Dragon Warlord Trovoc Flies into Rise of Immortals
Rise of Immortals has received its first post-launch immortal: Trovoc, the Dragon Warlord. As you can see in the above image, he comes with two alternate skins and more will be coming soon. His abilities are Wind Gust, Crippling Fire, Baneful Bite, Dragon Totem and Divine Intervention.
The free-to-play battle arena game officially launched a couple weeks ago. Petroglyph has promised that many other immortals will be released on a regular basis now that Trovoc has been added to the ranks.
Does the game have what it takes to rise above the rest in the MOBA genre? Find out what Senior Staff Writer Chris "Pwyff" Tom thought during his time in the Rise of Immortals open beta.
Tags: News, RiseofImmortals