New Final Fantasy XI Text Command

 Have you ever wanted to go into battle with the fun, silly equipment, but can't because that gear isn't suitable for combat purposes? Hate your dull-looking armor but are forced to put up with how it looks because it's just too powerful of a piece to not use? A new toggle command for Final Fantasy XI is slated to be implemented in the upcoming March version update to remedy just that! All one will need to do is equip their favorite looking piece of gear, turn on the new lockstyle command, and it will save that appearance even if you change gear after!

For further details on this new command, be sure to check below the break.

Already have your gear selection decided on and can't wait for the version update to arrive? Tell us all about it over on the ZAM forums!

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

[dev1183] New Text Command

The following text command will be introduced.

  • /lockstyle on/off

Using this command keeps the player's appearance the same even after changing equipment. However, it will be automatically disabled under the following conditions:

  • Zoning in to a different area
  • Equipping equipment that affects character motions, such as weapons
  • Being the recipient of an attack that removes one's equipment
  • Logging out

This command cannot be enabled while participating in the following content:

  • Monstrosity
  • Ballista
  • Brenner

* The command will remain in effect even when changing into equipment that covers multiple slots.

Enjoy adventuring in your favorite outfits or ones that hold particular sentimental value to you.


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