New Alluvion Skirmishes

 Needing some new Skirmish excitement in your life? Your wait is almost over! In the upcoming February version update of Final Fantasy XI, a new addition to the Alluvion Skirmish system will be added to the dense forests of the Yorcia Weald!

Excited for the upcoming Skirmish addition? Let us know over on the ZAM forums!

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

[dev1253] New Alluvion Skirmishes

  • Alluvion Skirmishes will be added to Yorcia Weald [U].
    The party leader must be in possession of a Yorcia eudaemon key item in order to participate in Alluvion Skirmishes occurring in Yorcia Weald [U].
    As is the case with previous Alluvion Skirmishes, Yorcia eudaemons may be assembled by trading the appropriate parts to Oston in Eastern Adoulin (G-8).

    Read on for more information about Alluvion Skirmishes.


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