Thursday October 13, 2011
DAoC Update
Much thanks to: crafterdaoc, KristoHasRisen, kobolism, kuldaharMLF, and Alarang for their helpful send-in's and postings for todays update!
New Hibernia Items: Spider Gem (emp)
Updated Albion Items: Guard of Valor (Alb) (cloth) ; The Golden Spear (Alb) ; Cresent Pick (nld) ; Infused Eikonoklast Arms of the Labyrinth ; Deluged Kelp Boots ; Tattered Moldy Goblin Helm ; Dark Vault Jewel ; Incorporeal Helm ; Embossed Bone Gladius
Updated Midgard Items: Arcanium Corroded Circlet of Sutekh (Mid) ; Bracer of Frozen Might
Updated Hibernia Items: Primal Windwalker's Bow ; Duskwood Thunder Skin (Hib) ; Frozen Starshine Necklace ; Staff of Begrudging Fealty ; Spider Gem (int) ; Truesilver Miner's Belt ; Siabrian Mystic Shield
Updated All Items: Astral Jerkin of Withering ; Leviathan Tail Belt ; Demon-Bound Jewel
Updated Albion Mobs: Gremlin ; Spectral Essence
Updated Hibernia Mobs: Ruckus ; Troglodyte ; Siog Raider
Updated Hibernia Quests: Worn Tradeskill Tools (Hib)