Exclusive Archer Q&A with TERA's Stefan Ramirez

We sat down with Associate Producer Stefan Ramirez to get even more details on TERA's damage-dealing archer class.

ZAM: With the reliance upon movement, hit boxes, accurate shots, latency and other factors for damage dealing potential, what steps have you taken to ensure that the archer is both a competitive DPS class in PvE as well as a balanced class in PvP?

Ramirez: All classes are being balanced for PvE and PvP. TERA is all about the action combat and we are working hard to balance each class to be effective. Archers will definitely hold their own, but given TERA’s action combat, player skill will always be a factor in the outcome of the fight!

ZAM: Will all of the traps available to the archer be allowed to be placed while in combat? How long do they last? Can we expect to see lancers dragging mobs and bosses to set off the traps?

Ramirez: All of the traps available to the archer can be placed while in combat. The length of time that they last varies.  Traps can be very helpful to the party but not if they aren’t triggered. It is definitely a benefit to trick the enemy into stepping on these whenever they can. Also, when soloing with the archer, I tend to use traps as part of my repertoire. Different players will develop their own strategy, but I like to place the trap, use the cast shot and run back. Then I charge up that skill to execute a more powerful attack.  When the enemy hits the trap, I slam it with a powerful arrow. BAM! They’re dead!

ZAM: Could you discuss what kind of crowd controlling arrows archers have at their disposal?

Ramirez: Archers are masters of applying status effects and luring enemies into traps. Their fast-paced style makes them an excellent pair with a warrior or priest class who also rely on movement, strategic placement, and making the enemy pay for every step taken.

ZAM: Archers rely on mana to use their skills. How much mana will various abilities cost? What type of rotation can players expect to use?

Ramirez: Mana is important and archers will want to focus on mana regen stats for sure. The cost of mana varies per skill but regens at a fairly fast rate. Of course, you’ll want to keep an eye on that and manage your mana while in combat.

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