Runescape 3: 12 Years in the Making!

RuneScape 3 has launched with improved graphics, interface and functionality.

It still feels like yesterday that I was playing RuneScape Classic (actually it was!), the younger days when I had time to sink into skilling. RuneScape is all grown up now though, with a big 3 next to its name.

Don't let that you fool you, this fella is nearly in his teenage years at 12 years old, a big boy now. That's right, the RuneScape 3 beta has ended and Jagex has rolled out the new version, with improved graphics and interface! 


While users can choose between using the Java version of old or the new HTML5 version, there really is no reason not to use HTML5, it runs so much better and looks great! One area in particular that blew me away was how well crafted the new RuneScape 3 interface is--it even comes with fully customizable keybinds. 

Now is a great time to get involved, RuneScape's history is being written as we speak. During the Battle of Lumbridge event, players will be responsible for shaping the future of RuneScape. Here are some words straight from the horse's mouth: 

The simultaneous launch of RuneScape 3 around the world has been made possible by the hard work and dedication of our team over the last year,” said Phil Mansell, Executive Producer of RuneScape 3. “RuneScape 3 ushers in a new age for players in terms of user-driven  content, story, gameplay and technology, and we couldn’t be more excited for them to write the next chapter in RuneScape’s epic saga.

Alongside the release of RuneScape 3, Jagex also put out an infographic with some mind-boggling figures. "220 million accounts created" putting in a total game play time of one million years. Jumping into the game they report that more than 370,000,000 xp is earned each minute--almost enough to cap out two skills a minute. Other interesting figures include "1,441 player trades" a minute, which is "twice as many trades as the London Stock Group per minute". 

And, apparently, the Jagex staff is very timely, with somebody somewhere tracking "more than 6,700,000 man hours of development." You can read the infographic in full on the swanky new website over on

RuneScape is free-to-play and only requires a web browser, no client downloads or other nonsense. You could be one of the 39 new players to join the adventure each minute, though I imagine that number is significantly higher with the buzz around the game. 

Chris Rainey, Columnist


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