June 22, 2004

Here's a little something for you! New Items: Flaring BatonSizzle Stick

Updated Items: Icebane WarhammerScout's CloakCeremonial Leather CloakAdept's GlovesOwl's DiskGlowing Thresher CapeHeirloom SwordIntact Raptor HornRoot SampleShipment of BootsAltered Snapjaw ShellRathorian's CapeRitual BladeCeremonial Leather BeltStretched Leather TrousersPulsating Hydra HeartTelescopic LensBrimstone BeltCinder WandRazormane BackstabberPrivateer MusketBuckled BootsRiveted GauntletsDry Moss TunicWelding ShieldSpore-covered TunicRaptor PunchHeavy Spiked MaceSunfire RobeElegant ShortswordBattle SlayerTwisted Chanter's StaffForsaken MaceBrackwater LeggingsCeremonial Leather AnkleguardsZhovur AxeVile Fin Oracle StaffFlesh PiercerTiller's VestCryptwalker BootsNightglow ConcoctionRugged Mail GlovesTalonstrikeRod of the SleepwalkerBonegrinding PestleSerrated KnifeAcidproof CloakWeathered BeltButcher's CleaverCeremonial BucklerBuckskin CapeCold Steel GauntletsSentry BucklerGloomshroud ArmorGnarled Hermit's StaffBloody ApronBlue Linen RobeBaron's SceptreFormula: Enchant Bracer - Minor StrengthRaw Rainbow Fin AlbacoreDarkwood Fishing PoleTurtle Shell ShieldFormula: Strong Anti-VenomSlime Encrusted PadsRobe of the MoccasinDeviate Scale CloakCrescent StaffLiving RootFeyscale CloakSavage TroddersDeep Fathom RingDraftsman BootsPysan's Old GreatswordSharp CleaverSword of the Night SkyDiamond HammerGrunt AxeNecrology Robes

Updated Quests: Cry of the Cloudscraper


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