Mike Morhaime On Mists of Pandaria

Says MoP attracts "a broader audience."

Blizzard's president and co-founder, Mike Morhaime, is currently leading his company on the release of their newest expansion, and Games Industry has snagged an interview that sheds a bit of light on MoP's aim, for both hardcore and casuals.

Q: One of the issues with Cataclysm was you said that people went through the content faster than you expected. Do you anticipate players taking longer with Mists of Pandaria?

Mike Morhaime: One of the things with Cataclysm that I don't think we got right was the difficulty curve. A lot of people hit a wall and found it frustrating. We made some adjustments over time but probably not quickly enough. There's a lot more variety of things to do with Mists of Pandaria. We spent a lot of our development time in Cataclysm overhauling the old world of the game and a lot of people didn't even experience some of the changes we made going right to the end game.

We've seen some of this with MoP's Lorewalkers faction, for example, so I think Blizzard got this one right. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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