EVE Online Prepares for Inferno

In a new blog posted today by Jonathan Lander, Senior Producer of EVE Online, we learn that EVE is an ever evolving process that is constantly be updated to better suit the player base. Since last November's release of Crucible, CCP has brought balancing changes for Assault Frigates, Neocom improvements, Factional Warfare increments, and a host of other changes all designed around making a better experience to play EVE.

As development continues, smaller changes, as well as improvements and usability fixes will be implemented. We can also expect to see details on how collaboration, conflict, and purpose will be between EVE and DUST 514. Jonathan was pretty tight lipped about details for EVE:Online: Inferno, but stressed there will be bundles of information revealed at Fanfest in March.

To read the entire article be sure to check out EVE Online's Dev Blog post. 


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