ZAM Searches for Rare Items in Cataclysm
Staff Writer Paul "LockeColeMA" Cleveland reveals some of the hard to find pets, weapons and mounts in the latest World of Warcraft expansion.
Non-Combat Pets
Mounts and gear are a lot of fun and I've only scratched the surface, but many players also enjoy collecting noncombat pets. Some are available from quests, while leveling up, and many players who went from 80-85 and got right into raids and PvP probably missed them. Withers is a treant pet that slowly decays over time the longer you have him out and way from water. The Alliance received him as a reward from the quest Remembrance of Auberdine, while the Horde can buy the pet from Apothecary Furrows, who lives in a cave in Darkshore.
The Tiny Flamefly is available in the Burning Steppes, from the quest SEVEN! YUP! (Alliance) and Not Fireflies, Flameflies (Horde). Finally, Brazie's Sunflower Seeds will get you Brazie's Sunflower, a super creepy singing sunflower pet. Sorry, I personally find the singing disturbing, but your mileage may vary! The pet is the reward for the “Peacebloom va. Ghouls” minigame quests in Hillsbrad that starts with Basic Botany.
Continued on Page 4.