Tuesday December 13, 2011

DAoC Update

New Albion Items: Holtham Recruit's CrossbowHoltham Recruit's ShortbowHoltham Recruit's LongbowHoltham Recruit's QuarterstaffHoltham Recruit's FlailHoltham Recruit's WhipRecruit's HarpHoltham Recruit's PikeHoltham Recruit's Spiked HammerHoltham Recruit's HalberdHoltham Recruit's War PickHoltham Recruit's Great HammerHoltham Recruit's ClaymoreHoltham Recruit's Arch MaceHoltham Recruit's DaggerHoltham Recruit's MaceHoltham Recruit's ShortswordHoltham Recruit's RapierHoltham Recruit's Spiked MaceHoltham Recruit's Longsword

New Albion Mobs: Sister EllayneFial BronzearmRosellaCameronScholar Akemi

Updated Albion Items: Runewood CrossbowRowan CrossbowOaken CrossbowHeartwood CrossbowIronwood CrossbowElm Crossbow
Updated All Items: Rough Clout Blunt ArrowsBodkin ArrowsFlight Bodkin ArrowsClout Broadhead ArrowsFlight Broadhead ArrowsFooted Clout Blunt ArrowsFooted Blunt ArrowsFooted Flight Blunt ArrowsFooted Clout Bodkin ArrowsFooted Bodkin ArrowsFooted Flight Bodkin ArrowsFooted Clout Broadhead ArrowsFooted Broadhead ArrowsKeen Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsBlunt Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsClout Bodkin ArrowsFlight Blunt ArrowsRough Flight Blunt ArrowsRough Clout Bodkin ArrowsRough Bodkin ArrowsRough Flight Bodkin ArrowsRough Clout Broadhead ArrowsRough Broadhead ArrowsRough Flight Broadhead ArrowsClout Blunt ArrowsBroadhead ArrowsRough Blunt ArrowsBarbed Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsBlunt ArrowsSilk Heavy ThreadSilk Cloth SquareHard Leather SquareAlloy Metal BarsIronwood Wooden BoardsTrebuchet Ammo BucketPivotCounterweightCatapult Ammo BucketLong Torsion CablesTorsion CablesArm CushionSwing HarnessPalintone TriggerBallista TriggerSpring ArmsGimbalWinding CrankSiege Ram BeakRam CladdingRecruit's Large ShieldRecruit's Medium ShieldRecruit's Small ShieldRecruit's Mystic StaffRecruit's Weighted StaffRecruit's Fist Wrap

Updated Albion Mobs: Lenia FletcherLyonetAllia FletcherJon Gwynn


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