Champions Online Art Corner: Whiteout Edition

Have any of you ever watched Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland? The Roi'Nesh from Champions Online's latest update, Whiteout, remind me of the Nightmare King and his freaky tendrils. Don't ask me why. Also, don't ask me why I'm thinking of an animated movie from 1989, because I honestly have no answer for you.

Anyway, Champions Online is highlighting the art of their new update, Whiteout, in their latest art corner dev post. If you're kind of curious about the cool villains and visuals of Whiteout, it would be wise to check out the art corner. CO's Lead Artist, Brad Stokan, also notes that Issue 1 of Whiteout is "just the tip of the iceberg," as the team has "cool genre moments, chilling twists, and mood oozing from every corner" in Whiteout's following updates.


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