Tuesday December 6, 2011

DAoC Update

New Midgard Items: Recruit's Chain LeggingsRecruit's Chain SleevesRecruit's Chain HauberkRecruit's Chain GlovesRecruit's Chain CoifRecruit's Chain BootsRecruit's Studded Gloves (Mid)Recruit's Studded Jerkin (Mid)Recruit's Studded Sleeves (Mid)Recruit's Studded Leggings (Mid)Recruit's Studded Helm (Mid)Recruit's Studded Boots (Mid)Recruit's Leather Jerkin (Mid)Recruit's Leather Sleeves (Mid)Recruit's Leather Leggings (Mid)Recruit's Leather Helm (Mid)Recruit's Leather Boots (Mid)Recruit's Leather Gloves (Mid)Recruit's Padded TunicRecruit's Padded SleevesRecruit's Padded LeggingsRecruit's Padded CapRecruit's Padded GlovesRecruit's Padded Boots

New Midgard Mobs: FjotraThelgarChieftain FeidridVernaMularn Shaman
New Hibernia Mobs: GeneeSage NacauLady RaeLlalla

New Midgard Quests: Lesson: The Song of BragiLesson: Power of the Gods (Mid)

Updated Midgard Items: Recruit's Studded Boots (Mid) (quest)Recruit's Studded Gloves (Mid) (quest)Recruit's Studded Helm (Mid) (quest)Recruit's Padded Boots (quest)Recruit's Padded Gloves (quest)Recruit's Padded Cap (quest)Recruit's Padded Sleeves (quest)

Updated All Items: Dexterity Buff Token (lvl 30)Fortification Buff Token (lvl 30)Deftness Buff Token (lvl 30)Baseline Buffs Token (lvl 30)Enlightenment Buff Token (lvl 30)Barrier Buff Token (lvl 30)Armor Buff Token (lvl 30)Might Buff Token (lvl 30)Strength Buff Token (lvl 30)Specialization Buffs Token (lvl 30)Haste Buff Token (lvl 30)Full Buffs Token (lvl 30)Potion of Aquatic RepirationMajor Toxic VenomLesser Toxic VenomMinor Toxic VenomGreater Toxic VenomMajor Hindering PoisonMinor Hindering PoisonMinor Toxic PoisonMajor Inhibiting PoisonLesser Inhibiting PoisonLesser Toxic PoisonMinor Inhibiting PoisonGreater Toxic PoisonMajor Toxic PoisonGreater Hindering PoisonToxic PoisonGreater Inhibiting PoisonLesser Hindering PoisonLesser Infectious SerumMinor Infectious SerumMinor Imbalancing PoisonMinor Enervating PoisonGreater Lethal PoisonGreater Imbalancing PoisonGreater Weakening PoisonMinor Lethal PoisonMajor Lethal PoisonMajor Imbalancing PoisonMajor Weakening PoisonLethal PoisonLesser Imbalancing PoisonLesser Weakening PoisonLesser Lethal PoisonMinor Weakening PoisonLifebaneInfectious SerumMajor Infectious SerumGreater Infectious SerumLesser Lethal VenomInsidious Lethal VenomGreater Lethal VenomMajor Lethal VenomMinor Lethal VenomMinor Crippling PoisonGreater Enervating PoisonLesser Crippling PoisonGreater Crippling PoisonLesser Enervating PoisonFlight Bodkin ArrowsClout Bodkin ArrowsFlight Blunt ArrowsClout Blunt ArrowsRough Flight Broadhead ArrowsRough Broadhead ArrowsRough Clout Broadhead ArrowsRough Bodkin ArrowsRough Clout Bodkin ArrowsRough Flight Blunt ArrowsRough Flight Bodkin ArrowsFlight Broadhead ArrowsClout Broadhead ArrowsRough Blunt ArrowsKeen Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsFooted Broadhead ArrowsFooted Clout Broadhead ArrowsFooted Flight Bodkin ArrowsFooted Bodkin ArrowsFooted Clout Bodkin ArrowsFooted Flight Blunt ArrowsFooted Blunt ArrowsFooted Clout Blunt ArrowsBlunt ArrowsBodkin ArrowsBlunt Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsBarbed Footed Flight Broadhead ArrowsBroadhead Arrows

Updated Midgard Mobs: Skald of Midgard
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Yralun TrallaeRiber


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