EVE Online: CSM Elections and A New Trailer

Double up on your EVE News.

Not two particularly well-connected news pieces today, but since they were both released on the same day, that means we'll just double up on our reporting. A two for one, if you will.

For the first piece of news, EVE Online is opening up their CSM 7 Elections! To find out if you qualify for this year's Council of Stellar Management, check out the EVE Dev Blog for criteria and deadlines. For now, potential candidates should make their way to the Jita Park Speakers Corner forum to begin formulating their platform strategy while also gathering supporters to their cause. May the best candidate win!

In other news, CCP has also released a new trailer for EVE Online, which basically serves as wildly enticing piece of propaganda. If you're interested in checking out EVE Online or if you want to see some really fancy in-game footage set to a futuristic soundtrack, well, look no further than here!


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