The Elder Scrolls Online: The Big Picture

An overview of ZeniMax's in development MMO from a Q&A held for a select few at the company's studios

Mobs and quests are not locked to the individual player, as Firor stated, "Players are very much past the point where as two players are converging on a monster or a quest from two different places that they have to compete over; those days are gone...because the whole point of a game like this is to play with other people and have fun. And you're not having fun when you're arguing with some one about what place in line you are to kill someone."


Character Customization

The initial character creator is precisely what you would expect from an Elder Scrolls game. If you have played Skyrim there are few surprises to be had.

Beyond the initial creator is where things get particularly interesting as any class or race — of the nine offered — can wear any armor and wield any weapon. The more you wear a piece of armor the more abilities you will earn for it through trees which branch into something Matt Firor and Paul Sage called "Morphs", a chosen area of specialization which gives multiple abilities on that divergent path.

Ability trees are nothing new in MMOs of course, but the sheer number of them available via the different weapons and armor gives a great scope for standing apart from the crowd.

Paul Sage also explained that, when hitting max level, you continue to earn XP to level your weapon and armor abilities, meaning if you wish you can quite feasibly make your character able to max out ability lines in every type available.

There will be Perks, separate forms of character customization for you to attain, among them could be pets or even the ability to wolf out and howl at the moon.

A large variety of chances to make your character individual certainly seems to be available.


There will be no shard based structure; instead there will be one world through which all explore. There will be separation from the masses to a certain extent, with a more fluid placement of your character within the game world. The concept being that you would tailor your experience — perhaps through a questionnaire, which is an idea being discussed by the team — which would put you in areas of the game with like-minded people. An example given by the devs was if you like Roleplaying with adults, your preference would have you spawn in an area of over 18s who also enjoy Roleplaying. No need for specific servers, your needs would be met with much more focus and nuance.


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