Thursday, October the 11th, 2012
New Quests: A Bold Rescue ; Finding the Remedy -- Repeatable ; Convenient Resources -- Repeatable ; The Defiler ; Tribute to the Lost ; Visitor from the North ; Guarding the Vale
New Items: Penda's Faded Cloak ; Odda's Riding Cloak ; Odda's Woolen Cloak ; Goat Hide ; Red Aster
New Mobs: Frithstan (Mor-hai Settlement) ; Gyrth (Mor-hai Cave) ; Radmund (Mor-hai Cave) ; Odda (Mor-hai Cave) ; Gyrth ; Radmund ; Horse (Frithstan's Camp) ; Lytman ; Rohirrim Guard (Frithstan) ; Landroval ; Venom-bite Ambusher
New Objects: Crate of Assorted Items ; Red Aster ; Location for Placing Flowers
Updated Deeds: Quests of the Wailing Hills
Updated Titles: Friend of the Eagles
Updated Quests: Task: Blotchy Skins (Great River) ; Task: Glassy Carapaces (Great River) ; Task: Sticky Goo (Great River) ; Finding the Remedy ; Pressing Onward
Updated Items: Tarnished Heritage Rune of Learning ; Jade Gemstone ; Tarnished Heritage Rune of Lore ; Tarnished Heritage Rune of Knowledge ; Tarnished Heritage Rune of Legend ; Plain Heritage Rune of Legend ; Blotchy Skin ; Icky Filth ; Sticky Goo ; Glassy Carapace ; Golden Token of the Anduin ; Silver Token of the Anduin ; Takhbork-glu Remedy
Updated Mobs: Mor-hai Sentry ; Mor-hai Scout ; Mor-hai Defiler ; Mor-hai Scavenger ; Mor-hai Ravanger ; Dushatar ; Wild Hill Goat ; Venom-bite Creeper ; Venom-bite Weaver ; Venom-bite Stalker ; Frithstan
Updated Areas: Mor-hai Cave