Race to the Top

Challenge Mode Leaderboards part of new Community section for MoP

It's been a couple days since Mists of Pandaria launched and the realms are starting to see more and more level 90 characters popping up. Soon there'll be enough to start filling up raids and working on that progression, but in the meantime while you're waiting for your guild to catch up, there's always Challenge Modes -- as outlined in the great article over on Wowhead.

Getting a Gold medal in each is just the beginning. You want to really show your realm who's boss? Get to the top of the boards and prove it!



These new official leaderboards will not only tell you who the fastest group is on your server down to the millisecond, but also information on who made the run. Names of party members, classes and profile links, faction - you can even filter times to see how you compete with other similar teams.

In addition to the new leaderboards, the Community page has been redone to provide easy access to the new leaderboards, PvP Ladders, a web auction house, and the character profile search. You can also go into your character profile now to see your current Battle Pet team on the Pets and Mounts page.

Any plans for snagging those top Challenge Mode times for yourself? From the 10:10 time the devs posted in the Blizzard vs. Blood Legion challenge, it sounds like competition is going to be fierce.

Michael "Ragar" Branham


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