Get Ready to Monetize Your EVE Apps and Services

Cha-ching! CCP announced at this year's Fanfest that you will soon be able to charge people for usage of your applications, websites and services for EVE Online. The system is tentatively scheduled to launch this summer, and CCP wants your feedback.

Technical Director Jon Bjarnason has written a dev blog entry that outlines the system and answers some of the questions they've received from players. Here are the highlights of the service:

  • Simple process - Sign up on a webpage, get started straight away
  • Inexpensive - $99 per year, no other fees
  • Developer-friendly - Very few restrictions
  • Open-ended - You can charge subscription fees, receive donations, sell your app in an app-store and more
  • Non-commercial websites and apps will now require a (free) license

Of course, there are all sorts of legal details you should be aware of before you start using the service, so be sure to read Bjarnason's dev blog and leave your feedback in the discussion thread on the official forums.


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