New Rated Battleground Mounts Coming in Patch 4.2
Do you want to earn the new Vicious War Steed (Alliance) or Vicious War Wolf (Horde) mounts when patch 4.2 launches? Then you better get ready to win some Rated Battlegrounds. Here are the details from Blizzard:
"If you want to sit your knickers on these sweet new rides come patch 4.2, Rage of the Firelands, you must earn achievements for winning either 75, 150, or 300 Rated Battlegrounds. One account-bound mount will be awarded for each of these achievements earned, so if you win 300 Rated Battlegrounds with a character, you’ll be afforded the opportunity to give that character and two of your alts each a wolf or steed. Since these mounts are tied to each achievement and not to your placement on the competitive ladder, they will be awarded instantly rather than at the end of each season as with Arena mounts. Your Rated Battleground wins tracked for these achievements are cumulative and are not reset with each season, so you can work toward the reward at your own pace."
Do you plan on adding either of these mounts to your collection? If you're not a regular Rated Battleground player, are they enough to entice you to try out the system?