Non-Recurring Subs Removed from Marketplace

EQ and EQII players can no longer purchase memberships with Station Cash.

Since this was originally posted Smed has responded on the EverQuest II forums.  See his post below.

Astute players have noticed that just in time for the latest bonus Station Cash offer, non-recurring memberships have been removed from the EverQuest and EverQuest II Marketplaces. Players can still click through to their accounts and purchase memberships with a credit card.

EQII Community Manager Eric “Piestro” Cleaver posted on the EverQuest forums: "... this was indeed an intentional change. This decision was partially based on the very limited utilization of this feature."  If players have purchased Station Cash to buy memberships, he encourages them to contact Customer Service to discuss their options.

UPDATE June 7:  While TSR-AlexS said on the EverQuest Support Forums that the non-recurring membership was still available on the account website, ZAM user dargot tells us that the page was removed a few hours after TSR-AlexS posted.

UPDATE June 8: John Smedley, CEO of Sony Online Entertanment, posted this on the EQII Forums:

Quick note - I'm sorry we didn't do a good job of messaging this. It was handled while we were at E3 and that was bad. Very simply put we pulled the non-recurring subscriptions because we want a closer look at the numbers and how our overall pricing of subscriptions is impacted by it. I don't want anyone thinking they were pulled because of double DC promotions or anything like that. We know what we're getting into when we run those promotions. We've been running them for years and we run them because our players like them. It may surprise people, but we actually see terrific numbers on the days we run those promotions so it's a win-win for our players and for us.

We're trying to figure out the right balance of things that make our customers feel great about our pricing and balance that against our customer base as a whole. We aren't saying they are going away for good.. we're just looking carefully at the data right now and how we do this right. Please be patient while we figure this out. These non-recurring subscriptions are something we're still working through and we want to make sure we do this right. Obviously as a business we have to make sure the decisions we're making good for our players, and I assure you that's what we're trying to do.


And a little later he posted:

I've asked the team to put them back up for a week to let people buy them with existing SC. We should have been more thoughtful about this and I apologize for handling it the way we have. I'm not sure when it will be back up. Maybe today or maybe Monday (a lot of our team went to E3).


It has been confirmed that the non-recurring memberships are back on the Marketplace in EQ and EQ2. This is only for a limited time, expect them to be pulled again by Friday, June 15.


Post Comment
Wish they would come back.
# Dec 26 2012 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
I really just wish they would bring them back.
# Jun 09 2012 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
65 posts
I don't get it.

Folks are whiing because a loophole was removed?

give me a f'n break.

I've paid quarterly since 2006 (gladly, as it's cheap entertainment.)

EQ 1
# Jun 08 2012 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
And confirmed in EQ1 as well, with a 7 day timer.

Edited, Jun 8th 2012 9:59pm by Baeddon
back, temporarily
# Jun 08 2012 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Recurring memberships are back up in the EQ2 Marketplace. Go Smed!
Honestly people?
# Jun 08 2012 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
Honestly? Who expected $3.75 a month subs to last forever? The way they pulled the rug out with no warning is shady but it didnt take a genius to see this coming a mile away. When a large portion of their playerbase is only buying subs via SC promotions it hurts big time. Cant expect this game to stay alive at that rate.
SOE Bites Hand That Feeds
# Jun 08 2012 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
SOE Bites Hand That Feeds
Yesterday, June 7th, without notice Sony Online Entertainment removed a new and major payment source from its EverQuest and EverQuest II games, without warning.

Not quite three months ago, on March 15th the Original EverQuest followed EQII and went Free-to-Play. Doing so meant a complete revamp of EverQuest’s payment system.

With restrictions anyone could play the game for free. Previously paid accounts were automatically reactivated as Silver Members. Silver members have less restriction but are still limited. A free account could upgrade to Silver status for a one time $5 or 500 Station Cash payment. The ability to use SOE’s own virtual currency (Station Cash), as well as a marketplace in game where one could spend this currency for game items and services including membership subscriptions, were also inherited by EverQuest from it’s younger sibling EQII in preparation for it to go free-to-play as well.

EQII has been free-to-play since December 2011. Both games continued to offer a paid subscription with no restrictions for the regular price of $14.99 a month, or $119.88 for 12 months, with three and six month plans also available. Recurring plans could be purchased as usual by having a credit card on file with Sony. With the implementation of free-to-play customers also had the option to pay for their subscription time on a non-recurring basis using an equivalent amount of Station Cash. Despite no cash value the exchange rate is 1 penny to 1 station cash. A $10 station cash card available at many brick and mortar retailers can be claimed for 1,000 station cash.
These had been the payment systems and structures for EQII since December. It was promoted that this was the new payment systems and structures for EverQuest under free-to-play. SOE followed the EverQuest launch of free-to-play with more than one Double Station Cash Weekend, and even having a Triple Station Cash Day. This made it very hard to resist purchasing station cash that could later be used to buy subscription time or a next expansion.

Then, yesterday, June 7th, without notice Sony Online Entertainment removed the ability to purchase subscriptions with station cash from its marketplaces for its EverQuest and EverQuest II games, without warning. Thus far the only word from SOE has been EQII Community Manager Eric “Piestro” Cleaver posted on the EverQuest forums: "... this was indeed an intentional change. This decision was partially based on the very limited utilization of this feature." If players have purchased Station Cash to buy memberships, he encourages them to contact Customer Service to discuss their options. Additionally, TSR-AlexS said on the EverQuest Support Forums that the non-recurring membership was still available on the account website, however this option was removed within an hour or two of the service representative posting that information. According to forum posts the net result of addressing the matter with SOE customer service via phone has been that this was an executive decision and they are precluded from further comment or action.

As someone who plays EverQuest it was my initial impression that this was pure calculated graft on the part of SOE.
It was then brought to my attention that during the three to six or so months that members of the EQ and EQII communities were becoming accustomed to the free-to-play system and payment methods, SOE was working out the fine print on a ‘multi-year’ partnership with ProSiebenSat.1 Games for exclusive European licensing and distribution rights of the majority of SOE’s online game titles. These titles include EQII and EQ Next, but not the original EverQuest. As of the end of March EQII updated its FAQ’s on the upcoming changes for its European players. These FAQ’s detailed, amongst other things, that Sieben will be in full control of all aspects of the games in Europe, including billings, subscriptions and their own separate form of station cash.

So did SOE steal from its customer base? Or did they simply callously pursue multiple revenue streams with complete disregard for their customer base and the fact that these to revenue streams were destined to be incompatible? … Or, perhaps, they have some other explanation? What might be the answer however is mere speculation, as in typical Sony fashion, SOE is standing mute on the issue.
# Jun 08 2012 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
Still on maelin? PM me or hit me up in game on aggronaut on FV.
# Jun 08 2012 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Thankfully I got my 1 yr subscription last 3x SC offer.

Now I wish I had updated wife and kids instead of holding out for the next offer.

Oh well, free play and Silver for them!
# Jun 08 2012 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Just another raw deal from our friends at SOE.
No suprise to me.
# Jun 08 2012 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I kinda expected this. After all it's simple economics in the end. With Double and Bonus SC days like this weekend for example, there loosing money by offering the memberships in this manner. The game does cost money to keep running in the end. Tell the truth with todays world economy as I was actually counting down the days this would happen.
More for SOE, less for the loyal customer base.....
# Jun 08 2012 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
thanks again Sony for sticking it to us one more time. I love your game and love the community but just can't stop ******** us. Is it a sign of the changing times?
class action lawsuit
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:40 PM Rating: Default
25 posts
I say class action lawsuit!
class action lawsuit
# Jun 08 2012 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
138 posts
Dont be silly. Theres no case here. where on that SC card does it say you can buy game time with SC? It says XXX SC points or a month's game time. That has not changed at all.
class action lawsuit
# Jun 08 2012 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts just said it. It says right on the card: You can buy a month's game time. Being one that has a CC that can't be used for games(I'm literally locked out of purchasing them), I've been using the SC cards for membership plus the 500 SC(I'll literally select the 30 days option), but now that is going away. The card says 30 days game time but it can't be used for that anymore, so that actually is an issue in your own words.
"Some claim they wish to be enlightened or wish to experience Zen. This is an absurdity, you do not 'become' enlightened or 'experience' Zen. If you wish to be enlightened, BE." - Unknown
class action lawsuit
# Jun 07 2012 at 11:43 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I'll betcha there's a clause in that thing we agree to every time we play protecting them from that.
class action lawsuit
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
309 posts
This may not be unfounded and could have some merit. HOwever, we the players would get $1.75 out of it and the fine would likely kill EQ IF the court ruled against SOE.
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Thats a kick in the face to people who purchased alot of SC to use on Gold. I would think people getting GOLD membership slightly cheaper every so often would be better then people just quitting or staying silver.

Im waiting on the next thing to be charge a monthly fee for silver after people load up their F2P accounts with SC.
Web option also closed
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
A few hours after TSR-AlexS posted the remedy of using the SOE site to buy subscription time with your Station Cash; this option was also removed.
Web option also closed
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
dargot wrote:
A few hours after TSR-AlexS posted the remedy of using the SOE site to buy subscription time with your Station Cash; this option was also removed.

Thanks. I am disappointed. Not surprised, just disappointed. OP updated, again.

Edited, Jun 7th 2012 11:32pm by Calthine
# Jun 07 2012 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Apparently if you can find the obscure little checkbox for "recurring" on the website you can still use Station Cash. Original post updated.
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Where precisely on the site do you find that? I looked for a bit and couldn't find what you are talking about. A direct link or something of that nature would rock my socks. Smiley: banghead
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I never actually found it, but a player in the thread on the EQ forums said that it at least appears to be counting your SC. (I edited the OP again, don't want to give false hope.) I probably didn't find it for a couple reasons:

a) my main account is paid up for, like, YEARS

b) my kids account has his real age on it and so he can't even buy a membership

c) the account I made to test it has no Station Cash.

So. We need someone who needs to renew and has Station Cash to find it. Help me out folks!
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I think the TSR has bad info. Anyone able to get that?
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
It was there but then removed. As of right now the option to use SC for subscriptions is not available anywhere.
was good while it lasted
# Jun 07 2012 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Got players to come back just to lose them again.
# Jun 07 2012 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
i noticed it was gone and i was sooooo mad... and that was BEFORE i seen the post about the bonus SC this weekend.
Gotta love the reasoning
# Jun 07 2012 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
2,496 posts
This decision was partially based on the very limited utilization of this feature.

Ha, yea right. More like it's being cut because people could buy a $15 card from Walmart which was worth $20 station cash, then waiting for x2 or x3 promotions and cashing them in. A year for $45 is way better than regular subscription prices.
So dumb
# Jun 07 2012 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
So much for "Free to play, your way"
So dumb
# Jun 07 2012 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
*nod* And stealth changes like this do nothing for player trust, which is already a little shaky.
So dumb
# Jun 07 2012 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
"A little" shakey? When they lied point blank about nerfing the XP in HoT missions, they lost my trust. And let's not forget The Hack if we're talking about trust. They're also point blank lying about this. Just be straight about it and announce it in big bold flashing letters in the MOTD or launcher. SOE doesn't get that we're a pretty dynamic group of players who, despite the number of complaints, will roll with whatever they give us if they're just straight up honest about it. "We're nerfing xp as incentive to sell more product." Ok, cool, more $$ for eq = better game experience, as opposed to "Broken for almost exactly 1 years, even thru beta, with the forums exploding about how awesome the xp is to have it taken away slightly before the next xpac launch?? YOU SERIOUS?"

The solution is to remove triple SC cash days, not SC subs. Even remove double if you must, or make two forms of SC with any bonuses not being able to go toward sub. Whatever. Just don't pretend your entire player base is stupid.


Ok, rant off. I've offered real solutions that don't matter because it's the wrong forum. I've vented, raised my voice, and I'm done now.

THe moral of the story is just be honest. People will surprise you if you just let them, SOE. Seesh.
So dumb
# Jun 07 2012 at 11:28 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Baeddon wrote:
THe moral of the story is just be honest. People will surprise you if you just let them, SOE. Seesh.

Right. A quick little, "Hey folks, heads up on this" would have gained them so much.
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