gormar Venom ; Velium Covered Coal Lamp ; Velium Impacted Raw Diamond ; Raw Velium Ore ; Restless Ice Slush ; Ice of Velious ; Faded Icebound Wrist Armor ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Stack of Eye Caps ; Various Rusty Scalpels ; Restless Ice Blanketed Paver ; Restless Ice Encrusted Seashell ; Restless Ice Glazed Stone Chip ; Restless Ice Rimed Stone ; Restless Ice Smeared Bone Chip ; Shard of Restless Ice ; Restless Ice Enveloped Tile ; Restless Ice Covered Twig
Updated Quests: Give Us Your Tired ; Restlessly Shattered (The Eastern Wastes) (10 Points) ; Useless Tools (10 Points) ; Unfit for Adventures (10 Points) ; Trash from the Past (10 Points) ; Chilly Critters (Kael Drakkel) (10 Points)
Bestiary Updates: Ascendant Svartmane ; a drolvarg guard ; a shadow beast necromancer ; a forgotten enforcer ; a forgotten raid leader ; a frosted kodiak ; a windchilled marrow ; Tobart Dirkins [Quest] ; Travit Conwil ; a restless cadaver
Updated Items: Warped Longbow ; Useless Katar ; Stringless Lute ; Snapped Wand ; Shattered Hammer ; Dulled Dagger ; Broken Great Staff ; Brittle Sword ; Restless Meat Slurry ; Faded Snowbound Legs Armor ; Velium Covered Awl ; Restless Ice Slush ; Velium Covered Wedge ; Velium Laced Mamba Venom ; Raw Velium Ore ; Velium Covered Coke ; Velium Laced Taipan Venom ; Froststone Kite Shield Ornament ; Elixir of Soothing Ice ; Distillate of Divine Healing XX ; Distillate of Spirituality XX ; Descending Moon Necklace of Security ; Blooded Tenacious Supplicant's Earring of Rallos ; Velium Drying Solution ; Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Tenacious Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Velium Protector Source ; Velium Mendicant Source ; Velium Assaulter Source ; Velium Convoker Source ; Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Blooded Militant Formulaic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Blooded Militant Mystic Earring of Rallos Zek ; Blooded Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos ; Militant Harasser's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Wrathful Harasser's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Velium Infused Fish Oil ; Velium Suspension Gel ; Faded Ice Woven Head Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Legs Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Wrist Armor ; Faded Ice Woven Feet Armor ; Folded Pack of Crystasia's Heirlooms ; Crystasia's Jade Bracelet ; Crystasia's Ridged Earhoop ; Crystasia's Gold Ring ; Crystasia's Linked Bracelet ; Crystasia's Woven Shawl ; Crystasia's Satin Choker
Updated Quests: All Hail the Cleansing (ToV Earring #1) ; Unfit for Adventures (10 Points) ; Totality of War (ToV earring #7)
Bestiary Updates: a Coldain enforcer ; a failed reclaimer ; a restless wurm ; Blizzent ; Gerton Dumkin ; a failed bodyguard
New Items: Erollisi Marr Staff Ornamentation
Updated Items: Snowbound Loremaster Bracer ; Snowbound Loremaster Boots ; Cryptic Page ; Faded Snowbound Wrist Armor ; Abysmal Moonwater ; Glowing Concoction ; Minor Engraved Velium Rune ; Velium Covered Coke ; Faded Snowbound Feet Armor ; Latched Ornate Chest ; Incandescent Oil ; Chunk of Ogre Flesh ; Dwarven Dressing ; Small Cold Chisel ; Rock Pick Hammer ; Ripped Ore-Encrusted Sack ; Medium Cold Chisel ; Large Cold Chisel ; Jeweler's Loupe ; Diamond-Edged Wire Saw ; Broken Pick Haft ; Rod of Ulceration ; Velium Laced Taipan Venom ; Spell: O`Keil's Levity ; Median Engraved Velium Rune ; Crystallized Velium Ore ; Icicle Drape ; Velium Laced Gormar Venom ; Velium Infused Logs ; Velium Covered Wedge ; Velium Covered Awl ; Froststone Ducat ; Skinning Rock ; Fallen Tree Branch ; Severed Hooplet ; Sculptured Sealed Poison Vial ; Resilient Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Crushed Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Powdered Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Glowing Crystallized Velium ; Velium Wood Chisel ; Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek
Updated Quests: Indaria's Doll ; Paying Oracle Jaarl Respect ; Snarla's Friendship ; GoD Jewelcraft Collect: Help Rilwind ; Enchanter Epic 1.5: Oculus of Persuasion ; Woes of Wailing Wanda ; Erollisi Day: The Perfect Companion ; Grummus! ; Icebound Avatar ; Velium Ore Samples ; Messy Miners (10 Points) ; The Foundation (ToV Earring #3) ; The Morale of Despair (ToV Earring # 4)
New Recipes: Resilient Supplicant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Velium Wood Chisel ; Powdered Glowing Crystallized Velium (Yield 2) ; Crushed Glowing Crystallized Velium (Yield 4) ; Resilient Combatant's Earring of Rallos Zek ; Crushed Glowing Crystallized Velium (Yield 2) ; Powdered Glowing Crystallized Velium (Yield 4) ; Snowbound Loremaster Boots ; Snowbound Loremaster Bracer
Updated Recipes: Dwarven Dressing ; Dwarven Salad ; Incandescent Oil ; Latched Ornate Chest ; Glowing Concoction ; Potential Earring of Rallos Zek ; Faded Velium Compound Bow ; Ry`Gorr Parley Totem
Bestiary Updates: a gnoll ; a shadowed man ; a timber griffon ; a fire elemental ; a fire imp ; Myraephe the Pure ; Brawn ; Zed Sticklebush ; Yranik Blackguard ; a gnoll assassin ; a potamide maiden ; a dryad ; a potamide wildling ; Randel Stormwind ; Elishia Blackguard ; Reynold Blackguard ; Vaurien Sticklebush ; Jeremy Leafrunner ; Sergeant Caelin ; Cathleen Goodroot ; Cheyloh Greenwood ; an ancient treant ; a potamide temptress ; a potamide matriarch ; a potamide protector ; a willowisp ; a grey pinewolf ; a black pinewolf ; a cave basilisk genitor ; Oracle Jaarl ; a giant anaconda ; a timber griffawn ; Anchorite of Brell Serilis ; Barducks Darkpaw ; a Darkpaw gnoll ; a Darkpaw oracle ; a Darkpaw defiler ; a Darkpaw corruptor ; a Darkpaw warrior ; a docile bear ; a black panther ; a greenwood grizzly ; a greenwood bear ; Annous Pineshadow ; Shayna Thunderhand ; Diedra Twothorns ; Donna Twothorns ; Ralleford Twothorns ; Derick Goodroot ; Banker Mardalson ; Cheyloh Greenwood pet ; Guard Bossamir ; Guard Finewine ; Kaithys Galestrider ; Lady Deira ; Morgan Wetstone ; Nerdala Darkcloud ; Nolan Greenwood ; Nolan Greenwood pet ; Pergan Darkcloud ; Queen Nhyalia ; Selia Wetstone ; Tallien Brightflash ; Banker Rarrgar ; Chef Brargus ; a Darkpaw curate ; a docile bear ; Dunarl ; a great kodiak ; a poacher ; a potamide bewilder ; a potamide guardian ; Quartermaster Grarucks ; a river turtle ; Snarla The Fang ; a treant ; Waldo Pinemyer ; a water protector ; a water spirit ; GoldenTalon ; Channeler Olaemos [Wizard Spells 1-25] ; Scribe Yoss ; FierceWind ; Jerg Oakenfist ; Karka ; a Darkpaw mystic ; a savage pinewolf ; StormClaw ; Farkus Grime ; Lameriae the Alluring ; Ervonis Leaflow ; a dire kodiak ; Ganatru Mythmoor ; a forest dragon ; Rashara Wrualla ; Ranusyll Skyspeed ; Firwyn ; Gruppip Fooedli ; Pemwenia Dagor ; Red Dogwood Treant ; Cyribelle the Wild ; Dismal Darkpaw Mystic ; Palusiel Drobius ; a mottled wyvern ; Torxal Smalane ; Anasiru Battlebringer ; Lady Fianya ; Callenven Telenthar ; a tree gliding bear ; a rat ; a diseased rat ; a Nitore recruit ; Arben Leafsway ; Sara Treewind ; Craftkeeper Irus Tindlefoot [Tradeskill Components] ; a deformed basilisk ; a reanimated vah shir ; a familiar spirit ; a Darkpaw healer ; Potamide Matron ; Potamide Dame ; Potamide Matriarch ; Jardor Darkpaw ; a corrupted giant ; a forgotten enforcer ; a windtorn marrow ; Blizzent ; Loremaster Metiheib the Lost ; Lost Squire of Narandi ; a restless tizmak ; a restless cadaver
Zone Updates: Jaggedpine Forest