Diablo III Paragon System Changes

Diablo III prepares for Reaper of Souls with an update to the Paragon system.


Diablo III was a flawed game at launch and the community at large has made that glaringly obvious. The game's newest patch is slated to release today. Dubbed "Patch 2.0.1" it will introduce changes to the Paragon leveling system in preparation for the launch of Diablo III: Reaper of SoulsThe changes included are:

  • No more Paragon level cap. This allows players to play as much as they feel fit, without having to worry about "capping" their Paragon level.
  • Paragon levels are now shared account-wide. This allows players to play all of their characters without feeling the need to grind Paragon levels for each character individually.
  • Paragon Points. These replace the "static Magic Find, Gold Find, and class stat bonuses," and instead opt to let players spend these points in four different categoires including: Core, Offense, Defense, and Uitility. You are only able to spend these points in a cyclical pattern though as "Paragon level 1 will give you a point to spend in a Core stat, Paragon level 2 will give you a point in Offense, Paragon level 3 will give you a point to spend in Defense, and Paragon level 4 will give you a point to spend in Utility. Paragon Point progression for all future levels will follow this same pattern."

These changes, along with the addition of Loot 2.0, are set to change the landscape of Diablo III immensely. The game's new director, Josh Mosqueira, has had a fundamentally different vision for Diablo than its original director, Jay Wilson. This will be the first monumental patch since the change in directors, but is this enough to bring you back to the world of Sanctuary? Let us know in the comments below!


Ian Nowakowski

Follow me! @ian_nowakowski


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