A Scrapbook for Ribbitribbitt

EverQuest II's community banded together to create playgrounds for a terminal child.

UPDATE May 21, 2012: We are sad to inform everyone that Ribbitribbit passed away at 10:30pm EDT on Sunday, May 20. His mother stated that he "went peacefully in his sleep" at the age of 6. The original article continues below.

The community we have on EverQuest II never ceases to amaze me.

We have our differences in many ways and we have our good times and bad. Shortly after the initial forum post by Ribbitribbitt's mother, just a mere four days ago, many in the community put all of that aside and banded together for a greater cause. Raiders, decorators, soloers and crafters worked side-by-side to create beautifully decorated homes for a special child to play in. Earlier today their work was completed and Ribbitribbitt's party went off wonderfully.

It took just 65 hours for the hard-working members of Lillipad Jungle on the Guk server to level the guild from 1 to 70 so that they could obtain a Tier 3 hall for Ribbitribbitt. They continued to work throughout the following day to bring it to 77 so that they could add a pirate ship to the hall and reached that goal as well. Thousands of platinum and status was donated by hundreds of players.

Language, server, and even game, had no barriers. Players who didn't speak any English were contributing to the effort. Players from other EQ2 servers and SOE games came by for the event. GMs and Volunteer Guides were there to show their support and entertain all involved.

I was touring while some of the final touches in decorating were still going on throughout the four houses and guild hall and was simply amazed at how much had been done in such a short time. The decorating community dove in and created epic playgrounds, ponds, menageries and much more for Ribbitribbitt.

While on the Guk server today I admit I did something I haven't done in years--I cried. I'm crying again as I write this. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that we're all human.

I thank the EQ2 community for showing what wonderful people you all are. Most of all, to Ribbitribbitt and family: thank you for giving us this opportunity to be a part of your lives.




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# May 24 2012 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
It is heartwarming to see so many people come together to bring some joy to a little boy's life by helping out his family. It seems also that the same little boy brought joy to probably thousands of gamers because he gave them all the opportunity to step outside themselves and do something genuinely miraculous, he gave them the opportunity to simply love. To give of themselves for no other reason than to simply do something wonderful for another. Funny how love works like that.

The EQ2 community is one of the very best in all of gaming. Thank you RibbitRibbit for giving this community the opportunity to become something so wonderful. May the blessings of Almighty God descend upon you and remain with you always little frog.

Edited, May 24th 2012 4:38pm by VikingGamer
Thank you Ribbitribbit, you'll always be in our thoughts.
# May 21 2012 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
UPDATE May 21, 2012: We are sad to inform everyone that Ribbitribbit passed away at 10:30pm EDT on Sunday, May 20. His mother stated that he "went peacefully in his sleep" at the age of 6.

Those wanting to share their condolences may do so over on the official forums here: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=518604
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May God watch over you
# Mar 17 2012 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
I just heard about this and I am so sorry that I was not able to participate. It fills my heart with joy to see that in a world full of contradictions and wars there are people who show the true meaning of being a caring human being.

I pray that God watches over young RibbitRibbit

I am proud to be part of a gaming community with such empathy for one and another

God bless you all
This is
# Mar 12 2012 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
Wonderful! Makes me want to play everquest 2 again hehe.
Thank you all
# Mar 12 2012 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
I want to thank you all for all the contributions made to my son and family. When first I started attempting to decorate the island myself, I realized 1) I am lousy at decorating and 2) I would not be able to dedicate the time required to do it myself and do it well. I was desperate to get one maybe 2 of the talented decorators on the server to assist me. Before I knew it, there were pages of responses and not just from those on my server but from people all over the game. And then, it wasn't just an island, it was creating a T3 guild/ guild hall and so many other prestige houses. I was worried wondering how I was going to manage this avalanche of love and compassion but there were also those who made it a call to make it almost no work from me. People with the leadership skills to organize hundreds of people and projects, raids and writs and assign access and guild others. Then, on that climactic moment when I helped my frog get to Mara, to see all the people there, well, I cried tears of joy at the beauty of the community and it reaffirmed why Norrath is my home away from home.

I love you all for the wonderful gift you have all given to my family and this feeling will remain for a lifetime. When I need to think a happy thought, this one will top the list.
Thank you all
# Mar 12 2012 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
*HUGS to MsChief and Ribbitribbitt*
Author Website | Instagram | Pinterest

Thanks all, and an update
# Mar 11 2012 at 8:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Thanks to everyone, especially to those who contributed or participated in this amazing venture. Just wanted to update that someone requested a slideshow of the pictures since there's so many, so I made a video with them set to music.

Author Website | Instagram | Pinterest

So sad
# Mar 11 2012 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
I just looked through the pics of the event. Everyone did such a great job for this guy. And I have a little lump in my throat thinking about it.
Our Community is the best :)
# Mar 11 2012 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
It was great just to be a part of it and to donate whatever I could to help the people that were decorating have more at their ******** and to see how Ribbitribbitt enjoyed all that he saw. Such a caring event and came straight from the heart.

Brian K Haines
Drakah - shakahr.com
# Mar 11 2012 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
This event was amazing, Think I got more from it than I ever imagined. I didnt get to help much cause I had made a new toon, but I did get to help carry packages and stuff. I hope Ribbitribbit has loads of fun. As for the wonder folks who call Guk home, you guys have an amazing server and even made me want to transfer there, never seen so many kind folks. As for the ones that came from others servers to take time to help, I hope you had as much fun as I did and you are awesome. This reminds me that people are good and the world is an amazing place.

<3 Ribbitribbitt
# Mar 10 2012 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
I really wish I could have been at the event. I had a feeling I'd be busy today. I'm glad I was able to get the roller coaster done during the week. I love how many people chipped in for this. It's truly amazing. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to level the guild and craft items to build everything for this adorable little kid.
So wonderful!
# Mar 10 2012 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
Sometimes it's times like these that remind me why I love humankind. People are so caring and loving.
EQ1: Gooshy: http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1870652
EQ2: Gwenythe: http://u.eq2wire.com/soe/character_detail/468152233422
Have Fun
# Mar 12 2012 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
To Rabbitribbit Hope you have lots of Fun and Enjoy your self your in everyone's Hearts and Minds
From Holksplit Antonia Bayle Server.
God Bless you Young RibbitRibbit
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