SWTOR Q+A Full Interview Livestream
Video and readable recap on hand.
BioWare recently held a Q+A on Livestream, covering a wide variety of topics on their subscription-turning-F2P The Old Republic. Darth Hater was not only kind enough to record the entire thing, but they also recapped the important information that was said.
Here's most of the details; Free to play players will not have rest experience, but will get mid level gear sets and experience boosts. BioWare will test F2P before the official launch on the public test server. Paid character transfers and hood toggles are planned for the future. HK-51 is coming before the end of the year, and Cathar are coming when they're ready (they're cats, they do that).
For the free-to-play store, it's planned that it will have pets, mounts, non-endgame gear, class/faction unrestricted items, and grab-bag packs of random items. The idea of the F2P store is to have cool items, but not powerful stuff.
Nightmare mode is planned, Denova first on Explosive Conflict, and after that Terror from Beyond. It'll be a fully fledged mode with differences from Hard.
Julian "Mirai" Williams