Neverwinter Dev Blog Provides Details on Mounts

Okay... you had us at Giant Armored Spiders

Today's Neverwinter developers blog gave us some details on mounts and ZAM has kindly summarized what we think are the finer points for your reading pleasure. Did we mention GIANT ARMORED SPIDERS?!?

Okay now that we have your attention. Here's a quick summary:

  • Mounts are planned to be a key midgame (level 20) reward at launch, but won't be cheap, so save up your gold
  • New mounts can be acquired through gold, Founder's Packs, and the C-Store
  • There are tentative plans for special mounts for dedicated PvPers and Foundry authors
  • Mounts will NOT be limited by race or class
  • Foundry authors will be able to tag maps to allow or disallow mounts as they see fit
  • Possible mounts at this point include warhorses, GIANT ARMORED SPIDERS!!!, bears, and even a Howler (if you have no idea what a Howler is, here's a link to a D&D model of one)

If you want more details check out the full developers blog, it even includes a comical reference to Halfling Centaurs (or as we like to call them, Halfltaurs). 

Oh, and for more GIANT ARMORED SPIDER MOUNT action, check out 0:37 of the Hero of the North Founder's pack video clip below.

Robert "Caergan'' Gray 


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