WoW Lore: 'Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince'
If you're a fan of World of Warcraft lore, you may want to head over to the official Expanded Universe page and check out the latest addition to the series of leader short stories. Here's the description:
"'Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince,' the third story in this series, takes us on a journey into the mind of Gallywix, one of the goblins' most exceptionally shrewd movers and shakers. Becoming a Trade Prince doesn't just happen overnight, and you certainly don't get your likeness carved into the side of a mountain by letting others push you around and take what's yours."
Check out "Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince" by Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie on the official site or download the PDF.
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft