25% Off Recurring Subscriptions: July 18 - 23 Only

Between Wednesday, July 18, 2012 and Monday, July 23, 2012 those purchasing a recurring multi-month subscription plan (3, 6 or 12 months) will get 25% off the price of that plan. Existing recurring subscribers are eligible for this deal, with certain restrictions, explained below:

Players who sign up for a new or upgraded multi-month recurring membership to any of the following games will receive 25% off the regular price:   EverQuest, EverQuest II, and DC Universe Online (PC only). If you have an existing recurring membership, this offer is only valid for a new recurring membership with a longer term (e.g., upgrade from a 3-month recurring to a 6-month recurring) or for an upgrade from a single-game recurring membership to an All Access recurring membership. If you have an existing 12-month recurring membership, you may redeem this offer for a new 12-month recurring membership at the discounted price. Promotional pricing will begin on your next billing cycle and will continue until your recurring membership lapses or is canceled. Offer is valid between July 18, 2012 at 12:01AM PDT and July, 23 2012 at 11:59PM PDT.

Read the full news article and check out recurring subscription benefits over on SOE's official website.


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# Jul 14 2012 at 9:27 AM Rating: Default
21 posts
Eacactly how was FTP supposed to go and exactly how does a bait and swith scam work,,isnt that buy these to use them here but then wait u cant use them here anymore.LOL,Or lets say we cant use them anymore for the integrity of the game.Sony will never get cust service right
# Jul 15 2012 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
I think you're mistaking stupid for common sense. If giving a sale is bad customer service, I'm really at a loss as to what to say.

Free to play is designed to work exactly as it does. They open up features that previously had a cost associated with them, in this case a monthly subscription to log on. Now instead of charging you for the luxury of logging on to Everquest, you may now do so for free. Not only are you allowed to log in, you are allowed to interact with people AND environment. For free. With no cost to you. And they try to entice you to spend money. As does EVERY OTHER PRODUCT ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET.

A 25% discount on a product or service is not bait and switch nor is it bad customer service. A 25% discount on a product or service costs 25% less money than the normal product or service price. In fact, this is good customer service because often times, other companies restrict such discount promotion sales of their products to new customers only; here SOE is not restricting anybody from taking advantage of the sale.

Just stop posting non-sense now.
# Jul 15 2012 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
21 posts
FTP as defined by EQ is useless.Its a scam and all they continue is provide the same cust service they have from the 1999.Anyone thats played knows exactlty what I mean by that.Give me a monthly sub and I am FINE with that but then dont make me pay for things I need to stay current,changinging mercs for examples,or telling me I can do their simple quest to get a slot.Mkae it FTP for real as in I can actua;lly play with plat with eqipement with weapons in the right zones or make me buy a sub,,BUT dont treat me me like I am stupid and make me pay twice for the same monthly sub by making me buy my monthly then making me buys the trhings I still need in their market.
# Jul 17 2012 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
If you don't want treated as if you are stupid, quit demonstrating how stupid you are.

You make blanket statements that are either opinion or completely false. You give ZERO examples and ZERO support for anything you say. Let's take some examples.

"Free to play, as defined by SOE, is completely useless." (Grammar and spelling fixes are mine.) How is it useless? I'd say about 30% of my guild of 200 active people are silver or less. They have as much fun playing the game as I do, they just don't pay money as I do. This is one example from countless other citings I could give to negate the useless argument, but as I only need one, this will suffice.

"It's a scam and they continue to give the same customer service that they did in 1999." (Grammar and spelling fixes are mine.) Let's assume you mean free to play is a scam. Well, a scam would involve giving you false information about a product, which Sony does not do.Here is a schedule of features you get depending on your membership level. Note well that at the bronze level, you get features, no more, no less, and you pay ZERO money. It's very explicit what to expect. Scam? No. As far as customer service from 1999 is concerned, I can not vouch for it; I started playing late 2001. I have fond memories of having problems such as missing corpses, items that disappeared during trades, and a few other game related issues, being solved in a friendly manner by GM's. My customer service experience has only improved since then, negating your argument that the customer service is the same. In 2010, I had a major billing issue that 2 simple phone calls solved. In 2012, I had a refer a friend issue where I, as in ME, failed to follow their instructions and YET they made an exception to the rules for me and linked my niece's account to me anyway. Just yesterday, I did an in game petition for, again, MY mistake (purchased wrong item from vendor, not re-sellable), and in a short time later a GM showed up to zap the item from inventory and hand me my money. I'd say that's pretty great customer service.

"Anyone who has played knows exactly what I mean by that." (Grammar and spelling fixes are mine.) I've played and I don't have a bloody clue what you mean by that since you speak the opposite of what is actually so. Therefore, this statement is completely negated.

"Give me a monthly sub and I am FINE with that but then don't make me pay for things I need to stay current (changinging mercs for example) or telling me I can do their simple quest to get a slot." (Spelling and grammar fixes are mine.) You want them to pay you to play the game? I'm confused by that statement. Sony Online Entertainment has never required you to pay any more money for the ability to do something at gold than what is included in the monthly subscription. If you want to change mercs, fire the one you have and hire a new one. The current price of hiring a new merc is 10% of the price that it was several months ago (darned customer service lowered the price of mercanies to make them affordable to EVERYBODY! THE NERVE!). The cost is absolutely trivial for its level at this point. Finally, if simple quests are too difficult for you, no one forces you to do them. You are free to completely ignore every quest in the game EverQUEST.

"Make it Free to Play for real as in I can actually play with plat, with equipment, and with weapons in the correct zones or make me buy a sub." (Spelling and grammar fixes are mine.) It really is free to play. Here is a schedule of features you get depending on your membership level. Note well that at the bronze level, you get features, no more, no less, and you pay ZERO money. You can play with plat, with equipment, and weapons in any zone you choose, even if it's not the correct zone. (Whatever that means.) As far as making you buy a sub, Sony's new free to play system negates the requirement to pay for a sub.

"Don't treat me like I am stupid. Don't make me pay twice for the same monthly sub by making me buy my monthly sub then making me buy things I still need in their market." (Grammar and spelling fixes are mine.) Don't act stupid if you wish not to be treated as if you are stupid. I don't pay twice, (nor does anybody who plays Everquest) for a monthly sub in a period of time of 1 month. I don't have a recurring sub, I pay month by month, and in that sense I do pay multiple times. If you do pay for 2 subs in 1 month on 1 account, you will end up getting 2 months with of gold membership. If you pay for your sub every day of a 30 day month, you will end up with 30 months of gold membership. Also, at no time are you required to buy anything from the marketplace. If you choose not to buy things from the marketplace, then your play style will be very similar to mine as I only buy things such as fun illusions and ornaments that have ZERO impact on game play.

Free to play is absolutely free, absolutely not a scam, Sony has great customer service, you can buy as many subs as you choose, and you may buy any item from the marketplace while at the same time having the freedom to completely ignore the marketplace if you so choose. You can spew opinions as facts as much as you'd like; don't be surprised that, when those opinions are contrary to reality, someone treats you as stupid.
# Jul 16 2012 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I hate morons! I played in 02, 03, 04 .... in 02 its was $12 a month and fun in 03 it was $12 a month and it was fun in 04 it went to $100 per year it was fun. now i can play ALL that content from back then free (i started 6 boxing 5 free) it is fun. I dont need to plvl to 95 get 100000 aa in a week and glot im better than u to have fun I can run quest and task i never could find gruops for if i want heck i can find other playing free accounts now and do mm (some were fun not just exp grind).I still an loking for ppl to do BRAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIINNNNSSSSSSSs. i want to be a zomie that eat 1/2ling brains. wait that content was from what 07 and its still completly FREE. STOP whining that to be one of the cool kids u have to pay money enjoy the game. yeah paying for classes and races suck but there is the 4 basic chooses just be glad the did not give u monk and druid only for free.( to be honest guild leader is ausom monk
# Jul 14 2012 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I think you're mistaking "recurring subscriptions" for the non-recurring subs for SC they did away with.
# Jul 14 2012 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
@samples1 sounds like the various level season ticket pricing at local ski resorts to me. Not sure what you are getting at.
# Jul 18 2012 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
@Samples1: I am currently paying 100/yr, and have been for a long time. I now have the opportunity to pay 75/year for exactly the same thing. How is this bad customer service?? Like the man says above, "What, you want THEM to PAY YOU to play the game??" Is this what you call good customer service? I have had numerous issues over the years, all resolved quickly and nicely by customer service. You, Sir, need to go find a dark closet and hide in it.
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