SOE Live: EverQuest II - Q&A Recaps

The audience had questions and the devs had answers. Here's our Q&A recaps!

EverQuest II: AMAA (Part 2)

Q: Will everything in the expansion be included with a Gold membership?
A: (Lyndro) I believe we are rolling Tears of Veeshan into this expansion and the Chains of Eternity set [free] to everyone. The Age of Discovery stuff will remain a seperate feature.


Q: Can we see Call of the Veteran on the loyalty merchant anytime soon?
A: (Lyndro) Absolutely not. Maybe something similar, but we are not putting CoV on the merchant. Maybe a charged version, but it won't be the prestige veteran one.


Q: Can we have an in-game way to create an audio clue for when something is procing?
A: (Lyndro) We were just talking about accessibility features and we will talk about it. Anything that people are using 3rd party programs to obtain is probably something we should have in our core game.


Q: Can we change some Bard songs from passive to active?
A: (Xelgad) We'd have to change their base functionality and that would make a lot of other people unhappy.

Q: Will the Dominion zones be decreased in difficulty?
A: (Lyndro) We will take a loot at it. Also, with the level increase coming, everything will be easier once you hit lvl 96.


Q: Can we have more hotbars?
A: (discussion) Yes?


Q: Can we have some arched shaped building blocks?
A: We are looking at more shapes.


Q: Ethereals are extremely rare. Can we have a higher percentage drop after instance are run X amount of times?
A: If we do a set amount of times, then the item becomes less rare. That's why we have a low percentage drop. They are going in the world at the correct rate, it's just getting lucky to obtain one. They are intentionally tradeable though.


Q: Can items in the guild bank grey out if they are not useable for the character viewing them?
A: We can take a look at doing that.


Q: Can we have the ability to mark in-game maps? Such as "I've been here".
A: We could, it would just have to be something stored on the client side.


Q: In the Halas house, if you place a rug on the floor at the entrance, you can fall through the world upon zoning in. Is there a way to fix that?
A: It sounds like a bug to report.


Q: Can you take a UI element and move it to another monitor without extending the game screen?
A: It's not in our current version of Direct X.


Q: Can we get Raid Leader/Group Leader earned abilities like in EverQuest?
A: (Lyndro) If there are specific ones, we can take a look and see if they may be useful.


Q: Will Illusionists be re-evaluated in the expansion to be more relevant with mana regen and caster buffs?
A: (Xelgad) We are always looking at class balance.


Q: The Sanctum x4 last mob seem to only be dropping Brawler weapons for us, why?
A: The loot tables should be 20% chance for the five items someone wants. We'll take a look at it.


Q: We are still missing building block sets for some of the building materials. Can we have them please?
A: Send a list to Kaitheel.


Q: Will there be random mob spawns in the new heroic zones like in prior expansions?
A: (Kander) We are looking into that.


Q: Can we have the option to just move a Moving Crate from one house to another instead of having to move all of the contents?
A: We can take a look at it.


Q: Can we have spells, recipes, and dungeon spawners stackable?
A: Spawners were originally intentionally not stackable, but we'll take a look at them. spells and recipes there might be a code problem to prevent stacking, but we can take a look at that as well.


Q: Can we have the Guild Hall Housing Portal filter by the level of access you have to the home?
A: We can look into doing that client-side.

Q: Sometimes when I zone into the guild hall and fly right away, I am then zoned like I evaced back to the entrance. Why?
A: We've seen it and will take a look at narrowing down why it happens.


Q: Can we have building blocks with more texture, like crown molding?
A: (Lyndro) We can add items like that, but they would be more unique and not "building-blocks" because of that extra texture.


Q: Does INT effect my DPS directly?
A: Our damage regulation system checks a variety of things, including: INT, potency, ability mod, crit bonus, debuffs, etc... Your best bet is to post on the forums and talk to the community because a lot of it will be determined by your specific gear.


Q: There are items around the world that are inspectible, can we have them available as house items?
A: (Kaitheel) It depends on where they came from. We are currently adding older event items to the loyalty merchant now.


Q: Can we have Heroic Opportunities scaled up and more relevant again?
A: It's a big task on a wish list. We want to do it right and all at once, so it's going to take time.


Q: Why does the guild hall Druid portal take so long to load?
A: It's an item that has to be rendered in that hall. We can take a look at it though.


Q: Can we have better search boxes on the Housing Leaderboards to help locate homes?
A: We can take a look at it.


Q: Can Dungeon Spawners grey out if you already have it, like collection items?
A: We can take a look at it, but it's a different system than collection items and might not work that way.


Q: Can summoners have an appearance slot for their pet appearance?
A: We are working on something like that right now. It's definitely something we want to do.


Q: After returning to the guild hall, sometimes mousing over items does not work for a bit.
A: We will take a look; it's hard to re-create (audience suggestion to Alt-Tab out of game and back in to work around the bug).


Q: Sometimes my world starts to spin after mouse clicks, what's wrong?
A: There is a thread on the forums about it and issues with certain operating systems. We do not have a direct solution yet, but some suggestions there might help. [editor's note: hit the right/left directional keys simultaneously for a temp fix for this]


Q: Are we going to see an art revamp on some of the older zones?
A: Probably not, we'd rather be making new contect and expansions.


Q: Will there be more 4 and 6 second delay weapons
A: Yes, there should be.


Q: Can we have an illusions tab for wands, rings, etc...?
A: (Lyndro) Your character file would be much larger, so probably not.


Q: Why don't merc healers heal or cure themselves?
A: They have a built-in dumbness, otherwise why would you need a real healer? They all have a different reaction time.


Q: Are the armorer and tailor recipes for the new expansion going to be relevant?
A: All tradeskills will be receiving a full new tier of recipies.


Q: L&L items still pop up to roll on even when loot is set Need Before Greed for higher tier items, why?
A: They are quest started items, so they will pop up regardless of your settings.


Q: There is a bug when zoning into the raid Arena of the Gods and then trying to head back to the guild hall after. Some people end up in an empty hall and others end up in various other empty instances. Why?
A: We can't reproduce it consistently; if you can, let us know.


Q: There's this lady in Thundering Steppes desperately seeking butterflies. I would desperately love something unfortunate to happen to her. Can you arrange that?
A: Involving butterflies?
Q: Butterflies, ants or spiders....

A: *Kaitheel starts writing* Nathan is adding it to his list!

The devs closed out the second AMAA panel by also including some additional information:

  • Charm items will now be queue-able
  • All characters on your account will have trustee access to all of your houses


Dev Brunch Answers

We got a couple more answers to questions during the Sunday dev brunch!

  • The new Moonlight Enchantments achievement reward can only be obtained once per character "for now." Kaitheel will look into adding it to a merchant if you've completed the achievement, similar to other world events.
  • The upcoming Aerakyn player race is not an Altar of Malice expansion feature. The team hopes to release it close to the expansion, but will hold off on releasing until it is ready if necessary. Lyndro explained that it will be purchased in the Marketplace like Freeblood is and that the race change potion will include Aerakyn as a choice as long as you have unlocked the race. There should not be a flight quest when you reach level 85 as an Aerakyn; as we understand it, your wings will simply become capable of flight. The team is entertaining the idea of adding leaping and gliding toggleable ability choices to the race at the appropriate levels, but this is not a concrete decision and should not be expected in the final result.

Racheal "Afista" McKenny, Contributing Writer

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daily tinker quest
# Aug 25 2014 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
just once I would like anyone to say something about a daily tinker task just like the daily adornment task
daily tinker quest
# Aug 26 2014 at 5:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
nightstartwo wrote:
just once I would like anyone to say something about a daily tinker task just like the daily adornment task

I asked a couple of years ago, was told no because it's so much easier to raise Tinkering over Adorning. The regime has changed some since then though so maybe it's time to ask again! :)
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