Wowhead: All About the Pets

Wowhead reveals new features live and ready for MoP's launch.

As anticipation builds to a fever pitch, Wowhead has come prepared for the launch of Mists of Pandaria.

Many players are looking forward to jumping into PScreenshotet Battles and we have all the tools you need to find the perfect pet.

As announced by the incredible Ashelia, Wowhead is proud to bring you Pet Maps and a visual Pet Database.

As shown in the example above, you can go zone by zone and filter for the types of pet you want with an easy to follow map of just where to go to find them.

Then check out the visual Pet Database, where you can go through all the pets there are, complete with stats and every other piece info you might need.

What better way to spend the hours before launch but by browsing through all of the amazing MoP resources over at Wowhead?


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