Tuesday January 10, 2012
DAoC Update
New Albion Items: Dragonfly ticket to Prydwen Keep ; Dragonfly ticket to West Downs ; Dragonfly ticket to Cotswold Village ; Ticket to Adribard's Retreat
New Albion Mobs: Joris ; Drin ; Sebliis ; Perse ; Albion Vault Keeper ; Master Gernon ; Caer Ulfwych Cleric ; Pinora ; Bendar ; Mirelis ; Jedeam ; Thedri ; Varthirak ; Kairus ; Nora Blackthorn ; Fanius ; Raguel ; Guisel ; Mistress Lalenis ; Sedrius ; Ron Kinsey
Updated Albion Mobs: Brother Eurius ; Captain Falron ; Brother Spilr ; Mistress Frina ; Minstrel of Albion ; Idian ; Eiddin Walelden ; Fianya Walelden ; Sar Aldar ; Grindan Halig ; Ellard Fall ; Stephan Fall ; Langston Fall ; Ellard Gram
Updated Albion Items: Ticket to Campacorentin Station ; Iron Lamellar Legs ; Iron Lamellar Boots ; Iron Lamellar Helm ; Iron Lamellar Gauntlets ; Bronze Lamellar Vest ; Bronze Lamellar Arms ; Bronze Lamellar Legs ; Bronze Lamellar Boots ; Bronze Lamellar Helm ; Bronze Lamellar Gauntlets ; Steel Lamellar Gauntlets ; Iron Lamellar Arms ; Iron Lamellar Vest ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Legs ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Helm ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Gauntlets ; Alloy Lamellar Vest ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Arms ; Alloy Lamellar Legs ; Alloy Lamellar Boots ; Alloy Lamellar Helm ; Alloy Lamellar Gauntlets ; Steel Lamellar Vest ; Steel Lamellar Arms ; Steel Lamellar Legs ; Steel Lamellar Helm ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Vest ; Steel Lamellar Boots ; Fine Alloy Lamellar Boots ; Alloy Lamellar Arms ; Mithril Boned Arms ;
Fine Alloy Boned Vest ; Fine Alloy Boned Legs ; Fine Alloy Boned Boots ; Fine Alloy Boned Helm ; Fine Alloy Boned Gauntlets ; Mithril Boned Boots ; Iron Boned Helm ; Iron Boned Gauntlets ; Bronze Boned Vest ; Bronze Boned Arms ; Bronze Boned Legs ; Bronze Boned Boots ; Bronze Boned Helm ; Bronze Boned Gauntlets ; Fine Alloy Boned Arms ; Mithril Boned Gauntlets ; Mithril Boned Vest ; Mithril Boned Legs ; Mithril Boned Helm ; Iron Boned Boots ; Iron Boned Legs ; Iron Boned Arms ; Alloy Boned Helm ; Alloy Boned Legs ; Alloy Boned Arms ; Alloy Boned Vest ; Alloy Boned Gauntlets ; Steel Boned Vest ; Steel Boned Arms ; Iron Boned Vest ; Alloy Boned Boots ; Steel Boned Gauntlets ; Steel Boned Helm ; Steel Boned Boots ; Steel Boned Legs ; Iron Studded Arms ; Mithril Studded Boots ; Mithril Studded Gauntlets ; Mithril Studded Arms ; Mithril Studded Legs ; Mithril Studded Helm ; Steel Studded Vest ; Iron Studded Boots ; Iron Studded Helm ; Iron Studded Vest ; Iron Studded Gauntlets ; Steel Studded Helm ; Steel Studded Boots ; Steel Studded Gaunlets ; Steel Studded Arms ; Steel Studded Legs ; Mithril Studded Vest ; Bronze Studded Arms ; Fine Alloy Studded Vest ; Fine Alloy Studded Legs ; Fine Alloy Studded Helm ; Fine Alloy Studded Gauntlets ; Fine Alloy Studded Boots ; Fine Alloy Studded Arms ; Alloy Studded Vest ; Alloy Studded Helm ; Alloy Studded Gauntlets ; Alloy Studded Boots ; Bronze Studded Vest ; Bronze Studded Legs ; Bronze Studded Boots ; Bronze Studded Helm ; Bronze Studded Gauntlets ; Iron Studded Legs ; Alloy Studded Legs ; Alloy Studded Arms
Updated All Items: Dexterity Buff Token (20s) ; Full Buffs Token (3g20s) ; Specialization Buffs Token (2g40s) ; Strength Buff Token (20s) ; Fortification Buff Token (20s) ; Might Buff Token (40s) ; Deftness Buff Token (40s) ; Enlightenment Buff Token (40s) ; Haste Buff Token (60s) ; Barrier Buff Token (60s) ; Armor Buff Token (20s) ; Baseline Buffs Token (80s) ; Potion of Aquatic Repiration ; Greater Lethal Venom ; Greater Toxic Venom ; Lesser Toxic Venom ; Minor Lethal Venom ; Minor Toxic Venom ; Insidious Lethal Venom ; Lesser Lethal Venom ; Major Lethal Venom ; Major Toxic Venom ; Lesser Infectious Serum ; Minor Infectious Serum ; Major Infectious Serum ; Greater Infectious Serum ; Infectious Serum ; Minor Enervating Poison ; Minor Toxic Poison ; Toxic Poison ; Minor Crippling Poison ; Minor Lethal Poison ; Minor Inhibiting Poison ; Minor Weakening Poison ; Minor Imbalancing Poison ; Minor Hindering Poison ; Major Inhibiting Poison ; Greater Hindering Poison ; Lesser Inhibiting Poison ; Greater Inhibiting Poison ; Major Toxic Poison ; Greater Toxic Poison ; Lesser Lethal Poison ; Lesser Weakening Poison ; Lesser Imbalancing Poison ; Greater Weakening Poison ; Greater Lethal Poison ; Lesser Hindering Poison ; Greater Crippling Poison ; Greater Enervating Poison ; Greater Imbalancing Poison ; Major Hindering Poison ; Major Crippling Poison ; Lethal Poison ; Major Weakening Poison ; Major Imbalancing Poison ; Major Lethal Poison ; Lesser Toxic Poison ; Major Enervating Poison
Updated Albion Mobs: Brother Eurius ; Captain Falron ; Brother Spilr ; Mistress Frina ; Minstrel of Albion ; Idian ; Eiddin Walelden ; Fianya Walelden ; Sar Aldar ; Grindan Halig ; Ellard Fall ; Stephan Fall ; Langston Fall ; Ellard Gram