Corporation Forums Coming to the EVE Online Forums

I heard you like forums...

I heard you liked forums, so we're giving you corporation forums in the EVE Online forums so you can... I'll stop. CCP has just announced that a part of their big website revamps also come with forum enhancements, and this includes the option for every corporation in EVE to have its own Corporation Forum hosted on the EVE Online forums. Internet meme references aside, this means that players who want to foster their own corporate cultures can now do so with official support as opposed to creating their own third-party solutions. CCP is planning to have three sub-forums per corporation, including a general discussion board, a board for corporation announcements, and a board room for higher ranked members to discuss things in secret.

All of this also ties in with CCP's desire to connect EVE Online with their upcoming MMOFPS, DUST 514. With the establishment of corporation forums, players will now have a common community to visit for their forum needs.


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